public GameMetadata UpdateGameWithMetadata(Game game) { var metadata = new GameMetadata(); var program = Twitch.GetUninstallRecord(game.GameId); if (program == null) { return(metadata); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(program.DisplayIcon) && File.Exists(program.DisplayIcon)) { var iconPath = program.DisplayIcon; var iconFile = Path.GetFileName(iconPath); if (iconPath.EndsWith("ico", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var data = File.ReadAllBytes(iconPath); metadata.Icon = new MetadataFile(iconFile, data); } else { var exeIcon = IconExtension.ExtractIconFromExe(iconPath, true); if (exeIcon != null) { var iconName = Guid.NewGuid() + ".png"; metadata.Icon = new MetadataFile(iconName, exeIcon.ToByteArray(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)); } } } game.Name = StringExtensions.NormalizeGameName(program.DisplayName); return(metadata); }
public OriginGameMetadata UpdateGameWithMetadata(Game game) { var metadata = DownloadGameMetadata(game.ProviderId); game.Name = StringExtensions.NormalizeGameName(metadata.StoreDetails.i18n.displayName); game.Links = new ObservableCollection <Link>() { new Link("Store", @"" + metadata.StoreDetails.offerPath), new Link("Wiki", @"" + game.Name) }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadata.StoreDetails.i18n.gameForumURL)) { game.Links.Add(new Link("Forum", metadata.StoreDetails.i18n.gameForumURL)); } game.Description = metadata.StoreDetails.i18n.longDescription; game.Developers = new ComparableList <string>() { metadata.StoreDetails.developerFacetKey }; game.Publishers = new ComparableList <string>() { metadata.StoreDetails.publisherFacetKey }; game.Genres = new ComparableList <string>(metadata.StoreDetails.genreFacetKey?.Split(',')); game.ReleaseDate = metadata.StoreDetails.platforms.First(a => a.platform == "PCWIN").releaseDate; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadata.StoreDetails.i18n.gameManualURL)) { game.OtherTasks = new ObservableCollection <GameTask>() { new GameTask() { IsBuiltIn = true, Type = GameTaskType.URL, Path = metadata.StoreDetails.i18n.gameManualURL, Name = "Manual" } }; } // There's not icon available on Origin servers so we will load one from EXE if (game.IsInstalled && string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Icon)) { var exeIcon = IconExtension.ExtractIconFromExe(game.PlayTask.Path, true); if (exeIcon != null) { var iconName = Guid.NewGuid() + ".png"; metadata.Icon = new FileDefinition( string.Format("images/origin/{0}/{1}", game.ProviderId.Replace(":", ""), iconName), iconName, exeIcon.ToByteArray(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png) ); } } return(metadata); }
public override GameMetadata GetMetadata(Game game) { var gameInfo = new GameInfo { Links = new List <Link>() }; var metadata = new GameMetadata() { GameInfo = gameInfo }; gameInfo.Links.Add(new Link("PCGamingWiki", @"" + game.Name)); var program = Twitch.GetUninstallRecord(game.GameId); if (program != null) { gameInfo.Name = StringExtensions.NormalizeGameName(program.DisplayName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(program.DisplayIcon) && File.Exists(program.DisplayIcon)) { var iconPath = program.DisplayIcon; if (iconPath.EndsWith("ico", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { metadata.Icon = new MetadataFile(program.DisplayIcon); } else { var exeIcon = IconExtension.ExtractIconFromExe(iconPath, true); if (exeIcon != null) { var iconName = Guid.NewGuid() + ".png"; metadata.Icon = new MetadataFile(iconName, exeIcon.ToByteArray(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)); } } } } if (entitlements?.Any() == true) { var entitlement = entitlements.FirstOrDefault(a => == game.GameId); if (entitlement != null) { if (entitlement.product.productDetail?.iconUrl != null) { metadata.CoverImage = new MetadataFile(entitlement.product.productDetail.iconUrl); } // Ignore Getting Over It background, which is set if the publisher didn't assigned any // var backgroundUrl = entitlement.product.productDetail?.details?.backgroundUrl2; if (!backgroundUrl.IsNullOrEmpty() && backgroundUrl != "") { metadata.BackgroundImage = new MetadataFile(entitlement.product.productDetail.details.backgroundUrl2); } } } return(metadata); }
