public void Save(string path, InfoCard card) { var id = FileUtils.GetSaveFileName(path, Extension); card.CardId = id; Save(path, id.ToString(), card); }
public Game1() { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); graphics.IsFullScreen = true; graphics.SupportedOrientations = DisplayOrientation.LandscapeRight; Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; Statistics.maxMushrooms = 0; Statistics.maxBloobs = 0; Statistics.maxSpecials = 0; Statistics.maxCombo = 0; Statistics.maxJumps = 0; Statistics.maxPoints = 0; infoCard = new InfoCard(); statisticCard = new StatisticsCard(); devInfoCard = new DevelopInfoCard(); helpCard = new HelpCard(); // var wbt = new WebBrowserTask(); // wbt.URL = ""; // wbt.Show(); // Facebook.HttpMethod // Facebook.FacebookClient face = new Facebook.FacebookClient(); // face. }
public void Save(string path, string fileName, InfoCard card) { while (true) { try { using (var file = new StreamWriter(path + fileName + Extension, false, Encoding.UTF8)) { file.Write(JsonSerializer.Serialize(card)); } break; } catch (IOException e) { //File not available if (e.HResult == -2147024864) { Thread.Sleep(5); } else { throw e; } } } }
public JsonResult GetInfoCard(int id) { InfoCard infoCard = infoCardRepository.GetById(id); if (infoCard != null) { InfoCardDTO response = new InfoCardDTO { Id = infoCard.ID, Adress = infoCard.Adress, BirthDay = infoCard.BirthDay.HasValue ? infoCard.BirthDay.Value : DateTime.MinValue, CompanyId = infoCard.CompanyId, Email = infoCard.Email, GetJobDate = infoCard.GetJobDate.HasValue ? infoCard.GetJobDate.Value : DateTime.MinValue, Name = infoCard.Name, Patronymic = infoCard.Patronymic, Phone = infoCard.Phone, Post = infoCard.Post, Surname = infoCard.Surname, UserId = infoCard.UserId, CompanyName = companyRepository.GetById(infoCard.CompanyId).CompanyName, DivisionId = infoCard.DivisionId.HasValue ? infoCard.DivisionId.Value : 0, AvatarUrl = infoCard.AvatarUrl }; return(Json(ResponseProcessing.Success(response))); } else { return(Json(ResponseProcessing.Error("Невозможно извлечь данные о сотруднике. Обновите страницу и повторите попытку."))); } }
public ActionResult Index() { User currentUser = brioContext.CurrentUser; if (currentUser.RoleId != (int)Brio.Models.Roles.Admin) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Project")); } InfoCard currentUserInfoCard = infoCardRepository.GetUserInfoCard(brioContext.CurrentUser.ID); List <Division> divisions = divisionRepository.GetCompanyDivisions(currentUserInfoCard.CompanyId).ToList(); SelectList divisions_sel = new SelectList(divisions, "ID", "Name"); ViewBag.Divisions = divisions_sel; ViewBag.Roles = roleRepository.GetAll().ToList(); ViewBag.Admins = infoCardRepository.GetInfoCardsByRole(Roles.Admin, brioContext.CurrentUser.CompanyId); ViewBag.Clients = infoCardRepository.GetInfoCardsByRole(Roles.Client, brioContext.CurrentUser.CompanyId); ViewBag.Employees = infoCardRepository.GetInfoCardsByRole(Roles.Employee, brioContext.CurrentUser.CompanyId); ViewBag.ProjectManager = infoCardRepository.GetInfoCardsByRole(Roles.ProjectManager, brioContext.CurrentUser.CompanyId); ViewBag.IsSuccess = TempData["IsSuccess"]; ViewBag.Message = TempData["Message"]; ViewBag.UpdateAccount = TempData["UpdateAccount"] != null ? TempData["UpdateAccount"] : new EditPortalAccount(); if (TempData["Account"] != null) { return(View(TempData["Account"] as CreatePortalAccount)); } return(View()); }
public void Insert(InfoCard model) { if (model == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("InfoCard"); } infoCardRepository.Insert(model); }
public void Delete(InfoCard model) { if (model == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("InfoCard"); } infoCardRepository.Delete(model); }
