public override void Connect() { // get or compute identity if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ts3FullClientData.Identity)) { identity = Ts3Crypt.GenerateNewIdentity(); ts3FullClientData.Identity = identity.PrivateKeyString; ts3FullClientData.IdentityOffset = identity.ValidKeyOffset; } else { var identityResult = Ts3Crypt.LoadIdentityDynamic(ts3FullClientData.Identity, ts3FullClientData.IdentityOffset); if (!identityResult.Ok) { Log.Error("The identity from the config file is corrupted. Remove it to generate a new one next start; or try to repair it."); return; } identity = identityResult.Value; if (ts3FullClientData.Identity != identity.PrivateKeyString) { ts3FullClientData.Identity = identity.PrivateKeyString; } if (ts3FullClientData.IdentityOffset != identity.ValidKeyOffset) { ts3FullClientData.IdentityOffset = identity.ValidKeyOffset; } } // check required security level if (ts3FullClientData.IdentityLevel == "auto") { } else if (int.TryParse(ts3FullClientData.IdentityLevel, out int targetLevel)) { UpdateIndentityToSecurityLevel(targetLevel); } else { Log.Warn("Invalid value for QueryConnection::IdentityLevel, enter a number or \"auto\"."); } // get or compute password if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ts3FullClientData.ServerPassword) && ts3FullClientData.ServerPasswordAutoHash && !ts3FullClientData.ServerPasswordIsHashed) { ts3FullClientData.ServerPassword = Ts3Crypt.HashPassword(ts3FullClientData.ServerPassword); ts3FullClientData.ServerPasswordIsHashed = true; } tsFullClient.QuitMessage = QuitMessages[Util.Random.Next(0, QuitMessages.Length)]; tsFullClient.OnErrorEvent += TsFullClient_OnErrorEvent; tsFullClient.OnConnected += TsFullClient_OnConnected; tsFullClient.OnDisconnected += TsFullClient_OnDisconnected; ConnectClient(); }
public Identify(string serverId, string sessionId, string token, string userId) : base(VoicePacketType.Identify) { IdentityData id = new IdentityData() { server_id = serverId, session_id = sessionId, token = token, user_id = userId }; = id; }
private bool CheckUserBuyer(string AuthToken) { IdentityWSSoapClient ws = new IdentityWSSoapClient(); IdentityData Data = ws.GetIdentity(new Security { BinarySecurityToken = AuthToken }); if (Data == null || Data.Role != UserRole.BUYER) { return(false); } return(true); }
private bool ValidateClientIdentity(string token, long userId) { IdentityWSSoapClient ws = new IdentityWSSoapClient(); IdentityData identity = ws.GetIdentity(new IdentityWS.Security { BinarySecurityToken = token }); DataAccessSoapClient dataWS = new DataAccessSoapClient(); User target = dataWS.FindUser(new DataAccessWS.Security { BinarySecurityToken = token }, userId); return(identity != null && target != null && identity.Username.Equals(target.Username) && identity.Role.ToString().Equals(target.Role.ToString())); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(string returnUrl = null) { returnUrl = returnUrl ?? Url.Content("~/"); ExternalLogins = (await _signInManager.GetExternalAuthenticationSchemesAsync()).ToList(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = new IdentityUser { UserName = Input.Email, Email = Input.Email }; var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, Input.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { string cs = _config.GetConnectionString("Default"); IdentityData id = new IdentityData(); id.AddUser(cs, Input.Name.ToString(), user.Id); _logger.LogInformation("User created a new account with password."); var code = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user); code = WebEncoders.Base64UrlEncode(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code)); var callbackUrl = Url.Page( "/Account/ConfirmEmail", pageHandler: null, values: new { area = "Identity", userId = user.Id, code = code, returnUrl = returnUrl }, protocol: Request.Scheme); await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(Input.Email, "Confirm