protected BbMainPiece(BbAssembly assembly, IfcElement element, IfcRelAggregates ifcRelAggregates) { //BbAssembly = assembly; // wrong implementation need modification, donghoon 20131205 //_ifcElement = element; //_ifcRelAggregates = ifcRelAggregates; }
protected BbSite(BbProject project, IfcSite site, IfcRelAggregates ifcRelAggregates) { BbProject = project; IfcSpatialStructureElement = site; IfcRelAggregates = ifcRelAggregates; Guid = IfcGloballyUniqueId.ConvertToGuid(site.GlobalId); }
public void AddToHostObject(BbProduct hostObject) { HostObject = hostObject; var a = EarlyBindingInstanceModel.GetReferencedEntities(hostObject.IfcObject.EIN).Values; var b = (from x in a.OfType <IfcRelAggregates>() where x.RelatingObject.EIN == hostObject.IfcObject.EIN select x).ToList(); switch (b.Count) { case 0: IfcRelAggregates = new IfcRelAggregates { GlobalId = IfcGloballyUniqueId.NewGuid(), OwnerHistory = hostObject.IfcObject.OwnerHistory, RelatingObject = hostObject.IfcObject, RelatedObjects = new List <IfcObjectDefinition>() { }, }; break; case 1: IfcRelAggregates = b[0]; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } var aa = GetType().GetProperty("IfcObject").GetValue(this, null) as IfcObject; IfcRelAggregates.RelatedObjects.Add(aa); }
/*public IfcPropertySet AddPropertySet(IfcBuildingElementProxy element, List<IfcProperty> properties){ * var ps = new IfcPropertySet(IfcGuid.IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()),properties); * var def = new IfcPropertySetDefinition(IfcGuid.IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid())); * var test = new IfcPropertySetDefinitionSelect(); * //var r = new IfcRelDefinesByProperties(IfcGuid.IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), new List<IfcObjectDefinition>{element},); * }*/ private void CreateAggregationRelationship(IfcObjectDefinition from, IfcObjectDefinition to) { var r = new IfcRelAggregates(IfcGuid.IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), from, new List <IfcObjectDefinition> { to }); from.Decomposes.Add(r); storage.AddInstance(r); }
public static void AddDecomposingObjectToFirstAggregation(this IfcObjectDefinition obj, IModel model, IfcObjectDefinition decomposingObject) { IfcRelAggregates rel = model.Instances.Where <IfcRelAggregates>(r => r.RelatingObject == obj).FirstOrDefault() ?? model.Instances.New <IfcRelAggregates>(r => r.RelatingObject = obj); rel.RelatedObjects.Add(decomposingObject); }
public void AddStorey(IfcStore model, BuildingStorey storey) { IfcRelAggregates StoryBuildingRel = model.Instances.New <IfcRelAggregates>(p => { p.RelatingObject = building.IfcBuilding; p.RelatedObjects.Add(storey.IfcBuildingStorey); }); stories.Add(storey); }
protected BbSite( Guid guid, string name, string description, string longname, string compositionType, BbProject project) { Guid = guid; ObjectBbLocalPlacement = BbLocalPlacement3D.Create(BbHeaderSetting.Setting3D.DefaultBbPosition3D); IfcSpatialStructureElement = new IfcSite { GlobalId = IfcGloballyUniqueId.ConvertToIfcGuid(guid), OwnerHistory = BbHeaderSetting.Setting3D.IfcOwnerHistory, Name = name, Description = description, LongName = longname, ObjectPlacement = ObjectBbLocalPlacement.IfcLocalPlacement, // CompositionType = IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT, }; if (compositionType.ToLower() == @"complex") { IfcSpatialStructureElement.CompositionType = IfcElementCompositionEnum.COMPLEX; } else if (compositionType.ToLower() == @"partial") { IfcSpatialStructureElement.CompositionType = IfcElementCompositionEnum.PARTIAL; } else { IfcSpatialStructureElement.CompositionType = IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT; } BbProject = project; if (true) { IfcRelAggregates = new IfcRelAggregates() { GlobalId = IfcGloballyUniqueId.NewGuid(), OwnerHistory = BbHeaderSetting.Setting3D.IfcOwnerHistory, RelatingObject = BbProject.IfcObject, RelatedObjects = new List <IfcObjectDefinition>() { IfcSpatialStructureElement }, }; } }
