コード例 #1
        // Returns:
        // - the list of files whose dates have changed
        // - a collection of feedback information for each file whose dates were changed, each row detailing the file name and how the dates were changed
        // - the number of missing Files, if any
        private List <ImageRow> GetImageRowsWithChangedDates(IProgress <ProgressBarArguments> progress, int count, TimeZoneInfo imageSetTimeZone, ObservableCollection <DateTimeFeedbackTuple> feedbackRows, out int missingFiles)
            List <ImageRow> filesToAdjust = new List <ImageRow>();

            missingFiles = 0;
            for (int fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < count; ++fileIndex)
                if (Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    // A cancel was requested. Clear all pending changes and abort

                // We will store the various times here
                ImageRow       file             = this.fileDatabase.FileTable[fileIndex];
                DateTimeOffset originalDateTime = file.DateTimeIncorporatingOffset;
                string         feedbackMessage  = string.Empty;

                    // Get the image (if its there), get the new dates/times, and add it to the list of images to be updated
                    // Note that if the image can't be created, we will just to the catch.
                    bool usingMetadataTimestamp = true;
                    if (file.FileExists(this.fileDatabase.FolderPath) == false)
                        // The file does not exist. Generate a feedback message
                        // Read the date from the file, and check to see if its different from the recorded date
                        DateTimeAdjustmentEnum dateTimeAdjustment = file.TryReadDateTimeOriginalFromMetadata(this.fileDatabase.FolderPath, imageSetTimeZone);
                        if (dateTimeAdjustment == DateTimeAdjustmentEnum.MetadataNotUsed)
                            // We couldn't read the metadata, so get a candidate date/time from the file info instead
                            usingMetadataTimestamp = false;
                        DateTimeOffset rescannedDateTime = file.DateTimeIncorporatingOffset;
                        bool           sameDate          = rescannedDateTime.Date == originalDateTime.Date;
                        bool           sameTime          = rescannedDateTime.TimeOfDay == originalDateTime.TimeOfDay;
                        bool           sameUTCOffset     = rescannedDateTime.Offset == originalDateTime.Offset;

                        if (!(sameDate && sameTime && sameUTCOffset))
                            // Date has been updated - add it to the queue of files to be processed, and generate a feedback message.
                            feedbackMessage  = "\x2713"; // Checkmark
                            feedbackMessage += DateTimeHandler.ToStringDisplayDateTime(originalDateTime) + " \x2192 " + DateTimeHandler.ToStringDisplayDateTime(rescannedDateTime);
                            feedbackMessage += usingMetadataTimestamp ? " (read from metadata)" : " (read from file)";
                            feedbackRows.Add(new DateTimeFeedbackTuple(file.File, feedbackMessage));
                catch (Exception exception)
                    // This shouldn't happen, but just in case.
                    TracePrint.PrintMessage(string.Format("Unexpected exception processing '{0}' in DateTimeReread. {1}", file.File, exception.ToString()));
                    feedbackMessage += string.Format("\x2716 skipping: {0}", exception.Message);
                    feedbackRows.Add(new DateTimeFeedbackTuple(file.File, feedbackMessage));

                // Update the progress bar every time interval to indicate what file we are working on
                TimeSpan intervalFromLastRefresh = DateTime.Now - this.lastRefreshDateTime;
                if (intervalFromLastRefresh > Constant.ThrottleValues.ProgressBarRefreshInterval)
                    int percentDone = Convert.ToInt32(fileIndex / Convert.ToDouble(count) * 100.0);
                    progress.Report(new ProgressBarArguments(percentDone, String.Format("Pass 1: Checking dates for {0} / {1} files", fileIndex, count), true, false));
                    this.lastRefreshDateTime = DateTime.Now;