public void BaseLoinCreationTest() { var editor = new XbimEditorCredentials { ApplicationDevelopersName = "CAS", ApplicationFullName = "LOIN Creator", ApplicationIdentifier = "LOIN", ApplicationVersion = "4.0", EditorsFamilyName = "Santini Aichel", EditorsGivenName = "Johann Blasius", EditorsOrganisationName = "Independent Architecture" }; using var loin = Model.Create(editor); using var txn = loin.Internal.BeginTransaction("LOIN creation"); var actor = loin.CreateActor("Client", "Owner of the building"); var milestone = loin.CreateMilestone("Preliminary design", "Preliminary design handover milestone"); var reason = loin.CreatePurpose("Handover", "Handover of data"); var item = loin.CreateBreakedownItem("Window", "E456.789.12", "Window is a building element used to controll light flow into the space"); var width = loin.CreateSimplePropertyTemplate("Width", "Width of the window", nameof(IfcLengthMeasure)); width.SetName("cs", "Šířka"); width.SetDescription("cs", "Šířka okna"); Assert.IsNotNull(width.GetName("cs")); Assert.IsNotNull(width.GetDescription("cs")); var height = loin.CreateSimplePropertyTemplate("Height", "Height of the window", nameof(IfcLengthMeasure)); height.SetName("cs", "Výška"); height.SetDescription("cs", "Výška okna"); var code = loin.CreateSimplePropertyTemplate("BarCode", "Bar code of the window", nameof(IfcIdentifier)); code.SetName("cs", "Čárový kód"); code.SetDescription("cs", "Čárový kód okna"); var requirement = loin.CreatePropertySetTemplate("FM Requirements", "Requirements for Facility Management"); requirement.HasPropertyTemplates.Add(width); requirement.HasPropertyTemplates.Add(height); requirement.HasPropertyTemplates.Add(code); requirement.SetName("cs", "Požadavky pro FM"); requirement.SetDescription("cs", "Požadavky pro správu a údržbu"); var requirements = loin.CreateRequirementSet("Base requirements", "Base requirements for the window"); requirements.Add(requirement); var geomReq = loin.CreateGeometryRequirements(); geomReq.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); geomReq.Name = "Window geometry requirements"; geomReq.Appearance = "No textures"; geomReq.Definition = "Definition of the window geometry requirements"; geomReq.Detailing = Requirements.DetailingEnum.LowDetail; geomReq.Dimensionality = Requirements.DimensionalityEnum.Dim_3D; geomReq.ParametricBehaviour = "not parametric"; var context = new IContextEntity[] { actor, milestone, reason, item }; foreach (var contextItem in context) { contextItem.AddToContext(requirements); } txn.Commit(); // serialize as IFC loin.Save("LOIN.ifc"); // serialize as XML loin.Save("LOIN.ifcXML"); // validate IFC model var validator = new IfcValidator(); var ok = validator.Check(loin.Internal); Assert.IsTrue(ok); // get MVD var mvd = loin.GetMvd(XbimSchemaVersion.Ifc4, "en", "LOIN Representation", "Requirements defined using LOIN, represented as validation MVD", "LOIN", "Classification"); // serialize MVD mvd.Save("LOIN.mvdXML"); // validate MVD XML XSD var logger = Xbim.Common.XbimLogging.CreateLogger("MVDXML schema validation"); var msg = MvdValidator.ValidateXsd("LOIN.mvdXML", logger); Assert.IsTrue(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg)); }