private static string AddNewFile(string path, Guid libraryId, GameDatabase database) { var fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(path); var fileId = $"{libraryId.ToString()}/{fileName}"; MetadataFile metaFile = null; try { if (path.StartsWith("http", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { metaFile = new MetadataFile(fileId, fileName, HttpDownloader.DownloadData(path)); } else { if (File.Exists(path)) { if (path.EndsWith(".exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var icon = IconExtension.ExtractIconFromExe(path, true); if (icon == null) { return(null); } fileName = Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, ".png"); fileId = Path.ChangeExtension(fileId, ".png"); metaFile = new MetadataFile(fileId, fileName, icon.ToByteArray(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)); } else { metaFile = new MetadataFile(fileId, fileName, File.ReadAllBytes(path)); } } else { logger.Error($"Can't add game file during game import, file doesn't exists: {path}"); } } } catch (Exception e) when(!PlayniteEnvironment.ThrowAllErrors) { logger.Error(e, $"Failed to import game file during game import from {path}"); } if (metaFile != null) { if (metaFile.FileName.EndsWith(".tga", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { metaFile.FileName = Path.ChangeExtension(metaFile.FileName, ".png"); metaFile.FileId = Path.ChangeExtension(metaFile.FileId, ".png"); metaFile.Content = BitmapExtensions.TgaToBitmap(metaFile.Content).ToPngArray(); } database.AddFile(metaFile); return(metaFile.FileId); } return(null); }
public override GameMetadata GetMetadata(Game game) { var gameInfo = new GameInfo { Links = new List <Link>() }; var metadata = new GameMetadata() { GameInfo = gameInfo }; gameInfo.Links.Add(new Link("PCGamingWiki", @"" + game.Name)); var program = Twitch.GetUninstallRecord(game.GameId); if (program != null) { gameInfo.Name = StringExtensions.NormalizeGameName(program.DisplayName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(program.DisplayIcon) && File.Exists(program.DisplayIcon)) { var iconPath = program.DisplayIcon; if (iconPath.EndsWith("ico", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { metadata.Icon = new MetadataFile(program.DisplayIcon); } else { var exeIcon = IconExtension.ExtractIconFromExe(iconPath, true); if (exeIcon != null) { var iconName = Guid.NewGuid() + ".png"; metadata.Icon = new MetadataFile(iconName, exeIcon.ToByteArray(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)); } } } } if (entitlements?.Any() == true) { var entitlement = entitlements.FirstOrDefault(a => == game.GameId); if (entitlement != null) { if (entitlement.product.productDetail?.iconUrl != null) { metadata.CoverImage = new MetadataFile(entitlement.product.productDetail.iconUrl); } if (entitlement.product.productDetail?.details?.backgroundUrl2 != null) { metadata.BackgroundImage = new MetadataFile(entitlement.product.productDetail.details.backgroundUrl2); } } } return(metadata); }
private string SaveFileIconToTemp(string exePath) { var ico = IconExtension.ExtractIconFromExe(exePath, true); if (ico == null) { return(string.Empty); } var tempPath = Path.Combine(Paths.TempPath, "tempico.png"); if (ico != null) { if (File.Exists(tempPath)) { File.Delete(tempPath); } ico.ToBitmap().Save(tempPath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); } return(tempPath); }