/// <summary> /// Adds Building to the IsDecomposedBy Collection. /// </summary> public static void AddBuilding(this IfcProject ifcProject, IfcBuilding building) { IEnumerable <IfcRelDecomposes> decomposition = ifcProject.IsDecomposedBy; if (decomposition.Count() == 0) //none defined create the relationship { IfcRelAggregates relSub = ifcProject.ModelOf.Instances.New <IfcRelAggregates>(); relSub.RelatingObject = ifcProject; relSub.RelatedObjects.Add(building); } else { decomposition.First().RelatedObjects.Add(building); } }
public static void AddSite(this IfcSite site, IfcSite subSite) { IEnumerable <IfcRelDecomposes> decomposition = site.IsDecomposedBy; if (decomposition.Count() == 0) //none defined create the relationship { IfcRelAggregates relSub = site.ModelOf.Instances.New <IfcRelAggregates>(); relSub.RelatingObject = site; relSub.RelatedObjects.Add(subSite); } else { decomposition.First().RelatedObjects.Add(subSite); } }
public IfcSpace AddNewSpace() { EventType enabledEventTypes = BaseObject.EventsEnabled; BaseObject.EventsEnabled = EventType.None; try { T ifcSpace = (T)AddNew(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IEnumerable <IfcRelAggregates> ifcRelAggregatesCollection = this.Document.IfcXmlDocument.Items.OfType <IfcRelAggregates>().Where(item => item.RelatingObject != null && item.RelatingObject.Ref == ((Ifc4.Entity) this.Parent).Id).ToList(); if (ifcRelAggregatesCollection.Any()) { foreach (IfcRelAggregates ifcRelAggregates in ifcRelAggregatesCollection) { var relatedObject = ifcRelAggregates.RelatedObjects.Items.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Ref == ifcSpace.Id); if (relatedObject == null) { ifcRelAggregates.RelatedObjects.Items.Add(ifcSpace.RefInstance()); } } } else { IfcRelAggregates relAggregatesBuildingStorey = new IfcRelAggregates() { GlobalId = Document.GetNewGlobalId(), RelatingObject = new Ifc4.IfcBuildingStorey() { Ref = ((Ifc4.Entity) this.Parent).Id } }; relAggregatesBuildingStorey.RelatedObjects = new IfcRelAggregatesRelatedObjects(); relAggregatesBuildingStorey.RelatedObjects.Items.Add(ifcSpace.RefInstance()); this.Document.IfcXmlDocument.Items.Add(relAggregatesBuildingStorey); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ return(ifcSpace); } catch (Exception exc) { return(default(T)); } finally { BaseObject.EventsEnabled = enabledEventTypes; } }
/// <summary> /// Adds specified IfcSpatialStructureElement to the decomposition of this spatial structure element. /// </summary> /// <param name = "se"></param> /// <param name = "child">Child spatial structure element.</param> public static void AddToSpatialDecomposition(this IfcSpatialStructureElement se, IfcSpatialStructureElement child) { IEnumerable <IfcRelDecomposes> decomposition = se.IsDecomposedBy; if (decomposition.Count() == 0) //none defined create the relationship { IfcRelAggregates relSub = se.Model.Instances.New <IfcRelAggregates>(); relSub.RelatingObject = se; relSub.RelatedObjects.Add(child); } else { decomposition.First().RelatedObjects.Add(child); } }
protected BbSite( Guid guid, string name, string description, string longname, string compositionType, BbProject project) { Guid = guid; ObjectBbLocalPlacement = BbLocalPlacement3D.Create(BbHeaderSetting.Setting3D.DefaultBbPosition3D); IfcSpatialStructureElement = new IfcSite { GlobalId = IfcGloballyUniqueId.ConvertToIfcGuid(guid), OwnerHistory = BbHeaderSetting.Setting3D.IfcOwnerHistory, Name = name, Description = description, LongName = longname, ObjectPlacement = ObjectBbLocalPlacement.IfcLocalPlacement, // CompositionType = IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT, }; if (compositionType.ToLower() == @"complex") { IfcSpatialStructureElement.CompositionType = IfcElementCompositionEnum.COMPLEX; } else if (compositionType.ToLower() == @"partial") { IfcSpatialStructureElement.CompositionType = IfcElementCompositionEnum.PARTIAL; } else { IfcSpatialStructureElement.CompositionType = IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT; } BbProject = project; if (true) { IfcRelAggregates = new IfcRelAggregates() { GlobalId = IfcGloballyUniqueId.NewGuid(), OwnerHistory = BbHeaderSetting.Setting3D.IfcOwnerHistory, RelatingObject = BbProject.IfcObject, RelatedObjects = new List<IfcObjectDefinition>() { IfcSpatialStructureElement }, }; } }
