void scu_ImageStoreCompleted(object sender, ImageStoreEventArgs e) { StorageScu scu = sender as StorageScu; Random rand = new Random(); //Thread.Sleep(rand.Next(300, 1000)); textBox1.BeginInvoke(new LogDelegate(Log), e.StorageInstance.SopInstanceUid); }
private static void ScuOnImageStorageCompleted(object sender, ImageStoreEventArgs eventArgs) { // We could do something here, but at the moment we're not. ClearCanvas already spams the log. //Log.GetLogger().Debug(eventArgs.StorageInstance.SendStatus); }
private void OnImageSent(object sender, ImageStoreEventArgs ev) { var scu = sender as ImageViewerStorageScu; var storageInstance = ev.StorageInstance; Progress.TotalImagesToSend = _scu.TotalSubOperations; if (storageInstance.SendStatus.Status == DicomState.Success) { Progress.SuccessSubOperations++; Progress.StatusDetails = string.Empty; } else if (storageInstance.SendStatus.Status == DicomState.Failure) { Progress.FailureSubOperations++; Progress.StatusDetails = storageInstance.ExtendedFailureDescription; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Progress.StatusDetails)) { Progress.StatusDetails = storageInstance.SendStatus.ToString(); } if (_scu != null) { _scu.FailureDescription = Progress.StatusDetails; } } else if (storageInstance.SendStatus.Status == DicomState.Warning) { Progress.WarningSubOperations++; Progress.StatusDetails = storageInstance.ExtendedFailureDescription; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Progress.StatusDetails)) { Progress.StatusDetails = storageInstance.SendStatus.ToString(); } if (_scu != null) { _scu.FailureDescription = Progress.StatusDetails; } } Proxy.UpdateProgress(); if (PublishFiles != null && PublishFiles.DeletionBehaviour != DeletionBehaviour.None) { bool deleteFile = false; if (storageInstance.SendStatus.Status != DicomState.Failure) { deleteFile = true; } else if (PublishFiles.DeletionBehaviour == DeletionBehaviour.DeleteAlways) { deleteFile = true; } if (deleteFile) { try { FileUtils.Delete(storageInstance.Filename); } catch (Exception e) { Platform.Log(LogLevel.Warn, e, "Failed to delete file after storage: {0}", storageInstance.Filename); } } } }