private static void NormalizeInference(Inference inference) { if (inference.ValueCase == Inference.ValueOneofCase.None) { // Note: This will terminate the RPC call. This is okay because the inferencing engine has broken the // RPC contract. throw new RpcException( new Status( StatusCode.InvalidArgument, $"Inference has no value case set. Inference type: {inference.Type} Inference subtype: {inference.Subtype}")); } // If the type is auto, this will overwrite it to the correct type. // If the type is correctly set, this will be a no-op. var inferenceType = inference.ValueCase switch { Inference.ValueOneofCase.Classification => Inference.Types.InferenceType.Classification, Inference.ValueOneofCase.Motion => Inference.Types.InferenceType.Motion, Inference.ValueOneofCase.Entity => Inference.Types.InferenceType.Entity, Inference.ValueOneofCase.Text => Inference.Types.InferenceType.Text, Inference.ValueOneofCase.Event => Inference.Types.InferenceType.Event, Inference.ValueOneofCase.Other => Inference.Types.InferenceType.Other, _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Inference has unrecognized value case {inference.ValueCase}"), }; inference.Type = inferenceType; }
public List <DataModel> lstShortDataModel; //需补充的数据list public OutputInfo() { oTriggeringEvent = new TriggeringEvent(); oInference = new Inference(); oExplanation = new Explanation(); lstShortDataModel = new List <DataModel>(); }
private static void AddingFormulas(Inference inference, HashSet <Formula> formulas, Formula target) { var form = new HashSet <Formula>(); while (true) { foreach (var f in form) { if (f.Equals(target) == false) { lock (inference) { if (inference.Contains(target)) { return; } inference.Push(f); } } } lock (formulas) { form.UnionWith(formulas); } } }
public ActionResult <IEnumerable <double> > Get(string numbers) { Console.WriteLine("NUMBERS " + numbers); int[] values; try { values = Array.ConvertAll(numbers.Split(','), int.Parse); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e.ToString()); return(BadRequest(e)); } if (values.Length < 5) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Insufficient values!"); return(BadRequest("Insufficient values!")); } foreach (int item in values) { if (item > 9 || item < -9) { Console.Error.WriteLine("All values must be between +9 and -9."); return(BadRequest("All values must be between +9 and -9.")); } } return(Ok(new FAHP(Inference.ComparisonMatrix(values)).CriteriaWeights)); }
private void TrainNn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (trainingIsRunning) { return; } Inference inference = new Inference(); inference.CreateNeuralNetworkArchitecture(); Thread thread = new Thread(() => { trainingIsRunning = true; inference.TrainNeuralNetwork(WriteToOutput); BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { new Form1(inference).Show(); Hide(); trainingIsRunning = false; })); }); thread.Start(); }
} // GetMonthlyRepaymentData public Inference GetInferenceIfExists( int customerID, DateTime time, bool includeTryOutData, decimal monthlyPayment ) { Log.Debug( "Engine.GetInferenceIfExists({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}) started...", customerID, time.ToString("d/MMM/yyyy H:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), includeTryOutData, monthlyPayment ); Inference result = Keeper.LoadInferenceIfExists(customerID, time, includeTryOutData, monthlyPayment); Log.Debug( "Engine.GetInference({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}) complete.", customerID, time.ToString("d/MMM/yyyy H:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), includeTryOutData, monthlyPayment ); return(result); } // GetInferenceIfExists
private static void GenAxiom(Inference inference, List <Formula> formulas, HashSet <Formula> allFormulas, Formula target, Axiom a) { foreach (var f1 in formulas) { foreach (var f2 in formulas) { foreach (var f3 in formulas) { var f = SubstituteInFormula(a, f1, f2, f3); if (f.Equals(target)) { continue; } bool ok; lock (inference) { if (inference.Contains(target)) { return; } ok = inference.Push(f); } lock (allFormulas) { if (ok) { ParseFormula(f, allFormulas); } } } } } }
public void TestOutOfContext() { using Rhino r = SetUpClass(); int frameLen = r.FrameLength; string testAudioPath = Path.Combine(_relativeDir, "resources/audio_samples/test_out_of_context.wav"); List <short> data = GetPcmFromFile(testAudioPath, r.SampleRate); bool isFinalized = false; int framecount = (int)Math.Floor((float)(data.Count / frameLen)); var results = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < framecount; i++) { int start = i * r.FrameLength; int count = r.FrameLength; List <short> frame = data.GetRange(start, count); isFinalized = r.Process(frame.ToArray()); if (isFinalized) { break; } } Assert.IsTrue(isFinalized, "Failed to finalize."); Inference inference = r.GetInference(); Assert.IsFalse(inference.IsUnderstood, "Shouldn't be able to understand."); }
private void OnInferenceResult(Inference inference) { if (inference.IsUnderstood) { if (inference.Intent == "changeColor") { Color newColour = _colourLookup["white"]; if (inference.Slots.ContainsKey("color")) { newColour = _colourLookup[inference.Slots["color"]]; } Image[] locations = _locationStates; if (inference.Slots.ContainsKey("location")) { string locationName = inference.Slots["location"]; locations = _locationStates.Where(g => == locationName).ToArray(); } ChangeLightColour(locations, newColour); } else if (inference.Intent == "changeLightState") { bool state = false; if (inference.Slots.ContainsKey("state")) { state = inference.Slots["state"] == "on"; } Image[] locations = _locationStates; if (inference.Slots.ContainsKey("location")) { string locationName = inference.Slots["location"]; locations = _locationStates.Where(g => == locationName).ToArray(); } ChangeLightState(locations, state); } else if (inference.Intent == "changeLightStateOff") { Image[] locations = _locationStates; if (inference.Slots.ContainsKey("location")) { string locationName = inference.Slots["location"]; locations = _locationStates.Where(g => == locationName).ToArray(); } ChangeLightState(locations, false); } } else { Debug.Log("Didn't understand the command.\n"); } (_startButton.targetGraphic as Text).text = "Start Listening"; _startButton.enabled = true; _isProcessing = false; }
public void TestEndToEndFlow() { IEngine engine = InjectorStub.GetEngine(); Inference inference = engine.GetInference(customerID, 0, false, GetInferenceMode.ForceDownload); Log.Info("Inference read: {0}", inference); } // TestEndToEndFlow
public static StandardCodeSequence ToStandardCodeSequence(Inference inference) { return(inference == null ? null : new StandardCodeSequence(inference.CodeValue, inference.CodeMeaning, inference.CodingSchemeDesignator, inference.CodingSchemeVersion)); }
private void btnSkipTraining_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Inference inference = new Inference(); inference.CreateNeuralNetworkArchitecture(); new Form1(inference).Show(); Hide(); }
@Override public void onNext(Inference i) { localInf.sdr(i.getSDR()).recordNum(i.getRecordNum()).classifierInput(i.getClassifierInput()).layerInput(i.getSDR()); if (i.getSDR().length > 0) { ((Layer <Inference>)tail).compute(localInf); } }
private void OnInferenceResult(Inference inference) { if (inference.IsUnderstood) { if (inference.Intent == "changeColor") { Color newColour = _colourLookup["white"]; if (inference.Slots.ContainsKey("color")) { newColour = _colourLookup[inference.Slots["color"]]; } Image[] locations = _locationStates; if (inference.Slots.ContainsKey("location")) { string locationName = inference.Slots["location"]; locations = _locationStates.Where(g => == locationName).ToArray(); } ChangeLightColour(locations, newColour); } else if (inference.Intent == "changeLightState") { bool state = false; if (inference.Slots.ContainsKey("state")) { state = inference.Slots["state"] == "on"; } Image[] locations = _locationStates; if (inference.Slots.ContainsKey("location")) { string locationName = inference.Slots["location"]; locations = _locationStates.Where(g => == locationName).ToArray(); } ChangeLightState(locations, state); } else if (inference.Intent == "changeLightStateOff") { Image[] locations = _locationStates; if (inference.Slots.ContainsKey("location")) { string locationName = inference.Slots["location"]; locations = _locationStates.Where(g => == locationName).ToArray(); } ChangeLightState(locations, false); } } else { Debug.Log("Didn't understand the command.\n"); } _activityText.text = "Say 'Picovoice'!"; }