internal static IfcBuildingStorey CreateStorey(IfcStore model, IfcBuilding building, string BlkName, int storeyNumber, FloorBase cadFloor) { IfcBuildingStorey storey; using (var trans = model.BeginTransaction("Add Storey")) { storey = model.Instances.New <IfcBuildingStorey>(); storey.Name = BlkName + $"F{storeyNumber}"; IfcRelAggregates rel = model.Instances.New <IfcRelAggregates>(); rel.RelatingObject = building; rel.RelatedObjects.Add(storey); XbimCreateBuilding.AddStoreyProperties(model, storey, cadFloor.Height, cadFloor.Level); trans.Commit(); } return(storey); }
BbFloor( string name, double elevation, BbBuilding building) { ObjectBbLocalPlacement = BbLocalPlacement3D.Create(building.ObjectBbLocalPlacement, BbHeaderSetting.Setting3D.DefaultBbPosition3D); IfcSpatialStructureElement = new IfcBuildingStorey { GlobalId = IfcGloballyUniqueId.NewGuid(), OwnerHistory = BbHeaderSetting.Setting3D.IfcOwnerHistory, Name = name, //Description = "", //ObjectType = "", ObjectPlacement = ObjectBbLocalPlacement.IfcLocalPlacement, //Representation = //LongName = "", CompositionType = IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT, Elevation = elevation, }; //building.AddFloor(this); BbBuilding = building; if (true) { IfcRelAggregates = new IfcRelAggregates() { GlobalId = IfcGloballyUniqueId.NewGuid(), OwnerHistory = BbHeaderSetting.Setting3D.IfcOwnerHistory, RelatingObject = BbBuilding.IfcSpatialStructureElement, RelatedObjects = new List <IfcObjectDefinition>() { IfcSpatialStructureElement }, }; } }
BbFloor( string name, double elevation, BbBuilding building) { ObjectBbLocalPlacement = BbLocalPlacement3D.Create(building.ObjectBbLocalPlacement, BbHeaderSetting.Setting3D.DefaultBbPosition3D); IfcSpatialStructureElement = new IfcBuildingStorey { GlobalId = IfcGloballyUniqueId.NewGuid(), OwnerHistory = BbHeaderSetting.Setting3D.IfcOwnerHistory, Name = name, //Description = "", //ObjectType = "", ObjectPlacement = ObjectBbLocalPlacement.IfcLocalPlacement, //Representation = //LongName = "", CompositionType = IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT, Elevation = elevation, }; //building.AddFloor(this); BbBuilding = building; if (true) { IfcRelAggregates = new IfcRelAggregates() { GlobalId = IfcGloballyUniqueId.NewGuid(), OwnerHistory = BbHeaderSetting.Setting3D.IfcOwnerHistory, RelatingObject = BbBuilding.IfcSpatialStructureElement, RelatedObjects = new List<IfcObjectDefinition>() { IfcSpatialStructureElement }, }; } }
protected BbBuilding(BbSite site, IfcBuilding building, IfcRelAggregates ifcRelAggregates) { BbSite = site; IfcSpatialStructureElement = building; IfcRelAggregates = ifcRelAggregates; }
/// <summary> /// Write the model to IFC. /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="path">The path to the generated IFC STEP file.</param> public static void ToIFC(this Model model, string path) { var ifc = new Document("Elements", "Elements", Environment.UserName, null, null, null, "Elements", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ); var proj = ifc.AllInstancesOfType <IfcProject>().FirstOrDefault(); // Add a site var site = new IfcSite(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT); var projAggregate = new IfcRelAggregates(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, proj, new List <IfcObjectDefinition> { site }); // Add building and building storey var building = new IfcBuilding(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT); var storey = new IfcBuildingStorey(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT); var