public void SampleCreationTest() { // details of the creator and the application var editor = new XbimEditorCredentials { ApplicationDevelopersName = "TC442 WG2 TG1", ApplicationFullName = "Level of Information Need Sample", ApplicationIdentifier = "LOIN", ApplicationVersion = "1.0", EditorsFamilyName = "Cerny", EditorsGivenName = "Martin", EditorsOrganisationName = "Czech Standardization Agency" }; // IFC wrapper model using var model = Model.Create(editor); using var txn = model.Internal.BeginTransaction("Level of Information Need specification"); var ifc = model.Internal.Instances; // root object to hold Level of Information Need requirements var requirements = model.CreateRequirementSet("LOIN-C Issued for Construction DP A", "Level of Information need - Issued for Construction for Architectural Design - Design Package A"); // prerequisities var purpose = model.CreatePurpose("Design review", "Review of detailed design information"); var appointingParty = model.CreateActor("Design Lead", "Person responsible for the coordination of design disciplines"); var appointedParty = model.CreateActor("Archtect-Engineer (AE)", "Person providing joint architectural-engineering services"); var milestone = model.CreateMilestone("Design Package A", "First design package to be issued for construction"); var item = model.CreateBreakedownItem("Suspended ceiling", "2RBXAUzUb4jxhBy1TJPbpm", "a secondary ceiling, hung below the main ceiling"); // assign requirements to prerequisities purpose.AddToContext(requirements); appointingParty.AddToContext(requirements, "APPOINTING_PARTY"); // actor in a role appointedParty.AddToContext(requirements, "APPOINTED_PARTY"); // actor in a role milestone.AddToContext(requirements); item.AddToContext(requirements); purpose.AddToContext(requirements); // geometry requirements var geomReq = model.CreateGeometryRequirements(); geomReq.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); geomReq.Name = "Geometrical information issued for construction relative offset"; geomReq.Definition = "Geometrical information for objects with relative height offset; to be issued for construction"; geomReq.Detailing = Requirements.DetailingEnum.HighDetail; geomReq.Dimensionality = Requirements.DimensionalityEnum.Dim_3D; geomReq.Appearance = "No texture"; geomReq.ParametricBehaviour = "parametric geometry"; requirements.Add(geomReq); // aplha-numeric requirements var alphaNumericRequirements = model.CreatePropertySetTemplate("suspended ceiling characteristics", "Suspended ceiling characteristics necessary for commence of construction") .SetId("1bMoDf5wDDPRdm3Z3IBzbF"); requirements.Add(alphaNumericRequirements); var thermalConductivity = model.CreateSimplePropertyTemplate("design thermal conductivity according to ISO 10456", null, nameof(IfcThermalConductivityMeasure)) .SetId("0zqubcVzf7EB2eIHdprthv"); alphaNumericRequirements.HasPropertyTemplates.Add(thermalConductivity); var loadOfMetal = model.CreateSimplePropertyTemplate("admissible load of metal suspension according to EN 13964", null, nameof(IfcForceMeasure), ifc.New <IfcSIUnit>(u => { u.UnitType = Xbim.Ifc4.Interfaces.IfcUnitEnum.FORCEUNIT; u.Name = Xbim.Ifc4.Interfaces.IfcSIUnitName.NEWTON; })) .SetId("1gn5hadEL1ixoXBYdHALsC") .SetConstraint(new IfcForceMeasure(900.0), Xbim.Ifc4.Interfaces.IfcBenchmarkEnum.GREATERTHAN); alphaNumericRequirements.HasPropertyTemplates.Add(loadOfMetal); var reactionToFire = model.CreateSimplePropertyTemplate("reaction to fire classification of substructure according to EN 13501-1", null, nameof(IfcIdentifier)) .SetId("1ZVre0Sbz6RfbGBJD4Bnip") .SetConstraint(new IfcIdentifier("A1"), Xbim.Ifc4.Interfaces.IfcBenchmarkEnum.EQUALTO) .MakeEnumerated("reaction to fire classification", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5"); alphaNumericRequirements.HasPropertyTemplates.Add(reactionToFire); var manufacturer = model.CreateSimplePropertyTemplate("manufacturer", null, nameof(IfcIdentifier)) .SetId("3uaKQyxxj2gwHI3oQk3Sci"); alphaNumericRequirements.HasPropertyTemplates.Add(manufacturer); // document