public ActionResult EditAccount(EditPortalAccount model, HttpPostedFileBase AvatarUrl) { if (model != null) { InfoCard infoCard = infoCardRepository.GetByEmail(model.Email); if (infoCard != null) { infoCard.Email = model.Email; infoCard.Post = model.Post; infoCard.Name = model.Name; infoCard.Surname = model.Surname; infoCard.Patronymic = model.Patronymic; infoCard.Phone = model.Phone; infoCard.DivisionId = model.DivisionId; if (AvatarUrl != null && AvatarUrl.ContentLength > 0) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(AvatarUrl.FileName); var savingPath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath(avatarDirectory), fileName); AvatarUrl.SaveAs(savingPath); infoCard.AvatarUrl = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(Path.Combine(avatarDirectory, fileName)); } try { infoCardRepository.Update(infoCard); infoCardRepository.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { TempData["IsSuccess"] = false; TempData["Message"] = "Сохранение аккаунта закончилось неудачей. Попробуйте повторить попытку."; TempData["UpdateAccount"] = model; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } TempData["IsSuccess"] = true; TempData["Message"] = "Успех."; } else { TempData["IsSuccess"] = false; TempData["Message"] = "Сохранение аккаунта закончилось неудачей. Попробуйте повторить попытку."; TempData["UpdateAccount"] = model; } } else { TempData["IsSuccess"] = false; TempData["Message"] = "Сохранение аккаунта закончилось неудачей. Попробуйте повторить попытку."; TempData["UpdateAccount"] = model; } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public TurnEnd(BattleManager _bm, Stats _plStats, EnemyBattleData _npcData, PlayerHand _plrHnd, NPCHand _npcHnd, bool _isWon) : base(_bm, _plStats, _npcData, _plrHnd, _npcHnd) { name = Phases.EndTurn; isChallengeWon = _isWon; table = battleManager.table; pot = battleManager.pot; infoCard = System.Array.Find(battleManager.infoCardsPrefabs, c => c.cardType == InfoType.TurnEnd); }
public CardPlay(BattleManager _bm, Stats _plStats, EnemyBattleData _npcData, PlayerHand _plrHnd, NPCHand _npcHnd) : base(_bm, _plStats, _npcData, _plrHnd, _npcHnd) { name = Phases.CardPick; playerHand.humanCardPlayed += OnHumanCardPlayed; npcHand.onCardPlayed += OnCardPlayed; infoCard = System.Array.Find(battleManager.infoCardsPrefabs, c => c.cardType == InfoType.CardPick); }
public CardDeal(BattleManager _bm, Stats _plStats, EnemyBattleData _npcData, PlayerHand _plrHnd, NPCHand _npcHnd) : base(_bm, _plStats, _npcData, _plrHnd, _npcHnd) { name = Phases.CardDeal; player = battleManager.playerTurn; battleManager.onDealEnded += OnCardDealEnded; infoCard = System.Array.Find(battleManager.infoCardsPrefabs, c => c.cardType == InfoType.CardDeal); }
// if NPC player passes on challenging human player void PassChallengingHuman() { isCurrentPlayerChallenged = false; //isChallengeComplete = true; infoCard = System.Array.Find(battleManager.infoCardsPrefabs, c => c.cardType == InfoType.NoChallenge); InfoCard card = Object.Instantiate(infoCard, battleManager.transform); card.descriptionText.text = $"{npcData.enemyName} will not challenge".ToUpper(); card.onCardDestroyed += MoveToNextPhase; battleManager.nPCDisplay.SetReaction(npcData.passQuotes[Random.Range(0, npcData.passQuotes.Length)], npcData.enemyIdle); }
// if NPC player decides to challenge human player void ChallengeHuman() { isCurrentPlayerChallenged = true; //isChallengeComplete = true; infoCard = System.Array.Find(battleManager.infoCardsPrefabs, c => c.cardType == InfoType.OpponentChallenge); InfoCard card = Object.Instantiate(infoCard, battleManager.transform); card.descriptionText.text = $"{npcData.enemyName} challenges your guess".ToUpper(); card.onCardDestroyed += MoveToNextPhase; battleManager.nPCDisplay.SetReaction(npcData.challengeQuotes[Random.Range(0, npcData.challengeQuotes.Length)], npcData.enemyAngry); }
void DisplayCardDetails(InfoCard card) { if (battleManager.playerTurn == CurrentPlayer.Human) { card.descriptionText.text = ("player will be dealt").ToUpper(); } else { card.descriptionText.text = ($"{npcData.enemyName} will be dealt").ToUpper(); } }