aggregate = new IfcRelAggregates(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, building, new List <IfcObjectDefinition> { storey }); // Aggregate the building into the site var siteAggregate = new IfcRelAggregates(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, site, new List <IfcObjectDefinition> { building }); ifc.AddEntity(site); ifc.AddEntity(projAggregate); ifc.AddEntity(building); ifc.AddEntity(storey); ifc.AddEntity(aggregate); ifc.AddEntity(siteAggregate); var products = new List <IfcProduct>(); var context = ifc.AllInstancesOfType <IfcGeometricRepresentationContext>().FirstOrDefault(); foreach (var e in model.Elements.Values) { try { products.AddRange(e.ToIfcProducts(context, ifc)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"There was an error writing an element of type {e.GetType()} to IFC: " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); continue; } } var spatialRel = new IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, products, storey); ifc.AddEntity(spatialRel); if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } File.WriteAllText(path, ifc.ToSTEP(path)); }
protected BbFloor(BbBuilding building, IfcBuildingStorey floor, IfcRelAggregates ifcRelAggregates) { BbBuilding = building; IfcSpatialStructureElement = floor; IfcRelAggregates = ifcRelAggregates; }
/// <summary> /// Write the model to IFC. /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="path">The path to the generated IFC STEP file.</param> public static void ToIFC(this Model model, string path) { var ifc = new Document("Elements", "Elements", Environment.UserName, null, null, null, "Elements", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ); var proj = ifc.AllInstancesOfType <IfcProject>().FirstOrDefault(); // Add a site var site = new IfcSite(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, "Hypar Site", "The default site generated by Hypar", null, null, null, null, IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT, new IfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure(new List <int> { 0, 0, 0 }), new IfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure(new List <int> { 0, 0, 0 }), 0, null, null); var projAggregate = new IfcRelAggregates(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), proj, new List <IfcObjectDefinition> { site }); // Add building and building storey var building = new IfcBuilding(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, "Default Building", "The default building generated by Hypar.", null, null, null, null, IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT, 0, 0, null); var storey = new IfcBuildingStorey(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, "Default Storey", "The default storey generated by Hypar", null, null, null, null, IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT, 0); var aggregate = new IfcRelAggregates(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), building, new List <IfcObjectDefinition> { storey }); // Aggregate the building into the site var siteAggregate = new IfcRelAggregates(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), site, new List <IfcObjectDefinition> { building }); ifc.AddEntity(site); ifc.AddEntity(projAggregate); ifc.AddEntity(building); ifc.AddEntity(storey); ifc.AddEntity(aggregate); ifc.AddEntity(siteAggregate); var products = new List <IfcProduct>(); var context = ifc.AllInstancesOfType <IfcGeometricRepresentationContext>().FirstOrDefault(); // IfcRelAssociatesMaterial // IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation // var styleAssignments = new Dictionary <Guid, List <IfcStyleAssignmentSelect> >(); var white = Colors.White.ToIfcColourRgb(); ifc.AddEntity(white); // TODO: Fix color support in all applications. // foreach (var m in model.AllElementsOfType <Material>()) { var material = new IfcMaterial(m.Name, null, "Hypar"); ifc.AddEntity(material); var color = m.Color.ToIfcColourRgb(); ifc.AddEntity(color); var