your email", $"Please confirm your account by <a href='{HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(callbackUrl)}'>clicking here</a>."); if (_userManager.Options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount) { return(RedirectToPage("RegisterConfirmation", new { email = Input.Email, returnUrl = returnUrl })); } else { await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false); return(LocalRedirect(returnUrl)); } } foreach (var error in result.Errors) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, error.Description); } } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(Page()); }
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app) { app.UseHttpsRedirection(); app.UseStaticFiles(); app.UseRouting(); app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); app.UseSession(); app.UseAuthorization(); app.UseAuthentication(); app.UseMvc(routes => { routes.MapRoute(null, template: "admin", defaults: new { controller = "Admin", action = "Home" }); routes.MapRoute(null, template: "{category:alpha}", defaults: new { controller = "Product", action = "Index", page = 1 }); routes.MapRoute(null, template: "{category}/page{page}", defaults: new { controller = "Product", action = "Index" }); routes.MapRoute(null, template: "page{page}", defaults: new { controller = "Product", action = "Index" }); routes.MapRoute(null, template: "admin/products/{scope:alpha}", defaults: new { controller = "Admin", action = "ProductList" }); routes.MapRoute(null, template: "admin/products", defaults: new { controller = "Admin", action = "ProductList" }); routes.MapRoute(null, template: "admin/products/{productId:int}/edit", defaults: new { controller = "Admin", action = "ProductEdit" }); routes.MapRoute(null, template: "admin/products/{productId:int}", defaults: new { controller = "Admin", action = "ProductView" }); routes.MapRoute(null, template: "admin/products/{scope:alpha}/{productId}/delete", defaults: new { controller = "Admin", action = "ProductDelete" }); routes.MapRoute(null, template: "admin/products/{productId}/delete", defaults: new { controller = "Admin", action = "ProductDelete" }); routes.MapRoute(null, template: "product/{productId:int}", defaults: new { controller = "Product", action = "ProductPage" }); routes.MapRoute(null, "{controller=Product}/{action=Index}"); }); ProductData.EnsureCreated(app); IdentityData.EnsureCreated(app); }
public static async Task <string> GetEndSessionUrl(HttpClient http, IdentityData data) { StringContent content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data)); content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"); HttpResponseMessage response = await http.PostAsync("api/Identity/EndSessionUrl", content); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); } else { return(null); } }
public override void Connect() { // get or compute identity if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ts3FullClientData.Identity)) { identity = Ts3Crypt.GenerateNewIdentity(); ts3FullClientData.Identity = identity.PrivateKeyString; ts3FullClientData.IdentityOffset = identity.ValidKeyOffset; } else { identity = Ts3Crypt.LoadIdentity(ts3FullClientData.Identity, ts3FullClientData.IdentityOffset); } // check required security level if (ts3FullClientData.IdentityLevel == "auto") { } else if (int.TryParse(ts3FullClientData.IdentityLevel, out int targetLevel)) { if (Ts3Crypt.GetSecurityLevel(identity) < targetLevel) { Log.Info("Calculating up to required security level: {0}", targetLevel); Ts3Crypt.ImproveSecurity(identity, targetLevel); ts3FullClientData.IdentityOffset = identity.ValidKeyOffset; } } else { Log.Warn("Invalid value for QueryConnection::IdentityLevel, enter a number or \"auto\"."); } // get or compute password if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ts3FullClientData.ServerPassword) && ts3FullClientData.ServerPasswordAutoHash && !ts3FullClientData.ServerPasswordIsHashed) { ts3FullClientData.ServerPassword = Ts3Crypt.HashPassword(ts3FullClientData.ServerPassword); ts3FullClientData.ServerPasswordIsHashed = true; } tsFullClient.QuitMessage = QuitMessages[Util.Random.Next(0, QuitMessages.Length)]; tsFullClient.OnErrorEvent += TsFullClient_OnErrorEvent; tsFullClient.OnDisconnected += TsFullClient_OnDisconnected; ConnectClient(); }