void DisplayInfoCard(ChallengeCases challenge) { //InfoCard card = new InfoCard(); switch (challenge) { case ChallengeCases.RightGuess: infoCard = System.Array.Find(battleManager.infoCardsPrefabs, c => c.cardType == InfoType.PlayerGuessRight); InfoCard card = Object.Instantiate(infoCard, battleManager.transform); if (battleManager.playerTurn == CurrentPlayer.Human) { card.descriptionText.text = ($"good guess! correct sum is" + $"\n<color=#0f0f><size=66>{trueSum}</size></color>").ToUpper(); } else { card.descriptionText.text = ($"{npcData.enemyName} guessed right." + "\ncorrect sum is" + $"\n<color=#0f0f><size=66>{trueSum}</size></color>").ToUpper(); } card.onCardDestroyed += MoveToNextPhase; break; case ChallengeCases.NoChallenge: infoCard = System.Array.Find(battleManager.infoCardsPrefabs, c => c.cardType == InfoType.PlayerGuessWrong); card = Object.Instantiate(infoCard, battleManager.transform); card.descriptionText.text = trueSum.ToString(); card.onCardDestroyed += MoveToNextPhase; break; case ChallengeCases.BothWrong: infoCard = System.Array.Find(battleManager.infoCardsPrefabs, c => c.cardType == InfoType.PlayerGuessWrong); card = Object.Instantiate(infoCard, battleManager.transform); card.descriptionText.text = trueSum.ToString(); card.onCardDestroyed += MoveToNextPhase; break; case ChallengeCases.ChallengeCorrect: if (battleManager.playerTurn == CurrentPlayer.Human) { infoCard = System.Array.Find(battleManager.infoCardsPrefabs, c => c.cardType == InfoType.PlayerChallengeWrong); } else { infoCard = System.Array.Find(battleManager.infoCardsPrefabs, c => c.cardType == InfoType.PlayerChallengeRight); } card = Object.Instantiate(infoCard, battleManager.transform); card.descriptionText.text = trueSum.ToString(); card.onCardDestroyed += MoveToNextPhase; break; } }
void DisplayInfoCard(int cardType) { InfoCard card = Object.Instantiate(infoCard, battleManager.transform); switch (cardType) { case 1: // game over card.titleText.text = "end of battle!".ToUpper(); card.descriptionText.text = ""; break; case 2: // challenger won round card.titleText.text = "end of round!".ToUpper(); if (battleManager.playerTurn == CurrentPlayer.NPC) { card.descriptionText.text = $"{npcData.enemyName} won by challenge".ToUpper(); } else { card.descriptionText.text = "you won by challenge".ToUpper(); } break; case 3: // target crossed card.titleText.text = "end of round!".ToUpper(); card.descriptionText.text = "current number skipped the target".ToUpper(); break; case 4: // target reached card.titleText.text = "end of round!".ToUpper(); card.descriptionText.text = "target number reached".ToUpper(); break; case 5: // switch turn card.titleText.text = "end of turn!".ToUpper(); if (battleManager.playerTurn == CurrentPlayer.NPC) { card.descriptionText.text = $"{npcData.enemyName} goes next".ToUpper(); } else { card.descriptionText.text = "player goes next".ToUpper(); } break; } card.onCardDestroyed += MoveToNextPhase; }
public override void Enter() { Debug.Log("Entering New Round phase."); UpdateRoundCounter(); GenerateTargetNumber(); ResetCurrentNumber(); //counter = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; InfoCard card = Object.Instantiate(infoCard, battleManager.transform); card.onCardDestroyed += MoveToNextPhase; battleManager.nPCDisplay.SetReaction(npcData.startQuotes[Random.Range(0, npcData.startQuotes.Length)], npcData.enemyAngry); base.Enter(); }
public void XMLSerializationTest() { foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles("test/")) { File.Delete(file); } var card = new InfoCard(-1, "’олодильник", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }); card.SaveToFile("test/", new XMLSaveLoader(), true); var loadedCard = InfoCard.LoadFromFile("test/", "0", new XMLSaveLoader()); Assert.AreEqual(card.CardId, loadedCard.CardId); Assert.AreEqual(card.CardName, loadedCard.CardName); Assert.IsTrue(card.Image.SequenceEqual(loadedCard.Image)); }
public async Task <ActionResult <InfoCard> > Get(int id) { try { return(new JsonResult(await Task.Run(() => InfoCard.LoadFromFile(_configuration["ContentPath"], id.ToString(), _loaderFactory.GetNewLoader())))); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { return(NotFound()); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e.ToString()); return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError)); } }