transparency = new IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure(1.0 - m.Color.Alpha); var shading = new IfcSurfaceStyleShading(color, transparency); ifc.AddEntity(shading); var styles = new List <IfcSurfaceStyleElementSelect> { new IfcSurfaceStyleElementSelect(shading), }; var surfaceStyle = new IfcSurfaceStyle(material.Name, IfcSurfaceSide.BOTH, styles); ifc.AddEntity(surfaceStyle); var styleAssign = new IfcStyleAssignmentSelect(surfaceStyle); var assignments = new List <IfcStyleAssignmentSelect>() { styleAssign }; styleAssignments.Add(m.Id, assignments); } foreach (var e in model.Elements.Values.Where(e => { var t = e.GetType(); return(((e is GeometricElement && !((GeometricElement)e).IsElementDefinition) || e is ElementInstance) && t != typeof(ModelCurve) && t != typeof(ModelPoints) && t != typeof(AnalysisMesh)); })) { try { products.AddRange(e.ToIfcProducts(context, ifc, styleAssignments)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"There was an error writing an element of type {e.GetType()} to IFC: " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); continue; } } var spatialRel = new IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), products, storey); ifc.AddEntity(spatialRel); if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } File.WriteAllText(path, ifc.ToSTEP(path)); }
public T AddNewFacility(CcFacility cloneFacility = null, bool oneToOneCopy = false) { EventType enabledEventTypes = BaseObject.EventsEnabled; BaseObject.EventsEnabled = EventType.None; try { T facility = (T)AddNew(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Annahme Anlage = IfcBuildingElementProxy IfcBuildingElementProxy ifcBuildingElementProxy = new IfcBuildingElementProxy(); facility.IfcObjectDefinition = ifcBuildingElementProxy; ifcBuildingElementProxy.Parent = this; Ifc4.Document document = this.GetParent <Ifc4.Document>(); if (document != null) { Entity entity = ifcBuildingElementProxy as Entity; if (entity != null) { entity.Id = document.GetNextSid(); document.IfcXmlDocument.Items.Add(entity); } IfcRoot ifcRoot = ifcBuildingElementProxy as IfcRoot; if (ifcRoot != null) { ifcRoot.GlobalId = document.GetNewGlobalId(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (this.Parent.GetType() == typeof(Ifc4.IfcProject)) { IEnumerable <IfcRelAggregates> ifcRelAggregatesCollection = this.Document.IfcXmlDocument.Items.OfType <IfcRelAggregates>() .Where(item => item.RelatingObject != null && item.RelatingObject.Ref == ((Ifc4.IfcProject) this.Parent).Id).ToList(); if (ifcRelAggregatesCollection.Any()) { foreach (IfcRelAggregates ifcRelAggregates in ifcRelAggregatesCollection) { var relatedObject = ifcRelAggregates.RelatedObjects.Items.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Ref == ifcBuildingElementProxy.Id); if (relatedObject == null) { ifcRelAggregates.RelatedObjects.Items.Add(ifcBuildingElementProxy.RefInstance()); } } } else { IfcRelAggregates relAggregatesProject = new IfcRelAggregates() { GlobalId = Document.GetNewGlobalId(), // kann aktuell nur IfcProject sein RelatingObject = new Ifc4.IfcProject() { Ref = ((Ifc4.IfcProject) this.Parent).Id } }; relAggregatesProject.RelatedObjects = new IfcRelAggregatesRelatedObjects(); relAggregatesProject.RelatedObjects.Items.Add(ifcBuildingElementProxy.RefInstance()); this.Document.IfcXmlDocument.Items.Add(relAggregatesProject); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (this.Parent.GetType() == typeof(Ifc4.CcFacility)) { if (((Ifc4.CcFacility) this.Parent).IfcObjectDefinition != null) { Ifc4.IfcRelAggregates ifcRelAggregates = ((Ifc4.CcFacility) this.Parent).GetIfcRelAggregates(); ifcRelAggregates.RelatedObjects.Items.Add(ifcBuildingElementProxy.RefInstance()); } else if (((Ifc4.CcFacility) this.Parent).IfcSystem != null) { Ifc4.IfcRelAssignsToGroup ifcRelAssignsToGroup = ((Ifc4.CcFacility) this.Parent).GetIfcRelAssignsToGroup(); ifcRelAssignsToGroup.RelatedObjects.Items.Add(ifcBuildingElementProxy.RefInstance()); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // assign facility properties from clipboard facility facility.AssignPropertiesFromFacility(cloneFacility, oneToOneCopy); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ return(facility); } catch (Exception exc) { return(default(T)); } finally { BaseObject.EventsEnabled = enabledEventTypes; } }
