コード例 #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> Export(
            DateTime?startDateTime              = null,
            DateTime?endDateTime                = null,
            int?manufacturingAreaId             = null,
            int?classificationId                = null,
            string engineerName                 = null,
            string shortDescription             = null,
            char?activityTypeId                 = null,
            string incidentDescription          = null,
            string actionSummary                = null,
            TernaryOption resolved              = TernaryOption.All,
            TernaryOption hasWerumTicket        = TernaryOption.All,
            string werumTicket                  = null,
            string bTServiceRequestNumber       = null,
            TernaryOption interventionPerformed = TernaryOption.All,
            string batchNumber                  = null,
            int limit = 0)
            Logger.LogTrace("Incidents/Export called");
            var data = new IncidentSearchViewModel
                StartDateTime          = startDateTime,
                EndDateTime            = endDateTime,
                ManufacturingAreaId    = manufacturingAreaId,
                ClassificationId       = classificationId,
                EngineerName           = engineerName,
                ShortDescription       = shortDescription,
                IncidentDescription    = incidentDescription,
                ActionSummary          = actionSummary,
                Resolved               = resolved,
                HasWerumTicket         = hasWerumTicket,
                WerumTicket            = werumTicket,
                BTServiceRequestNumber = bTServiceRequestNumber,
                InterventionPerformed  = interventionPerformed,
                BatchNumber            = batchNumber,
                Limit = limit

            var list    = GetFilteredSearchResults(data);
            var results = list.OrderByDescending(i => i.CreatedDateTime);

            var ms     = new MemoryStream(500);
            var writer = new StreamWriter(ms);
            await writer.WriteLineAsync(ExportHeader);

            await list.ForEachAsync(i =>

            await writer.FlushAsync();

            ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            return(File(ms, "text/csv", "Incidents.csv"));
コード例 #2
        //helper method to perform search/export filtering
        private IQueryable <Incident> GetFilteredSearchResults(IncidentSearchViewModel data)
            Logger.LogTrace("Incidents/GetFilteredSearchResults called");
            bool filtersApplied = false;

            //setup main query
            IQueryable <Incident> list = DatabaseContext.Incidents
                                         .Include(i => i.ManufacturingArea)
                                         .Include(i => i.Classification);

            #region Apply Filtering
            if (data.StartDateTime.HasValue)
                list           = list.Where(i => i.LocalActivityPerformedDateTime >= data.StartDateTime);
                filtersApplied = true;

            if (data.EndDateTime.HasValue)
                list           = list.Where(i => i.LocalActivityPerformedDateTime < data.EndDateTime.Value.AddDays(1));
                filtersApplied = true;

            if (data.ManufacturingAreaId.HasValue)
                list           = list.Where(i => i.ManufacturingAreaId == data.ManufacturingAreaId);
                filtersApplied = true;

            if (data.ClassificationId.HasValue)
                list           = list.Where(i => i.ClassificationId == data.ClassificationId);
                filtersApplied = true;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data.EngineerName))
                list           = list.Where(i => EF.Functions.Like(i.EngineerName, "%" + data.EngineerName + "%"));
                filtersApplied = true;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data.IncidentDescription))
                list           = list.Where(i => EF.Functions.Like(i.IncidentDescription, "%" + data.IncidentDescription + "%"));
                filtersApplied = true;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data.ActionSummary))
                list           = list.Where(i => EF.Functions.Like(i.ActionSummary, "%" + data.ActionSummary + "%"));
                filtersApplied = true;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data.ShortDescription))
                list           = list.Where(i => EF.Functions.Like(i.ShortDescription, "%" + data.ShortDescription + "%"));
                filtersApplied = true;

            //must include a Werum Ticket?
            if (data.HasWerumTicket == TernaryOption.Yes)
                list = list.Where(i => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(i.WerumTicket));

            //must not include a Werum Ticket?
            if (data.HasWerumTicket == TernaryOption.No)
                list = list.Where(i => String.IsNullOrEmpty(i.WerumTicket));
            //otherwise, don't filter

