private async Task <VirtualMachine> CreateCRPImage(string rgName, string imageName) { string storageAccountName = Recording.GenerateAssetName("saforgallery"); string asName = Recording.GenerateAssetName("asforgallery"); ImageReference imageRef = await GetPlatformVMImage(useWindowsImage : true); StorageAccount storageAccountOutput = await CreateStorageAccount(rgName, storageAccountName); // resource group is also created in this method. VirtualMachine inputVM = null; var returnTwoVM = await CreateVM(rgName, asName, storageAccountOutput, imageRef); VirtualMachine createdVM = returnTwoVM.Item1; inputVM = returnTwoVM.Item2; Image imageInput = new Image(m_location) { Tags = { { "RG", "rg" }, { "testTag", "1" }, }, StorageProfile = new ImageStorageProfile() { OsDisk = new ImageOSDisk(OperatingSystemTypes.Windows, OperatingSystemStateTypes.Generalized) { BlobUri = createdVM.StorageProfile.OsDisk.Vhd.Uri, }, ZoneResilient = true }, HyperVGeneration = HyperVGenerationTypes.V1 }; await WaitForCompletionAsync(await ImagesOperations.StartCreateOrUpdateAsync(rgName, imageName, imageInput)); Image getImage = await ImagesOperations.GetAsync(rgName, imageName); sourceImageId = getImage.Id; return(createdVM); }
private async Task CreateImageTestHelper(string originalTestLocation, string diskEncryptionSetId) { // Create resource group var rgName = Recording.GenerateAssetName(TestPrefix); var imageName = Recording.GenerateAssetName("imageTest"); // Create a VM, so we can use its OS disk for creating the image string storageAccountName = Recording.GenerateAssetName(TestPrefix); string asName = Recording.GenerateAssetName("as"); ImageReference imageRef = await GetPlatformVMImage(useWindowsImage : true); // Create Storage Account var storageAccountOutput = await CreateStorageAccount(rgName, storageAccountName); // Add data disk to the VM. Action <VirtualMachine> addDataDiskToVM = vm => { string containerName = Recording.GenerateAssetName("testimageoperations", TestPrefix); var vhdContainer = "https://" + storageAccountName + "" + containerName; var vhduri = vhdContainer + string.Format("/{0}.vhd", Recording.GenerateAssetName("testimageoperations", TestPrefix)); vm.HardwareProfile.VmSize = VirtualMachineSizeTypes.StandardA4; foreach (int index in new int[] { 1, 2 }) { var diskName = "dataDisk" + index; var ddUri = vhdContainer + string.Format("/{0}{1}.vhd", diskName, Recording.GenerateAssetName("testimageoperations", TestPrefix)); var dd = new DataDisk(1 + index, DiskCreateOptionTypes.Empty) { Caching = CachingTypes.None, Image = null, DiskSizeGB = 10, Name = diskName, Vhd = new VirtualHardDisk { Uri = ddUri } }; vm.StorageProfile.DataDisks.Add(dd); } var testStatus = new InstanceViewStatus { Code = "test", Message = "test" }; var testStatusList = new List <InstanceViewStatus> { testStatus }; }; // Create the VM, whose OS disk will be used in creating the image var returnTwoVM = await CreateVM(rgName, asName, storageAccountOutput, imageRef, addDataDiskToVM); var createdVM = returnTwoVM.Item1; int expectedDiskLunWithDiskEncryptionSet = createdVM.StorageProfile.DataDisks[0].Lun; // Create the Image var imageInput = new Image(m_location) { Tags = { { "RG", "rg" }, { "testTag", "1" }, }, StorageProfile = new ImageStorageProfile() { OsDisk = new ImageOSDisk(OperatingSystemTypes.Windows, OperatingSystemStateTypes.Generalized) { BlobUri = createdVM.StorageProfile.OsDisk.Vhd.Uri, DiskEncryptionSet = diskEncryptionSetId == null ? null : new DiskEncryptionSetParameters() { Id = diskEncryptionSetId }, }, DataDisks = { new ImageDataDisk(expectedDiskLunWithDiskEncryptionSet) { BlobUri = createdVM.StorageProfile.DataDisks[0].Vhd.Uri, DiskEncryptionSet = diskEncryptionSetId == null ? null: new DiskEncryptionSetParameters() { Id = diskEncryptionSetId }, } } }, HyperVGeneration = HyperVGenerationTypes.V1 }; var image = await WaitForCompletionAsync(await ImagesOperations.StartCreateOrUpdateAsync(rgName, imageName, imageInput)); var getImage = (await ImagesOperations.GetAsync(rgName, imageName)).Value; ValidateImage(imageInput, getImage); if (diskEncryptionSetId != null) { Assert.True(getImage.StorageProfile.OsDisk.DiskEncryptionSet != null, "OsDisk.DiskEncryptionSet is null"); Assert.True(string.Equals(diskEncryptionSetId, getImage.StorageProfile.OsDisk.DiskEncryptionSet.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), "getImage.StorageProfile.OsDisk.DiskEncryptionSet is not matching with expected DiskEncryptionSet resource"); Assert.AreEqual(1, getImage.StorageProfile.DataDisks.Count); Assert.True(getImage.StorageProfile.DataDisks[0].DiskEncryptionSet != null, ".DataDisks.DiskEncryptionSet is null"); Assert.True(string.Equals(diskEncryptionSetId, getImage.StorageProfile.DataDisks[0].DiskEncryptionSet.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), "DataDisks.DiskEncryptionSet.Id is not matching with expected DiskEncryptionSet resource"); } ImageUpdate updateParams = new ImageUpdate(); updateParams.Tags.InitializeFrom(getImage.Tags); string tagKey = "UpdateTag"; updateParams.Tags.Add(tagKey, "TagValue"); await WaitForCompletionAsync(await ImagesOperations.StartUpdateAsync(rgName, imageName, updateParams)); getImage = (await ImagesOperations.GetAsync(rgName, imageName)).Value; Assert.True(getImage.Tags.ContainsKey(tagKey)); var listResponse = await(ImagesOperations.ListByResourceGroupAsync(rgName)).ToEnumerableAsync(); Assert.IsTrue(listResponse.Count() == 1); await WaitForCompletionAsync(await ImagesOperations.StartDeleteAsync(rgName, image.Value.Name)); }