コード例 #1
ファイル: BpmnDeployer.cs プロジェクト: zf321/ESS.FW.Bpm
 public virtual void AddAuthorizationsFromIterator(ISet <IExpression> exprSet, ESS.FW.Bpm.Engine.Persistence.Entity.ProcessDefinitionEntity processDefinition, ExprType exprType)
     if (exprSet != null)
         foreach (IExpression expr in exprSet)
             IdentityLinkEntity identityLink = new IdentityLinkEntity();
             identityLink.ProcessDef = processDefinition;
             if (exprType.Equals(ExprType.User))
                 identityLink.UserId = expr.ToString();
             else if (exprType.Equals(ExprType.Group))
                 identityLink.GroupId = expr.ToString();
             identityLink.Type = ESS.FW.Bpm.Engine.Task.IdentityLinkType.Candidate;
コード例 #2
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public java.util.List<org.camunda.bpm.engine.task.IdentityLink> execute(org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandContext commandContext)
        public virtual IList <IdentityLink> execute(CommandContext commandContext)
            ensureNotNull("taskId", taskId);

            TaskManager taskManager = commandContext.TaskManager;
            TaskEntity  task        = taskManager.findTaskById(taskId);

            ensureNotNull("Cannot find task with id " + taskId, "task", task);

            checkGetIdentityLink(task, commandContext);

            IList <IdentityLink> identityLinks = (System.Collections.IList)task.IdentityLinks;

            // assignee is not part of identity links in the db.
            // so if there is one, we add it here.
            // @Tom: we discussed this long on skype and you agreed ;-)
            // an assignee *is* an identityLink, and so must it be reflected in the API
            // Note: we cant move this code to the TaskEntity (which would be cleaner),
            // since the task.delete cascased to all associated identityLinks
            // and of course this leads to exception while trying to delete a non-existing identityLink
            if (!string.ReferenceEquals(task.Assignee, null))
                IdentityLinkEntity identityLink = new IdentityLinkEntity();
                identityLink.UserId = task.Assignee;
                identityLink.Task   = task;
                identityLink.Type   = IdentityLinkType.ASSIGNEE;
            if (!string.ReferenceEquals(task.Owner, null))
                IdentityLinkEntity identityLink = new IdentityLinkEntity();
                identityLink.UserId = task.Owner;
                identityLink.Task   = task;
                identityLink.Type   = IdentityLinkType.OWNER;

コード例 #3
        public virtual IList <IIdentityLink> Execute(CommandContext commandContext)
            EnsureUtil.EnsureNotNull("taskId", TaskId);

            ITaskManager taskManager = commandContext.TaskManager;
            TaskEntity   task        = taskManager.FindTaskById(TaskId);

            EnsureUtil.EnsureNotNull("Cannot find ITask with id " + TaskId, "ITask", task);

            CheckGetIdentityLink(task, commandContext);

            var identityLinks = (IList <IIdentityLink>)task.IdentityLinks;

            //assignee is not part of identity links in the db.
            // so if there is one, we add it here.
            // @Tom: we discussed this long on skype and you agreed; -)
            // an assigneeis*an identityLink, and so must it be reflected in the API

            //Note: we cant move this code to the TaskEntity(which would be cleaner),
            //since the ITask.delete cascased to all associated identityLinks
            //and of course this leads to exception while trying to delete a non-existing identityLink
            if (!ReferenceEquals(task.Assignee, null))
                var identityLink = new IdentityLinkEntity();
                identityLink.UserId = task.Assignee;
                identityLink.Task   = task;
                identityLink.Type   = IdentityLinkType.Assignee;
            if (!ReferenceEquals(task.Owner, null))
                var identityLink = new IdentityLinkEntity();
                identityLink.UserId = task.Owner;
                identityLink.Task   = task;
                identityLink.Type   = IdentityLinkType.Owner;
            return((IList <IIdentityLink>)task.IdentityLinks);