コード例 #1
 private void OnGUI()
     if (MyInfoManager.Instance.isGuiOn)
         GUISkin skin = GUI.skin;
         GUI.skin    = GUISkinFinder.Instance.GetGUISkin();
         GUI.depth   = (int)guiDepth;
         GUI.enabled = !DialogManager.Instance.IsModal;
         Rect position = new Rect((float)((Screen.width - scoreBg.width) / 2), (!bndMatch.AmIUsingBuildGun) ? 0f : paletteOffset, (float)scoreBg.width, (float)scoreBg.height);
         TextureUtil.DrawTexture(rcBndMatchScoreBg, scoreBg, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);
         if (MyInfoManager.Instance.IsRedTeam())
         redScoreFont.Print(crdRed, redTeamScore);
         blueScoreFont.Print(crdBlue, blueTeamScore);
         goalFont.Print(crdGoal, RoomManager.Instance.KillCount);
         GUI.enabled = true;
         GUI.skin    = skin;
コード例 #2
 private void OnGUI()
     if (MyInfoManager.Instance.isGuiOn)
         GUISkin skin = GUI.skin;
         GUI.skin    = GUISkinFinder.Instance.GetGUISkin();
         GUI.depth   = (int)guiDepth;
         GUI.enabled = !DialogManager.Instance.IsModal;
         GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(((float)Screen.width - size.x) / 2f, 0f, size.x, size.y));
         TextureUtil.DrawTexture(new Rect(0f, 0f, size.x, size.y), scoreBg, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);
         if (MyInfoManager.Instance.IsRedTeam())
         redScoreFont.Print(crdRed, redTeamScore);
         blueScoreFont.Print(crdBlue, blueTeamScore);
         goalFont.Print(crdGoal, RoomManager.Instance.KillCount);
         GUI.enabled = true;
         GUI.skin    = skin;
コード例 #3
 private void DrawRounding()
     GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(((float)Screen.width - size.x) / 2f, 0f, size.x, size.y));
     TextureUtil.DrawTexture(new Rect(0f, 0f, size.x, size.y), scoreBg, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);
     curFont.Print(crdCurrent, cur);
     totalFont.Print(crdTotal, total);
コード例 #4
 protected void DrawAmmo()
     if (MyInfoManager.Instance.isGuiOn && null != ammoBg && null != icon)
         Rect position = new Rect((float)(Screen.width - ammoBg.width - 1), (float)(Screen.height - ammoBg.height - 1), (float)ammoBg.width, (float)ammoBg.height);
         TextureUtil.DrawTexture(position, ammoBg);
         float num  = 40f;
         float num2 = (float)icon.width * num / (float)icon.height;
         TextureUtil.DrawTexture(new Rect(position.x + (position.width - num2) / 2f, position.y + 10f, num2, num), icon, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);
         ammoFont.Print(new Vector2((float)(Screen.width - 10), (float)(Screen.height - 12)), NoCheat.Instance.UnhideVal(NoCheat.WATCH_DOG.MAIN_AMMO, curAmmo));
コード例 #5
 protected void DrawAmmo()
     if (MyInfoManager.Instance.isGuiOn)
         Texture2D weaponBy = TItemManager.Instance.GetWeaponBy((int)base.weaponBy);
         if (null != ammoBg && null != weaponBy)
             Rect position = new Rect((float)(Screen.width - ammoBg.width - 1), (float)(Screen.height - ammoBg.height - 1), (float)ammoBg.width, (float)ammoBg.height);
             TextureUtil.DrawTexture(position, ammoBg);
             float num  = 40f;
             float num2 = (float)weaponBy.width * num / (float)weaponBy.height;
             TextureUtil.DrawTexture(new Rect(position.x + (position.width - num2) / 2f, position.y + 10f, num2, num), weaponBy, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);
             ammoFont.Print(new Vector2((float)(Screen.width - 10), (float)(Screen.height - 12)), NoCheat.Instance.UnhideVal(NoCheat.WATCH_DOG.SPECIAL_AMMO, curAmmo));
コード例 #6
 private void OnGUI()
     if (MyInfoManager.Instance.isGuiOn && bLoaded)
         GUI.skin    = GUISkinFinder.Instance.GetGUISkin();
         GUI.depth   = (int)guiDepth;
         GUI.enabled = !DialogManager.Instance.IsModal;
         Rect position = new Rect((float)(Screen.width / 2 - defenseStateBg.width / 2), 0f, (float)defenseStateBg.width, (float)defenseStateBg.height);