private IHttpActionResult ValidateUserCanBeDeleted(string authToken) { IdentityWSSoapClient ws = new IdentityWSSoapClient(); IdentityData identity = ws.GetIdentity(new IdentityWS.Security { BinarySecurityToken = authToken }); DataAccessSoapClient dataWS = new DataAccessSoapClient(); OrderData[] orders = dataWS.FindOrdersByUsername(new DataAccessWS.Security { BinarySecurityToken = authToken }, identity.Username); if (orders != null && orders.Length > 0) { return(BadRequest("User cannot be removed since he/she has registered orders")); } return(null); }
private async Task LoadAsync(IdentityUser user) { string cs = _config.GetConnectionString("Default"); IdentityData id = new IdentityData(); var userName = await _userManager.GetUserNameAsync(user); var UsersName = id.GetUser(cs, user.Id.ToString()).FirstOrDefault().UserName.ToString(); var phoneNumber = await _userManager.GetPhoneNumberAsync(user); Username = userName; UserName = UsersName; Input = new InputModel { PhoneNumber = phoneNumber }; }
public Ts3Client(ConfBot config, TsFullClient ts3FullClient, Id id) { = id; this.ts3FullClient = ts3FullClient; ts3FullClient.OnEachTextMessage += ExtendedTextMessage; ts3FullClient.OnErrorEvent += TsFullClient_OnErrorEvent; ts3FullClient.OnConnected += TsFullClient_OnConnected; ts3FullClient.OnDisconnected += TsFullClient_OnDisconnected; ts3FullClient.OnEachClientMoved += (s, e) => { UpdateReconnectChannel(e.ClientId, e.TargetChannelId); if (AloneRecheckRequired(e.ClientId, e.TargetChannelId)) { IsAloneRecheck(); } }; ts3FullClient.OnEachClientEnterView += (s, e) => { UpdateReconnectChannel(e.ClientId, e.TargetChannelId); if (AloneRecheckRequired(e.ClientId, e.TargetChannelId)) { IsAloneRecheck(); } else if (AloneRecheckRequired(e.ClientId, e.SourceChannelId)) { IsAloneRecheck(); } }; ts3FullClient.OnEachClientLeftView += (s, e) => { UpdateReconnectChannel(e.ClientId, e.TargetChannelId); if (AloneRecheckRequired(e.ClientId, e.TargetChannelId)) { IsAloneRecheck(); } else if (AloneRecheckRequired(e.ClientId, e.SourceChannelId)) { IsAloneRecheck(); } }; this.config = config; identity = null; }
private async Task <bool> listOrders(Message message) { string[] parts = message.Text.Split(new char[0]); if (parts.Length != 2) { await BotClient.SendTextMessageAsync(message.Chat.Id, "Listorders command format: /listorders authToken"); return(false); } else { string authToken = parts[1]; IdentityWSSoapClient iWS = new IdentityWSSoapClient(); IdentityData identity = null; try { identity = iWS.GetIdentity(new identityWS.Security { BinarySecurityToken = authToken }); } catch (Exception ex) { await BotClient.SendTextMessageAsync(message.Chat.Id, "An error occurred " + ex.Message); return(false); } if (identity != null) { DataAccessSoapClient ws = new DataAccessSoapClient(); OrderData[] orders = ws.FindOrdersByUsername(new DataAccessWS.Security { BinarySecurityToken = authToken }, identity.Username); string response = ""; foreach (var o in orders) { response += "{" + o.OrderNumber + "} " + o.DateCreated.ToShortDateString() + " [" + o.State.ToString() + "]\n"; } await BotClient.SendTextMessageAsync(message.Chat.Id, response); return(true); } return(false); } }
public ConnectionDataFull( string address, IdentityData identity, TsVersionSigned?versionSign = null, string?username = null, Password?serverPassword = null, string?defaultChannel = null, Password?defaultChannelPassword = null, Id?logId = null) : base(address, logId) { Identity = identity; VersionSign = versionSign ?? (Tools.IsLinux ? TsVersionSigned.VER_LIN_3_X_X : TsVersionSigned.VER_WIN_3_X_X); Username = username ?? "TSLibUser"; ServerPassword = serverPassword ?? Password.Empty; DefaultChannel = defaultChannel ?? string.Empty; DefaultChannelPassword = defaultChannelPassword ?? Password.Empty; }
