public SheetInfoForm(ImpDataListEx impDataList, Dictionary <long, int> partColorConfig, SheetEx sheet) { m_impDataList = impDataList; m_partColorConfig = partColorConfig; m_sheet = sheet; InitializeComponent(); }
public NestResultForm(NestTaskEx nestTask, NestParamEx nestParam, NestProcessorEx nestProcessor, int iNestingTime, ImpDataListEx impDataList, Dictionary <long, int> partColorConfig) { m_nestTask = nestTask; m_nestParam = nestParam; m_nestProcessor = nestProcessor; m_iNestingTime = iNestingTime; m_impDataList = impDataList; m_partColorConfig = partColorConfig; InitializeComponent(); }
// load nest task from task file. static public NestTaskEx LoadNestTask_from_taskFile(String strFilePath, List <KeyValuePair <long, string> > partDxfPath, List <KeyValuePair <long, string> > matDxfPath, Dictionary <long, int> partColorConfig, ImpDataListEx impDataList, ref int iNestingTime) { NestTaskEx nestTask = new NestTaskEx(); // load the task file. XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(strFilePath, Encoding.UTF8); xmlDocument.Load(reader); // the version. XmlNode taskNode = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("NestTask"); int iTaskVersion = Convert.ToInt32(taskNode.Attributes["taskVersion"].Value); if (iTaskVersion == TASK_VERSION_1) { // load param. XmlNode paramNode = taskNode.SelectSingleNode("Param"); NestParamEx nestParam = LoadNestParam_V1(paramNode, ref iNestingTime); nestTask.SetNestParam(nestParam); // load nest part info. XmlNode partListNode = taskNode.SelectSingleNode("PartList"); NestPartListEx nestParts = LoadNestParts_V1(strFilePath, partListNode, partDxfPath, impDataList, partColorConfig); nestTask.SetNestPartList(nestParts); // load material info. XmlNode matListNode = taskNode.SelectSingleNode("MaterialList"); MatListEx mats = LoadMats_V1(strFilePath, matListNode, matDxfPath, nestParam); nestTask.SetMatList(mats); } return(nestTask); }
static private NestPartListEx LoadNestParts_V1(string strTaskFilePath, XmlNode partListNode, List <KeyValuePair <long, string> > partDxfPath, ImpDataListEx impDataList, Dictionary <long, int> partColorConfig) { NestPartListEx nestParts = new NestPartListEx(); for (int i = 0; i < partListNode.ChildNodes.Count; i++) { XmlNode partNode = partListNode.ChildNodes.Item(i); NestPartEx nestPart = new NestPartEx(); // part Path. string strPartFileFullPath = partNode.SelectSingleNode("Path").InnerText; // load part. if (!File.Exists(strPartFileFullPath)) { // the new file path. string strTaskFileFolder = strTaskFilePath.Substring(0, strTaskFilePath.LastIndexOf("\\")); string strPartFileName = strPartFileFullPath.Substring(strPartFileFullPath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1, strPartFileFullPath.Length - strPartFileFullPath.LastIndexOf("\\") - 1); string strNewPartFileFullPath = strTaskFileFolder + "\\" + strPartFileName; // try again. if (!File.Exists(strNewPartFileFullPath)) { string strMessage = "Cannot find part file: "; MessageBox.Show(strMessage + strPartFileFullPath, "NestProfessor DEMO"); continue; } else { strPartFileFullPath = strNewPartFileFullPath; } } PartEx part = NestHelper.LoadPartFromDxfdwg(strPartFileFullPath, impDataList); nestPart.SetPart(part); // nest count. nestPart.SetNestCount(Convert.ToInt32(partNode.SelectSingleNode("Count").InnerText)); // rotate. nestPart.SetRotStyle((PART_ROT_STYLE_EX)Convert.ToInt32(partNode.SelectSingleNode("Rotate").InnerText)); // custom angle. if (nestPart.GetRotStyle() == PART_ROT_STYLE_EX.PART_ROT_CUSTOM_ANG) { ArrayList customRotAngs = new ArrayList(); string strAngles = partNode.SelectSingleNode("CustomAng").InnerText; string[] strArray = strAngles.Split(','); foreach (string strAngle in strArray) { double dAngle = Convert.ToDouble(strAngle); customRotAngs.Add(dAngle); } nestPart.SetCustomRotAng(customRotAngs); } // color. int iColor = Convert.ToInt32(partNode.SelectSingleNode("Color").InnerText); nestParts.AddNestPart(nestPart); partDxfPath.Add(new KeyValuePair <long, string>(nestPart.GetID(), strPartFileFullPath)); partColorConfig[nestPart.GetPart().GetID()] = iColor; } return(nestParts); }