requirements var documentRequirements = model.CreatePropertySetTemplate("Documentation for suspended ceilings - DPA", "Required Documentation for suspended ceilings at design package A"); requirements.Add(documentRequirements); var installInstructions = model.CreateDocumentPropertyTemplate("Installation instruction", "Manufacturer's installation instruction"); documentRequirements.HasPropertyTemplates.Add(installInstructions); var DoP = model.CreateDocumentPropertyTemplate("DoP", "Manufacturer's declaration of performance"); documentRequirements.HasPropertyTemplates.Add(DoP); var ceilingDetail = model.CreateDocumentPropertyTemplate("Detail wall-ceiling", "Detail for the connection between the wall and the ceiling"); documentRequirements.HasPropertyTemplates.Add(ceilingDetail); var expJoinDetail = model.CreateDocumentPropertyTemplate("Detail expansion joint", "Detail for expansion joint"); documentRequirements.HasPropertyTemplates.Add(expJoinDetail); // commit changes txn.Commit(); // serialize as IFC model.Save("LevelOfInformationNeed_Sample1.ifc"); // serialize as IFC XML model.Save("LevelOfInformationNeed_Sample1.ifcXML"); // validate IFC model var validator = new IfcValidator(); var ok = validator.Check(model.Internal); Assert.IsTrue(ok); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // ifcSIUnitMap = new Dictionary <string, IfcSIUnitName> { { "AMPERE", IfcSIUnitName.AMPERE }, { "BECQUEREL", IfcSIUnitName.BECQUEREL }, { "CANDELA", IfcSIUnitName.CANDELA }, { "COULOMB", IfcSIUnitName.COULOMB }, { "CUBIC_METRE", IfcSIUnitName.CUBIC_METRE }, { "DEGREE_CELSIUS", IfcSIUnitName.DEGREE_CELSIUS }, { "FARAD", IfcSIUnitName.FARAD }, { "GRAM", IfcSIUnitName.GRAM }, { "GRAY", IfcSIUnitName.GRAY }, { "HENRY", IfcSIUnitName.HENRY }, { "HERTZ", IfcSIUnitName.HERTZ }, { "JOULE", IfcSIUnitName.JOULE }, { "KELVIN", IfcSIUnitName.KELVIN }, { "LUMEN", IfcSIUnitName.LUMEN }, { "LUX", IfcSIUnitName.LUX }, { "METRE", IfcSIUnitName.METRE }, { "MOLE", IfcSIUnitName.MOLE }, { "NEWTON", IfcSIUnitName.NEWTON }, { "OHM", IfcSIUnitName.OHM }, { "PASCAL", IfcSIUnitName.PASCAL }, { "RADIAN", IfcSIUnitName.RADIAN }, { "SECOND", IfcSIUnitName.SECOND }, { "SIEMENS", IfcSIUnitName.SIEMENS }, { "SIEVERT", IfcSIUnitName.SIEVERT }, { "SQUARE_METRE", IfcSIUnitName.SQUARE_METRE }, { "STERADIAN", IfcSIUnitName.STERADIAN }, { "TESLA", IfcSIUnitName.TESLA }, { "VOLT", IfcSIUnitName.VOLT }, { "WATT", IfcSIUnitName.WATT }, { "WEBER", IfcSIUnitName.WEBER } }; // breakedownRootMap = new Dictionary <string, BreakdownItem>(); // prazdna mapa klasifikaci, bude plnena postupne // breakedownMap = new Dictionary <int, BreakdownItem>(); // prazdna mapa trid, bude plnena postupne ifcPropertyMap = new Dictionary <int, IfcSimplePropertyTemplate>(); // prazdna mapa vlastnosti, bude plnena postupne ifcPropertySetMap = new Dictionary <int, IfcPropertySetTemplate>(); // prazdna mapa skupin vlastnosti, bude plnena postupne reasonsMap = new Dictionary <int, Reason>(); // prazdna mapa IfcRelAssignsToControl, bude plnena postupne actorMap = new Dictionary <string, Actor>(); // prazdna mapa IfcRelAssignsToActor, bude plnena postupne milestonesCache = new Dictionary <int, Milestone>(); // prazdna mapa IfcRelAssignsToProcess, bude plnena postupne //using (var reader = new StreamReader("sfdi_export.csv")) using (var reader = new StreamReader(Console.OpenStandardInput())) using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { var records = new List <RecordLine>(); csv.Read(); // CSV header Line 0 - XbimEditorCredentials csv.ReadHeader(); csv.Read(); // CSV line 0 - XbimEditorCredentials var record = new RecordLine { Id = csv.GetField <int>("Id"), Pid = csv.GetField <int>("Pid"), Lvl = csv.GetField <int>("Lvl") + 2, // -2..