public Identify(string token, string gameName = null, int shardId = 0, int shardNumber = 1) : base(GatewayPacketType.Identify) { IdentityData id = new IdentityData() { token = token, shard = new int[] { shardId, shardNumber } }; if (gameName != null) { = new IdentityGame() { name = gameName }; } = id; }
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) { // Расширяющий метод, который отображает ошибки и исключения app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); // Код 404 app.UseStatusCodePages(); // Поддержка папки wwwroot app.UseStaticFiles(); app.UseSession(); app.UseIdentity(); // Роуты app.UseMvc(routes => { routes.MapRoute( name: null, template: "{category}/Page{page:int}", defaults: new { controller = "Project", action = "ProjectList" } ); routes.MapRoute( name: null, template: "Page{page:int}", defaults: new { controller = "Project", action = "ProjectList", page = 1 } ); routes.MapRoute( name: null, template: "{category}", defaults: new { controller = "Project", action = "ProjectList", page = 1 } ); routes.MapRoute( name: null, template: "", defaults: new { controller = "Project", action = "ProjectList", page = 1 }); routes.MapRoute(name: null, template: "{controller}/{action}/{id?}"); }); // Метод, который гарантирует наличие в БД тестовой информации(установленно и сконфигурированно) EFData.EFDbData(app); IdentityData.EnsurePopulated(app); EFHomeData.EnsurePopulated(app); }
private static void CreateDbIfNotExists(IHost host) { using (var scope = host.Services.CreateScope()) { var services = scope.ServiceProvider; try { var context = services.GetRequiredService <EventContext>(); var userManager = services.GetRequiredService <UserManager <EventsUser> >(); var roleManager = services.GetRequiredService <RoleManager <IdentityRole> >(); IdentityData.SeedData(context, userManager, roleManager); } catch (Exception ex) { var logger = services.GetRequiredService <ILogger <Program> >(); logger.LogError(ex, "An error occurred creating the DB."); } } }
private IHttpActionResult ValidateClientIsSeller(string token) { try { IdentityWSSoapClient ws = new IdentityWSSoapClient(); IdentityData identity = ws.GetIdentity(new IdentityWS.Security { BinarySecurityToken = token }); if (identity != null && identity.Role != IdentityWS.UserRole.SELLER) { return(Unauthorized()); } } catch (FaultException ex) { return(BadRequest("Invalid security token")); } return(null); }
public E <string> Connect() { // get or compute identity var identityConf = config.Connect.Identity; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(identityConf.PrivateKey)) { identity = TsCrypt.GenerateNewIdentity(); identityConf.PrivateKey.Value = identity.PrivateKeyString; identityConf.Offset.Value = identity.ValidKeyOffset; } else { var identityResult = TsCrypt.LoadIdentityDynamic(identityConf.PrivateKey.Value, identityConf.Offset.Value); if (!identityResult.Ok) { Log.Error("The identity from the config file is corrupted. Remove it to generate a new one next start; or try to repair it."); return("Corrupted identity"); } identity = identityResult.Value; identityConf.PrivateKey.Value = identity.PrivateKeyString; identityConf.Offset.Value = identity.ValidKeyOffset; } // check required security level if (identityConf.Level.Value >= 0 && identityConf.Level.Value <= 160) { UpdateIndentityToSecurityLevel(identityConf.Level.Value); } else if (identityConf.Level.Value != -1) { Log.Warn("Invalid config value for 'Level', enter a number between '0' and '160' or '-1' to adapt automatically."); } config.SaveWhenExists(); reconnectCounter = 0; lastReconnect = null; ts3FullClient.QuitMessage = Tools.PickRandom(config.LeaveMessages.Value.Split('_')); ts3FullClient.CustomPing = config.Ping; ClearAllCaches(); return(ConnectClient()); }
