public override string ToString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine("import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';"); builder.AppendLine("import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';"); builder.AppendLine("import { Observable } from 'rxjs';"); if (ImportTypes.Count != 0) { builder.AppendLine($"import {{\r\n{string.Join(",\r\n", ImportTypes.Select(x => "\t" + x))}\r\n }} from '../models';"); } builder.AppendLine(); builder.Append("@Injectable({\r\n\tprovidedIn: 'root'\r\n})\r\n"); builder.Append($"export class {Name}Service {{\r\n\r\n"); builder.Append("\tconstructor(private http: HttpClient) {}\r\n\r\n"); foreach (var method in Methods) { builder.Append(string.Join("\r\n", method.ToString().Split("\r\n").Select(x => "\t" + x)) + "\r\n"); } builder.AppendLine("}"); var result = builder.ToString().Replace("\t", " "); Regex regex = new Regex(@"[ ]+\r\n"); result = regex.Replace(result, "\r\n"); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 読み込み内容をAppContextに反映する /// </summary> /// <param name="appContext"></param> /// <param name="importType"></param> /// <param name="isImportToPrjSettings"></param> /// <param name="isImportToWbs"></param> /// <param name="output"></param> private void UpdateContext(AppContext appContext, ImportTypes importType, bool isImportToPrjSettings, bool isImportToMembers, bool isImportToWbs, CompleteOutput output) { // インポート種別と取り込み先により適用メソッドを選択 var applyRoutine = GetRoutine(importType, isImportToPrjSettings, isImportToMembers, isImportToWbs); // 適用処理を実行 applyRoutine.Invoke(appContext, output); }
public FormLoadTAP(ImportTypes ImportType) { InitializeComponent(); this.ImportType = ImportType; if (ImportType == ImportTypes.Tap) Text = "Импорт шрифта из TAP-файла"; else Text = "Импорт шрифта из бинарного файла"; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the DetectionSettings class. /// </summary> public DetectionSettings() { this.timeFactor = 1D; this.stimuliImportMode = StimuliImportModes.UseiViewXMSG; this.trialImportMode = TrialSequenceImportModes.UseMSGLines; this.trialTriggerString = "MSG"; this.stimuliImportFile = string.Empty; this.stimuliFileExtension = "bmp"; this.subjectName = string.Empty; this.trialImportFile = string.Empty; this.trialSequenceToStarttimeAssignments = new XMLSerializableSortedList <int, long>(); this.trialIDToImageAssignments = new XMLSerializableDictionary <int, string>(); this.trialSequenceToTrialIDAssignments = new XMLSerializableDictionary <int, int>(); this.imageDictionary = new XMLSerializableDictionary <int, string>(); this.savedSettings = false; this.importType = ImportTypes.Rawdata; }
/// <summary> /// Write Source /// </summary> /// <param name="writer"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> /// <param name="info"></param> internal override void WriteSource(System.IO.StreamWriter writer, TsGeneratorOptions options, TsWriteInformation info) { //sec check string detailError = null; if (!IsValid(out detailError)) { throw new Exception(detailError); } //get type string string typeString; //get typestring (if there isnt a type, use all selector) if (ImportTypes.Count <= 0) { typeString = TsDomConstants.START_SIGN; } else { var importTypeSourceList = ImportTypes.OrderBy(el => el.Name).Select(el => el.GetSource()); var importTypeIsNotSpecific = ImportTypes.Count == 1 && ImportTypes[0].IsImportAll; // if the import type is import all and its only one type, we dont need to wrap it in brackets typeString = importTypeIsNotSpecific ? ImportTypes[0].GetSource() : string.Format(TsDomConstants.CURLY_INLINE_BRACKETS_FORMAT, string.Join(TsDomConstants.PARAMETER_SEPERATOR, importTypeSourceList)); } string source = null; // export if (IsExport) { source = string.Format(TsDomConstants.TS_EXPORT_STATEMENT_FORMAT, typeString, Path); } // import else { source = string.Format(TsDomConstants.TS_IMPORT_FORMAT, typeString, Path); } //add end expression source += TsDomConstants.EXPRESSION_END; //write import writer.WriteLine(options.GetPreLineIndentString(info.Depth) + source); }
/// <summary> /// フラグ状況によって異なる更新ルーチンを生成 /// </summary> /// <param name="importType"></param> /// <param name="isImportToPrjSettings"></param> /// <param name="isImportToWbs"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Action <AppContext, CompleteOutput> GetRoutine(ImportTypes importType, bool isImportToPrjSettings, bool isImportToMembers, bool isImportToWbs) { var importPrjSettingAction = null as Action <AppContext, CompleteOutput>; var importMembersAction = null as Action <AppContext, CompleteOutput>; var importWbsAction = null as Action <AppContext, CompleteOutput>; if (importType == ImportTypes.Overwrite) { importPrjSettingAction = new Action <AppContext, CompleteOutput>(OverwritePrjSettings); importMembersAction = new Action <AppContext, CompleteOutput>(OverwriteMembers); importWbsAction = new Action <AppContext, CompleteOutput>(OverriteWbs); } else if (importType == ImportTypes.Addition) { importPrjSettingAction = new Action <AppContext, CompleteOutput>(AddPrjSettings); importMembersAction = new Action <AppContext, CompleteOutput>(AddMembers); importWbsAction = new Action <AppContext, CompleteOutput>(AddWbs); } return (new Action <AppContext, CompleteOutput>((appContext, output) => { if (isImportToPrjSettings) { importPrjSettingAction.Invoke(appContext, output); } if (isImportToMembers) { importMembersAction.Invoke(appContext, output); } if (isImportToWbs) { importWbsAction.Invoke(appContext, output); } })); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ImportTypeAttribute"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="importType">Type of the import to be performed on the class.</param> public ImportTypeAttribute(ImportTypes importType) { this.ImportType = importType; }
public bool ImportProcess(ImportTypes importType, string importFilePath) { if (!_activeDatabase || _activeDatabaseId == 0) return false; var database = Model.Databases.Get(_activeDatabaseId); var importSuccess = false; using (var fileStream = new FileStream(importFilePath, FileMode.Open)) { switch (importType) { case ImportTypes.LastPass: importSuccess = ImportLastPass(fileStream); break; case ImportTypes.Dashlane: importSuccess = ImportDashlane(fileStream); break; case ImportTypes.KeePass: importSuccess = ImportKeePass(fileStream); break; case ImportTypes.OnePassword: importSuccess = Import1Password(fileStream); break; } } UpdateDatabaseView(); GetSyncServerInstance(database.ServerAccountId).RestartSyncLoop(); return importSuccess; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the DetectionSettings class. /// </summary> public DetectionSettings() { this.timeFactor = 1D; this.stimuliImportMode = StimuliImportModes.UseiViewXMSG; this.trialImportMode = TrialSequenceImportModes.UseMSGLines; this.trialTriggerString = "MSG"; this.stimuliImportFile = string.Empty; this.stimuliFileExtension = "bmp"; this.subjectName = string.Empty; this.trialImportFile = string.Empty; this.trialSequenceToStarttimeAssignments = new XMLSerializableSortedList<int, long>(); this.trialIDToImageAssignments = new XMLSerializableDictionary<int, string>(); this.trialSequenceToTrialIDAssignments = new XMLSerializableDictionary<int, int>(); this.imageDictionary = new XMLSerializableDictionary<int, string>(); this.savedSettings = false; this.importType = ImportTypes.Rawdata; }