+inf -> 0..+inf Method = csv.GetField("Method"), GlobalId = csv.GetField("GlobalId"), Par01 = csv.GetField("Par01"), Par02 = csv.GetField("Par02"), Par03 = csv.GetField("Par03"), Par04 = csv.GetField("Par04"), Par05 = csv.GetField("Par05"), Par06 = csv.GetField("Par06"), Par07 = csv.GetField("Par07"), Par08 = csv.GetField("Par08"), Par09 = csv.GetField("Par09") }; records.Add(record); //START var ifcFile = args[0]; // tempfile // "/var/www/html/tmp/DDSS.ifc"; var doValidate = "validate"; if (args.Length > 1) { doValidate = args[1]; // "novalidate" } var editor = new XbimEditorCredentials { ApplicationFullName = record.Par01, // "Databáze datového standardu stavebnictví" ApplicationDevelopersName = record.Par02, // "Michal Kopecký" ApplicationIdentifier = record.Par03, // "DDSS" ApplicationVersion = record.Par04, // "1.0" EditorsFamilyName = record.Par05, // "Žák" EditorsGivenName = record.Par06, // "Josef" EditorsOrganisationName = record.Par07, // "Česká agentura pro standardizaci" }; //IfcStore.ModelProviderFactory.UseMemoryModelProvider(); // OLD VERSION // set up logger to file and console var logFile = Path.ChangeExtension(ifcFile, ".log"); Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .Enrich.FromLogContext() .WriteTo.Console() .WriteTo.File(logFile) .CreateLogger(); XbimLogging.LoggerFactory.AddSerilog(); IfcStore.ModelProviderFactory.UseMemoryModelProvider(); using (var model = Model.Create(editor)) { //var i = model.Internal.Instances; //using (var txn = model.BeginTransaction()) // OLD VERSION using (var txn = model.Internal.BeginTransaction("Model creation")) { // these will keep cache of units and enums // units have to be defined in the source of 'UnitMap' (compile time) while // enumerations are to be defined in runtime based on the values in the DB var units = new UnitMap(model); var enums = new EnumsMap(model); while (csv.Read()) { record = new RecordLine { Id = csv.GetField <int>("Id"), Pid = csv.GetField <int>("Pid"), Method = csv.GetField("Method"), GlobalId = csv.GetField("GlobalId"), Par01 = csv.GetField("Par01"), Par02 = csv.GetField("Par02"), Par03 = csv.GetField("Par03"), Par04 = csv.GetField("Par04"), Par05 = csv.GetField("Par05"), Par06 = csv.GetField("Par06"), Par07 = csv.GetField("Par07"), Par08 = csv.GetField("Par08"), Par09 = csv.GetField("Par09") }; records.Add(record); //Console.WriteLine(record.Method); if (record.Method == "IfcClassification") { var root = model.CreateBreakedownRoot(record.Par01, null); // "Klasifikace DSS, CCI:ET, CCI:CS, CCI:FS" // set name in default language root.SetName("en", record.Par01); // set name in other languages root.SetName("cs", ""); breakedownRootMap.Add(record.Par01, root); } else if (record.Method == "IfcProjectLibrary") { currentRequirementsSet = model.CreateRequirementSet(record.Par01, null); // "Level of Information Need" if (record.GlobalId != "") { currentRequirementsSet.Entity.GlobalId = record.GlobalId; } // set name in default language currentRequirementsSet.SetName("en", record.Par01); // set name in other languages currentRequirementsSet.SetName("cs", ""); } else if (record.Method == "IfcRelAssignsToControl") { // Purpose of the data requirement/exchange if (!reasonsMap.TryGetValue(record.Id, out Reason reason)) { reason = model.CreateReason(record.Par01, record.Par02); if (record.GlobalId != "") { reason.Entity.GlobalId = record.GlobalId; } reasonsMap.Add(record.Id, reason); // set name in default language reason.SetName("en", record.Par01); // set name in other languages