public async Task <string> EndSessionUrl([FromBody] IdentityData data) { using (HttpClient client = httpClientFactory.CreateClient()) { DiscoveryResponse disco = await client.GetDiscoveryDocumentAsync(Utils.Linked.Identity); if (disco.IsError) { return(null); } var ru = new RequestUrl(disco.EndSessionEndpoint); string url = ru.CreateEndSessionUrl( idTokenHint: data.IdentityToken, state: data.State, postLogoutRedirectUri: Utils.ClientIdentityEndSessionRedirectUri ); return(url); } }
public async Task <bool> Login(string code, string sessionState) { if (Identity != null) { return(false); } IdentityData id = await HostServer.Login(http, code); if (id == null) { return(false); } else { Identity = id; Identity.State = sessionState; base.NotifyAuthenticationStateChanged(GetAuthenticationStateAsync()); return(true); } }
public Ts3Full(Ts3FullClientData tfcd) : base(ClientType.Full) { tsFullClient = (Ts3FullClient)tsBaseClient; ts3FullClientData = tfcd; tfcd.PropertyChanged += Tfcd_PropertyChanged; sendTick = TickPool.RegisterTick(AudioSend, sendCheckInterval, false); encoder = new AudioEncoder(SendCodec) { Bitrate = ts3FullClientData.AudioBitrate * 1000 }; audioTimer = new PreciseAudioTimer(encoder.SampleRate, encoder.BitsPerSample, encoder.Channels); isStall = false; stallCount = 0; identity = null; Util.Init(ref channelSubscriptionsSetup); Util.Init(ref clientSubscriptionsSetup); subscriptionSetupChanged = true; }
public Ts3Client(ConfBot config) { Util.Init(out clientDbNames); Util.Init(out clientbuffer); TsFullClient = new Ts3FullClient(EventDispatchType.DoubleThread); TsFullClient.OnClientLeftView += ExtendedClientLeftView; TsFullClient.OnClientEnterView += ExtendedClientEnterView; TsFullClient.OnTextMessage += ExtendedTextMessage; TsFullClient.OnErrorEvent += TsFullClient_OnErrorEvent; TsFullClient.OnConnected += TsFullClient_OnConnected; TsFullClient.OnDisconnected += TsFullClient_OnDisconnected; int ScaleBitrate(int value) => Math.Min(Math.Max(1, value), 255) * 1000; this.config = config; this.config.Audio.Bitrate.Changed += (s, e) => encoderPipe.Bitrate = ScaleBitrate(e.NewValue); ffmpegProducer = new FfmpegProducer(config.GetParent().Tools.Ffmpeg); stallCheckPipe = new StallCheckPipe(); volumePipe = new VolumePipe(); Volume = config.Audio.Volume.Default; encoderPipe = new EncoderPipe(SendCodec) { Bitrate = ScaleBitrate(config.Audio.Bitrate) }; timePipe = new PreciseTimedPipe { ReadBufferSize = encoderPipe.PacketSize }; timePipe.Initialize(encoderPipe); TargetPipe = new CustomTargetPipe(TsFullClient); mergePipe = new PassiveMergePipe(); mergePipe.Add(ffmpegProducer); mergePipe.Into(timePipe).Chain <CheckActivePipe>().Chain(stallCheckPipe).Chain(volumePipe).Chain(encoderPipe).Chain(TargetPipe); identity = null; }
public Ts3Client(ConfBot config, Ts3FullClient tsFullClient, Id id) { = id; Util.Init(out clientDbNames); Util.Init(out clientbuffer); dbIdCache = new LruCache <string, ulong>(1024); this.tsFullClient = tsFullClient; tsFullClient.OnEachTextMessage += ExtendedTextMessage; tsFullClient.OnErrorEvent += TsFullClient_OnErrorEvent; tsFullClient.OnConnected += TsFullClient_OnConnected; tsFullClient.OnDisconnected += TsFullClient_OnDisconnected; int ScaleBitrate(int value) => Util.Clamp(value, 1, 255) * 1000; this.config = config; this.config.Audio.Bitrate.Changed += (s, e) => encoderPipe.Bitrate = ScaleBitrate(e.NewValue); ffmpegProducer = new FfmpegProducer(config.GetParent().Tools.Ffmpeg, id); stallCheckPipe = new StallCheckPipe(); volumePipe = new VolumePipe(); Volume = config.Audio.Volume.Default; encoderPipe = new EncoderPipe(SendCodec) { Bitrate = ScaleBitrate(config.Audio.Bitrate) }; timePipe = new PreciseTimedPipe { ReadBufferSize = encoderPipe.PacketSize }; timePipe.Initialize(encoderPipe, id); TargetPipe = new CustomTargetPipe(tsFullClient); mergePipe = new PassiveMergePipe(); mergePipe.Add(ffmpegProducer); mergePipe.Into(timePipe).Chain <CheckActivePipe>().Chain(stallCheckPipe).Chain(volumePipe).Chain(encoderPipe).Chain(TargetPipe); identity = null; }