         TextureUtil.DrawTexture(position, defenseStateBg, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, alphaBlend: true);
         if (MyInfoManager.Instance.IsRedTeam())
             flickerRed.AddPositionX((float)(Screen.width / 2));
             flickerBlue.AddPositionX((float)(Screen.width / 2));
         Vector2 pos  = new Vector2((float)(Screen.width / 2) - redPt, 20f);
         Vector2 pos2 = new Vector2((float)(Screen.width / 2) + bluePt, 20f);
         hpFontPoint.Print(pos, DefenseManager.Instance.CoreLifeRed);
         hpFontPoint.Print(pos2, DefenseManager.Instance.CoreLifeBlue);
         Rect position2 = new Rect((float)(Screen.width / 2 - redBg.width - 10), 40f, (float)redBg.width, (float)redBg.height);
         TextureUtil.DrawTexture(position2, redBg, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, alphaBlend: true);
         Vector2 pos3 = new Vector2((float)(Screen.width / 2 - redBg.width + 6), 53f);
         LabelUtil.TextOut(pos3, DefenseManager.Instance.RedPoint.ToString(), "PointLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter);
         float gaugeValue = getGaugeValue(DefenseManager.Instance.RedPoint);
         if (gaugeValue > 0f)
             float num = 150f - 150f * gaugeValue;
             GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect((float)(Screen.width / 2 - redBg.width + 27) + num, 53f, (float)redGauge.width * gaugeValue, (float)redGauge.height));
             Rect position3 = new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)redGauge.width, (float)redGauge.height);
             TextureUtil.DrawTexture(position3, redGauge, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, alphaBlend: true);
         Rect position4 = new Rect((float)(Screen.width / 2 + 10), 40f, (float)blueBg.width, (float)blueBg.height);
         TextureUtil.DrawTexture(position4, blueBg, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, alphaBlend: true);
         Vector2 pos4 = new Vector2((float)(Screen.width / 2 + blueBg.width - 12), 53f);
         LabelUtil.TextOut(pos4, DefenseManager.Instance.BluePoint.ToString(), "PointLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter);
         float gaugeValue2 = getGaugeValue(DefenseManager.Instance.BluePoint);
         if (gaugeValue2 > 0f)
             GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect((float)(Screen.width / 2 + 11), 53f, (float)blueGauge.width * gaugeValue2, (float)blueGauge.height));
             Rect position5 = new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)blueGauge.width, (float)blueGauge.height);
             TextureUtil.DrawTexture(position5, blueGauge, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, alphaBlend: true);
         if (strQueue.Length > 0)
             Rect position6 = new Rect((float)(Screen.width / 2 - 343), 100f, 686f, 65f);
             GUI.Box(position6, strQueue, "BoxMsgBg");
             GUI.Box(new Rect((float)(Screen.width - 200), 0f, 200f, 104f), string.Empty, "BoxMoninfoBg");
             TextureUtil.DrawTexture(new Rect((float)(Screen.width - 190), 3f, 80f, 98f), texQueue, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, alphaBlend: true);
             Color byteColor2FloatColor = GlobalVars.Instance.GetByteColor2FloatColor(242, 167, 25);
             LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2((float)(Screen.width - 110), 20f), StringMgr.Instance.Get("NAME"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleLeft);
             LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2((float)(Screen.width - 100), 40f), nameQueue, "MiniLabel", byteColor2FloatColor, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleLeft);
             LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2((float)(Screen.width - 110), 60f), StringMgr.Instance.Get("NUCLEAR_DAMAGE"), "MiniLabel", Color.white, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleLeft);
             LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2((float)(Screen.width - 100), 80f), dmgQueue.ToString(), "MiniLabel", byteColor2FloatColor, GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleLeft);