reason.SetName("cs", record.Par02); } reason.AddToContext(currentRequirementsSet); } else if (record.Method == "IfcRelAssignsToActor") { // Actor / Role = Who is interested in the data if (!actorMap.TryGetValue(record.GlobalId, out Actor actor)) { actor = model.CreateActor(record.Par01, null); if (record.GlobalId != "") { actor.Entity.GlobalId = record.GlobalId; } actorMap.Add(record.GlobalId, actor); // set name in default language actor.SetName("en", record.Par01); // set name in other languages actor.SetName("cs", ""); } actor.AddToContext(currentRequirementsSet); } else if (record.Method == "IfcRelAssignsToProcess") { // Milestone = point in time if (!milestonesCache.TryGetValue(record.Id, out Milestone milestone)) { milestone = model.CreateMilestone(record.Par02, null); milestone.Entity.IsMilestone = record.Par03 == "true"; if (record.GlobalId != "") { milestone.Entity.GlobalId = record.GlobalId; } milestonesCache.Add(record.Id, milestone); // set name in default language milestone.SetName("en", record.Par01); // set name in other languages milestone.SetName("cs", record.Par02); } milestone.AddToContext(currentRequirementsSet); } else if (record.Method == "IfcClassificationReference") { // Class within classification // Set parent BreakdownItem parent = null; if (record.Par04 == "") { //Program.ifcCRS = Program.ifcCL; // classification for root class parent = breakedownRootMap[record.Par09]; // classification for root class } else { parent = breakedownMap[record.Pid]; // parent class othewise } // Optionally add new class if (!breakedownMap.ContainsKey(record.Id)) { var item = model.CreateBreakedownItem(record.Par02, record.Par03, null, parent); breakedownMap.Add(record.Id, item); // set name in default language item.SetName("en", record.Par01); // set name in other languages item.SetName("cs", record.Par02); } ; } else if (record.Method == "IfcRelAssociatesClassification") { breakedownMap[record.Id].AddToContext(currentRequirementsSet); } else if (record.Method == "IfcRelDeclares") { // nothing to do, handled by LOIN library } else if (record.Method == "IfcPropertySetTemplate") { if (ifcPropertySetMap.ContainsKey(record.Id)) { PropertySetReused = true; currentPropertySet = ifcPropertySetMap[record.Id]; } else { PropertySetReused = false; currentPropertySet = model.CreatePropertySetTemplate(record.Par01, null); // "Základní informace o místnostech" // set name in default language currentPropertySet.SetName("en", record.Par01); // set name in other languages currentPropertySet.SetName("cs", record.Par02); //ApplicableEntity //Description if (record.Par03 != "") { currentPropertySet.Description = record.Par03; // set name in default language currentPropertySet.SetDescription("en", record.Par03); // set name in other languages currentPropertySet.SetDescription("cs", record.Par04); } else if (record.Par04 != "") { currentPropertySet.Description = record.Par04; // set name in default language currentPropertySet.SetDescription("en", ""); // set name in other languages currentPropertySet.SetDescription("cs", record.Par04); } if (record.GlobalId != "") { currentPropertySet.GlobalId = record.GlobalId; } ifcPropertySetMap.Add(record.Id, currentPropertySet); }; currentRequirementsSet.Add(currentPropertySet); } else if (record.Method == "IfcSimplePropertyTemplate") { if (!PropertySetReused) { if (!ifcPropertyMap.TryGetValue(record.Id, out IfcSimplePropertyTemplate propertyTemplate)) { propertyTemplate = model.New <IfcSimplePropertyTemplate>(p => { p.Name = record.Par08; // "Název EN" // Set description in primary language p.SetName("en", record.Par08); // Set description in other languages