private IHttpActionResult ValidateSeller(string token, string username) { try { IdentityWSSoapClient ws = new IdentityWSSoapClient(); IdentityData identity = ws.GetIdentity(new IdentityWS.Security { BinarySecurityToken = token }); if (identity == null) { return(Unauthorized()); } if (!identity.Username.Equals(username)) { return(Unauthorized()); } } catch (FaultException ex) { return(BadRequest("Invalid security token")); } return(null); }
private IHttpActionResult ValidateOwnerProduct(string token, long productId) { try { IdentityWSSoapClient ws = new IdentityWSSoapClient(); IdentityData identity = ws.GetIdentity(new IdentityWS.Security { BinarySecurityToken = token }); if (identity == null) { return(Unauthorized()); } DataAccessSoapClient dataWS = new DataAccessSoapClient(); var binding = dataWS.ChannelFactory.Endpoint.Binding as BasicHttpBinding; binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = int.MaxValue; Product target = dataWS.FindProduct(new DataAccessWS.Security { BinarySecurityToken = token }, productId); if (target == null) { return(NotFound()); } User owner = dataWS.FindUser(new DataAccessWS.Security { BinarySecurityToken = token }, target.seller_id); if (!owner.Username.Equals(identity.Username)) { return(Unauthorized()); } } catch (FaultException ex) { return(BadRequest("Invalid security token")); } return(null); }
private void InitializeDatabases(IApplicationBuilder app) { using (var serviceScope = app.ApplicationServices.GetService <IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope()) { serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <PersistedGrantDbContext>().Database.Migrate(); var context = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ConfigurationDbContext>(); context.Database.Migrate(); if (!context.Clients.Any()) { foreach (var client in IdentityData.GetClients()) { context.Clients.Add(client.ToEntity()); } context.SaveChanges(); } if (!context.IdentityResources.Any()) { foreach (var resource in IdentityData.GetIdentityResources()) { context.IdentityResources.Add(resource.ToEntity()); } context.SaveChanges(); } if (!context.ApiResources.Any()) { foreach (var resource in IdentityData.GetApiResources()) { context.ApiResources.Add(resource.ToEntity()); } context.SaveChanges(); } } }
public Identity(IdentityData obj, bool alreadyEncrypted = false) { BuildDomainModel(this, obj, _map, alreadyEncrypted); }
public void Logout() { Identity = null; base.NotifyAuthenticationStateChanged(GetAuthenticationStateAsync()); }
/// <summary> /// Generate default admin user / role /// </summary> private static async Task EnsureSeedIdentityData <TUser, TRole>(UserManager <TUser> userManager, RoleManager <TRole> roleManager, IdentityData identityDataConfiguration) where TUser : IdentityUser, new() where TRole : IdentityRole, new() { // adding roles from seed foreach (var r in identityDataConfiguration.Roles) { if (!await roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(r.Name)) { var role = new TRole { Name = r.Name }; var result = await roleManager.CreateAsync(role); if (result.Succeeded) { foreach (var claim in r.Claims) { await roleManager.AddClaimAsync(role, new System.Security.Claims.Claim(claim.Type, claim.Value)); } } } } // adding users from seed foreach (var user in identityDataConfiguration.Users) { var identityUser = new TUser { UserName = user.Username, Email = user.Email, EmailConfirmed = true }; var userByUserName = await userManager.FindByNameAsync(user.Username); var userByEmail = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(user.Email); // User is already exists in database if (userByUserName != default || userByEmail != default) { continue; } // if there is no password we create user without