private static void GenFormulas(Inference inference, HashSet <Formula> formulas, Formula target) { while (true) { var form = formulas.OrderBy(x => Rd.Next()).ToList(); Parallel.ForEach(Axioms.GetAxioms(), a => GenAxiom(inference, form, formulas, target, a)); } }
public void TestInit() { _pv = new Picovoice(Porcupine.KEYWORD_PATHS["picovoice"], _wakeWordCallback, _contextPath, _inferenceCallback); _isWakeWordDetected = false; _inference = null; }
private void dgvInfRecord_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Inference inf = (Inference)dgvInfRecord.Tag; if (inf == null) { return; } MessageBox.Show(inf.doPostVariableStat()); }
/// <summary> /// Set "niedopytywalne" fakty IsKnown to false /// </summary> /// <param name="rules"></param> private void SetUnknownFacts(List <Rule> rules) { var unknownFacts = Inference.factsThatAreAlsoConclusions(rules); unknownFacts.Select(uf => { uf.IsKnown = false; uf.IsSet = false; return(uf); }).ToList(); }
/// <summary> /// Reads through input file and prints the inference result returned by Rhino. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputAudioPath">Required argument. Absolute path to input audio file.</param> /// <param name="contextPath">Required argument. Absolute path to the Rhino context file.</param> /// <param name="modelPath">Absolute path to the file containing model parameters. If not set it will be set to the default location.</param> /// <param name="sensitivity"> /// Inference sensitivity. It should be a number within [0, 1]. A higher sensitivity value results in /// fewer misses at the cost of (potentially) increasing the erroneous inference rate. If not set, the default value of 0.5 will be used. /// </param> public static void RunDemo(string inputAudioPath, string contextPath, string modelPath, float sensitivity) { // init rhino speech-to-intent engine using Rhino rhino = Rhino.Create(contextPath, modelPath, sensitivity); // open and validate wav file using BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(inputAudioPath, FileMode.Open)); ValidateWavFile(reader, rhino.SampleRate, 16, out short numChannels); // read audio and send frames to rhino short[] rhinoFrame = new short[rhino.FrameLength]; int frameIndex = 0; while (reader.BaseStream.Position != reader.BaseStream.Length) { rhinoFrame[frameIndex++] = reader.ReadInt16(); if (frameIndex == rhinoFrame.Length) { bool isFinalized = rhino.Process(rhinoFrame); if (isFinalized) { Inference inference = rhino.GetInference(); if (inference.IsUnderstood) { Console.WriteLine("{"); Console.WriteLine($" intent : '{inference.Intent}'"); Console.WriteLine(" slots : {"); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> slot in inference.Slots) { Console.WriteLine($" {slot.Key} : '{slot.Value}'"); } Console.WriteLine(" }"); Console.WriteLine("}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Didn't understand the command."); } return; } frameIndex = 0; } // skip right channel if (numChannels == 2) { reader.ReadInt16(); } } Console.WriteLine("Reached end of audio file before Rhino returned an inference."); }