         if (MyInfoManager.Instance.CheckControllable() && !bDelayBattle && !MyInfoManager.Instance.BreakingInto)
             float num2      = DefenseManager.Instance.GetWaveTable().interval - dtBattle;
             int   num3      = (int)num2;
             Rect  position7 = new Rect((float)(Screen.width / 2 - 343), 100f, 686f, 65f);
             GUI.Box(position7, StringMgr.Instance.Get("MON_GEN_WAIT") + " : " + num3.ToString(), "BoxMsgBg");
         if (statusMessage.Length > 0)
             float a    = 1f;
             float num4 = (statusDelta - (statusMessageLimit - 2f)) / 2f;
             if (num4 > 0f)
                 a = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 0f, num4);
             LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2((float)(Screen.width / 2 + 2), (float)(Screen.height / 2 + 32)), statusMessage, "BigLabel", new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, a), GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter);
             LabelUtil.TextOut(new Vector2((float)(Screen.width / 2), (float)(Screen.height / 2 + 30)), statusMessage, "BigLabel", new Color(0.91f, 0.6f, 0f, a), GlobalVars.txtEmptyColor, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter);
         GUI.enabled = true;
コード例 #7
 private void OnGUI()
     if (MyInfoManager.Instance.isGuiOn)
         GUISkin skin = GUI.skin;
         GUI.skin    = GUISkinFinder.Instance.GetGUISkin();
         GUI.depth   = (int)guiDepth;
         GUI.enabled = !DialogManager.Instance.IsModal;
         if (explosionMatch.Blastable)
             TextureUtil.DrawTexture(new Rect((float)((Screen.width - bg.width) / 2), 55f, (float)bg.width, (float)bg.height), bg, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);
             if (deltaTime > 22f && beep)
                 TextureUtil.DrawTexture(new Rect((float)((Screen.width - flicker.width) / 2), 55f, (float)flicker.width, (float)flicker.height), flicker, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);
             float remainTime = GetRemainTime();
             int   num        = Mathf.FloorToInt(remainTime * 100f);
             int[] array      = new int[4];
             int   num2       = 1000;
             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                 array[i] = num / num2;
                 num     %= num2;
                 num2    /= 10;
             d0.Print(new Vector2((float)(Screen.width / 2), 72f), array[0]);
             d1.Print(new Vector2((float)(Screen.width / 2 + 13), 72f), array[1]);
             d2.Print(new Vector2((float)(Screen.width / 2 + 23), 72f), array[2]);
             d3.Print(new Vector2((float)(Screen.width / 2 + 36), 72f), array[3]);
             TextureUtil.DrawTexture(new Rect((float)((Screen.width - colon.width) / 2 + 18), 72f, (float)colon.width, (float)colon.height), colon, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);
         if (Application.loadedLevelName.Contains("Tutor"))
             Camera     camera     = null;
             GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
             if (null == gameObject)
                 Debug.LogError("Fail to find mainCamera for tutor arrow");
                 camera = gameObject.GetComponent <Camera>();
                 if (null == camera)
                     Debug.LogError("Fail to get mainCam for tutor arrow");
             Vector3 position = camera.transform.position;
             float   num3     = Vector3.Distance(position, base.transform.position);
             if (num3 < 2f)
                 int     num4   = custom_inputs.Instance.KeyIndex("K_ACTION");
                 string  text   = string.Format(StringMgr.Instance.Get("STRING_BOMB_INSTALL"), custom_inputs.Instance.InputKey[num4].ToString());
                 Vector2 vector = LabelUtil.CalcLength("BoxResult", text);
                 vector.x += 60f;
                 GUI.Box(new Rect((float)(Screen.width / 2) - vector.x / 2f, (float)(Screen.height / 2 + 20), vector.x, 30f), text, "BoxResult");
         GUI.enabled = true;
         GUI.skin    = skin;