public IfcTendonType(IfcGloballyUniqueId globalId, IfcOwnerHistory ownerHistory, IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcIdentifier applicableOccurrence, List <IfcPropertySetDefinition> hasPropertySets, List <IfcRepresentationMap> representationMaps, IfcLabel tag, IfcLabel elementType, IfcTendonTypeEnum predefinedType, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure nominalDiameter, IfcAreaMeasure crossSectionArea, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure sheathDiameter) : base(globalId, ownerHistory, name, description, applicableOccurrence, hasPropertySets, representationMaps, tag, elementType) { PredefinedType = predefinedType; NominalDiameter = nominalDiameter; CrossSectionArea = crossSectionArea; SheathDiameter = sheathDiameter; }
public IfcTendonType(IfcGloballyUniqueId __GlobalId, IfcOwnerHistory __OwnerHistory, IfcLabel?__Name, IfcText?__Description, IfcIdentifier?__ApplicableOccurrence, IfcPropertySetDefinition[] __HasPropertySets, IfcRepresentationMap[] __RepresentationMaps, IfcLabel?__Tag, IfcLabel?__ElementType, IfcTendonTypeEnum __PredefinedType, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure?__NominalDiameter, IfcAreaMeasure?__CrossSectionArea, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure?__SheathDiameter) : base(__GlobalId, __OwnerHistory, __Name, __Description, __ApplicableOccurrence, __HasPropertySets, __RepresentationMaps, __Tag, __ElementType) { this._PredefinedType = __PredefinedType; this._NominalDiameter = __NominalDiameter; this._CrossSectionArea = __CrossSectionArea; this._SheathDiameter = __SheathDiameter; }
public IfcTendon(IfcGloballyUniqueId globalId, IfcOwnerHistory ownerHistory, IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcLabel objectType, IfcObjectPlacement objectPlacement, IfcProductRepresentation representation, IfcIdentifier tag, IfcLabel steelGrade, IfcTendonTypeEnum predefinedType, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure nominalDiameter, IfcAreaMeasure crossSectionArea, IfcForceMeasure tensionForce, IfcPressureMeasure preStress, IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure frictionCoefficient, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure anchorageSlip, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure minCurvatureRadius) : base(globalId, ownerHistory, name, description, objectType, objectPlacement, representation, tag, steelGrade) { PredefinedType = predefinedType; NominalDiameter = nominalDiameter; CrossSectionArea = crossSectionArea; TensionForce = tensionForce; PreStress = preStress; FrictionCoefficient = frictionCoefficient; AnchorageSlip = anchorageSlip; MinCurvatureRadius = minCurvatureRadius; }
public IfcTendon(IfcGloballyUniqueId __GlobalId, IfcOwnerHistory __OwnerHistory, IfcLabel?__Name, IfcText?__Description, IfcLabel?__ObjectType, IfcObjectPlacement __ObjectPlacement, IfcProductRepresentation __Representation, IfcIdentifier?__Tag, IfcLabel?__SteelGrade, IfcTendonTypeEnum __PredefinedType, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure __NominalDiameter, IfcAreaMeasure __CrossSectionArea, IfcForceMeasure?__TensionForce, IfcPressureMeasure?__PreStress, IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure?__FrictionCoefficient, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure?__AnchorageSlip, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure?__MinCurvatureRadius) : base(__GlobalId, __OwnerHistory, __Name, __Description, __ObjectType, __ObjectPlacement, __Representation, __Tag, __SteelGrade) { this._PredefinedType = __PredefinedType; this._NominalDiameter = __NominalDiameter; this._CrossSectionArea = __CrossSectionArea; this._TensionForce = __TensionForce; this._PreStress = __PreStress; this._FrictionCoefficient = __FrictionCoefficient; this._AnchorageSlip = __AnchorageSlip; this._MinCurvatureRadius = __MinCurvatureRadius; }
public override void Parse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value, int[] nestedIndex) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: base.Parse(propIndex, value, nestedIndex); return; case 9: _predefinedType = (IfcTendonTypeEnum)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(IfcTendonTypeEnum), value.EnumVal, true); return; case 10: _nominalDiameter = value.RealVal; return; case 11: _crossSectionArea = value.RealVal; return; case 12: _tensionForce = value.RealVal; return; case 13: _preStress = value.RealVal; return; case 14: _frictionCoefficient = value.RealVal; return; case 15: _anchorageSlip = value.RealVal; return; case 16: _minCurvatureRadius = value.RealVal; return; default: throw new XbimParserException(string.Format("Attribute index {0} is out of range for {1}", propIndex + 1, GetType().Name.ToUpper())); } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 9: _predefinedType = (IfcTendonTypeEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(IfcTendonTypeEnum), value.EnumVal, true); break; case 10: _nominalDiameter = value.RealVal; break; case 11: _crossSectionArea = value.RealVal; break; case 12: _tensionForce = value.RealVal; break; case 13: _preStress = value.RealVal; break; case 14: _frictionCoefficient = value.RealVal; break; case 15: _anchorageSlip = value.RealVal; break; case 16: _minCurvatureRadius = value.RealVal; break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void Parse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value, int[] nestedIndex) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: base.Parse(propIndex, value, nestedIndex); return; case 9: _predefinedType = (IfcTendonTypeEnum)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(IfcTendonTypeEnum), value.EnumVal, true); return; case 10: _nominalDiameter = value.RealVal; return; case 11: _crossSectionArea = value.RealVal; return; case 12: _sheethDiameter = value.RealVal; return; default: throw new XbimParserException(string.Format("Attribute index {0} is out of range for {1}", propIndex + 1, GetType().Name.ToUpper())); } }
internal IfcTendon(IfcTendon t) : base(t) { mPredefinedType = t.mPredefinedType; mNominalDiameter = t.mNominalDiameter; mCrossSectionArea = t.mCrossSectionArea; mTensionForce = t.mTensionForce; mPreStress = t.mPreStress; mFrictionCoefficient = t.mFrictionCoefficient; mAnchorageSlip = t.mAnchorageSlip; mMinCurvatureRadius = t.mMinCurvatureRadius; }
} // optional /// <summary> /// Construct a IfcTendonType with all required attributes. /// </summary> public IfcTendonType(IfcGloballyUniqueId globalId, IfcTendonTypeEnum predefinedType) : base(globalId) { PredefinedType = predefinedType; }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 9: _predefinedType = (IfcTendonTypeEnum) Enum.Parse(typeof (IfcTendonTypeEnum), value.EnumVal, true); break; case 10: _nominalDiameter = value.RealVal; break; case 11: _crossSectionArea = value.RealVal; break; case 12: _tensionForce = value.RealVal; break; case 13: _preStress = value.RealVal; break; case 14: _frictionCoefficient = value.RealVal; break; case 15: _anchorageSlip = value.RealVal; break; case 16: _minCurvatureRadius = value.RealVal; break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }