コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether a pixel
        /// instance is a yellow-dot
        /// </summary>
        private static bool IsYellowDot(ImGearDIB igDIB, int x_position, int y_position)
            const int redChannel   = 0;
            const int greenChannel = 1;
            const int blueChannel  = 2;

            int red, green, blue;

            // This remainder of this function will be left for contestants to implement
            // Hint:
            // Gets a pixel from the ImGearDIB instance.
            // https://help.accusoft.com/ImageGear-Net/v24.11/Windows/HTML/webframe.html#topic3854.html
            // Sets variables red, green, and blue with their appropriate values from ImGearPixel instance.
            // https://help.accusoft.com/ImageGear-Net/v24.11/Windows/HTML/webframe.html#topic4189.html
            // contestant implementation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            ImGearPixel p = igDIB.GetPixelCopy(x_position, y_position);

            red   = p[0];
            green = p[1];
            blue  = p[2];
            // end contestant implementation --------------------------------------------------------------------------

            CMYKColor cmyk = new CMYKColor(red, green, blue);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Driver function for the
        /// decoding solution
        /// </summary>
        private static void Main()
            // Initialize ImageGear.

            // load image
            ImGearPage igPage = LoadPageFromLocalFile(micInstancePath);
            // get image dib
            ImGearDIB igDIB = igPage.DIB;

            // get image dimensions
            int height = igDIB.Height;
            int width  = igDIB.Width;

            // get table dimensions
            int totalRows    = height / encodingWidth;
            int totalColumns = width / encodingWidth;

            // storage for image's row values
            Dictionary <int, int> rowSumDict = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            // step through pixel space
            foreach (int x_position in MoreEnumerable.Sequence(patternOffset, width, encodingWidth))
                foreach (int y_position in MoreEnumerable.Sequence(patternOffset, height, encodingWidth))
                    if (IsYellowDot(igDIB, x_position, y_position))
                        // define table coordinates
                        int columnValue = (x_position - patternOffset) / encodingWidth + 1;
                        int rowValue    = (y_position - patternOffset) / encodingWidth + 1;

                        if (IsUpdateableCoordinate(rowValue, columnValue))
                            UpdateValueDict(ref rowSumDict, rowValue, columnValue, totalColumns);

            // create answer strings for output
            string serialAnswer = StringifyAnswer(rowSumDict, serialRows);
            string yearAnswer   = StringifyAnswer(rowSumDict, yearRows);
            string monthAnswer  = StringifyAnswer(rowSumDict, monthRows);
            string dayAnswer    = StringifyAnswer(rowSumDict, dayRows);
            string hourAnswer   = StringifyAnswer(rowSumDict, hourRows);
            string minuteAnswer = StringifyAnswer(rowSumDict, minuteRows);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format(answerString, serialAnswer, monthAnswer, dayAnswer, yearAnswer, hourAnswer, minuteAnswer));