コード例 #1
        private static IEnumerable<Implication> ApplyAmbiguitiesForLiteral(Expression literal, Implication rule,
            IDictionary<ISentenceForm, ICollection<Ambiguity>> ambiguitiesByOriginalForm, ISentenceFormModel model)
            var results = new List<Implication> { rule };
            var varGen = new UnusedVariableGenerator(rule);

            var fact = literal as Fact;
            if (fact != null)
                ISentenceForm form = model.GetSentenceForm(fact);
                ICollection<Ambiguity> ambiguities;
                if (ambiguitiesByOriginalForm.TryGetValue(form, out ambiguities))
                    IEnumerable<Ambiguity> applicableAmiguities = ambiguities.Where(ambiguity => ambiguity.Applies(fact));
                    IEnumerable<Substitution> substitutions = applicableAmiguities.Select(ambiguity => ambiguity.GetReplacementAssignment(fact, varGen));
                    IEnumerable<Implication> implications = substitutions.Select(substitution => (Implication)rule.ApplySubstitution(substitution));
            else if (literal is Negation)
                // Do nothing. Variables must appear in a positive literal in the
                // rule, and will be handled there.
            else if (literal is Disjunction)
                throw new Exception("ORs should have been removed");
                //} else if (literal is GdlDistinct) {
                // Do nothing

            return results;
コード例 #2
        private static Implication RemoveNotDistinctLiteral(Implication rule)
            while (rule != null && GetNotDistinctLiteral(rule) != null)
                rule = RemoveNotDistinctLiteral(rule, GetNotDistinctLiteral(rule));

            return rule;
コード例 #3
 public static AssignmentsImpl GetAssignmentsForRule(Implication rule,
                                                     ISentenceDomainModel model, Dictionary<ISentenceForm, FunctionInfo> functionInfoMap,
                                                     Dictionary<ISentenceForm, ICollection<Fact>> completedSentenceFormValues)
     return new AssignmentsImpl(rule,
         SentenceDomainModels.GetVarDomains(rule, model, SentenceDomainModels.VarDomainOpts.IncludeHead),
コード例 #4
 public static AssignmentsImpl GetAssignmentsForRule(Implication rule,
                                                     Dictionary<TermVariable, ISet<TermObject>> varDomains,
                                                     Dictionary<ISentenceForm, FunctionInfo> functionInfoMap,
                                                     Dictionary<ISentenceForm, ICollection<Fact>> completedSentenceFormValues)
     return new AssignmentsImpl(rule,
コード例 #5
 public void PreconditionMissing()
     Assert.Throws <BREException>(() => {
         ImplicationBase ib    = new ImplicationBase();
         Implication impMedLow = new Implication("impMedLow", 25, String.Empty, "missing", imp2, new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And, atom2_2, atom3));
         ib.Add(new Implication("impMedHi", 25, String.Empty, String.Empty, imp2, new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And, atom2_2, atom3)));
         new PreconditionManager(ib).AnalyzeImplications();
         Assert.Fail("Should never reach me!");
コード例 #6
ファイル: Parser.cs プロジェクト: krasnotsvetov/MathLogic
        private Expression GetExpression(ParserContext ctx)
            var a = GetDisjunction(ctx);

            if (ctx.CurrentPosition != ctx.Text.Length && skipCharacter('-', ctx))
                a = new Implication(a, GetExpression(ctx));
コード例 #7
        public void OperateTwoTest()
            Variable p = new Variable('p');
            Variable q = new Variable('q');

            Implication a = new Implication();

            a.Operate(p, q);
            Assert.AreEqual(p, a.Childs[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(q, a.Childs[1]);

            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentNullException>(() => a.Operate(null, null));
コード例 #8
ファイル: TestCore.cs プロジェクト: vkiktev/NxBRE
        public void PreconditionIsMutex()
            ImplicationBase ib        = new ImplicationBase();
            Implication     impMedLow = new Implication("impMedLow", 25, "impMedHi", String.Empty, imp2, new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And, atom2_2, atom3));

            Implication impMedHi = new Implication("impMedHi", 25, String.Empty, "impMedLow", imp2, new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And, atom2_2, atom3));

            new MutexManager(ib).AnalyzeImplications();
            new PreconditionManager(ib).AnalyzeImplications();
            Assert.Fail("Should never reach me!");
コード例 #9
        public void OperateListTest()
            List <Variable> vars = new List <Variable>()
                new Variable('p'),
                new Variable('q')

            Implication a = new Implication();

            Assert.AreEqual(vars[0], a.Childs[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(vars[1], a.Childs[1]);
コード例 #10
        public ArrayList GetPreconditionChildren(Implication parentImplication)
            ArrayList result = new ArrayList();

            foreach (Implication implication in implications)
                if (implication.PreconditionImplication == parentImplication)

コード例 #11
ファイル: Agenda.cs プロジェクト: ilkerhalil/NxBRE
        /// <summary>
        /// Schedule a single implication.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="implication">The implication to schedule.</param>
        public void Schedule(Implication implication)
            if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineVerbose)
                                                        "Scheduling one implication: " + implication);

            if (!scheduledImplication.Contains(implication))
コード例 #12
        public void Visit(Implication visitable)
            var nandRoot = new Disjunction();
            var nandLeft = new Negation();

            InsertNodeSingle(nandLeft, visitable.LeftNode);
            BinaryTree.InsertNode(nandRoot, nandLeft);
            BinaryTree.InsertNode(nandRoot, visitable.RightNode);


            BinaryTree.Root = nandRoot.Nand;
            visitable.Nand  = nandRoot.Nand;
コード例 #13
        public void Agenda()
            Agenda a = new Agenda();