password // user can reset password later, because accounts have EmailConfirmed set to true var result = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Password) ? await userManager.CreateAsync(identityUser, user.Password) : await userManager.CreateAsync(identityUser); if (result.Succeeded) { foreach (var claim in user.Claims) { await userManager.AddClaimAsync(identityUser, new System.Security.Claims.Claim(claim.Type, claim.Value)); } foreach (var role in user.Roles) { await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(identityUser, role); } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { IList<AuthenticationTemplateData> templates = (from atd in (IEnumerable<AuthenticationTemplateData>)RepositoryFactory.AuthenticationTemplateRepository.GetAllAuthenticationTemplates() where atd.AuthenticationUnitCode != "P1" select atd).ToList(); Random rndGroup = new Random(); Random rndTemplate = new Random(); Guid adminId = Guid.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Adding Identity " + i); IdentityData identity = new IdentityData() { CountryCode = "US", FirstName = "Scott" + i, LastName = "Sickles" + i, FullName = "Scott" + i + " Sickles" + i, IdentityCode = i % 10 == 0 ? "E" : "C", SourceId = i.ToString(), GroupId = rndGroup.Next(26) + 1 }; identity.Uid = RepositoryFactory.IdentityRepository.Add(identity); Audit.AuditEvent(Audit.EventTypes.AddIdentity, string.Format("Identity {0} has been added.", identity.Uid), Guid.Empty); LoginData login1 = new LoginData() { IdentityId = identity.Uid, ApplicationCode = "T24", LoginName = "AUTHOR", Password = "******", RoleCode = "T24USER", T24Id = i.ToString() }; login1.Id = RepositoryFactory.LoginRepository.Add(login1); Audit.AuditEvent(Audit.EventTypes.AddLogin, string.Format("Login {0} has been added for Identity {1}.", login1.Id, identity.Uid), Guid.Empty); LoginData login2 = new LoginData() { IdentityId = identity.Uid, ApplicationCode = "LA", LoginName = "system", Password = "******", RoleCode = "LAUSER", T24Id = i.ToString() }; login2.Id = RepositoryFactory.LoginRepository.Add(login2); Audit.AuditEvent(Audit.EventTypes.AddLogin, string.Format("Login {0} has been added for Identity {1}.", login2.Id, identity.Uid), Guid.Empty); EnrollmentData enroll1 = new EnrollmentData() { IdentityId = identity.Uid, AdministratorId = adminId, AuthenticationTypeCode = "FP" }; enroll1.Uid = RepositoryFactory.EnrollmentRepository.Add(enroll1); Audit.AuditEvent(Audit.EventTypes.AddEnrollment, string.Format("Enrollment {0} has been added for Identity {1}.", enroll1.Uid, identity.Uid), Guid.Empty); //now add the templates to go along with the enrollment List<int> temps1 = new List<int>(); for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { int tempIndex; do { tempIndex = rndTemplate.Next(templates.Count - 1); } while (temps1.Contains(tempIndex)); temps1.Add(tempIndex); AuthenticationTemplateData temp = new AuthenticationTemplateData() { AuthenticationUnitCode = templates[tempIndex].AuthenticationUnitCode, EnrollmentId = enroll1.Uid, Score = templates[tempIndex].Score, Template = templates[tempIndex].Template }; temp.Uid = RepositoryFactory.AuthenticationTemplateRepository.Add(temp); Audit.AuditEvent(Audit.EventTypes.AddAuthenticationTemplate, string.Format("Authentication Template {0} has been added for Enrollment {1}.", temp.Uid, enroll1.Uid), Guid.Empty); } if (i % 5 == 0) { EnrollmentData enroll2 = new EnrollmentData() { IdentityId = identity.Uid, AdministratorId = adminId, AuthenticationTypeCode = "FP" }; enroll2.Uid = RepositoryFactory.EnrollmentRepository.Add(enroll2); Audit.AuditEvent(Audit.EventTypes.AddEnrollment, string.Format("Enrollment {0} has been added for Identity {1}.", enroll2.Uid, identity.Uid), Guid.Empty); //now add the templates to go along with the enrollment List<int> temps2 = new List<int>(); for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { int tempIndex; do { tempIndex = rndTemplate.Next(templates.Count - 1); } while (temps2.Contains(tempIndex)); temps2.Add(tempIndex); AuthenticationTemplateData temp = new AuthenticationTemplateData() { AuthenticationUnitCode = templates[tempIndex].AuthenticationUnitCode, EnrollmentId = enroll2.Uid, Score = templates[tempIndex].Score, Template = templates[tempIndex].Template }; temp.Uid = RepositoryFactory.AuthenticationTemplateRepository.Add(temp); Audit.AuditEvent(Audit.EventTypes.AddAuthenticationTemplate, string.Format("Authentication Template {0} has been added for Enrollment {1}.", temp.Uid, enroll2.Uid), Guid.Empty); } } //every fifth identity added becomes the enrollment officer for the next 5 if (i % 5 == 0) adminId = identity.Uid; } }
public override void ExecuteCmdlet() { if (ShouldProcess(Resources.VaultTarget, "set")) { try { IdentityData MSI = new IdentityData(); Vault vault = RecoveryServicesClient.GetVault(this.ResourceGroupName, this.Name); if (ParameterSetName == AzureRSVaultAddMSIdentity) { if (IdentityType == MSIdentity.SystemAssigned) { if (IdentityId != null) { throw new ArgumentException(Resources.InvalidParameterIdentityId); } if (vault.Identity != null && vault.Identity.Type.ToLower().Contains("userassigned")) { MSI.Type = MSIdentity.SystemAssigned.ToString() + "," + MSIdentity.UserAssigned.ToString(); } else { MSI.Type = MSIdentity.SystemAssigned.ToString(); } } else if (IdentityType == MSIdentity.None) { MSI.Type = MSIdentity.None.ToString(); } else if (IdentityType == MSIdentity.UserAssigned) { if (IdentityId == null) { throw new ArgumentException(Resources.IdentityIdRequired); } if (vault.Identity != null && vault.Identity.Type.ToLower().Contains("systemassigned")) { MSI.Type = MSIdentity.SystemAssigned.ToString() + "," + MSIdentity.UserAssigned.ToString(); } else { MSI.Type = MSIdentity.UserAssigned.ToString(); } MSI.UserAssignedIdentities = new Dictionary <string, UserIdentity>(); foreach (string userIdentityId in IdentityId) { MSI.UserAssignedIdentities.Add(userIdentityId, new UserIdentity()); } } } else { if (RemoveSystemAssigned.IsPresent) { if (IdentityId != null || RemoveUserAssigned.IsPresent) { throw new ArgumentException(Resources.InvalidIdentityRemove); } if (vault.Identity != null && vault.Identity.Type.ToLower().Contains("systemassigned")) { if (vault.Identity.Type.ToLower().Contains("userassigned")) { MSI.Type = MSIdentity.UserAssigned.ToString(); } else { MSI.Type = MSIdentity.None.ToString(); } } } else if (RemoveUserAssigned.IsPresent) { if (IdentityId == null) { throw new ArgumentException(Resources.IdentityIdRequired); } foreach (string identity in IdentityId) { if (!vault.Identity.UserAssignedIdentities.ContainsKey(identity)) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(Resources.InvalidIdentityId, identity)); } } if (vault.Identity != null && vault.Identity.Type.ToLower().Contains("userassigned")) { if (vault.Identity.Type.ToLower().Contains("systemassigned")) { if (vault.Identity.UserAssignedIdentities.Keys.Count == IdentityId.Length) { MSI.Type = MSIdentity.SystemAssigned.ToString(); } else { MSI.Type = MSIdentity.SystemAssigned.ToString() + "," + MSIdentity.UserAssigned.ToString(); } } else { if (vault.Identity.UserAssignedIdentities.Keys.Count == IdentityId.Length) { MSI.Type = MSIdentity.None.ToString(); } else { MSI.Type = MSIdentity.UserAssigned.ToString(); } } if (MSI.Type != "SystemAssigned" && MSI.Type != "None") { MSI.UserAssignedIdentities = new Dictionary <string, UserIdentity>(); foreach (string userIdentityId in IdentityId) { MSI.UserAssignedIdentities.Add(userIdentityId, null); } } } } else { throw new ArgumentException(Resources.InvalidParameterSet); } } PatchVault patchVault = new PatchVault(); patchVault.Identity = MSI; vault = RecoveryServicesClient.UpdateRSVault(this.ResourceGroupName, this.Name, patchVault); WriteObject(new ARSVault(vault)); } catch (Exception exception) { WriteExceptionError(exception); } } }