float exitTimer = 2f; // how long to wait before exiting this phase public Start(BattleManager _battleManager, Stats _playerStats, EnemyBattleData _npcData, PlayerHand _plrHnd, NPCHand _npcHnd) : base(_battleManager, _playerStats, _npcData, _plrHnd, _npcHnd) { name = Phases.BattleStart; cardDealer =; //npcCard = battleManager.nPCCardDisplay; //npcNameDisplay = battleManager.nPCNameDisplay; nPCDisplay = battleManager.nPCDisplay; roundNumberDisplay = battleManager.roundNumberDisplay; targetNumberDisplay = battleManager.targetNumberDisplay; currentNumberDisplay = battleManager.currentNumberDisplay; infoCard = System.Array.Find(battleManager.infoCardsPrefabs, c => c.cardType == InfoType.NewBattle); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Put([FromBody] InfoCard value) { try { await Task.Run(() => value.SaveToFile(_configuration["ContentPath"], _loaderFactory.GetNewLoader(), true)); return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status200OK)); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { return(NotFound()); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e.ToString()); return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError)); } }
private async void IsDownloading() { if (_isDownloading) { return; } if (!UpdateHelper.IsDownloading) { return; } _isDownloading = true; CheckUpdatesButton.IsEnabled = false; var expand = new ThicknessAnimation(new Thickness(10, 0, 10, 5), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250)); var collapse = new ThicknessAnimation(new Thickness(10, 0, 310, 5), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250)); var fadeOut = new DoubleAnimation(1, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(400)); var fadeIn = new DoubleAnimation(0, 1, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(400)); InstallUpdateInfo.BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, fadeOut); DownloadUpdateInfo.BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, fadeIn); await Task.Delay(350); InfoCard.BeginAnimation(MarginProperty, expand); while (UpdateHelper.IsDownloading) { await Task.Delay(1000); } InfoCard.BeginAnimation(MarginProperty, collapse); await Task.Delay(200); InstallUpdateInfo.BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, fadeIn); DownloadUpdateInfo.BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, fadeOut); _isDownloading = false; CheckUpdatesButton.IsEnabled = true; }
public void SetHeroCard(Hero newHero) { _currentHero = newHero; GameObject go = Instantiate(playerInfoPrefab); _infoCard = go.GetComponent <InfoCard>(); _infoCard.heroName.text = _currentHero.GetName(); _infoCard.heroHealth.text = "Health : " + _currentHero.GetHealth().ToString(); _infoCard.heroSpeed.text = "Speed : " + _currentHero.GetSpeed().ToString(); _infoCard.heroStamina.text = "Stamina : " + _currentHero.GetStamina().ToString(); _infoCard.heroDefense.text = "Defense : " + _currentHero.GetDefense().ToString(); _infoCard.heroMight.text = "Might : " + _currentHero.GetMight().ToString(); _infoCard.heroWillpower.text = "Willpower : " + _currentHero.GetWillpower().ToString(); _infoCard.heroKnowledge.text = "Knowledge : " + _currentHero.GetKnowledge().ToString(); _infoCard.heroAwareness.text = "Awareness : " + _currentHero.GetAwareness().ToString(); }
public override void Enter() { Debug.Log("Entering Start phase"); //*** set up player stats & display *** currentHpPlayer = startingHpPlayer; battleManager.playerCurrentHP = currentHpPlayer; battleManager.playerHPDisplay.fillAmount = currentHpPlayer / startingHpPlayer; battleManager.playerHealthCards.RefillCards(); // prevent player from playing cards until CardPick phase playerHand.BlockCardInteractions(true); //*** set up opponent stats & display *** = npcData; //npcCard.sprite = npcData.enemyDefault; nPCDisplay.SetDefaultSprite(npcData.enemyDefault); //npcNameDisplay.text = npcData.enemyName.ToUpper(); nPCDisplay.SetName(npcData.enemyName.ToUpper()); currentHpNPC = startingHpNPC; battleManager.npcCurrentHP = currentHpNPC; battleManager.nPCHPDisplay.fillAmount = currentHpNPC / startingHpNPC; battleManager.npcHealthCards.RefillCards(); nPCDisplay.SetReaction(npcData.startQuotes[Random.Range(0, npcData.startQuotes.Length)], npcData.enemyAngry); //*** set up deck *** cardDealer.FillDeck(npcData.difficulty); // deal both sides on game start DealBothPlayers(); //*** initialise counters & parameters *** //battleManager.playerTurn = CurrentPlayer.Human; //********** Uncomment when done with testing ************* roundNumberDisplay.text = ""; targetNumberDisplay.text = ""; currentNumberDisplay.text = ""; InfoCard card = Object.Instantiate(infoCard, battleManager.transform); card.onCardDestroyed += MoveToNextPhase; counter = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; base.Enter(); }
public ActionResult DeleteAccount(int id) { if (id > 0) { InfoCard infoCard = infoCardRepository.GetById(id); if (infoCard != null) { try { infoCardRepository.Delete(infoCard); infoCardRepository.SaveChanges(); userRepository.Delete(userRepository.GetById(infoCard.UserId)); userRepository.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { TempData["IsSuccess"] = false; TempData["Message"] = "Произошла ошибка при сохранении изменений"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } TempData["IsSuccess"] = true; TempData["Message"] = "Пользователь успешно удален!"; } else { TempData["IsSuccess"] = false; TempData["Message"] = "Произошла ошибка, данного пользователя не уществует в базе или отправлен неверный идентификатор."; } } else { TempData["IsSuccess"] = false; TempData["Message"] = "Произошла ошибка, неверный идентификатор пользовтеля"; } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public override void Enter() { Debug.Log("Entering Card Deal phase. It's " + player + " player's turn to be dealt."); // deal cards based on who's turn it is switch (player) { case CurrentPlayer.Human: battleManager.StartCoroutine(battleManager.DealCards(playerHand)); break; case CurrentPlayer.NPC: battleManager.StartCoroutine(battleManager.DealCards(npcHand)); break; } //timeEnter = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; InfoCard card = Object.Instantiate(infoCard, battleManager.transform); DisplayCardDetails(card); card.onCardDestroyed += AllowToProceed; base.Enter(); }
public override void Enter() { Debug.Log("Entering Card Play phase. It's " + battleManager.playerTurn + " player's turn to play."); InfoCard card = Object.Instantiate(infoCard, battleManager.transform); // if it's human player's trun allow interaction with cards. else let the npc play if (battleManager.playerTurn == CurrentPlayer.Human) { playerHand.BlockCardInteractions(false); card.descriptionText.text = "Player picks a card".ToUpper(); card.onCardDestroyed += AllowToProceed; } else { // inform npc the latest current number and it's their turn to play card.descriptionText.text = (npcData.enemyName + " picks a card").ToUpper(); npcHand.UpdateCurrentNumber(battleManager.currentNumber); battleManager.nPCDisplay.SetReaction(npcData.cardPickQuotes[Random.Range(0, npcData.cardPickQuotes.Length)], npcData.enemyAngry); card.onCardDestroyed += NPCPlay; } //timeEnter = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; base.Enter(); }
public static void ReadSet() { if (!File.Exists (path)) { Debug.Log ("need File!"); return; } try { string _cardSet = File.ReadAllText(path); string[] cardSet = _cardSet.Split('\n'); Dictionary<int, Ability> abilitySet = new Dictionary<int, Ability>(); Dictionary<int, InfoCard> infoCardSet = new Dictionary<int, InfoCard>(); Dictionary<int, BattleCard> battleCardSet = new Dictionary<int, BattleCard>(); string[] tmpNum = cardSet[0].Split(' '); Int32.TryParse(tmpNum[0], out GlobalConfig.itemDataVersion); int abilityNum; int informationNum; int battleNum; Int32.TryParse(tmpNum[1], out abilityNum); Int32.TryParse(tmpNum[2], out informationNum); Int32.TryParse(tmpNum[3], out battleNum); int i = 1; for(; i < abilityNum + 1; i++) { string[] tmp = cardSet[i].Split('\t'); Ability _ability = new Ability(); int number; Int32.TryParse(tmp[0], out number); if(tmp[1].Equals("뱀파이어")) { _ability.jobClass = PlayerJob.VAMPIRE; } else