コード例 #1
 public static void PutInfoSource(this IoBuffer buffer, InfoSource obj)
コード例 #2
        public static void GetInfoSource(this IoBuffer buffer, ref InfoSource obj)
            buffer.GetInt64(); // unused

            obj.ProtocolVersion = buffer.GetProtocolVersion();
            obj.VendorId = buffer.GetVendorId();
            obj.GuidPrefix = buffer.GetGuidPrefix();
コード例 #3
 public MainWindowViewModel()
     _timer.AutoReset = true;
     _timer.Enabled   = true;
     _timer.Elapsed  += Update;
     Source.ToObservableChangeSet().ObserveOn(RxApp.MainThreadScheduler).Bind(out _processes).Subscribe();
     InfoSource.ToObservableChangeSet().ObserveOn(RxApp.MainThreadScheduler).Bind(out _totalInfo).Subscribe();
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
コード例 #4
ファイル: EditTownInfoPanelEx.cs プロジェクト: yakoder/NRaas
        public static void OnPlaceClick(WindowBase w, UIButtonClickEventArgs eventArgs)
                EditTownInfoPanel ths = EditTownInfoPanel.Instance;

                if (ths.mInfo != null)
                    if (!(EditTownPlaceTool.sInstance is EditTownPlaceToolEx))
                        EditTownPlaceTool.sInstance = new EditTownPlaceToolEx();

                    UIBinInfo  mInfo   = ths.mInfo;
                    InfoSource mSource = ths.mSource;
                    EditTownPlaceTool.Instance.SetItemToPlace(ths.mInfo, ths.mSource);
                    ths.mTriggerSound = false;
                        EditTownTool.CurrentTool = EditTownPlaceTool.Instance;
                        ths.mModel.SetCurrentSelection(mInfo, mSource);
                        ths.mTriggerSound = true;

                    if (ths.Visible)

                    ths.Visible = false;
            catch (Exception e)
                Common.Exception("OnPlaceClick", e);
コード例 #5
ファイル: SubMessageEncoder.cs プロジェクト: Egipto87/DOOP.ec
        public static void GetSubMessage(this IoBuffer buffer, ref SubMessage obj)
            int smhPosition = buffer.Position;

            SubMessageHeader header = buffer.GetSubMessageHeader();
            int smStart = buffer.Position;

            switch (header.SubMessageKind)
            { // @see
                case SubMessageKind.PAD:
                    Pad smPad = new Pad();
                    smPad.Header = header;
                    buffer.GetPad(ref smPad);
                    obj = smPad;
                case SubMessageKind.ACKNACK:
                    AckNack smAckNack = new AckNack();
                    smAckNack.Header = header;
                    buffer.GetAckNack(ref smAckNack);
                    obj = smAckNack;
                case SubMessageKind.HEARTBEAT:
                    Heartbeat smHeartbeat = new Heartbeat();
                    smHeartbeat.Header = header;
                    buffer.GetHeartbeat(ref smHeartbeat);
                    obj = smHeartbeat;
                case SubMessageKind.GAP:
                    Gap smgap = new Gap();
                    smgap.Header = header;
                    buffer.GetGap(ref smgap);
                    obj = smgap;
                case SubMessageKind.INFO_TS:
                    InfoTimestamp sminfots = new InfoTimestamp();
                    sminfots.Header = header;
                    buffer.GetInfoTimestamp(ref sminfots);
                    obj = sminfots;
                case SubMessageKind.INFO_SRC:
                    InfoSource smInfoSource = new InfoSource();
                    smInfoSource.Header = header;
                    buffer.GetInfoSource(ref smInfoSource);
                    obj = smInfoSource;
                case SubMessageKind.INFO_REPLY_IP4:
                    InfoReplyIp4 smInfoReplyIp4 = new InfoReplyIp4();
                    smInfoReplyIp4.Header = header;
                    buffer.GetInfoReplyIp4(ref smInfoReplyIp4);
                    obj = smInfoReplyIp4;
                case SubMessageKind.INFO_DST:
                    InfoDestination smInfoDestination = new InfoDestination();
                    smInfoDestination.Header = header;
                    buffer.GetInfoDestination(ref smInfoDestination);
                    obj = smInfoDestination;
                case SubMessageKind.INFO_REPLY:
                    InfoReply smInfoReply = new InfoReply();
                    smInfoReply.Header = header;
                    buffer.GetInfoReply(ref smInfoReply);
                    obj = smInfoReply;
                case SubMessageKind.NACK_FRAG:
                    NackFrag smNackFrag = new NackFrag();
                    smNackFrag.Header = header;
                    buffer.GetNackFrag(ref smNackFrag);
                    obj = smNackFrag;
                case SubMessageKind.HEARTBEAT_FRAG:
                    HeartbeatFrag smHeartbeatFrag = new HeartbeatFrag();
                    smHeartbeatFrag.Header = header;
                    buffer.GetHeartbeatFrag(ref smHeartbeatFrag);
                    obj = smHeartbeatFrag;
                case SubMessageKind.DATA:
                    Data smdata = new Data();
                    smdata.Header = header;
                    buffer.GetDataSubMessage(ref smdata);
                    obj = smdata;
                case SubMessageKind.DATA_FRAG:
                    DataFrag smdDataFrag = new DataFrag();
                    smdDataFrag.Header = header;
                    buffer.GetDataFrag(ref smdDataFrag);
                    obj = smdDataFrag;