            Implication impLow     = new Implication("impLow", ImplicationPriority.Minimum, String.Empty, String.Empty, imp2, new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And, atom2_2, atom3));
            Implication impLowMed  = new Implication("impLowMed", 25, String.Empty, String.Empty, imp2, new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And, atom2_2, atom3));
            Implication impMed     = new Implication("impMed", ImplicationPriority.Medium, String.Empty, String.Empty, imp2, new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And, atom2_2, atom3));
            Implication impMedSaLo = new Implication("impMedSaLo", ImplicationPriority.Medium, String.Empty, String.Empty, imp2, new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And, atom2_2, atom3));

            impMedSaLo.Salience = 1;
            Assert.AreEqual(5101, impMedSaLo.Weight, "Weight impMedSaLo");
            Implication impMedSaHi = new Implication("impMedSaHi", ImplicationPriority.Medium, String.Empty, String.Empty, imp2, new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And, atom2_2, atom3));

            impMedSaHi.Salience = 99;
            Assert.AreEqual(5199, impMedSaHi.Weight, "Weight impMedSaLo");
            Implication impMedHi = new Implication("impMedHi", 75, String.Empty, String.Empty, imp2, new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And, atom2_2, atom3));
            Implication impHi    = new Implication("impHi", ImplicationPriority.Maximum, String.Empty, String.Empty, imp2, new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And, atom2_2, atom3));

            // schedule in any order

            // prepare for execution, which should sort this mess out
            Implication[] expected = new Implication[] { impHi, impMedHi, impMedSaHi, impMedSaLo, impMed, impLowMed, impLow };
            int           i        = 0;
            Implication   implicationParser;

            while (a.HasMoreToExecute)
                implicationParser = a.NextToExecute;
                              "Agenda not ordered: " +
                              implicationParser.Label +
                              "::" +
                              implicationParser.Weight +
                              " != " +
                              expected[i].Label +
                              "::" +
コード例 #14
        protected void WriteImplication(XmlElement target, Implication implication)
            XmlElement implicationElement = Document.CreateElement("Implies", DatalogNamespaceURL);

            // action mapping
            String action = String.Empty;

            if (implication.Action != ImplicationAction.Assert)
                action = implication.Action.ToString().ToLower();

            ImplicationProperties ip = new ImplicationProperties(implication.Label,

            WriteLabel(implicationElement, ip.ToString());

            if (syntax == SaveFormatAttributes.Compact)
                // in compact mode, the order is forced to body,head (equivalent to if,then)
                WriteAtomGroup(implicationElement, implication.AtomGroup);
                WriteAtom(implicationElement, implication.Deduction, false);
                XmlElement body = Document.CreateElement("body", DatalogNamespaceURL);
                WriteAtomGroup(body, implication.AtomGroup);

                XmlElement head = Document.CreateElement("head", DatalogNamespaceURL);
                WriteAtom(head, implication.Deduction, false);

            if (syntax == SaveFormatAttributes.Expanded)
                XmlElement formula = Document.CreateElement("formula", DatalogNamespaceURL);
コード例 #15
ファイル: RuleReference.cs プロジェクト: druzil/nggp-base
        public RuleReference(Implication originalRule, IEnumerable<PropNetFlattener.Condition> conditions, IList<Term> productionTemplate = null)
            OriginalRule = originalRule;
            ProductionTemplate = productionTemplate==null ? ImmutableList<Term>.Empty :  productionTemplate.ToImmutableList();

            Conditions = conditions.ToImmutableList();

            int producttionTemplateHashCode = 1;

            if (productionTemplate != null)
                foreach (Term term in productionTemplate)
                    producttionTemplateHashCode = 31 * producttionTemplateHashCode + (term == null ? 0 : term.GetHashCode());

            int conditionsHashcode = Conditions.Aggregate(1, (current, cond) => 31 * current + (cond == null ? 0 : cond.GetHashCode()));
            _hashCode = producttionTemplateHashCode + conditionsHashcode;
コード例 #16
        public void GetPreconditionChildren()
            ImplicationBase ib        = new ImplicationBase();
            Implication     impMedLow = new Implication("impMedLow", 25, String.Empty, String.Empty, imp2, new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And, atom2_2, atom3));

            Implication impMedHi = new Implication("impMedHi", 25, String.Empty, "impMedLow", imp2, new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And, atom2_2, atom3));

            new PreconditionManager(ib).AnalyzeImplications();

            IList <Implication> preconditionChildren = ib.GetPreconditionChildren(impMedLow);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, preconditionChildren.Count, "preconditionChildren size");
            Assert.IsTrue(preconditionChildren.Contains(impMedHi), "preconditionChildren content");
コード例 #17
        public void QueryIsNotImplication()
            Query query = new Query("get spending",
                                    new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And, new Atom("spending",
                                                                                          new Variable("customer"),
                                                                                          new Individual("min(5000,EUR)"),
                                                                                          new Individual("previous year"))));

