コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Allocates numToAllocate new qubits.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual IQArray <Qubit> Allocate(long numToAllocate)
            IgnorableAssert.Assert(numToAllocate >= 0, "Attempt to allocate negative number of qubits.");
            if (numToAllocate < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Attempt to allocate negative number of qubits.");
            else if (numToAllocate == 0)
                return(QArray <Qubit> .Create(0));

            QArray <Qubit> result = QArray <Qubit> .Create(numToAllocate);

            for (int i = 0; i < numToAllocate; i++)
                result.Modify(i, AllocateOneQubit(usedOnlyForBorrowing: false));
                if (result[i] == null)
                    for (int k = 0; k < i; k++)
                    throw new NotEnoughQubits(numToAllocate, GetFreeQubitsCount());

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Borrows a number of qubits. Chooses them from among already allocated ones.
        /// Makes sure borrowed qubits are not on the exclusion list.
        /// Exclusion list is supposed to contain qubits that can not be borrowed,
        /// for example those, that are being used (or could be used) in the current context.
        /// If there are not enough qubits to borrow, allocates new ones.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual IQArray <Qubit> Borrow(long numToBorrow, IEnumerable <Qubit> excludedQubitsSortedById) // Note, excluded could be an array of Ids for efficiency, if it is convenient for compiler.
            IgnorableAssert.Assert(numToBorrow > 0, "Attempt to borrow zero qubits.");
            if (numToBorrow <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Attempt to borrow zero qubits.");

            if (DisableBorrowing)

            var result = QArray <Qubit> .Create(numToBorrow);

            long numBorrowed = TryBorrow(numToBorrow, result, excludedQubitsSortedById);

            if (numBorrowed < numToBorrow)
            { // Not enough qubits to borrow. Allocate what was not borrowed.
                for (long i = numBorrowed; i < numToBorrow; i++)
                    result.Modify(i, AllocateOneQubit(usedOnlyForBorrowing: true));
                    if (result[(int)i] == null)
                        for (long k = numBorrowed; k < i; k++)
                            ReleaseOneQubit(result[(int)k], usedOnlyForBorrowing: true);
                        throw new NotEnoughQubits(numToBorrow, numBorrowed + GetFreeQubitsCount());

コード例 #3
        protected virtual void DisableOneQubit(Qubit qubit)
            // Note: Borrowed qubits cannot be disabled.
            IgnorableAssert.Assert(qubits[qubit.Id] == Allocated, "Attempt to disable qubit that has not been allocated.");
            qubits[qubit.Id] = Disabled;

            Debug.Assert(numAllocatedQubits >= 0);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Makes sure the angle for a rotation or exp operation is not NaN or Infinity.
        /// </summary>
        static void CheckAngle(double angle)
            IgnorableAssert.Assert(!(double.IsNaN(angle) || double.IsInfinity(angle)), "Invalid angle for rotation/exponentiation.");

            if (double.IsNaN(angle))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("angle", "Angle can't be NaN.");
            if (double.IsInfinity(angle))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("angle", "Angle can't be Infity.");
コード例 #5
        protected virtual void ReleaseOneQubit(Qubit qubit, bool usedOnlyForBorrowing)
            long Occupied = (usedOnlyForBorrowing? AllocatedForBorrowing : Allocated);

            IgnorableAssert.Assert(qubits[qubit.Id] == Occupied, "Attempt to free qubit that has not been allocated.");
            if (qubits[qubit.Id] != Occupied)
                throw new ArgumentException("Attempt to free qubit that has not been allocated.");
            qubits[qubit.Id] = free;
            free             = qubit.Id;

            Debug.Assert(numAllocatedQubits >= 0);
コード例 #6
        protected virtual void ReleaseOneQubit(Qubit qubit, bool usedOnlyForBorrowing)
            if (qubits[qubit.Id] == Disabled)
                // Nothing to do. It will stay disabled.
                // Alternatively, we could mark is as None here.
                long Occupied = (usedOnlyForBorrowing ? AllocatedForBorrowing : Allocated);
                IgnorableAssert.Assert(qubits[qubit.Id] == Occupied, "Attempt to free qubit that has not been allocated.");
                if (qubits[qubit.Id] != Occupied)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Attempt to free qubit that has not been allocated.");
                qubits[qubit.Id] = free;
                free             = qubit.Id;

                Debug.Assert(numAllocatedQubits >= 0);