                    throw new NotSupportedException();

            int smEnd = buffer.Position;
            int smLength = smEnd - smStart;
            if (smLength != header.SubMessageLength && header.SubMessageLength != 0)
                log.WarnFormat("SubMessage length differs for {0} != {1} for {2}", smLength, header.SubMessageLength, obj);
                if (smLength < header.SubMessageLength)
                    byte[] unknownBytes = new byte[header.SubMessageLength - smLength];
                    log.DebugFormat("Trying to skip {0} bytes", unknownBytes.Length);

                    buffer.Get(unknownBytes, 0, unknownBytes.Length);

            log.DebugFormat("SubMsg in:  {0}", obj);
コード例 #6
ファイル: MainForm.cs プロジェクト: uta-gasp/modu
 private void Log(InfoSource aSource, string aText)
     txbDebug.AppendText(string.Format("{0}: {1}\r\n", aSource.ToString(), aText));
コード例 #7
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: nitmws/NewsMLG2
        /// <summary>
        /// This examples creates a NewsML-G2 News Item as shown in the QuickStart NewsML-G2 Text
        /// document in this package http://www.iptc.org/std/NewsML-G2/2.15/documentation/IPTC-NewsML-G2-QuickStartGuides_2014.zip
        /// </summary>
        private void GenerateQuickStartTextExample1()
        // Code History:
        // 2014-03-03 mws
            // variables global only to this method
            XmlNode foundNode = null;

            // *** create an object for the NewsML-G2 News Item
            var g2NI = new NewsItemPwrXml();

            // * add the GUID and the version number to it
            g2NI.InitEmptyXMLDoc("urn:newsml:acmenews.com:20131121:US-FINANCE-FED", 3);

            // * add the catalogRefs to it

            // ** add a rightsInfo element as wrapper of properties

            // ** add a copyrightHolder
            // * create a plain object for the copyrightHolder property
            var copyrightHolder = new CopyrightHolder();
            // * create a placeholder for the copyrightHolder element
            XmlElement copyrightHolderXe = null;

            // * add the copyrightHolder property to the rightsInfo wrapper and get the new XML element returned
            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.RightsInfo, copyrightHolder, out copyrightHolderXe);
            // * create a structured object for the copyrightHolder element
            var copyrightHolderSe = new ConceptStructProp()
                Uri = "http://www.acmenews.com/about.html#copyright"
            // * property with a value in the text node
            var crName = new Name("Acme News and Media LLC");

            // * apply this structure to the already created copyrightHolder element
            copyrightHolderSe.ApplyToElement(g2NI, copyrightHolderXe);
            // * property with a value in the text node
            var copyrightNotice = new CopyrightNotice("(c) 2013 Copyright Acme News and Media LLC");

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.RightsInfo, copyrightNotice);

            // ** add an itemMeta element as wrapper of properties

            // ** add a sequence of properties as children of itemMeta
            // * property using the qcode attribute
            var itemClass = new ItemClass {
                qcode = "ninat:text"

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ItemMeta, itemClass);
            // * property using the uri attribute
            var provider = new Provider {
                uri = "http://www.acmenews.com/about/"

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ItemMeta, provider);
            var versionCreated = new VersionCreated("2013-11-21T16:25:32-05:00");

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ItemMeta, versionCreated);
            var embargoed = new Embargoed("2013-11-26T12:00:00-05:00");

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ItemMeta, embargoed);
            var pubStatus = new PubStatus {
                qcode = "stat:usable"

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ItemMeta, pubStatus);