public override GameMetadata GetMetadata(Game game) { var storeMetadata = DownloadGameMetadata(game.GameId); var gameInfo = new GameInfo { Name = StringExtensions.NormalizeGameName(storeMetadata.StoreDetails.i18n.displayName), Description = storeMetadata.StoreDetails.i18n.longDescription, ReleaseDate = storeMetadata.StoreDetails.platforms.First(a => a.platform == "PCWIN").releaseDate, Links = new List <Link>() { new Link("Store", @"" + storeMetadata.StoreDetails.offerPath), new Link("PCGamingWiki", @"" + game.Name) } }; if (!storeMetadata.StoreDetails.publisherFacetKey.IsNullOrEmpty()) { gameInfo.Publishers = new List <string>() { storeMetadata.StoreDetails.publisherFacetKey }; } if (!storeMetadata.StoreDetails.developerFacetKey.IsNullOrEmpty()) { gameInfo.Developers = new List <string>() { storeMetadata.StoreDetails.developerFacetKey }; } if (!storeMetadata.StoreDetails.genreFacetKey.IsNullOrEmpty()) { gameInfo.Genres = new List <string>(storeMetadata.StoreDetails.genreFacetKey?.Split(',')); } var metadata = new GameMetadata() { GameInfo = gameInfo, Icon = storeMetadata.Icon, CoverImage = storeMetadata.CoverImage, BackgroundImage = storeMetadata.BackgroundImage }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(storeMetadata.StoreDetails.i18n.gameForumURL)) { gameInfo.Links.Add(new Link("Forum", storeMetadata.StoreDetails.i18n.gameForumURL)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(storeMetadata.StoreDetails.i18n.gameManualURL)) { game.OtherActions = new ObservableCollection <GameAction>() { new GameAction() { IsHandledByPlugin = false, Type = GameActionType.URL, Path = storeMetadata.StoreDetails.i18n.gameManualURL, Name = "Manual" } }; } // There's not icon available on Origin servers so we will load one from EXE if (game.IsInstalled && string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Icon)) { var playAction = api.ExpandGameVariables(game, game.PlayAction); var executable = string.Empty; if (File.Exists(playAction.Path)) { executable = playAction.Path; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(playAction.WorkingDir)) { executable = Path.Combine(playAction.WorkingDir, playAction.Path); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(executable)) { return(storeMetadata); } var exeIcon = IconExtension.ExtractIconFromExe(executable, true); if (exeIcon != null) { var iconName = Guid.NewGuid() + ".png"; metadata.Icon = new MetadataFile(iconName, exeIcon.ToByteArray(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)); } } return(metadata); }
public override GameMetadata GetMetadata(Game game) { var gameInfo = new GameInfo() { Links = new List <Link>() }; var metadata = new GameMetadata() { GameInfo = gameInfo }; using (var client = new WebStoreClient()) { var catalogs = client.QuerySearch(game.Name).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (catalogs.HasItems()) { var product = client.GetProductInfo(catalogs[0].productSlug).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (product.pages.HasItems()) { var page = product.pages[0]; gameInfo.Description =; gameInfo.Developers = new List <string>() { }; metadata.BackgroundImage = new MetadataFile(; gameInfo.Links.Add(new Link( library.PlayniteApi.Resources.GetString("LOCCommonLinksStorePage"), "" + catalogs[0].productSlug)); if ( { var links = Where(a => a.Key.StartsWith("link") && !a.Value.IsNullOrEmpty()). Select(a => new Link(a.Key.Replace("link", ""), a.Value)).ToList(); if (links.HasItems()) { gameInfo.Links.AddRange(links); } } if (!gameInfo.Description.IsNullOrEmpty()) { gameInfo.Description = gameInfo.Description.Replace("\n", "\n<br>"); } } } } gameInfo.Links.Add(new Link("PCGamingWiki", @"" + game.Name)); // There's not icon available on Epic servers so we will load one from EXE if (game.IsInstalled && string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Icon)) { var playAction = api.ExpandGameVariables(game, game.PlayAction); var executable = string.Empty; if (File.Exists(playAction.Path)) { executable = playAction.Path; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(playAction.WorkingDir)) { executable = Path.Combine(playAction.WorkingDir, playAction.Path); } var exeIcon = IconExtension.ExtractIconFromExe(executable, true); if (exeIcon != null) { var iconName = Guid.NewGuid() + ".png"; metadata.Icon = new MetadataFile(iconName, exeIcon.ToByteArray(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)); } } return(metadata); }