private void Pause() { currentlyPlayingMusic = false; PlayIcon = new SymbolIcon(Symbol.Play); MediaElement.Pause(); }
public ShellNavigationItem(string label, IconElement icon, Type viewModeType) : this() { Label = label; _iconElement = icon; ViewModelType = viewModeType; }
protected ICommandBarElement CreateAppBarToggleButton(IconElement icon, string label, RoutedEventHandler eventHandler) { var command = CreateAppBarToggleButton(label, eventHandler) as AppBarToggleButton; command.Icon = icon; return(command); }
public async void JoinCircle() { if (!AuthorizationHelper.IsLogin) { PopupMessage.DisplayMessageInRes("NeedLogin"); return; } if (Misc.ZhiHuCircleId.ToString() == CircleId && JoinCircleButtonIcon == _checkIcon) { PopupMessage.DisplayMessageInRes("CannotQuitZhiHuCircle"); return; } if (JoinCircleButtonIcon == _addIcon) { JoinCircleButtonIcon = _checkIcon; await DataRequester.JoinCircle(CircleId); PopupMessage.DisplayMessageInRes("JoinCircleSuccess"); } else { JoinCircleButtonIcon = _addIcon; await DataRequester.QuitCircle(CircleId); PopupMessage.DisplayMessageInRes("QuitCircleSuccess"); } }
public PaneMenuItem(string label, IconElement icon, ICommand command, Func<object> getParameter = null) { _label = label; _icon = icon; _command = command; _getParameter = getParameter; }
private void Icon_OnMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { _curIcon = ((FrameworkElement)sender).DataContext as IconElement; if (e.ClickCount < 2 || e.ChangedButton != MouseButton.Left) { return; } if (_curIcon != null) { _header.Header.Icons.NextIcon(_curIcon); } }
public ShellNavigationItem(string name, IconElement icon, string pageIdentifier) { this.Label = name; this._iconElement = icon; this.PageIdentifier = pageIdentifier; Services.ThemeSelectorService.OnThemeChanged += (s, e) => { if (!IsSelected) { SelectedForeground = GetStandardTextColorBrush(); } }; }
internal static AppBarButton BuildAppBarButton(string label, IconElement icon) { var appBarButton = new AppBarButton() { Label = label, Icon = icon, BorderThickness = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0) }; ToolTipService.SetToolTip(appBarButton, label); return(appBarButton); }
public ShellNavigationItem(string label, IconElement icon, string viewModelName) { this.Label = label; this._iconElement = icon; this.ViewModelName = viewModelName; Services.ThemeSelectorService.OnThemeChanged += (s, e) => { if (!IsSelected) { SelectedForeground = GetStandardTextColorBrush(); } }; }
private ShellNavigationItem(string name, IconElement icon, Type pageType) { this.Label = name; this._iconElement = icon; this.PageType = pageType; Services.ThemeSelectorService.OnThemeChanged += (s, e) => { if (!IsSelected) { SelectedForeground = GetStandardTextColorBrush(); } }; }
public Task <IconElement> LoadIconElementAsync(ImageSource imagesource, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { IconElement image = null; if (imagesource is FileImageSource filesource) { string file = filesource.File; image = new BitmapIcon { UriSource = new Uri("ms-appx:///" + file) }; } return(Task.FromResult(image)); }
public Task <IconElement> LoadIconElementAsync(ImageSource imagesource, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { IconElement image = null; if (imagesource is FontImageSource fontImageSource) { image = new FontIcon { Glyph = fontImageSource.Glyph, FontFamily = new FontFamily(fontImageSource.FontFamily), FontSize = fontImageSource.Size, Foreground = fontImageSource.Color.ToBrush() }; } return(Task.FromResult(image)); }
public override void SetValue(object value) { FeatureInfo feature = value as FeatureInfo; if (feature.IsNew) { var size = ScaleToDeviceDPI(new Size(16, 16)); var icon1 = new C1PolygonIcon(); List <PointF> points = new List <PointF>(); points.Add(new PointF(12.115f, 8.084f)); points.Add(new PointF(14.158f, 6.093f)); points.Add(new PointF(10.929f, 5.623f)); points.Add(new PointF(11.322f, 2.681f)); points.Add(new PointF(9.202f, 3.897f)); points.Add(new PointF(8.121f, 1.706f)); points.Add(new PointF(6.807f, 4.367f)); points.Add(new PointF(3.863f, 2.956f)); points.Add(new PointF(4.449f, 5.749f)); points.Add(new PointF(2.083f, 6.093f)); points.Add(new PointF(3.943f, 7.907f)); points.Add(new PointF(1.821f, 10.135f)); points.Add(new