static void InferenceCallback(Inference inference) { if (inference.IsUnderstood) { if (inference.Intent.Equals("move")) { if (CheckEndGame()) { return; } string srcSide = inference.Slots["srcSide"]; string srcRank = inference.Slots["srcRank"]; string srcFile = inference.Slots.ContainsKey("srcFile") ? inference.Slots["srcFile"] : ""; string dstSide = inference.Slots["dstSide"]; string dstRank = inference.Slots["dstRank"]; string dstFile = inference.Slots.ContainsKey("dstFile") ? inference.Slots["dstFile"] : ""; string playerMove = MakePlayerMove(srcSide, srcFile, srcRank, dstSide, dstFile, dstRank); if (playerMove.Equals("Invalid Move")) { DrawBoard($" {playerMove}\n"); return; } string theirMove = MakeOpponentMove(); DrawBoard($" \u2654 {playerMove}\n \u265A {theirMove}"); if (CheckEndGame()) { Console.WriteLine($"\n {GetEndGameReason()}"); Console.WriteLine($" Say 'new game' to play again."); } } else if (inference.Intent.Equals("undo")) { UndoLastMove(); } else if (inference.Intent.Equals("newgame")) { NewGame(); } else if (inference.Intent.Equals("quit")) { QuitGame(); } } else { DrawBoard(" Didn't understand move.\n"); } }
private void PrintInference(Inference inference) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append("{\n"); str.Append($" intent : '{inference.Intent}'\n"); str.Append(" slots : {\n"); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> slot in inference.Slots) str.Append($" {slot.Key} : '{slot.Value}'\n"); str.Append(" }\n"); str.Append("}\n"); Debug.Log(str.ToString()); }
public void TestBasicFlow() { IEngine engine = InjectorStub.GetTestEngine(); TestHarvester harvester = (TestHarvester)((Engine)engine).Harvester; harvester.ReplyMode = TestHarvester.ReplyModes.Success; Inference inference = engine.GetInference(customerID, 0, false, GetInferenceMode.DownloadIfOld); Log.Info("Inference read: {0}", inference); } // TestBasicFlow
public void TestTimeoutL() { IEngine engine = InjectorStub.GetTestEngine(); TestHarvester harvester = (TestHarvester)((Engine)engine).Harvester; harvester.ReplyMode = TestHarvester.ReplyModes.TimeoutA; Inference inference = engine.GetInference(customerID, 0, false, GetInferenceMode.ForceDownload); Log.Info("Inference read: {0}", inference); } // TestTimeoutL
private void ComboBoxSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (MaxNumberOfAnswers <= 1 && Inference.SelectedAllowedTerms.Count > 0 && Inference.SelectedAllowedTerms[0] != _comboBox.SelectedItem) { Inference.ClearSelectedAllowedTerms(); } if (_comboBox.SelectedItem != null) { ((AimTemplateTreeAllowedTerm)_comboBox.SelectedItem).Selected = true; } }
public Inference GetInference(int customerID, decimal monthlyPayment, bool isTryout, GetInferenceMode mode) { Log.Debug("Engine.GetInference({0}, {1}) started...", customerID, mode); Inference result = null; switch (mode) { case GetInferenceMode.CacheOnly: result = GetInference(customerID, Now, isTryout, monthlyPayment); break; case GetInferenceMode.DownloadIfOld: Inference cachedInference = GetInference(customerID, Now, isTryout, monthlyPayment); ModuleConfiguration cfg = Keeper.LoadModuleConfiguration(); if (cachedInference.IsUpToDate(Now, cfg.CacheAcceptanceDays)) { Log.Debug( "Engine.GetInference({0}, {1}): returning cached inference with ResponseID = {2}.", customerID, mode, cachedInference.ResponseID ); result = cachedInference; break; } // if goto case GetInferenceMode.ForceDownload; // !!! fall through !!! case GetInferenceMode.ForceDownload: result = DownloadAndSave(customerID, monthlyPayment, isTryout); break; default: throw new EngineAlert( Log, new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("mode"), "Failed to get customer {0} inference at mode {1}.", customerID, mode ); } // switch Log.Debug("Engine.GetInference({0}, {1}) complete.", customerID, mode); return(result); } // GetInference (standard, by actual data)
public static Inference FindInference(Hypotheses hypotheses, Formula target) { var inference = new Inference(hypotheses); if (inference.Push(target)) { inference.Minimize(); return(inference); } var formulas = new HashSet <Formula>(); if (hypotheses is null == false) { foreach (var h in hypotheses) { inference.Push(h); formulas.Add(h); } } ParseFormula(target, formulas); var addingFormulas = new Thread(() => AddingFormulas(inference, formulas, target)); var genFormulas = new Thread(() => GenFormulas(inference, formulas, target)); addingFormulas.Start(); genFormulas.Start(); while (true) { lock (inference) { if (inference.Push(target) || inference.Contains(target)) { break; } } Thread.Sleep(1000); } addingFormulas.Abort(); genFormulas.Abort(); inference.Minimize(); return(inference); }
