コード例 #1
        // We want the binder in which this syntax node is going to be bound, NOT the binder which
        // this syntax node *produces*. That is, suppose we have
        // void M() { int x; { int y; { int z; } } } 
        // We want the enclosing binder of the syntax node for { int z; }.  We do not want the binder
        // that has local z, but rather the binder that has local y. The inner block is going to be
        // bound in the context of its enclosing binder; it's contents are going to be bound in the
        // context of its binder.
        internal override Binder GetEnclosingBinderInternal(int position)

            // If we have a root binder with no tokens in it, position can be outside the span event
            // after position is adjusted. If this happens, there can't be any 
            if (!this.Root.FullSpan.Contains(position))
                return this.RootBinder;

            SyntaxToken token = this.Root.FindToken(position);
            CSharpSyntaxNode node = (CSharpSyntaxNode)token.Parent;

            CSharpSyntaxNode innerLambda = GetInnermostLambdaOrQuery(node, position, allowStarting: true);

            // There are three possible scenarios here.
            // 1) the node is outside all lambdas in this context, or
            // 2) The node is an outermost lambda in this context, or
            // 3) the node is inside the outermost lambda in this context.
            // In the first case, no lambdas are involved at all so let's just fall back on the
            // original enclosing binder code.
            // In the second case, we have been asked to bind an entire lambda and we know it to be
            // the outermost lambda in this context. Therefore the enclosing binder is going to be
            // the enclosing binder of this expression. However, we do not simply want to say
            // "here's the enclosing binder":
            // void M() { Func<int, int> f = x=>x+1; }
            // We should step out to the enclosing statement or expression, if there is one, and
            // bind that.

            if (innerLambda == null)
                return GetEnclosingBinder(node, position);

            // In the third case, we're in a child lambda. Have we already cached a binder for it?
            // If not, bind the outermost expression containing the lambda and then fill in the map.

            ImmutableArray<BoundNode> nodes;

            using (_nodeMapLock.DisposableRead())
                nodes = GuardedGetBoundNodesFromMap(innerLambda);

            if (nodes.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                CSharpSyntaxNode outerLambda = GetOutermostLambdaOrQuery(innerLambda);
                Debug.Assert(outerLambda != null);
                Debug.Assert(outerLambda != this.Root);
                CSharpSyntaxNode nodeToBind = GetBindingRoot(outerLambda);

                var statementBinder = GetEnclosingBinder(nodeToBind, position);
                Binder incrementalBinder = new IncrementalBinder(this, statementBinder);

                using (_nodeMapLock.DisposableWrite())
                    BoundNode boundOuterExpression = this.Bind(incrementalBinder, nodeToBind, _ignoredDiagnostics);
                    GuardedAddBoundTreeAndGetBoundNodeFromMap(innerLambda, boundOuterExpression);

            // If there is a bug in the binder such that we "lose" a sub-expression containing a
            // lambda, and never put bound state for it into the bound tree, then the bound lambda
            // that comes back from the map lookup will be null. This can occur in error recovery
            // situations.  If it is null, we fall back to the outer binder.

            using (_nodeMapLock.DisposableRead())
                nodes = GuardedGetBoundNodesFromMap(innerLambda);

            if (nodes.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                return GetEnclosingBinder(node, position);

            BoundNode boundInnerLambda = GetLowerBoundNode(innerLambda);
            Debug.Assert(boundInnerLambda != null);
            Binder result;
            switch (boundInnerLambda.Kind)
                case BoundKind.UnboundLambda:
                    boundInnerLambda = ((UnboundLambda)boundInnerLambda).BindForErrorRecovery();
                    goto case BoundKind.Lambda;
                case BoundKind.Lambda:
                    result = GetLambdaEnclosingBinder(position, node, innerLambda, ((BoundLambda)boundInnerLambda).Binder);
                case BoundKind.QueryClause:
                    result = GetQueryEnclosingBinder(position, node, ((BoundQueryClause)boundInnerLambda));
                    return GetEnclosingBinder(node, position); // Known to return non-null with BinderFlags.SemanticModel.

            Debug.Assert(result != null);
            return result.WithAdditionalFlags(GetSemanticModelBinderFlags());
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all bounds nodes associated with a node, ordered from highest to lowest in the bound tree.
        /// Strictly speaking, the order is that of a pre-order traversal of the bound tree.
        /// </summary>
        internal ImmutableArray<BoundNode> GetBoundNodes(CSharpSyntaxNode node)
            // If this method is called with a null parameter, that implies that the Root should be
            // bound, but make sure that the Root is bindable.
            if (node == null)
                node = GetBindableSyntaxNode(Root);
            Debug.Assert(node == GetBindableSyntaxNode(node));

            // We have one SemanticModel for each method.
            // The SemanticModel contains a lazily-built immutable map from scope-introducing 
            // syntactic statements (such as blocks) to binders, but not from lambdas to binders.
            // The SemanticModel also contains a mutable map from syntax to bound nodes; that is 
            // declared here. Since the map is not thread-safe we ensure that it is guarded with a
            // reader-writer lock.
            // Have we already got the desired bound node in the mutable map? If so, return it.
            ImmutableArray<BoundNode> results;

            using (_nodeMapLock.DisposableRead())
                results = GuardedGetBoundNodesFromMap(node);

            if (!results.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                return results;

            // We might not actually have been given an expression or statement even though we were
            // allegedly given something that is "bindable".

            // If we didn't find in the cached bound nodes, find a binding root and bind it.
            // This will cache bound nodes under the binding root.
            CSharpSyntaxNode nodeToBind = GetBindingRoot(node);
            var statementBinder = GetEnclosingBinder(GetAdjustedNodePosition(nodeToBind));
            Binder incrementalBinder = new IncrementalBinder(this, statementBinder);

            using (_nodeMapLock.DisposableWrite())
                BoundNode boundStatement = this.Bind(incrementalBinder, nodeToBind, _ignoredDiagnostics);
                results = GuardedAddBoundTreeAndGetBoundNodeFromMap(node, boundStatement);

            if (!results.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                return results;

            // If we still didn't find it, its still possible we could bind it directly.
            // For example, types are usually not represented by bound nodes, and some error conditions and
            // not yet implemented features do not create bound nodes for everything underneath them.
            // In this case, however, we only add the single bound node we found to the map, not any child bound nodes,
            // to avoid duplicates in the map if a parent of this node comes through this code path also.

            var binder = GetEnclosingBinder(GetAdjustedNodePosition(node));

            using (_nodeMapLock.DisposableRead())
                results = GuardedGetBoundNodesFromMap(node);

            if (results.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                using (_nodeMapLock.DisposableWrite())
                    var boundNode = this.Bind(binder, node, _ignoredDiagnostics);
                    GuardedAddBoundTreeForStandaloneSyntax(node, boundNode);
                    results = GuardedGetBoundNodesFromMap(node);

                if (!results.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                    return results;
                return results;

            return ImmutableArray<BoundNode>.Empty;
コード例 #3
            internal override Binder WithPrimaryConstructorParametersIfNecessary(NamedTypeSymbol containingType)
                Binder result = base.WithPrimaryConstructorParametersIfNecessary(containingType);

                if (result != this)
                    result = new IncrementalBinder(this.semanticModel, result);

                return result;