public T AddNewSystem(Ifc4.IfcObjectDefinition relatingObject) { EventType enabledEventTypes = BaseObject.EventsEnabled; BaseObject.EventsEnabled = EventType.None; try { T facility = (T)AddNew(); var ifcSystem = new IfcSystem(); // ifcSystem.Parent = this; ifcSystem.Parent = facility; ifcSystem.ParentIBaseObject = facility; facility.IfcSystem = ifcSystem; var document = this.GetParent <Ifc4.Document>(); if (document != null) { Entity entity = ifcSystem as Entity; if (entity != null) { entity.Id = document.GetNextSid(); document.IfcXmlDocument.Items.Add(entity); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ string Ref = String.Empty; if (relatingObject == null) { Ref = document.Project.Id; } else { Ref = relatingObject.Id; } //<IfcRelAggregates id="i84" GlobalId="3SVa7UPpXAux$wEdBKgcDI"> // <RelatingObject xsi:type="IfcProject" xsi:nil="true" ref="i100"/> // <RelatedObjects> // <IfcSite ref="i83" xsi:nil="true"/> // <IfcSystem ref="i2501" xsi:nil="true"/> <!-- 431 Lüftungsanlagen --> // <IfcSystem ref="i2508" xsi:nil="true"/> <!-- 461 Aufzugsanlagen --> // </RelatedObjects> //</IfcRelAggregates> if (relatingObject != null) { IEnumerable <IfcRelAggregates> ifcRelAggregatesCollection = this.Document.IfcXmlDocument.Items.OfType <IfcRelAggregates>().Where(item => item.RelatingObject != null && item.RelatingObject.Ref == Ref).ToList(); if (ifcRelAggregatesCollection.Any()) { foreach (var ifcRelAggregates in ifcRelAggregatesCollection) { var relatedObject = ifcRelAggregates.RelatedObjects.Items.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Ref == ifcSystem.Id); if (relatedObject == null) { ifcRelAggregates.RelatedObjects.Items.Add(ifcSystem.RefInstance()); // add only to one IfcRelAggregates - RelatedObjects List - RelatingObject xsi:type="IfcProject" break; } } } else { var relAggregatesProject = new IfcRelAggregates() { GlobalId = Document.GetNewGlobalId(), RelatingObject = new Ifc4.IfcProject() { Ref = Ref } }; relAggregatesProject.RelatedObjects = new IfcRelAggregatesRelatedObjects(); relAggregatesProject.RelatedObjects.Items.Add(ifcSystem.RefInstance()); this.Document.IfcXmlDocument.Items.Add(relAggregatesProject); } } return(facility); } catch (Exception exc) { return(default(T)); } finally { BaseObject.EventsEnabled = enabledEventTypes; } }
public void AddToHostObject(BbProduct hostObject) { HostObject = hostObject; var a = EarlyBindingInstanceModel.GetReferencedEntities(hostObject.IfcObject.EIN).Values; var b = (from x in a.OfType<IfcRelAggregates>() where x.RelatingObject.EIN == hostObject.IfcObject.EIN select x).ToList(); switch (b.Count) { case 0: IfcRelAggregates = new IfcRelAggregates { GlobalId = IfcGloballyUniqueId.NewGuid(), OwnerHistory = hostObject.IfcObject.OwnerHistory, RelatingObject = hostObject.IfcObject, RelatedObjects = new List<IfcObjectDefinition>() { }, }; break; case 1: IfcRelAggregates = b[0]; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } var aa = GetType().GetProperty("IfcObject").GetValue(this, null) as IfcObject; IfcRelAggregates.RelatedObjects.Add(aa); }