if(tmp[1].Equals("헌터")) { _ability.jobClass = PlayerJob.HUNTER; } _ability.abilityName = tmp[2]; float.TryParse(tmp[3], out _ability.effect); float.TryParse(tmp[4], out _ability.effectFactor); _ability.description = tmp[5]; abilitySet.Add(number, _ability); } for(; i < informationNum + abilityNum + 1; i++) { string[] tmp = cardSet[i].Split('\t'); InfoCard _info = new InfoCard(); int number; Int32.TryParse(tmp[0], out number); _info.cardName = tmp[1]; _info.grade = tmp[2]; float.TryParse(tmp[3], out _info.pickRate); float.TryParse(tmp[4], out _info.cuccessRate); _info.description = tmp[5]; infoCardSet.Add(number, _info); } for(; i < cardSet.Length; i++) { string[] tmp = cardSet[i].Split('\t'); BattleCard _battle = new BattleCard(); int number; Int32.TryParse(tmp[0], out number); _battle.cardName = tmp[1]; _battle.grade = tmp[2]; float.TryParse(tmp[3], out _battle.effect); float.TryParse(tmp[4], out _battle.effectFactor); float.TryParse(tmp[5], out _battle.pickRate); float.TryParse(tmp[6], out _battle.cuccessRate); _battle.description = tmp[7]; battleCardSet.Add(number, _battle); } StructManager.itemSet = new Item(); StructManager.itemSet.SetItem(abilitySet, infoCardSet, battleCardSet); } catch(IOException e) { Debug.Log (e.StackTrace); } catch(Exception e) { Debug.Log (e.Message); Debug.Log (e.StackTrace); } }
public NewRound(BattleManager _bm, Stats _plStats, EnemyBattleData _npcData, PlayerHand _plrHnd, NPCHand _npcHnd) : base(_bm, _plStats, _npcData, _plrHnd, _npcHnd) { name = Phases.NewRound; infoCard = System.Array.Find(battleManager.infoCardsPrefabs, c => c.cardType == InfoType.NewRound); }
public ActionResult SignUp(CreatePortalAccount model, HttpPostedFileBase AvatarUrl) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Regex rgx = new Regex("^[a-z0-9_\\+-]+(\\.[a-z0-9_\\+-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*\\.([a-z]{2,4})$"); if (!rgx.IsMatch(model.Email)) { TempData["IsSuccess"] = false; TempData["Message"] = "Введен некорректный e-mail."; TempData["Account"] = model; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } var anyUser = _userRepository.GetAll().Any(p => p.Email.Equals(model.Email)) && _infoCardRepository.GetAll().Any(p => p.Email.Equals(model.Email)); if (anyUser) { TempData["IsSuccess"] = false; TempData["Message"] = "Аккаунт с этим e-mail уже существует. Аккаунт не был создан."; TempData["Account"] = model; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } if (!model.Password.Equals(model.ConfirmPassword)) { TempData["IsSuccess"] = false; TempData["Message"] = "Пароли не совпадают."; TempData["Account"] = model; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } int userId = _userRepository.Insert(new User { Email = model.Email, Password = model.Password, RoleId = model.RoleId }); InfoCard infoCard = new InfoCard { CompanyId = _brioContext.CurrentUser.CompanyId, Email = model.Email, Name = model.Name, Surname = model.Surname, Patronymic = model.Patronymic, Phone = model.Phone, UserId = userId, DivisionId = model.DivisionId, }; if (AvatarUrl != null && AvatarUrl.ContentLength > 0) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(AvatarUrl.FileName); var savingPath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath(AppSettings.AVATAR_SAVING_PATH), fileName); AvatarUrl.SaveAs(savingPath); infoCard.AvatarUrl = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(Path.Combine(AppSettings.AVATAR_SAVING_PATH, fileName)); } else { infoCard.AvatarUrl = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(AppSettings.DEFAULT_USER_AVATAR); } _infoCardRepository.Insert(infoCard); _userRepository.SaveChanges(); } else { TempData["IsSuccess"] = false; TempData["Message"] = "Не заполнены все поля. Пожалуйста повторите попытку заполнив все поля."; TempData["Account"] = model; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } TempData["IsSuccess"] = true; TempData["Message"] = "Аккаунт успешно создан!"; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); if (model.RoleId == (int)Roles.Admin) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Project")); } }