protected void btnAddrDup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dtAddrDup; ImportYEBData iObj = new ImportYEBData(); if (Session["yrmo"] != null) { usryrmo = Session["yrmo"].ToString(); } if (Session["pilotind"] != null) { pilotind = Session["pilotind"].ToString(); } if ((usryrmo == "")) { lbl_error.Text = "Please select YRMO (year month) value to continue "; return; } if ((pilotind == "")) { lbl_error.Text = "Please select PilotIndicator (PI or NP) value to continue "; return; } status = "EBAADDR"; if (pilotind != "" && status != "") { try { //retrieve the datatable for the criteria specified based on status dtAddrDup = ImportYEBData.getYEBDuplicateRecs(pilotind, usryrmo, "ADDR1").Tables[0]; if (dtAddrDup.Rows.Count > 0) { //Delete any previously imported data for the specified YRMO and criteria ImportYEBData.Rollback("DUPADDR" + pilotind, usryrmo); //loop thru the datatable rows for inserting to YEB_Dup_Detail table ImportYEBData.DisplayProgressBar(); _counter = iObj.insertYEBDupData(dtAddrDup, "ADDR1"); ImportYEBData.HideProgressBar(_counter); if (_counter > 0) { MultiView1.SetActiveView(view_result); lbl_result.Text = "Identified the Duplicate (Addr1+City) records successfully -- " + _counter + " Records identified for YEB Distribution from " + dtAddrDup.Rows.Count + " records"; } else if (_counter == 0) { MultiView1.SetActiveView(view_result); lbl_result.Text = "No Duplicate (Addr1+City) records were identified from the YEB Detail table based on the existing data "; } } else { MultiView1.SetActiveView(view_result); lbl_result.Text = "No Duplicate ADDR1+City records exist in the YEBDetail table currently"; } } catch (Exception ex) { //resultDiv.Visible = false; ImportYEBData.Rollback("DUPADDR" + pilotind, usryrmo); lbl_error.Text = "Error - " + ex.Message; } } }