private IfcStair CreateIfcStair(IfcStore model, Stair stair) { //begin a transaction using (var trans = model.BeginTransaction("Create Stair")) { IfcStair stairToCreate = model.Instances.New <IfcStair>(); stairToCreate.Name = " stair - Wall:UC305x305x97:" + 1500; IfcDirection extrusionDir = model.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(); extrusionDir.SetXYZ(0, 0, -1); //Create a Definition shape to hold the geometry of the Stair 3D body IfcShapeRepresentation shape = IFCHelper.ShapeRepresentationCreate(model, "SweptSolid", "Body"); for (int i = 0; i < stair.LstStep.Count; i++) { IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef stepProfile = IFCHelper.ArbitraryClosedProfileCreate(model, (stair.LstStep[i].Vertices /*.Select(v => v * 1000)*/).ToList()); IfcExtrudedAreaSolid body = IFCHelper.ProfileSweptSolidCreate(model, stair.Thickness, stepProfile, extrusionDir); body.BodyPlacementSet(model, 0, 0, stair.IsUp ? stair.Thickness * i : stair.Thickness * -i); shape.Items.Add(body); } //Create a Product Definition and add the model geometry to the wall IfcProductDefinitionShape prDefShape = model.Instances.New <IfcProductDefinitionShape>(); prDefShape.Representations.Add(shape); IfcStairFlight flight = model.Instances.New <IfcStairFlight>(); flight.Representation = prDefShape; IfcRelAggregates relAggregate = model.Instances.New <IfcRelAggregates>(); relAggregate.RelatingObject = stairToCreate; relAggregate.RelatedObjects.Add(flight); //Create Local axes system and assign it to the column IfcCartesianPoint location3D = model.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>(); location3D.SetXYZ(0, 0, 0); //var uvColLongDir = MathHelper.UnitVectorPtFromPt1ToPt2(cadSlab.CenterPt, cadSlab.PtLengthDir); IfcDirection localXDir = model.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(); localXDir.SetXYZ(1, 0, 0); IfcDirection localZDir = model.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(); localZDir.SetXYZ(0, 0, 1); IfcAxis2Placement3D ax3D = IFCHelper.LocalAxesSystemCreate(model, location3D, localXDir, localZDir); //now place the slab into the model IfcLocalPlacement lp = IFCHelper.LocalPlacemetCreate(model, ax3D); flight.ObjectPlacement = lp; trans.Commit(); return(stairToCreate); } }
/// <summary> /// Write the model to IFC. /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="path">The path to the generated IFC STEP file.</param> public static void ToIFC(this Model model, string path) { var ifc = new Document("elements", "elements", Environment.UserName, null, null, null, "elements", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ); var proj = ifc.AllInstancesOfType <IfcProject>().FirstOrDefault(); // Add a site var site = new IfcSite(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT); var projAggregate = new IfcRelAggregates(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, proj, new List <IfcObjectDefinition> { site }); // Add building and building storey var building = new IfcBuilding(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT); var storey = new IfcBuildingStorey(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT); var aggregate = new IfcRelAggregates(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, building, new List <IfcObjectDefinition> { storey }); // Aggregate the building into the site var siteAggregate = new IfcRelAggregates(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, site, new List <IfcObjectDefinition> { building }); ifc.AddEntity(site); ifc.AddEntity(projAggregate); ifc.AddEntity(building); ifc.AddEntity(storey); ifc.AddEntity(aggregate); ifc.AddEntity(siteAggregate); // Materials // foreach(var m in model.Materials.Values) // { // var ifcMaterial = new IfcMaterial(m.Name); // ifc.AddEntity(ifcMaterial); // } var products = new List <IfcProduct>(); var context = ifc.AllInstancesOfType <IfcGeometricRepresentationContext>().FirstOrDefault(); foreach (var e in model.Elements.Values) { try { if (e is Wall) { var w = (Wall)e; var ifcWall = w.ToIfcWallStandardCase(context, ifc); products.Add(ifcWall); } if (e is Beam) { var b = (Beam)e; var ifcBeam = b.ToIfcBeam(context, ifc); products.Add(ifcBeam); } } catch { continue; } } var spatialRel = new IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), null, products, storey); ifc.AddEntity(spatialRel); if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } File.WriteAllText(path, ifc.ToSTEP(path)); }