            Implication implication = new Implication("get spending",

            Assert.IsFalse(query.Equals(implication), "QueryIsNotImplication");
コード例 #18
 public static List<Formula> BuildProof(Formula f)
     var variables = f.Variables.ToArray();
     var result = new List<Formula>();
     for (int i = 0; i < 1 << variables.Length; ++i)
         bool[] values = new bool[variables.Length];
         for (int j = variables.Length - 1; j >= 0; --j)
             values[variables.Length - 1 - j] = ((i >> j) & 1) == 1;
         var variablesEvaluation = new Dictionary<PropositionalVariable, bool>();
         for (int j = 0; j < variables.Length; j++)
             variablesEvaluation.Add(variables[j], values[j]);
         var partialProof = WriteProofInPartsEvaluation(f, variablesEvaluation);
         var assumptions =
             variablesEvaluation.Select(x => (x.Value ? x.Key as Formula : new Inversion(x.Key))).ToList();
         result.AddRange(ConvertAssumptions(assumptions, partialProof));
     for (int i = 0; i < variables.Length; ++i)
         result.AddRange(Formula.InlineAll(ProofBuildingResources.TND, new Dictionary<PropositionalVariable, Formula>
             {"A", variables[i]}
         for (int j = 0; j < 1 << variables.Length - 1 - i; ++j)
             int otherVarsCount = variables.Length - 1 - i;
             Formula fWithOtherVars = f;
             bool[] values = new bool[otherVarsCount];
             for (int k = 0; k<otherVarsCount; ++k)
                 values[k] = ((j >> k) & 1) == 1;
             for (int k = 0; k < otherVarsCount; ++k)
                 fWithOtherVars = new Implication(
                         variables[variables.Length-1-k] as Formula:
                         new Inversion(variables[variables.Length-1-k]),
             result.AddRange(Formula.InlineAll(ProofBuildingResources.AEx, new Dictionary<PropositionalVariable, Formula>
                 {"A", fWithOtherVars},
                 {"V", variables[i]}
     return result;
コード例 #19
 private static Implication RemoveNotDistinctLiteral(Implication rule, Negation notDistinctLiteral)
     //Figure out the substitution we want...
     //If we have two constantsin Either Remove one or
     //maybe get rid of the ___?
     //One is a variablein Replace the variable with the other thing
     //throughout the rule
     var distinct = (Fact)notDistinctLiteral.Negated;
     Term arg1 = distinct.GetTerm(0);
     Term arg2 = distinct.GetTerm(1);
     if (arg1 == arg2)
         //Just Remove that literal
         var newBody = new List<Expression>();
         return new Implication(rule.Consequent, newBody.ToArray());
     var p1 = arg1 as TermVariable;
     if (p1 != null)
         //What we return will still have the not-distinct literal,
         //but it will get replaced in the next pass.
         //(Even if we have two variables, they will be equal next time through.)
         var sub = new Substitution();
         sub.AddMapping(p1, arg2);
         return (Implication)rule.ApplySubstitution(sub);
     var variable = arg2 as TermVariable;
     if (variable != null)
         var sub = new Substitution();
         sub.AddMapping(variable, arg1);
         return (Implication)rule.ApplySubstitution(sub);
     if (arg1 is TermObject || arg2 is TermObject)
         //We have two non-equal constants, or a constant and a function.
         //The rule should have no effect.
         return null;
     //We have two functions. Complicated! (Have to replace them with unified version.)
     //We pass on this case for now.
     //TODO: Implement correctly.
     throw new Exception("We can't currently handle (not (distinct <function> <function>)).");
コード例 #20
        public void ImplicationConstructorTest1()
            Variable p = new Variable('p');
            Variable q = new Variable('q');

            Implication a = new Implication(p, q);

            Assert.AreEqual('>', a.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, a.nOperand);
            Assert.AreEqual(SymbolType.operational, a.Type);

            Assert.AreEqual(p, a.Childs[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(q, a.Childs[1]);

            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentNullException>(() => new Implication(null, null));
コード例 #21
 private static List<Implication> ApplyAmbiguities(Implication originalRule, MultiDictionary<ISentenceForm, Ambiguity> ambiguitiesByOriginalForm,
     ISentenceFormModel model)
     var rules = new List<Implication> { originalRule };
     //Each literal can potentially multiply the number of rules we have, so we apply each literal separately to the entire list of rules so far.
     IEnumerable<Expression> originalSentences = ImmutableHashSet.Create(originalRule.Consequent).Concat(originalRule.Antecedents.Conjuncts);
     foreach (Expression literal in originalSentences)
         var newRules = new List<Implication>();
         foreach (Implication rule in rules)
             Debug.Assert(originalRule.Consequent.Arity == rule.Consequent.Arity);
             newRules.AddRange(ApplyAmbiguitiesForLiteral(literal, rule, ambiguitiesByOriginalForm, model));
         rules = newRules;
     return rules;
コード例 #22
 private static Negation GetNotDistinctLiteral(Implication rule)
     foreach (Expression literal in rule.Antecedents.Conjuncts)
         var not = literal as Negation;
         if (not != null)
             var negated = not.Negated as Fact;
             if (negated != null && (negated.RelationName == GameContainer.Parser.TokDistinct))
                 //For now, we can only deal with this if not both are functions.
                 //That means we have to skip that case at this point.
                 if (!(negated.GetTerm(0) is TermFunction) || !(negated.GetTerm(1) is TermFunction))
                     return not;
     return null;
コード例 #23
        public void GetTruthValueArrayTest()
            Variable    p = new Variable('p');
            Variable    q = new Variable('q');
            Implication a = new Implication(p, q);

            bool[] dict = new bool[130];

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    dict['p'] = i == 1;
                    dict['q'] = j == 1;

                    Assert.AreEqual(((i ^ 1) | j) == 1, a.GetTruthValue(dict));
コード例 #24
        public void ToStringTest()
            Variable    p = new Variable('p');
            Variable    q = new Variable('q');
            Implication a = new Implication(p, q);

            Assert.AreEqual("(p > q)", a.ToString());

            Not Left  = new Not(p);
            Or  Right = new Or(p, q);

            a.Operate(Left, Right);

            Assert.AreEqual("(~p > (p | q))", a.ToString());

            Left = new Not(new Nand(p, q));
            a.Operate(Left, Right);

            Assert.AreEqual("(~(p % q) > (p | q))", a.ToString());
コード例 #25
        public void Constructor_CreateBetaRuleFromImplicationOfLiterals_SetOfLengthOneForEachChildWithOneNegatedLiteral()
            // Arrange
            Implication implication = (Implication)PropositionGenerator.CreateBinaryConnectiveWithRandomSymbols(Implication.SYMBOL);

            HashSet <Proposition> propositions = new HashSet <Proposition>()

            SemanticTableauxElement betaRuleElement = new SemanticTableauxElement(propositions);
            SemanticTableauxElement leftChild       = betaRuleElement.LeftChild;
            SemanticTableauxElement rightChild      = betaRuleElement.RightChild;

            // Act
            HashSet <Proposition> leftChildPropositions  = leftChild.Propositions;
            HashSet <Proposition> rightChildPropositions = rightChild.Propositions;

            int actualNumberOfLiteralsInLeftChild  = leftChildPropositions.Count;
            int actualNumberOfLiteralsInRightChild = rightChildPropositions.Count;

            int expectedNumberOfLiterals = 1;

