コード例 #1
         * Create new Idemix Signing Identity with a fresh pseudonym
         * @param ipk          issuer public key
         * @param revocationPk the issuer's long term revocation public key
         * @param mspId        MSP identifier
         * @param sk           user's secret
         * @param cred         idemix credential
         * @param cri          the credential revocation information
         * @param ou           is OU attribute
         * @param role         is role attribute
         * @throws CryptoException
         * @throws InvalidArgumentException
        public IdemixSigningIdentity(IdemixIssuerPublicKey ipk, KeyPair revocationPk, string mspId, BIG sk, IdemixCredential cred, CredentialRevocationInformation cri, string ou, IdemixRoles role)
            // input checks
            if (ipk == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Issuer Public Key (IPK) must not be null");
            if (revocationPk == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Revocation PK must not be null");
            if (mspId == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("MSP ID must not be null");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mspId))
                throw new ArgumentException("MSP ID must not be empty");
            if (ou == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("OU must not be null");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ou))
                throw new ArgumentException("OU must not be empty");
            if (sk == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("SK must not be null");
            if (cred == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Credential must not be null");
            if (cri == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Credential revocation information must not be null");

            logger.Trace($"Verifying public key with hash: [{BitConverter.ToString(ipk.Hash).Replace("-", "")}] \nAttributes: [{string.Join(",", ipk.AttributeNames)}]");

            if (!ipk.Check())
                CryptoException e = new CryptoException("Issuer public key is not valid");
                logger.Error("", e);
                throw e;

            this.ipk = ipk;
            this.sk  = sk;
            this.cri = cri;

            logger.Trace("Verifying the credential");

            // cryptographically verify credential
            // (check if the issuer's signature is valid)
            if (!cred.Verify(sk, ipk))
                CryptoException e = new CryptoException("Credential is not cryptographically valid");
                logger.Error("", e);
                throw e;

            logger.Trace("Checking attributes");

            // attribute checks
            // 4 attributes are expected:
            // - organization unit (disclosed)
            // - role: admin or member (disclosed)
            // - enrollment id (hidden, for future auditing feature and authorization with CA)
            // - revocation handle (hidden, for future revocation support)
            if (cred.Attrs.Length != 4)
                throw new CryptoException($"Error: There are {cred.Attrs.Length} attributes and the expected are 4");

            byte[] ouBytes   = cred.Attrs[0];
            byte[] roleBytes = cred.Attrs[1];
            byte[] eIdBytes  = cred.Attrs[2];
            byte[] rHBytes   = cred.Attrs[3];

            BIG[] attributes = new BIG[4];
            attributes[0] = BIG.FromBytes(ouBytes);
            attributes[1] = BIG.FromBytes(roleBytes);
            attributes[2] = BIG.FromBytes(eIdBytes);
            attributes[3] = BIG.FromBytes(rHBytes);

            // check that the OU string matches the credential's attribute value
            if (!ou.ToBytes().HashModOrder().ToBytes().SequenceEqual(ouBytes))
                throw new ArgumentException("the OU string does not match the credential");

            // check that the role matches the credential's attribute value
            if (!new BIG((int)role).ToBytes().SequenceEqual(roleBytes))
                throw new ArgumentException("the role does not match the credential");

            logger.Trace("Generating fresh pseudonym and proof");
            // generate a fresh pseudonym
            Pseudonym = new IdemixPseudonym(this.sk, this.ipk);

            // generate a fresh proof of possession of a credential
            // with respect to a freshly generated pseudonym
            Proof = new IdemixSignature(cred, this.sk, Pseudonym, this.ipk, disclosedFlags, msgEmpty, rhIndex, cri);
            logger.Trace("Verifying the proof");
            // verify the proof
            if (!Proof.Verify(disclosedFlags, this.ipk, msgEmpty, attributes, rhIndex, revocationPk, (int)cri.Epoch))
                throw new CryptoException("Generated proof of identity is not valid");

            logger.Trace("Generating the Identity Object");
            // generate a fresh identity with new pseudonym
            idemixIdentity = new IdemixIdentity(mspId, this.ipk, Pseudonym.Nym, ou, role, Proof);
コード例 #2
            private void Test()
                RAND rng = IdemixUtils.GetRand();
                // WeakBB test
                // Random message to sign
                BIG wbbMessage = rng.RandModOrder();
                // Sign the message with keypair secret key
                ECP wbbSignature = WeakBB.WeakBBSign(setup.wbbKeyPair.Sk, wbbMessage);

                // Check the signature with valid PK and valid message
                Assert.IsTrue(WeakBB.weakBBVerify(setup.wbbKeyPair.Pk, wbbSignature, wbbMessage));
                // Try to check a random message
                Assert.IsFalse(WeakBB.weakBBVerify(setup.wbbKeyPair.Pk, wbbSignature, rng.RandModOrder()));

                // user completes the idemixCredential and checks validity
                Assert.IsTrue(setup.idemixCredential.Verify(setup.sk, setup.key.Ipk));

                // Test serialization of IdemixidemixCredential
                Assert.IsTrue(new IdemixCredential(setup.idemixCredential.ToProto()).Verify(setup.sk, setup.key.Ipk));

                // Create CRI that contains no revocation mechanism
                int epoch = 0;

                BIG[] rhIndex = { new BIG(0) };
                CredentialRevocationInformation cri = RevocationAuthority.CreateCRI(setup.revocationKeyPair, rhIndex, epoch, RevocationAlgorithm.ALG_NO_REVOCATION);