/// <summary> /// 显示推理节点的详细信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void listBoxInference_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.demoNet == null) { return; } List <Inference> infs = this.demoNet.Inferences; if (infs == null || infs.Count <= 0) { return; } int index = listBoxInference.SelectedIndex; if (index < 0) { return; } int p = listBoxInference.Items[index].ToString().IndexOf(":"); if (p < 0) { return; } int id = int.Parse(listBoxInference.Items[index].ToString().Substring(0, p)); Inference inf = (Inference)this.demoNet[id]; if (inf == null) { return; } dgvInfRecord.Tag = inf; dgvInfRecord.Rows.Clear(); foreach (InferenceRecord record in inf.ValidRecords) { index = dgvInfRecord.Rows.Add(); dgvInfRecord.Rows[index].Cells[0].Value = record.Summary(); dgvInfRecord.Rows[index].Cells[1].Value = record.acceptCount.ToString(); dgvInfRecord.Rows[index].Cells[2].Value = record.usedCount.ToString(); dgvInfRecord.Rows[index].Tag = record; } }
private void RunTestCase( Rhino rhino, string audioFileName, bool isWithinContext, string expectedIntent = null, Dictionary <string, string> expectedSlots = null) { int frameLen = rhino.FrameLength; string testAudioPath = Path.Combine(_relativeDir, "resources/audio_samples", audioFileName); List <short> data = GetPcmFromFile(testAudioPath, rhino.SampleRate); bool isFinalized = false; int framecount = (int)Math.Floor((float)(data.Count / frameLen)); var results = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < framecount; i++) { int start = i * rhino.FrameLength; int count = rhino.FrameLength; List <short> frame = data.GetRange(start, count); isFinalized = rhino.Process(frame.ToArray()); if (isFinalized) { break; } } Assert.IsTrue(isFinalized, "Failed to finalize."); Inference inference = rhino.GetInference(); if (isWithinContext) { Assert.IsTrue(inference.IsUnderstood, "Couldn't understand."); Assert.AreEqual(expectedIntent, inference.Intent, "Incorrect intent."); Assert.IsTrue(inference.Slots.All((keyValuePair) => expectedSlots.ContainsKey(keyValuePair.Key) && expectedSlots[keyValuePair.Key] == keyValuePair.Value)); } else { Assert.IsFalse(inference.IsUnderstood, "Shouldn't be able to understand."); } }
static void inferenceCallback(Inference inference) { if (inference.IsUnderstood) { Console.WriteLine("{"); Console.WriteLine($" intent : '{inference.Intent}'"); Console.WriteLine(" slots : {"); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> slot in inference.Slots) { Console.WriteLine($" {slot.Key} : '{slot.Value}'"); } Console.WriteLine(" }"); Console.WriteLine("}\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Didn't understand the command"); } }
} // OutOfRangeException private Inference ProcessRequest(SafeReader sr) { Guid?uniqueID = sr["UniqueID"]; if (uniqueID == null) { return(null); } var result = new Inference { UniqueID = uniqueID.Value, MonthlyRepayment = sr["MonthlyRepayment"], IsTryOut = sr["IsTryOut"], }; Results.Add(result); return(result); } // ProcessRequest
/// <summary> /// Attempts to infer the type of generic parameters that occur in a formal parameter type /// according to its actual argument type. /// </summary> /// <returns>False if inference failed; otherwise, true. </returns> private bool Infer(IType formalType, IType actualType, Inference inference) { // Skip unspecified actual types if (actualType == null) return true; if (formalType is IGenericParameter) { return InferGenericParameter((IGenericParameter)formalType, actualType, inference); } if (formalType is ICallableType) { return InferCallableType((ICallableType)formalType, actualType, inference); } if (formalType.ConstructedInfo != null) { return InferConstructedType(formalType, actualType, inference); } if (formalType is IArrayType) { return InferArrayType((IArrayType)formalType, actualType, inference); } return InferSimpleType(formalType, actualType, inference); }