            // Assert
            string message = "Because both proposition literals have been separated into two different sets";

            actualNumberOfLiteralsInLeftChild.Should().Be(expectedNumberOfLiterals, message);
            actualNumberOfLiteralsInRightChild.Should().Be(expectedNumberOfLiterals, message);

            message = "Because based on the rule, the left child should be negated only.";
            foreach (Proposition proposition in leftChildPropositions)
                proposition.Should().BeOfType <Negation>(message);

            foreach (Proposition proposition in rightChildPropositions)
                proposition.Should().Be(implication.RightSuccessor, message);
コード例 #26
        public void Constructor_CreateAlphaRuleFromNegationOfImplicationOfLiterals_SetOfLengthTwoReturnedWithRightSuccessorNegated()
            // Arrange
            Implication implication = (Implication)PropositionGenerator.CreateBinaryConnectiveWithRandomSymbols(Implication.SYMBOL);

            Negation negatedImplication = new Negation();

            negatedImplication.LeftSuccessor = implication;

            HashSet <Proposition> propositions = new HashSet <Proposition>()

            SemanticTableauxElement alphaRuleElement = new SemanticTableauxElement(propositions);
            SemanticTableauxElement child            = alphaRuleElement.LeftChild;

            // Act
            HashSet <Proposition> childPropositions = child.Propositions;

            int actualNumberOfLiterals   = childPropositions.Count;
            int expectedNumberOfLiterals = 2;

            // Assert
            actualNumberOfLiterals.Should().Be(expectedNumberOfLiterals, "Because an implication of two literals was given");

            foreach (Proposition proposition in childPropositions)
                if (proposition.GetType() == typeof(Negation))
                    Negation negatedLiteral = (Negation)proposition;
                    negatedLiteral.LeftSuccessor.CompareTo(implication.RightSuccessor).Should().Be(0, "Because it is right negated successor of the implication.");
                    proposition.CompareTo(implication.LeftSuccessor).Should().Be(0, "Because it is the left not negated successor of the implication.");
コード例 #27
        public static AssignmentsImpl GetAssignmentsWithRecursiveInput(Implication rule,
                                                                       ISentenceDomainModel model, ISentenceForm form, Fact input,
                                                                       Dictionary<ISentenceForm, FunctionInfo> functionInfoMap,
                                                                       Dictionary<ISentenceForm, ICollection<Fact>> completedSentenceFormValues)
            //Look for the literal(s) in the rule with the sentence form of the
            //recursive input. This can be tricky if there are multiple matching
            var matchingLiterals = rule.Antecedents.Conjuncts.OfType<Fact>().Where(form.Matches).ToList();

            var assignmentsList = new List<AssignmentsImpl>();
            foreach (Fact matchingLiteral in matchingLiterals)
                var preassignment = new TermObjectSubstitution();
                if (preassignment.NumMappings() > 0)
                    var assignments = new AssignmentsImpl(
                        //TODO: This one getVarDomains call is why a lot of
                        //SentenceModel/DomainModel stuff is required. Can
                        //this be better factored somehow?
                        SentenceDomainModels.GetVarDomains(rule, model, SentenceDomainModels.VarDomainOpts.IncludeHead),

            if (assignmentsList.Count == 0)
                return new AssignmentsImpl();
            if (assignmentsList.Count == 1)
                return assignmentsList[0];
            throw new Exception("Not yet implemented: assignments for recursive functions with multiple recursive conjuncts");
            //TODO: Plan to implement by subclassing TermObjectSubstitution into something
            //that contains and iterates over multiple TermObjectSubstitution
コード例 #28
        public void GetTruthValueDictTest()
            Variable    p = new Variable('p');
            Variable    q = new Variable('q');
            Implication a = new Implication(p, q);

            Dictionary <char, bool> dict = new Dictionary <char, bool>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    dict['p'] = i == 1;
                    dict['q'] = j == 1;

                    Assert.AreEqual(((i ^ 1) | j) == 1, a.GetTruthValue(dict));

            Assert.ThrowsException <KeyNotFoundException>(
                () => a.GetTruthValue(dict));
コード例 #29
 private static bool ImplicationsShareConsequent(Implication implication1, Implication implication2)
コード例 #30
 private static Implication CleanParentheses(Implication rule)
     Fact cleanedHead = CleanParentheses(rule.Consequent);
     Expression[] cleanedBody = rule.Antecedents.Conjuncts.Select(CleanParentheses).ToArray();
     return new Implication(cleanedHead, cleanedBody);
コード例 #31
 private static bool ImplicationsShareAntecedent(Implication implication1, Implication implication2)
コード例 #32
        internal static IEventContext NewEventContext(IList <FactBase.PositiveMatchResult> facts, Implication implication)
            IList <IList <Fact> > wrappedFacts = new List <IList <Fact> >();

            return(new ImmutableEventContext(wrappedFacts, implication));
コード例 #33
 private bool NotApplicable <World>(Implication implication, World world)
     return(EvaluateAgainst(implication.Antecedent, world) == false);
コード例 #34
 private static bool IsRecursive(Implication rule)
     return rule.Antecedents.Conjuncts.OfType<Fact>().Any(literal => literal.RelationName.Equals(rule.Consequent.RelationName));
コード例 #35
 public ImmutableEventContext(IList <IList <Fact> > facts, Implication implication)
     this.facts       = facts;
     this.implication = implication;
コード例 #36
ファイル: Substituter.cs プロジェクト: druzil/nggp-base
 public static Implication Substitute(Implication rule, Substitution theta)
     return SubstituteRule(rule, theta);
コード例 #37
ファイル: SentenceFormAdder.cs プロジェクト: druzil/nggp-base
 private static HashSet<TermVariable> GetVarsInLiveConjuncts(Implication rule,
     ISet<ISentenceForm> constantSentenceForms)
     var result = new HashSet<TermVariable>();
     foreach (var literal in rule.Antecedents.Constituents)
         var fact = literal as Fact;
         if (fact != null)
             if (!InSentenceFormGroup(fact, constantSentenceForms))
             var not = literal as Negation;
             if (not != null && !InSentenceFormGroup((Fact) not.Negated, constantSentenceForms))
     return result;
コード例 #38
ファイル: VariableRenamer.cs プロジェクト: druzil/nggp-base
 public Implication Rename(Implication rule)
     return RenameRule(rule, new Dictionary<TermVariable, TermVariable>());
コード例 #39
ファイル: VariableRenamer.cs プロジェクト: druzil/nggp-base
        private Implication RenameRule(Implication rule, Dictionary<TermVariable, TermVariable> renamings)
            if (!rule.VariablesOrEmpty.Any())
                return rule;

