コード例 #1
ファイル: MainForm.cs プロジェクト: byzod/C-Sharp
		/// <summary>
		/// Returen string with added style
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="rawstring">Input string</param>
		/// <param name="style">What style to add</param>
		/// <param name="filepath">Used to check if it is a image</param>
		/// <returns>The string with added style</returns>
		private string ASAddStyle(string rawstring, ImageBase64Style style, string filepath)
			string fileExt = "";
			string imageFileExt = Regex.Replace(extMonitor, @"[  ]+", @""); 
			fileExt = Regex.Replace(filepath, @".*\.([^.]+)$", @"$1");
			MessageBox.Show(fileExt + "  find:" + Regex.IsMatch(fileExt, imageFileExt, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).ToString());
			if (fileExt.Length > 0 && Regex.IsMatch(fileExt,imageFileExt,RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
				switch (style)
					case ImageBase64Style.None:
						return rawstring;
					case ImageBase64Style.Header:
						return @"data:image/png;base64," + rawstring;
					case ImageBase64Style.Style:
						return @"<img src=""data:image/png;base64," + rawstring + @""">";
					case ImageBase64Style.DIY:
						return imageBase64StyleBefore + rawstring + imageBase64StyleAfter;
						return rawstring;
			else return rawstring;
コード例 #2
ファイル: MainForm.cs プロジェクト: byzod/C-Sharp
		/// <summary>
		/// Load settings, if load failed or file not exist, initialize instead
		/// </summary>
		public void LoadSettings()
			ConfigFile configFile = new ConfigFile();
			if (configFile.SetConfigFile(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Application.ExecutablePath, @"\..+?$", @".xml"))
				== ConfigFile.OperateConfigResult.Succeed)
				//settings cache
				string Base64BoxFontName = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "Base64BoxFontName");
				string Base64BoxFontSize = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "Base64BoxFontSize");
				string Base64BoxFontBold = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "Base64BoxFontBold");
				string Base64BoxFontItalic = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "Base64BoxFontItalic");
				string TextBoxFontName = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "TextBoxFontName");
				string TextBoxFontSize = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "TextBoxFontSize");
				string TextBoxFontBold = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "TextBoxFontBold");
				string TextBoxFontItalic = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "TextBoxFontItalic");
				string ImageBase64StyleSet = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "ImageBase64Style");
				string ExtMonitor = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "ExtMonitor");
				string ImageBase64StyleBefore = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "ImageBase64StyleBefore");
				string ImageBase64StyleAfter = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "ImageBase64StyleAfter");
				string ImageAutoDetectEnabled = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "ImageAutoDetectEnabled");
				string AutoCopy = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "AutoCopy");
				string RealtimeConvert = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "RealtimeConvert");
				string RealtimeConvertThreshold = configFile.ReadConfig("General", "RealtimeConvertThreshold");

				//apply settings
				if (Base64BoxFontName.Length == 0)
					if (Base64BoxFontSize.Length > 0) base64Box.Font = new Font("Georgia", Convert.ToSingle(Base64BoxFontSize));
					else base64Box.Font = new Font("Georgia", 9F);
				else //found name area
						if (Base64BoxFontSize.Length > 0) base64Box.Font = new Font(Base64BoxFontName, Convert.ToSingle(Base64BoxFontSize));
						else base64Box.Font = new Font(Base64BoxFontName, 9F);
						if (Base64BoxFontSize.Length > 0) base64Box.Font = new Font("Georgia", Convert.ToSingle(Base64BoxFontSize));
						else base64Box.Font = new Font("Georgia", 9F);
				//apply style
				if (Base64BoxFontItalic.Length > 0 && Base64BoxFontBold.Length > 0) // bold & italic
					base64Box.Font = new Font(base64Box.Font, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic);
				else if (Base64BoxFontBold.Length > 0)// bold
					base64Box.Font = new Font(base64Box.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
				else if (Base64BoxFontItalic.Length > 0) //italic
					base64Box.Font = new Font(base64Box.Font, FontStyle.Italic);
				}//else no changing

				if (TextBoxFontName.Length == 0)
					if (TextBoxFontSize.Length > 0) textBox.Font = new Font("Georgia", Convert.ToSingle(TextBoxFontSize));
					else textBox.Font = new Font("Georgia", 9F);
				else //found name area
						if (TextBoxFontSize.Length > 0) textBox.Font = new Font(TextBoxFontName, Convert.ToSingle(TextBoxFontSize));
						else textBox.Font = new Font(TextBoxFontName, 9F);
						if (TextBoxFontSize.Length > 0) textBox.Font = new Font("Georgia", Convert.ToSingle(TextBoxFontSize));
						else textBox.Font = new Font("Georgia", 9F);
				//apply style
				if (TextBoxFontItalic.Length > 0 && TextBoxFontBold.Length > 0) // bold & italic
					textBox.Font = new Font(textBox.Font, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic);
				else if (TextBoxFontBold.Length > 0)// bold
					textBox.Font = new Font(textBox.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
				else if (TextBoxFontItalic.Length > 0) //italic
					textBox.Font = new Font(textBox.Font, FontStyle.Italic);
				}//else no changing

				//apply image base64 style
				//DIY style string
				if (ImageBase64StyleBefore.Length > 0) imageBase64StyleBefore = ImageBase64StyleBefore;
				else imageBase64StyleBefore = "";
				if (ImageBase64StyleAfter.Length > 0) imageBase64StyleAfter = ImageBase64StyleAfter;
				else imageBase64StyleAfter = "";
				if (ExtMonitor.Length > 0) extMonitor = ExtMonitor;
				else extMonitor = @"apng | bmp | gif | iff | j2c | j2k | jp2 | jpc | jpe | jpeg | jpf | jpg | jpx | pcx | png | psd | ras | raw | rsb | sgi | tga | tiff | tif | wbmp";
				if (ImageAutoDetectEnabled.Length > 0) imageAutoDetectEnabled = false;
				else imageAutoDetectEnabled = true;

				//style chioce
				if (ImageBase64StyleSet.Length > 0)
					switch (ImageBase64StyleSet)
						case "None":
							imageBase64Style = ImageBase64Style.None;
						case "Header":
							imageBase64Style = ImageBase64Style.Header;
						case "Style":
							imageBase64Style = ImageBase64Style.Style;
						case "DIY":
							imageBase64Style = ImageBase64Style.DIY;
							imageBase64Style = ImageBase64Style.None;

				//auto copy
				if (AutoCopy.Length > 0) autoCopy = false;
				else autoCopy = true;

				//realtime convert
				if (RealtimeConvert.Length > 0) realtimeConvert = false;
				else realtimeConvert = true;
				if (RealtimeConvertThreshold.Length > 0)
					try { realtimeConvertThreshold = Convert.ToInt32(RealtimeConvertThreshold); }
					catch { realtimeConvertThreshold = 50000; }
				else realtimeConvertThreshold = 50000;
				textBox.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Georgia", 9F);
				base64Box.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Georgia", 9F);
				imageBase64Style = ImageBase64Style.None;
				extMonitor = @"apng | bmp | gif | iff | j2c | j2k | jp2 | jpc | jpe | jpeg | jpf | jpg | jpx | pcx | png | psd | ras | raw | rsb | sgi | tga | tiff | tif | wbmp";
				imageBase64StyleBefore = "";
				imageBase64StyleAfter = "";
				imageAutoDetectEnabled = true;
				autoCopy = true;
				realtimeConvert = true;
				realtimeConvertThreshold = 50000;