p.SetName("cs", record.Par01); }); if (record.GlobalId != "") { propertyTemplate.GlobalId = record.GlobalId; } //Description if (record.Par09 != "") { propertyTemplate.Description = record.Par09; // Set description in primary language propertyTemplate.SetDescription("en", record.Par09); // Set description in other languages propertyTemplate.SetDescription("cs", record.Par02); } else if (record.Par02 != "") { propertyTemplate.Description = record.Par02; // Set description in primary language propertyTemplate.SetDescription("en", ""); // Set description in other languages propertyTemplate.SetDescription("cs", record.Par02); } if (record.Par03 != "") // dataunit { propertyTemplate.PrimaryUnit = units[record.Par03]; } if (record.Par04 != "") // nameof(X) -> "X" { propertyTemplate.PrimaryMeasureType = record.Par04; } //TemplateType switch (record.Par05) { case "P_SINGLEVALUE": propertyTemplate.TemplateType = IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.P_SINGLEVALUE; break; case "P_ENUMERATEDVALUE": propertyTemplate.TemplateType = IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.P_ENUMERATEDVALUE; propertyTemplate.Enumerators = enums.GetOrAdd(record.Par06, record.Par07.Split(",", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); // { "Pondělí", "Úterý", "Středa", "Čtvrtek", "Pátek", "Sobota", "Neděle"} break; case "P_REFERENCEVALUE": propertyTemplate.TemplateType = IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.P_REFERENCEVALUE; break; case "P_BOUNDEDVALUE": propertyTemplate.TemplateType = IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.P_BOUNDEDVALUE; break; default: Console.WriteLine("IfcSimplePropertyTemplate: UNKNOWN TEMPLATE TYPE ", record.Par05); //Program.ifcSPT.TemplateType = ... break; } ; ifcPropertyMap.Add(record.Id, propertyTemplate); } ; currentPropertySet.HasPropertyTemplates.Add(propertyTemplate); currentPropertyTemplate = propertyTemplate; } ; } else if (record.Method == "IfcSIUnit") { var unit = model.New <IfcSIUnit>(); //Name //Program.ifcISU.Name = IfcSIUnitName.SQUARE_METRE; try { unit.Name = ifcSIUnitMap[record.Par01]; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("IfcSIUnit: UNKNOWN NAME ", record.Par01); //ifcISU.Name = IfcSIUnitName. ... } //UnitType switch (record.Par02) { case "AREAUNIT": unit.UnitType = IfcUnitEnum.AREAUNIT; break; default: Console.WriteLine("IfcSIUnit: UNKNOWN UNIT TYPE ", record.Par02); //ifcISU.UnitType = ... break; } ; currentPropertyTemplate.PrimaryUnit = unit; } else if (record.Method == "IfcDocumentReference") { // Declared data requirements / templates model.New <IfcRelAssociatesDocument>(rd => { rd.RelatedObjects.Add(currentPropertyTemplate); rd.RelatingDocument = model.New <IfcDocumentReference>(doc => { doc.Identification = record.Par01; // "Vyhláška č. 441/2013 Sb." doc.Location = record.Par02; // "" doc.Name = record.Par03; // "Vyhláška k provedení zákona o oceňování majetku (oceňovací vyhláška)" }); }); } ; } ; // konec while read txn.Commit(); } // validate schema and proper units var validator = new IfcValidator(); var valid = validator.Check(model.Internal); if (doValidate != "novalidate" && !valid) { throw new Exception("Invalid model shouldn't be stored and used for any purposes."); } // this is stdout if you want to use it //var stdout = Console.OpenStandardOutput(); // writing to stream (any stream) using (var stream = File.Create(ifcFile)) { if (Path.GetExtension(ifcFile) == ".ifcxml") { model.Internal.SaveAsIfcXml(stream); } else { model.Internal.SaveAsIfc(stream); }; } //model.SaveAs("DDSS.ifc"); //model.SaveAs("DDSS.ifcxml"); //model.SaveAs(ifcFile); // args[0] } //STOP }// csv }