            Fact head = RenameSentence(rule.Consequent, renamings);

            List<Expression> body = new List<Expression>();
            for (int i = 0; i < rule.NumAntecedents(); i++)
                body.Add(RenameLiteral(rule.Constituents[i], renamings));

            return new Implication(head, body.ToArray());
コード例 #40
        private static ISet<Expression> GetCondensationSet(Implication rule, ISentenceDomain model, IConstantChecker checker,
                                                           UnusedSentenceNameSource sentenceNameSource)
            //We use each variable as a starting point
            List<TermVariable> varsInRule = rule.VariablesOrEmpty.ToList();
            List<TermVariable> varsInHead = rule.Consequent.VariablesOrEmpty.ToList();
            var varsNotInHead = new List<TermVariable>(varsInRule);

            foreach (TermVariable var in varsNotInHead)
                var minSet = new HashSet<Expression>();
                foreach (Expression literal in rule.Antecedents.Conjuncts)
                    if (literal.VariablesOrEmpty.Contains(var))

                //#1 is already done
                //Now we try #2
                var varsNeeded = new HashSet<TermVariable>();
                var varsSupplied = new HashSet<TermVariable>();
                foreach (Expression literal in minSet)
                    if (literal is Negation)
                        foreach (var variable in literal.VariablesOrEmpty)
                    else if (literal is Fact)
                        if (((Fact)literal).RelationName == GameContainer.Parser.TokDistinct)
                            foreach (var variable in literal.VariablesOrEmpty)
                            foreach (var variable in literal.VariablesOrEmpty)
                if (varsNeeded.Any())

                var candidateSuppliersList = new List<ISet<Expression>>();
                foreach (TermVariable varNeeded in varsNeeded)
                    var suppliers = new HashSet<Expression>();
                    foreach (Expression literal in rule.Antecedents.Conjuncts)
                        if (literal is Fact)
                            if (literal.VariablesOrEmpty.Contains(varNeeded))

                //TODO: Now... I'm not sure if we want to minimize the number of literals added, or the number of variables added
                //Right now, I don't have time to worry about optimization. Currently, we pick one at random
                //TODO: Optimize this
                var literalsToAdd = new HashSet<Expression>();
                foreach (ISet<Expression> suppliers in candidateSuppliersList)
                    if (!suppliers.Intersect(literalsToAdd).Any())


                if (GoodCondensationSetByHeuristic(minSet, rule, model, checker, sentenceNameSource))
                    return minSet;

            return null;
コード例 #41
 private static Implication ReorderRule(Implication oldRule)
     var newBody = new List<Expression>(oldRule.Antecedents.Constituents);
     return new Implication(oldRule.Consequent, newBody.ToArray());
コード例 #42
ファイル: Substituter.cs プロジェクト: druzil/nggp-base
        private static Implication SubstituteRule(Implication rule, Substitution theta)
            Fact head = Substitute(rule.Consequent, theta);

            return new Implication(head, rule.Constituents.Select(literal => SubstituteLiteral(literal, theta)).ToArray());
コード例 #43
 public IFormula visit(Implication f)
     throw new Exception();
コード例 #44
ファイル: GdlVisitors.cs プロジェクト: druzil/nggp-base
 private static void VisitRule(Implication rule, GdlVisitor visitor)
     VisitAll(rule.Consequent, visitor);
     VisitAll(rule.Antecedents.Constituents, visitor);
コード例 #45
ファイル: MetaGdl.cs プロジェクト: druzil/nggp-base
        private void AddRule(int headRelation, Implication r)
            if (!_rules.Contains(headRelation))
                _rules[headRelation] = new List<Implication>();

コード例 #46
ファイル: DistinctSorter.cs プロジェクト: druzil/nggp-base
 private static Implication SortDistincts(Implication rule)
     return new Implication(rule.Consequent, SortDistincts(rule.Antecedents.Conjuncts));
コード例 #47
        private static bool GoodCondensationSetByHeuristic(ICollection<Expression> minSet, Implication rule, ISentenceDomain model,
            IConstantChecker checker, UnusedSentenceNameSource sentenceNameSource)
            //We actually want the sentence model here so we can see the domains
            //also, if it's a constant, ...
            //Anyway... we want to compare the heuristic for the number of assignments
            //and/or links that will be generated with or without the condensation set
            //Heuristic for a rule is A*(L+1), where A is the number of assignments and
            //L is the number of literals, unless L = 1, in which case the heuristic is
            //just A. This roughly captures the number of links that would be generated
            //if this rule were to be generated.
            //Obviously, there are differing degrees of accuracy with which we can
            //represent A.
            //One way is taking the product of all the variables in all the domains.
            //However, we can do better by actually asking the Assignments class for
            //its own heuristic of how it would implement the rule as-is.
            //The only tricky aspect here is that we need an up-to-date SentenceModel,
            //and in some cases this could be expensive to compute. Might as well try
            //it, though...

