//when new word is picked public void ResetGame() { TheWordText.Text = "The Word Being Guessed:"; PossibleText.Text = "# of Possible Words Left:"; LettersLeftText.Text = "Letters Left:"; BadGuessesText.Text = "Bad Guesses:"; GoodGuessesText.Text = "Good Guesses:"; GuessesLeftText.Text = "Guesses Left:"; GoodGuessesText.Hide(); GuessCount = 9; GameStarted = true; GuessCountLabel.Text = GuessCount.ToString(); GuessCountLabel.Show(); WinningGif.Hide(); RightButton.Show(); WrongButton.Show(); GuessText.Show(); GoodGuesses = ""; BadGuesses = ""; PossibleLetters = "etainoshrdlucmfwygpbvkqjxz"; //most popular letters based on https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/explore/which-letters-are-used-most GuessesSoFar = ""; label1.Text = ""; label2.Text = ""; test.Text = ""; TheWord = ""; Guess = PossibleLetters[0].ToString(); label2.Text = Guess; IndexButton.Hide(); IndexInfo.Hide(); TipText.Hide(); }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); PlayButton.Hide(); numericUpDown1.Hide(); GuessCountLabel.Hide(); WinningGif.Hide(); WrongButton.Hide(); RightButton.Hide(); IndexInfo.Hide(); IndexButton.Hide(); guessRightLabel.Hide(); }
private void IndexButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //index will be user //change word string //IndexButton.Hide(); //IndexInfo.Hide(); //WrongButton.Show(); //RightButton.Show(); GuessText.Text = Guess; string temp = IndexInfo.Text; IndexInfo.Hide(); IndexButton.Hide(); TipText.Hide(); List <int> indexList = temp.Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToList(); foreach (int i in indexList) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(TheWord); sb[i] = char.Parse(Guess); TheWord = sb.ToString(); //might need to do a temp set = to possibleWordSet and run the query on that PossibleWordSet = new SortedSet <string>(from p in PossibleWordSet where p[i] == TheWord[i] //the guess select p); } label2.Text = TheWord; GuessesSoFar += Guess; possible.Text = PossibleLetters; possiblewordcount.Text = PossibleWordSet.Count.ToString(); //new guess var count = TheWord.Count(x => x == '_'); //count of _ if (count == 1) { PossibleWordSet = new SortedSet <string>(from p in PossibleWordSet where PossibleLetters.Contains(p[TheWord.IndexOf('_')]) //the guess select p); } PossibleLetters = PossibleLetters.Replace(Guess, ""); Guess = PossibleLetters[0].ToString(); GuessText.Text = Guess; WrongButton.Show(); RightButton.Show(); IndexInfo.Clear(); if (!TheWord.Contains("_")) { guessRightLabel.Text = "We Guessed Right!"; guessRightLabel.Show(); RightButton.Hide(); WrongButton.Hide(); IndexButton.Hide(); IndexInfo.Hide(); GuessText.Hide(); } }