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data.WerumTicket))
                list           = list.Where(i => EF.Functions.Like(i.WerumTicket, "%" + data.WerumTicket + "%"));
                filtersApplied = true;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data.BTServiceRequestNumber))
                list           = list.Where(i => EF.Functions.Like(i.BTServiceRequestNumber, "%" + data.BTServiceRequestNumber + "%"));
                filtersApplied = true;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data.BatchNumber))
                list           = list.Where(i => EF.Functions.Like(i.BatchNumber, "%" + data.BatchNumber + "%"));
                filtersApplied = true;

            //must be resolved?
            if (data.Resolved == TernaryOption.Yes)
                list = list.Where(i => i.Resolved.HasValue && i.Resolved.Value);
            //must not be resolved?
            if (data.Resolved == TernaryOption.No)
                list = list.Where(i => (i.Resolved.HasValue && !i.Resolved.Value) || !i.Resolved.HasValue);
            //otherwise, don't filter

            //must have intervention?
            if (data.InterventionPerformed == TernaryOption.Yes)
                list = list.Where(i => i.RequireES13.HasValue && i.RequireES13.Value);
            //must not be resolved?
            if (data.InterventionPerformed == TernaryOption.No)
                list = list.Where(i => (i.RequireES13.HasValue && !i.RequireES13.Value) || !i.RequireES13.HasValue);
            //otherwise, don't filter

            #endregion Apply Filtering

            if (filtersApplied)
コード例 #3
        // GET: Incidents/Search
        public async Task <IActionResult> Search(
            DateTime?startDateTime              = null,
            DateTime?endDateTime                = null,
            int?manufacturingAreaId             = null,
            int?classificationId                = null,
            string engineerName                 = null,
            string shortDescription             = null,
            string incidentDescription          = null,
            string actionSummary                = null,
            TernaryOption resolved              = TernaryOption.All,
            TernaryOption hasWerumTicket        = TernaryOption.All,
            string werumTicket                  = null,
            string bTServiceRequestNumber       = null,
            TernaryOption interventionPerformed = TernaryOption.All,
            string batchNumber                  = null,
            int limit = 20)
            Logger.LogTrace("Incidents/Search called");
            var data = new IncidentSearchViewModel
                StartDateTime          = startDateTime,
                EndDateTime            = endDateTime,
                ManufacturingAreaId    = manufacturingAreaId,
                ClassificationId       = classificationId,
                EngineerName           = engineerName,
                ShortDescription       = shortDescription,
                IncidentDescription    = incidentDescription,
                ActionSummary          = actionSummary,
                Resolved               = resolved,
                HasWerumTicket         = hasWerumTicket,
                WerumTicket            = werumTicket,
                BTServiceRequestNumber = bTServiceRequestNumber,
                InterventionPerformed  = interventionPerformed,
                BatchNumber            = batchNumber,
                Limit = limit

            var list = GetFilteredSearchResults(data);

            if (list != null)
                data.Results = await list
                               .Select(i => new IncidentSearchResultViewModel
                    IncidentId = i.IncidentId,
                    ActivityPerformedDateTime = i.LocalActivityPerformedDateTime,
                    FormattedLocalActivityPerformedDateTime = i.LocalActivityPerformedDateTime.ToString(DateFormat),
                    ManufacturingAreaName = i.ManufacturingArea.Name,
                    ClassificationName    = i.Classification.Name,
                    EngineerName          = i.EngineerName,
                    ShortDescription      = i.ShortDescription,
                    InterventionPerformed = i.RequireES13 ?? false,
                    Resolved               = i.Resolved ?? false,
                    WerumTicket            = i.WerumTicket,
                    BTServiceRequestNumber = i.BTServiceRequestNumber,
                    BatchNumber            = i.BatchNumber,
                    UserId = i.UserId
                               .OrderByDescending(i => i.ActivityPerformedDateTime)
                data.Results = new List <IncidentSearchResultViewModel>();

            //load select (drop down) lists
            ViewData["ClassificationId"] = await GetClassificationsSelectListAsync();

            ViewData["ManufacturingAreaId"] = await GetManufacturingAreasSelectListAsync();

            return(View("Search", data));