            //Heuristic for the rule as-is:

            long assignments = AssignmentsImpl.GetNumAssignmentsEstimate(rule,
                SentenceDomainModels.GetVarDomains(rule, model, SentenceDomainModels.VarDomainOpts.IncludeHead),
            int literals = rule.Consequent.Arity;
            if (literals > 1)

            //We have to "and" the literals together
            //Note that even though constants will be factored out, we're concerned here
            //with getting through them in a reasonable amount of time, so we do want to
            //count them. TODO: Not sure if they should be counted in L, though...
            long curRuleHeuristic = assignments * literals;
            //And if we split them up...
            List<Implication> newRules = ApplyCondensation(minSet, rule, sentenceNameSource);
            Implication r1 = newRules[0], r2 = newRules[1];

            //Augment the model
            ISentenceDomain newModel = AugmentModelWithNewForm(model, newRules);

            long a1 = AssignmentsImpl.GetNumAssignmentsEstimate(r1,
                SentenceDomainModels.GetVarDomains(r1, newModel, SentenceDomainModels.VarDomainOpts.IncludeHead), checker);
            long a2 = AssignmentsImpl.GetNumAssignmentsEstimate(r2,
                SentenceDomainModels.GetVarDomains(r2, newModel, SentenceDomainModels.VarDomainOpts.IncludeHead), checker);
            int l1 = r1.Consequent.Arity; if (l1 > 1) l1++;
            int l2 = r2.Consequent.Arity; if (l2 > 1) l2++;

            //Whether we split or not depends on what the two heuristics say
            long newRulesHeuristic = a1 * l1 + a2 * l2;
            return newRulesHeuristic < curRuleHeuristic;
コード例 #48
        private void InferUntilNoNewFact(ArrayList positiveImplications)
            long iniTime;

            if (HasLogListener)
                ForceDispatchLog("(Starting) " +
                                 ((WM.Type == WorkingMemoryTypes.Global)?"Global":"Isolated") +
                                 "Working Memory contains: " +
                                 WM.FB.Count + " facts, " +
                                 IB.Count + " implications, " +
                                 QB.Count + " queries.",

            iniTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            ArrayList iterationPositiveImplications = null;
            bool      iterate = true;
            Agenda    agenda  = new Agenda();

            // Loop as long as there are new deduction made
            while (iterate)
                if (iteration >= IterationLimit)
                    throw new BREException("Maximum limit of iterations reached: " + IterationLimit);

                iterate = false;

                // Schedule all implications matching the existing facts
                agenda.Schedule(iterationPositiveImplications, IB);

                if (HasLogListener)
                    ForceDispatchLog("Iteration #" +
                                     iteration +
                                     ": " +
                                     agenda.Count + " implications in agenda, with " +
                                     positiveImplications.Count + " positive.",

                iterationPositiveImplications = new ArrayList();

                while (agenda.HasMoreToExecute)
                    Implication firedImplication = agenda.NextToExecute;

                    // check if this implication is worth processing:
                    // first: see if it is not mutexed by a previously positive implication
                    if ((firedImplication.MutexChain != null) &&
                        (!positiveImplications.Contains(firedImplication)) &&
                        (Misc.AreIntersecting(firedImplication.MutexChain, positiveImplications)))
                        if (HasLogListener)
                            ForceDispatchLog("Mutexed: " + firedImplication.Label, LogEventImpl.DEBUG);
                        firedImplication = null;

                    // second: see if it is not pre-condition disabled by a previously negative implication
                    if ((firedImplication != null) &&
                        (firedImplication.PreconditionImplication != null) &&
                        if (HasLogListener)
                            ForceDispatchLog("Negative Precondition: " + firedImplication.Label, LogEventImpl.DEBUG);
                        firedImplication = null;

                    if (firedImplication != null)
                        WM.FB.ModifiedFlag = false;

                        int resultsCount = RunImplication(firedImplication);

                        if (HasLogListener)
                            ForceDispatchLog("Fired Implication: " +
                                             firedImplication.ToString() +
                                             " returned: " +

                        // if processor has been positive, i.e an implication deducted at least one fact
                        if (resultsCount > 0)

                        // if the fact base has been anyhow modified
                        if (WM.FB.ModifiedFlag)
                }                 // while agenda has more

                // if at least one is accepted ask for another processing iteration
                iterate = (iterationPositiveImplications.Count > 0);
            }             // while iterate

            // perform integrity checks
            foreach (Query integrityQuery in IntegrityQueries)
                QueryResultSet qrs = RunQuery(integrityQuery);
                if (qrs.Count == 0)
                    throw new IntegrityException("Rulebase integrity violated: " + integrityQuery.Label);

            if (HasLogListener)
                ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE Inference Engine Execution Time: " +
                                 (long)(DateTime.Now.Ticks - iniTime) / 10000 +
                                 " milliseconds", LogEventImpl.INFO);

            if (HasLogListener)
                ForceDispatchLog("(Finishing) " +
                                 ((WM.Type == WorkingMemoryTypes.Global)?"Global":"Isolated") +
                                 "Working Memory contains: " +
                                 WM.FB.Count + " facts, " +
                                 IB.Count + " implications, " +
                                 QB.Count + " queries.",
コード例 #49
 internal static IEventContext NewEventContext(IList <IList <FactBase.PositiveMatchResult> > facts, Implication implication)
     return(new ImmutableEventContext(FactBase.ExtractFacts(facts), implication));
コード例 #50
        private bool AddRule(Implication rule)
            // Stuff can make it into the head sentence form either as part of the head of the rule as presented or due to a
            // variable connected to the positive literals in the rule. (In the latter case, it should be in the intersection
            // of the models of all such positive literals.) For each slot in the body, we want to set up everything that will
            // be injected into it.
            Fact headSentence = rule.Consequent;