                // Create a new unlinkable pseudonym
                IdemixPseudonym pseudonym = new IdemixPseudonym(setup.sk, setup.key.Ipk); //tcert

                // Test signing no disclosure
                bool[]          disclosure = { false, false, false, false, false };
                byte[]          msg        = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
                IdemixSignature signature  = new IdemixSignature(setup.idemixCredential, setup.sk, pseudonym, setup.key.Ipk, disclosure, msg, 0, cri);


                // Test bad disclosure: Disclosure > number of attributes || Disclosure < number of attributes
                bool[] badDisclosure  = { false, true };
                bool[] badDisclosure2 = { true, true, true, true, true, true, true };
                    new IdemixSignature(setup.idemixCredential, setup.sk, pseudonym, setup.key.Ipk, badDisclosure, msg, 0, cri);
                    new IdemixSignature(setup.idemixCredential, setup.sk, pseudonym, setup.key.Ipk, badDisclosure2, msg, 0, cri);
                    Assert.Fail("Expected an ArgumentException");
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    /* Do nothing, the expected behaviour is to catch this exception.*/

                // check that the signature is valid
                Assert.IsTrue(signature.Verify(disclosure, setup.key.Ipk, msg, setup.attrs, 0, setup.revocationKeyPair, epoch));

                // Test serialization of IdemixSignature
                Assert.IsTrue(new IdemixSignature(signature.ToProto()).Verify(disclosure, setup.key.Ipk, msg, setup.attrs, 0, setup.revocationKeyPair, epoch));

                // Test signing selective disclosure
                bool[] disclosure2 = { false, true, true, true, false };
                signature = new IdemixSignature(setup.idemixCredential, setup.sk, pseudonym, setup.key.Ipk, disclosure2, msg, 0, cri);

                // check that the signature is valid
                Assert.IsTrue(signature.Verify(disclosure2, setup.key.Ipk, msg, setup.attrs, 0, setup.revocationKeyPair, epoch));

                // Test signature verification with different disclosure
                Assert.IsFalse(signature.Verify(disclosure, setup.key.Ipk, msg, setup.attrs, 0, setup.revocationKeyPair, epoch));

                // test signature verification with different issuer public key
                Assert.IsFalse(signature.Verify(disclosure2, new IdemixIssuerKey(new [] { "Attr1, Attr2, Attr3, Attr4, Attr5" }).Ipk, msg, setup.attrs, 0, setup.revocationKeyPair, epoch));

                // test signature verification with different message
                byte[] msg2 = { 1, 1, 1 };
                Assert.IsFalse(signature.Verify(disclosure2, setup.key.Ipk, msg2, setup.attrs, 0, setup.revocationKeyPair, epoch));

                // Sign a message with respect to a pseudonym
                IdemixPseudonymSignature nymsig = new IdemixPseudonymSignature(setup.sk, pseudonym, setup.key.Ipk, msg);

                // check that the pseudonym signature is valid
                Assert.IsTrue(nymsig.Verify(pseudonym.Nym, setup.key.Ipk, msg));

                // Test serialization of IdemixPseudonymSignature
                Assert.IsTrue(new IdemixPseudonymSignature(nymsig.ToProto()).Verify(pseudonym.Nym, setup.key.Ipk, msg));
コード例 #3
        public static void Setup(TestContext context)
            // Parse crypto material from files
            IdemixMSPSignerConfig signerConfig = null;

                signerConfig = ReadIdemixMSPConfig(Path.Combine(TEST_PATH, MSP1OU1, USER_PATH).Locate(), SIGNER_CONFIG);
            catch (System.Exception e)
                Assert.Fail("Unexpected exception while reading signerconfig: " + e.Message);


                revocationPk = ReadIdemixRevocationPublicKey(Path.Combine(TEST_PATH, MSP1OU1, VERIFIER_PATH).Locate(), REVOCATION_PUBLIC_KEY);
            catch (System.Exception e)
                Assert.Fail("Unexpected exception while reading revocation public key: " + e.Message);


            IssuerPublicKey ipkProto = null;

                ipkProto = ReadIdemixIssuerPublicKey(Path.Combine(TEST_PATH, MSP1OU1, VERIFIER_PATH).Locate(), IPK_CONFIG);
            catch (IOException e1)
                Assert.Fail("Unexpected exception while reading revocation public key" + e1.Message);

            ipk = new IdemixIssuerPublicKey(ipkProto);

            sk = BIG.FromBytes(signerConfig.Sk.ToByteArray());

            Credential credProto = null;

                credProto = Credential.Parser.ParseFrom(signerConfig.Cred);
            catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException)
                Assert.Fail("Could not parse a credential");


            cred = new IdemixCredential(credProto);

                cri = CredentialRevocationInformation.Parser.ParseFrom(signerConfig.CredentialRevocationInformation);
            catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e)
                Assert.Fail("failed to extract cri from signer config: " + e.Message);


                signingIdentity = new IdemixSigningIdentity(ipk, revocationPk, MSP1OU1, sk, cred, cri, OU1, IdemixRoles.MEMBER);
            catch (System.Exception e) when(e is CryptoException || e is ArgumentException)
                Assert.Fail("Could not create Idemix Signing Identity" + e.Message);


            nym = signingIdentity.Pseudonym;

            nymPublic = nym.Nym;

            proof = signingIdentity.Proof;