/***************************************************** * - Function name : saveIncomeExpenseRecord * - Description : 保存收支记录 * - Variables : IncomeExpense IE *****************************************************/ public bool saveIncomeExpenseRecord(IncomeExpense IE) { string link = string.Format("server={0};User Id={1};password={2};Database={3}", MDB.getServer(), MDB.getUser(), MDB.getPassword(), MDB.getDatabase()); MySqlConnection mycon = new MySqlConnection(link); mycon.Open(); string sql = string.Format("insert into deal_detail_table values({0}, '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}')" , IE.getMoney() , IE.getDate() , IE.getReceive_name() , IE.getReceive_card() , IE.getAllocate_name() , IE.getAllocate_card() , IE.getDeal_way() , IE.getAssure_id() , IE.getDdt_note() , IE.getDeal_kind()); MySqlCommand mycmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, mycon); if (mycmd.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0) { mycon.Close(); return(true); } else { mycon.Close(); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Get income and expense details for each service (see expenseGroups). /// </summary> /// <returns>Dictionary of name => IncomeExpense.</returns> public Dictionary <String, IncomeExpense> GetIncomesAndExpenses() { //LogMessage("Getting Income/Expense info."); Dictionary <String, IncomeExpense> incomeExpenses = new Dictionary <String, IncomeExpense>(); foreach (IncomeExpenseGroup group in expenseGroups) { if (group.Levels > 0) { for (int i = 1; i <= group.Levels; i++) { economyManager.GetIncomeAndExpenses( group.Service, group.SubService, (ItemClass.Level)(i - 1), out long income, out long expense); incomeExpenses[$"{group.Name}_Lv{i}"] = new IncomeExpense { Income = income, Expense = expense, Level = i, }; } } else //This group doesn't have levels { economyManager.GetIncomeAndExpenses( group.Service, group.SubService, ItemClass.Level.None, out long income, out long expense); incomeExpenses[group.Name] = new IncomeExpense { Income = income, Expense = expense, Level = 0, }; } } //These aren't considered services incomeExpenses["LoanPayments"] = new IncomeExpense { Income = 0, Expense = economyManager.GetLoanExpenses(), Level = 0, }; incomeExpenses["Policies"] = new IncomeExpense { Income = 0, Expense = economyManager.GetPolicyExpenses(), Level = 0, }; return(incomeExpenses); }
private void btnSendRequest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IncomeExpense ie = new IncomeExpense(); ie = gridUtility.GetSelectedItem <IncomeExpense>(); ie.IncomeExpenseId = Convert.ToInt32(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(gridView1.FocusedRowHandle, gridView1.Columns["IncomeExpenseId"])); if (ie.ApproveStatusId == 1) { FlatMsgBox.Show("Đã có một yêu cầu khác gửi đi ở dòng này đang chờ xác nhận, không thể gửi thêm yêu cầu."); return; } if (ie == null) { return; } RequestSent rs = new RequestSent(); rs.TableName = "IncomeExpense"; rs.IdValue = ie.IncomeExpenseId; rs.RequestTo = "quangphat"; rs.RequestBy = UserManagement.UserSession.UserName; frmEditIncomExpense obj = new frmEditIncomExpense(); obj.value = GetDetail; obj.ShowDialog(); if (detail == null) { return; } rs.Detail = detail; try { ie.ApproveStatusId = 1; using (IUnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork()) { uow.RequestSentRepository.Add(rs); uow.IncomeExpenseRepository.Update(ie); uow.Commit(); } FlatMsgBox.Show("Yêu cầu đã được gửi"); detail = null; } catch { FlatMsgBox.Show("Không thể gửi yêu cầu"); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IncomeExpense ie = new IncomeExpense(); CoverObjectUtility.GetAutoBindingData(this, ie); ie.PurposeSuggestion.PurposeName = (cbbPurpose.SelectedItem as PurposeSuggestion).PurposeName; ie.Department.DepartmentName = (cbbDepartment.SelectedItem as Department).DepartmentName; ie.Staff.StaffName = (cbbStaff.SelectedItem as Staff).StaffName; ie.SetCreate(); if (cbbPurpose.SelectedValue.ToString() == "1") //Ky quy { ie.RegisterValue = Convert.ToDecimal(txtMoneyOut.Text.Trim().Replace(",", "")); lastMoneyIn += (decimal)ie.MoneyBack + (decimal)ie.RegisterValue; //MoneyIn tang ie.MoneyOut = null; } else { lastMoneyIn = lastMoneyIn - (decimal)ie.MoneyOut + (decimal)ie.MoneyBack; ie.MoneyUse = (decimal)ie.MoneyOut - (decimal)ie.MoneyBack; } ie.MoneyIn = lastMoneyIn; ie.ApproveStatusId = 2; ie.ApproveBy = UserManagement.UserSession.UserName; ie.ApproveDate = DateTime.Now; try { using (IUnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork()) { uow.IncomeExpenseRepository.Add(ie); uow.Commit(); } } catch { return; } if (add != null) { add(ie); } Close(); }
private void Add(IncomeExpense sug) { gridUtility.AddNewRow(sug); }
/***************************************************** * - Function name : addIncomeExpense * - Description : 新建收支明细对象 * - Variables : void *****************************************************/ public void addIncomeExpense() { IE = new IncomeExpense(); }