            // We need to get the possible contents of variables beforehand, to deal with the case of variables being inside functions.
            Dictionary<TermVariable, TermModel> varsToModelsMap = GetVarsToModelsMap(rule);

            return AddSentenceToModel(headSentence, varsToModelsMap);
コード例 #51
 public IFormula visit(Implication f)
     return(new And(f.f1.visit(p), f.f2.visit(n)));
コード例 #52
        private Dictionary<TermVariable, TermModel> GetVarsToModelsMap(Implication rule)
            var varsToUse = new HashSet<TermVariable>(rule.Consequent.VariablesOrEmpty);
            var varsToModelsMap = new Dictionary<TermVariable, TermModel>();
            foreach (TermVariable var in varsToUse)
                varsToModelsMap[var] = new TermModel();

            foreach (Expression literal in rule.Antecedents.Conjuncts)
                var fact = literal as Fact;
                if (fact != null)
                    List<Term> literalBody = fact.GetTerms();
                    var nameAndArity = new NameAndArity(fact);
                    List<TermModel> literalModel = SentencesModel[nameAndArity];
                    AddVariablesToMap(literalBody, literalModel, varsToModelsMap);
            return varsToModelsMap;
コード例 #53
        private static ISentenceFormDomain GetNewFormDomain(Implication condensingRule, ISentenceDomain oldModel, ISentenceForm newForm)
            var varDomains = SentenceDomainModels.GetVarDomains(condensingRule, oldModel, SentenceDomainModels.VarDomainOpts.BodyOnly);

            var domainsForSlots = new List<ISet<TermObject>>();
            foreach (Term term in condensingRule.Consequent.NestedTerms)
                if (!(term is TermVariable))
                    throw new Exception("Expected all slots in the head of a condensing rule to be variables, but the rule was: " + condensingRule);
            return new CartesianSentenceFormDomain(newForm, domainsForSlots);
コード例 #54
ファイル: PropNetConverter.cs プロジェクト: druzil/nggp-base
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a rule into equivalent PropNet Components by invoking the
        /// <tt>convertHead()</tt> method on the head, and the
        /// <tt>convertConjunct</tt> method on every literal in the body and
        /// joining the results by an and gate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rule">The rule to convert.</param>
        private void ConvertRule(Implication rule)
            IProposition head = ConvertHead(rule.Consequent);
            IAnd and = _componentFactory.CreateAnd();

            Link(and, head);


            foreach (Expression literal in rule.Antecedents.Conjuncts)
                Link(ConvertConjunct(literal), and);
コード例 #55
        public void ImplicationToStringTest1()
            var eq = new Implication(new Bool(true), new Bool(false));

            Assert.Equal("True => False", eq.ToString(commoonFormatter));
コード例 #56
ファイル: Relationizer.cs プロジェクト: druzil/nggp-base
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches the description for statements that are needlessly treated as base propositions when they could be
        /// expressed as simple relations, and replaces them with these simpler forms.
        /// Some games have been written such that unchanging facts of the game are listed as base propositions. Often, this 
        /// is so the fact can be accessed by a visualization. Gamers usually don't need this distinction, and can reduce 
        /// the costs in time and memory of processing the game if these statements are instead transformed into sentences.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="description"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List<Expression> Run(IList<Expression> description)
            ImmutableSentenceFormModel model = SentenceFormModelFactory.Create(description);
            int next = GameContainer.Parser.TokNext;

            var nextFormsToReplace = new List<ISentenceForm>();
            IEnumerable<ISentenceForm> nextForms = model.SentenceForms.Where(m => m.Name.Equals(next));
            //Find the update rules for each "true" statement
            foreach (ISentenceForm nextForm in nextForms)
                //See if there is exactly one update rule, and it is the persistence rule
                ISet<Implication> updateRules = model.GetRules(nextForm);

                if (updateRules.Count == 1)
                    Implication updateRule = updateRules.First();
                    //Persistence rule: Exactly one literal, the "true" form of the sentence
                    if (updateRule.Antecedents.Constituents.Length == 1)
                        Expression literal = updateRule.Antecedents.Constituents[0];
                        var body = literal as Fact;

                        if (body!=null)
                            //Check that it really is the true form
                            ISentenceForm trueForm = nextForm.WithName(GameContainer.Parser.TokTrue);
                            if (trueForm.Matches(body))
                                Fact head = updateRule.Consequent;
                                //Check that the tuples are the same, and that they consist of distinct variables
                                List<Term> headTuple = head.NestedTerms.ToList();
                                List<Term> bodyTuple = body.NestedTerms.ToList();
                                if (headTuple.Equals(bodyTuple) && headTuple.Distinct().Count() == headTuple.Count)

            var newDescription = new List<Expression>(description);
            //Now, replace the next forms
            foreach (ISentenceForm nextForm in nextFormsToReplace)
                ISentenceForm initForm = nextForm.WithName(GameContainer.Parser.TokInit);
                ISentenceForm trueForm = nextForm.WithName(GameContainer.Parser.TokTrue);

                //Go through the rules and relations, making replacements as needed
                for (int i = 0; i < newDescription.Count; i++)
                    Expression gdl = newDescription[i];
                    var relation = gdl as Fact;
                    if (relation != null)
                        //Replace initForm
                        if (initForm.Matches(relation))
                            var terms = relation.GetTerms();
                            var function = terms[0] as TermFunction;
                            Debug.Assert(function != null);
                            newDescription[i] = new VariableFact(true, function.FunctionName, function.Arguments);
                    else if (gdl is Implication)
                        var rule = (Implication)gdl;
                        //Remove persistence rule (i.e. rule with next form as head)
                        Fact head = rule.Consequent;
                        if (nextForm.Matches(head))
                            //Replace true in bodies of rules with relation-only form
                            List<Expression> body = rule.Antecedents.Constituents.ToList();
                            List<Expression> newBody = ReplaceRelationInBody(body, trueForm);
                            if (!body.Equals(newBody))
                                newDescription[i] = new Implication(head, newBody.ToArray());
            return newDescription;
コード例 #57
ファイル: Backup.cs プロジェクト: ancailliau/KAOSTools
 public double Satisfy (State s, Implication imply)
     var satAntecedant = Satisfy (s, imply.Left);
     var satConsequent = Satisfy (s, imply.Right);
     return satAntecedant * satConsequent + (1 - satAntecedant);
コード例 #58
        private int RunImplication(Implication implication)
            int implicationResultsCount = 0;