public static StandardCodeSequence ToStandardCodeSequence(Inference inference) { return inference == null ? null : new StandardCodeSequence(inference.CodeValue, inference.CodeMeaning, inference.CodingSchemeDesignator, inference.CodingSchemeVersion); }
/** Selects the algorithm for INFERENCE. */ public void setInference(Inference iStrategy) { inferenceStrategy = iStrategy; }
private bool InferSimpleType(IType formalType, IType actualType, Inference inference) { // Inference has no effect on formal parameter types that are not generic parameters return true; }
private bool InferArrayType(IArrayType formalType, IType actualType, Inference inference) { IArrayType actualArrayType = actualType as IArrayType; return (actualArrayType != null) && (actualArrayType.GetArrayRank() == formalType.GetArrayRank()) && (Infer(formalType.GetElementType(), actualType.GetElementType(), inference)); }
private bool InferCallableType(ICallableType formalType, IType actualType, Inference inference) { ICallableType callableActualType = actualType as ICallableType; if (callableActualType == null) return false; CallableSignature formalSignature = formalType.GetSignature(); CallableSignature actualSignature = callableActualType.GetSignature(); // TODO: expand actual signature when it involves varargs? if (formalSignature.Parameters.Length != actualSignature.Parameters.Length) return false; // Infer return type, maintaining inference direction if (!Infer(formalSignature.ReturnType, actualSignature.ReturnType, inference)) { return false; } // Infer parameter types, inverting inference direction for (int i = 0; i < formalSignature.Parameters.Length; ++i) { bool inferenceSuccessful = Infer( formalSignature.Parameters[i].Type, actualSignature.Parameters[i].Type, Invert(inference)); if (!inferenceSuccessful) return false; } return true; }
private bool InferConstructedType(IType formalType, IType actualType, Inference inference) { // look for a single occurance of the formal // constructed type in the actual type's hierarchy IType constructedActualType = GenericsServices.FindConstructedType( actualType, formalType.ConstructedInfo.GenericDefinition); if (constructedActualType == null) { return false; } // Exact inference requires the constructed occurance to be // the actual type itself if (inference == Inference.Exact && actualType != constructedActualType) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < formalType.ConstructedInfo.GenericArguments.Length; ++i) { bool inferenceSuccessful = Infer( formalType.ConstructedInfo.GenericArguments[i], constructedActualType.ConstructedInfo.GenericArguments[i], Inference.Exact); // Generic arguments must match exactly, no variance allowed if (!inferenceSuccessful) return false; } return true; }
private bool InferGenericParameter(IGenericParameter formalType, IType actualType, Inference inference) { if (_inferredTypes.ContainsKey(formalType)) { InferredType inferredType = _inferredTypes[formalType]; if ((inference & Inference.AllowContravariance) != Inference.AllowContravariance) { inferredType.ApplyLowerBound(actualType); } if ((inference & Inference.AllowCovariance) != Inference.AllowCovariance) { inferredType.ApplyUpperBound(actualType); } } return true; }
public TriggeringEvent oTriggeringEvent; //输出结论与触发事件相关 #endregion Fields #region Constructors public OutputInfo() { oTriggeringEvent = new TriggeringEvent(); oInference = new Inference(); oExplanation = new Explanation(); lstShortDataModel = new List<DataModel>(); }
private Inference Invert(Inference inference) { switch (inference) { case Inference.AllowCovariance: return Inference.AllowContravariance; case Inference.AllowContravariance: return Inference.AllowCovariance; default: return Inference.Exact; } }