// load part object from dxf/dwg file. static public PartEx LoadPartFromDxfdwg(String strFilePath, ImpDataListEx impDataList) { PartEx part = null; // the file name. int iDotIndex = strFilePath.LastIndexOf('.'); int iSlashIndex = strFilePath.LastIndexOf('\\'); String strFileName = strFilePath.Substring(iSlashIndex + 1, iDotIndex - iSlashIndex - 1); // whether the file is dxf file or dwg file. bool bDwg = true; String strExt = strFilePath.Substring(iDotIndex, strFilePath.Length - iDotIndex); strExt = strExt.ToLower(); if (strExt == ".dxf") { bDwg = false; } else if (strExt == ".dwg") { bDwg = true; } else { return(part); } // extract geometry items from dxf/dwg file. ImpDataEx impData; if (!bDwg) { impData = NestFacadeEx.ExtractGeomItems(strFilePath); } else { // the temp folder for dxf. String strDxfPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); strDxfPath += "\\"; strDxfPath += new Random().Next(1, 100000).ToString(); strDxfPath += ".dxf"; // save dxf file in tmp path. NestFacadeEx.Dwg2Dxf(strFilePath, strDxfPath); // extract geometry items from dxf file. impData = NestFacadeEx.ExtractGeomItems(strDxfPath); // delete the temp file. File.Delete(strDxfPath); } // build part object. GeomItemListEx geomItemList = impData.GetAllGeomItem(); AncillaryDataEx ancillaryData = new AncillaryDataEx(); part = new PartEx(strFileName, geomItemList, ancillaryData); impData.SetPartID(part.GetID()); impDataList.AddImpData(impData); return(part); }
// draw the part placements. static public void DrawPartPmts(PartPmtListEx partPmts, PartPmtListEx selected_partPmts, GlViewPortEx viewPort, Dictionary <long, int> partColorConfig, ImpDataListEx impDataList) { for (int k = 0; k < partPmts.Size(); k++) { PartPmtEx partPmt = partPmts.GetPartPmtByIndex(k); PartEx part = partPmt.GetPart(); // set the color and line width. if (selected_partPmts != null && selected_partPmts.GetPartPmtByID(partPmt.GetID()) != null) { viewPort.SetLineWidth(6); viewPort.SetDrawColor(Color.Red); } else { viewPort.SetLineWidth(2); int iColor = partColorConfig[part.GetID()]; viewPort.SetDrawColor(ColorTranslator.FromOle(iColor)); } // get the ImpData object. ImpDataEx impData = null; for (int m = 0; m < impDataList.Size(); m++) { ImpDataEx tmpImpData = impDataList.GetImpDataByIndex(m); if (tmpImpData.GetPartID() == part.GetID()) { impData = tmpImpData; break; } } // draw the first instance in the grid. { // draw base geom. GeomItemListEx geomItems_not_poly = impData.GetBaseGeomList(); if (geomItems_not_poly != null) { viewPort.DrawGeomItemList_With_Mat(geomItems_not_poly, partPmt.GetMatrix()); } // draw poly data. PolyDataListEx polyDataList = impData.GetPolyDataList(); if (polyDataList != null) { for (int m = 0; m < polyDataList.Size(); m++) { PolyDataEx polyData = polyDataList.GetPolyDataByIndex(m); viewPort.DrawLoop_With_Mat(polyData, partPmt.GetMatrix()); } } } // draw other parts in the grid. if (partPmt.IsGrid()) { int iColCount = partPmt.GetColCount(); int iRowCount = partPmt.GetRowCount(); double dSpacingX = partPmt.GetSpacingX(); double dSpacingY = partPmt.GetSpacingY(); for (int i = 0; i < iColCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < iRowCount; j++) { if (i == 0 && j == 0) { continue; } // prepare the transform matrix. double dOffsetX = dSpacingX * i; double dOffsetY = dSpacingY * j; Vector2DEx offsetVect = new Vector2DEx(dOffsetX, dOffsetY); Matrix2DEx mat = partPmt.GetMatrix(); mat.Transfer(offsetVect.X(), offsetVect.Y()); // draw base geom. GeomItemListEx geomItems_not_poly = impData.GetBaseGeomList(); if (geomItems_not_poly != null) { viewPort.DrawGeomItemList_With_Mat(geomItems_not_poly, mat); } // draw poly data. PolyDataListEx polyDataList = impData.GetPolyDataList(); if (polyDataList != null) { for (int m = 0; m < polyDataList.Size(); m++) { PolyDataEx polyData = polyDataList.GetPolyDataByIndex(m); viewPort.DrawLoop_With_Mat(polyData, mat); } } } } } } }