            FactBase.ProcessResultSet processResults = WM.FB.ProcessAtomGroup(implication.AtomGroup);

            if (implication.Action == ImplicationAction.Count)
                if (HasLogListener)
                    ForceDispatchLog("Counting Implication '" + implication.Label + "' counted: " + processResults.Count, LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                bool         variableFound = false;
                IPredicate[] members       = (IPredicate[])implication.Deduction.Members.Clone();
                for (int i = 0; !variableFound && i < members.Length; i++)
                    if (members[i] is Variable)
                        members[i]    = new Individual(processResults.Count);
                        variableFound = true;

                if ((IEImpl.StrictImplication) && (!variableFound))
                    throw new BREException("Strict counting implication rejected the assertion due to lack of variable predicate: " + implication.Deduction);

                Fact deductedFact = new Fact(implication.Deduction.Type, members);

                // counting implication factbase action
                bool result = WM.FB.Assert(deductedFact);
                if ((result) && (NewFactHandler != null))
                    NewFactHandler(new NewFactEventArgs(deductedFact));
                if (HasLogListener)
                    ForceDispatchLog((result?"Asserted":"Ignored Assertion of ") + " Fact: " + deductedFact.ToString(), LogEventImpl.DEBUG);
            else if ((implication.Action == ImplicationAction.Assert) ||
                     (implication.Action == ImplicationAction.Retract))
                // loop on each result and try to build a new fact out of the predicates coming for each result
                foreach (ArrayList processResult in processResults)
                    Fact deductedFact = BuildFact(implication.Deduction, processResult);

                    if (deductedFact != null)

                        if (implication.Action == ImplicationAction.Retract)
                            // retracting implication factbase action
                            bool result = WM.FB.Retract(deductedFact);
                            if ((result) && (DeleteFactHandler != null))
                                DeleteFactHandler(new NewFactEventArgs(deductedFact));
                            if (HasLogListener)
                                ForceDispatchLog((result?"Retracted":"Ignored Retraction of ") + " Fact: " + deductedFact.ToString(), LogEventImpl.DEBUG);
                            // asserting implication factbase action
                            bool result = WM.FB.Assert(deductedFact);
                            if ((result) && (NewFactHandler != null))
                                NewFactHandler(new NewFactEventArgs(deductedFact));
                            if (HasLogListener)
                                ForceDispatchLog((result?"Asserted":"Ignored Assertion of ") + " Fact: " + deductedFact.ToString(), LogEventImpl.DEBUG);
            else if (implication.Action == ImplicationAction.Modify)
                foreach (ArrayList processResult in processResults)
                    // look for facts to modify by:
                    //  - resolving variable predicates of the deduction
                    //  - replacing formulas with variables
                    // and performing a search in the fact base
                    Atom modificationTargetLookup = FactBase.BuildQueryFromDeduction(implication.Deduction, processResult);

                    if (HasLogListener)
                        ForceDispatchLog("Modifying Implication '" + implication.Label + "' will target matches of: " + modificationTargetLookup, LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                    foreach (Fact factToModify in FactBase.ExtractFacts(WM.FB.ProcessAtomGroup(new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And, modificationTargetLookup))))
                        if (HasLogListener)
                            ForceDispatchLog("-> found target: " + factToModify, LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                        // for each fact, perform the modification
                        Fact deductedFact = BuildFact(implication.Deduction,
                                                      FactBase.EnrichResults(processResult, modificationTargetLookup, factToModify));

                        if (HasLogListener)
                            ForceDispatchLog("-> modified target: " + deductedFact, LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                        if ((deductedFact != null) && (!factToModify.Equals(deductedFact)))
                            bool result = WM.FB.Modify(factToModify, deductedFact);
                            if ((result) && (ModifyFactHandler != null))
                                ModifyFactHandler(new NewFactEventArgs(factToModify, deductedFact));
                            if (HasLogListener)
                                ForceDispatchLog((result?"Modified":"Ignored Modification of ") + " Fact: " + factToModify.ToString(), LogEventImpl.DEBUG);
                throw new BREException("Implication action not supported: " + implication.Action);

コード例 #59
 /// <summary>
 /// Analyzes the specified expression.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="exp">The expression.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The result of analysis.
 /// </returns>
 /// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">Always.</exception>
 public virtual TResult Analyze(Implication exp)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
コード例 #60
        private static List<Implication> ApplyCondensation(ICollection<Expression> condensationSet, Implication rule,
            UnusedSentenceNameSource sentenceNameSource)
            var varsInCondensationSet = new HashSet<TermVariable>();
            foreach (Expression literal in condensationSet)
                foreach (var variable in literal.VariablesOrEmpty)
            var varsToKeep = new HashSet<TermVariable>();
            //Which vars do we "keep" (put in our new condensed literal)?
            //Vars that are both:
            //1) In the condensation set, in a non-mutex literal
            //2) Either in the head or somewhere else outside the condensation set
            foreach (Expression literal in condensationSet)
                foreach (var variable in literal.VariablesOrEmpty)

            var varsToKeep2 = new HashSet<TermVariable>();
            foreach (var variable in rule.Consequent.VariablesOrEmpty)
            foreach (Expression literal in rule.Antecedents.Conjuncts)
                if (!condensationSet.Contains(literal))
                    foreach (var variable in literal.VariablesOrEmpty)


            //Now we're ready to split it apart
            //Let's make the new rule
            var orderedVars = new List<Term>(varsToKeep);
            int condenserName = sentenceNameSource.GetNameWithPrefix(rule.Consequent.RelationName);
            //Make the rule head
            var condenserHead = new VariableFact(false, condenserName, orderedVars.ToArray());
            var condenserBody = new List<Expression>(condensationSet);
            var condenserRule = new Implication(condenserHead, condenserBody.ToArray());

            //TODO: Look for existing rules matching the new one
            var remainingLiterals = rule.Antecedents.Conjuncts.Where(literal => !condensationSet.Contains(literal)).ToList();

            var modifiedRule = new Implication(rule.Consequent, remainingLiterals.ToArray());

            var newRules = new List<Implication>(2) { condenserRule, modifiedRule };
            return newRules;