            // ** add a contentMeta element as wrapper of properties

            // ** add a sequence of properties as children of itemMeta
            var contentCreated = new ContentCreated("2013-11-21T15:21:06-05:00");

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ContentMeta, contentCreated);

            var contentModified = new ContentModified("2013-11-21T16:22:45-05:00");

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ContentMeta, contentModified);

            // * a structured property
            var located = new Located {
                qcode = "geoloc:NYC"
            XmlElement locatedXe = null;

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ContentMeta, located, out locatedXe);
            var locatedSe = new ConceptStructProp();

            locatedSe.Names.Add(new Name("New York, NY"));
            locatedSe.ApplyToElement(g2NI, locatedXe);

            var creator = new Creator {
                uri = "http://www.acmenews.com/staff/mjameson"
            XmlElement creatorXe = null;

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ContentMeta, creator, out creatorXe);
            var creatorSe = new ConceptStructProp();

            creatorSe.Names.Add(new Name("Meredith Jameson"));
            creatorSe.ApplyToElement(g2NI, creatorXe);

            var infoSource = new InfoSource {
                qcode = "is:AP"
            XmlElement infoSourceXe = null;

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ContentMeta, infoSource, out infoSourceXe);
            var infoSourceSe = new ConceptStructProp();

            infoSourceSe.Names.Add(new Name("Associated Press"));
            infoSourceSe.ApplyToElement(g2NI, infoSourceXe);

            var language = new Language {
                tag = "en-US"

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ContentMeta, language);

            var subject = new Subject {
                qcode = "medtop:04000000"
            XmlElement subjectXe = null;

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ContentMeta, subject, out subjectXe);
            var subjectSe = new ConceptStructProp();

            subjectSe.Names.Add(new Name("economy, business and finance"));
            subjectSe.ApplyToElement(g2NI, subjectXe);

            // * note: as this is another subject the type definitions of the variables have been removed
            subject = new Subject {
                qcode = "medtop:20000350"
            subjectXe = null;
            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ContentMeta, subject, out subjectXe);
            subjectSe = new ConceptStructProp();
            subjectSe.Names.Add(new Name("central bank"));
            subjectSe.ApplyToElement(g2NI, subjectXe);

            subject = new Subject {
                qcode = "medtop:20000379"
            subjectXe = null;
            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ContentMeta, subject, out subjectXe);
            subjectSe = new ConceptStructProp();
            subjectSe.Names.Add(new Name("money and monetary policy"));
            subjectSe.ApplyToElement(g2NI, subjectXe);

            var slugline = new Slugline("US-Finance-Fed");

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ContentMeta, slugline);

            var headline = new Headline("Fed to halt QE to avert \"bubble\"");

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ContentMeta, headline);

            // ** add a contentMeta element as wrapper of properties representing the content of the News Item

            // ** an inlineXML holds any kind of XML - in its own namespace.
            var        inlineXML   = new InlineXML();
            XmlElement inlineXmlXe = null;

            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ContentSet, inlineXML, out inlineXmlXe);
            // * the XML content of inlineXML goes into the inner XML of the element
            inlineXmlXe.InnerXml =
                "<nitf xmlns='http://iptc.org/std/NITF/2006-10-18/'> <body> <body.head> <hedline> <hl1>Fed to halt QE to avert \"bubble\"</hl1> </hedline> <byline>By Meredith Jameson, <byttl>Staff Reporter</byttl> </byline> </body.head> <body.content> <p>(New York, NY - November 21) Et, sent luptat luptat, commy Nim zzriureet vendreetue modo dolenis ex euisis nosto et lan ullandit lum doloreet vulla. </p> <p>Ugiating ea feugait utat, venim velent nim quis nulluptat num Volorem inci enim dolobor eetuer sendre ercin utpatio dolorpercing. </p> </body.content> </body> </nitf>";
            g2NI.AddNarPropertyToWrapper1(NarDocXml.PropsWrapping1.ContentSet, inlineXML);

            // *** all metadata properties and elements providing the news content have been added

            // *** Save the serialized XML document
            g2NI.SaveToFile("QS-Text_1.0-ExampleFull1-generated.xml", true);
            qsTextEx1Lbl.Text = "Example News Item created.";
        } // GenerateQuickStartTextExample1
コード例 #8
 public static InfoSource GetInfoSource(this IoBuffer buffer)
     InfoSource obj = new InfoSource();
     buffer.GetInfoSource(ref obj);
     return obj;