PointF(4.857f, 10.462f)); points.Add(new PointF(4.389f, 13.19f)); points.Add(new PointF(6.748f, 11.95f)); points.Add(new PointF(8.016f, 14.296f)); points.Add(new PointF(9.15f, 11.77f)); points.Add(new PointF(11.852f, 13.19f)); points.Add(new PointF(11.332f, 10.157f)); points.Add(new PointF(13.889f, 9.688f)); icon1.Points = points.ToArray(); icon1.IsClosed = true; icon1.Color = Color.FromArgb(220, 154, 49); icon1.Size = size; var icon2 = new C1PathIcon(); icon2.Data = "M8.121,1.706l1.081,2.191l2.12-1.217l-0.394,2.942l3.229,0.47l-2.043,1.991l1.773,1.604l-2.557,0.469l0.52,3.033L9.15,11.77l-1.135,2.526L6.748,11.95l-2.359,1.24l0.469-2.729l-3.037-0.327l2.123-2.228L2.083,6.093l2.367-0.344L3.863,2.956l2.943,1.411L8.121,1.706 M8.121,0L7.443,1.372L6.461,3.364L4.19,2.275L2.812,1.614L3.125,3.11l0.42,2.008L1.974,5.346l-1.513,0.22l1.095,1.067l1.327,1.294L1.274,9.614L0.22,10.722l1.521,0.163l2.237,0.241l-0.333,1.938L3.387,14.57l1.354-0.712l1.699-0.893l0.912,1.688L8.078,16l0.627-1.396l0.805-1.793l1.991,1.047l1.354,0.712l-0.259-1.507l-0.394-2.298l1.823-0.335l1.504-0.274L14.395,9.13l-1.178-1.066l1.469-1.43l1.095-1.068l-1.513-0.22l-2.492-0.362l0.295-2.202l0.203-1.517l-1.326,0.762L9.523,2.843L8.797,1.372L8.121,0L8.121,0z"; icon2.Color = Color.White; icon2.Size = size; var icon = new C1CompositeIcon(); icon.Size = size; icon.Icons.Add(icon2); icon.Icons.Add(icon1); _newIcon = IconElement.CreateElement(icon); } _text.Text = value?.ToString(); }
public Task<IconElement> LoadIconElementAsync(ImageSource imagesource, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { IconElement image = null; if (imagesource is FontImageSource fontImageSource) { image = new FontIcon { Glyph = fontImageSource.Glyph, FontSize = fontImageSource.Size, Foreground = fontImageSource.Color.ToBrush() }; var uwpFontFamily = fontImageSource.FontFamily.ToFontFamily(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uwpFontFamily.Source)) ((FontIcon)image).FontFamily = uwpFontFamily; } return Task.FromResult(image); }
// C1Icon is UI-less object which can be used to specify icon properties, layout and other options. // To show C1Icon, application should create IconElements and put them inside some layout panel. // BuildUI method creates elements for every icon and puts them into uniform grid cells. private void BuildUI() { if (_icons == null || _icons.Count < 1) { return; } // create uniform grid with the same number of rows and columns int count = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(_icons.Count)); _element = new UniformGrid(count, count); Element = _element; Element.Parent.Bounds = this.Bounds; _element.Style = new Style(); _element.Style.Margins = new Thickness(4); _element.Style.ForeColor = ForeColor; // Create IconElements for each icon and place them into uniform grid int r = 0; int c = 0; foreach (C1Icon icon in _icons) { // Use factory method IconElement.CreateElement(icon) to create elements. // This method returns IconElement instances specific to icon type. // For example, for C1PathIcon it returns PathIconElement. var iconElement = IconElement.CreateElement(icon); // place IconElement into grid cell _element[r, c].Element = iconElement; c++; if (c > count - 1) { c = 0; r++; } } }
private async Task RefreshCircleInfo() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CircleId)) { return; } Circle = await DataRequester.RequestCircleInfo(CircleId); if (Circle == null) { return; } Title = Circle.Name; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Circle.Image)) { Circle.Image = Circle.Thumbnail; } Circle.Adjust(); JoinCircleButtonIcon = Circle.Status == 1 ? _checkIcon : _addIcon; Notify("Circle"); }
public object GenerateView(object view, string title) { string _title = App.Current.Resources["title"]?.ToString() ?? title; DockPanel _baseDock = new DockPanel(); if (StackCount() != 0) { //初始化标题栏 StackPanel _navBar = new StackPanel() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal, Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 10) }; Button backBtn = new Button(); TextBlock titleTB = new TextBlock() { FontSize = 23, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, Margin = new Thickness(20, 0, 0, 0), Text = _title }; IconElement.SetGeometry(backBtn, (Geometry)App.Current.Resources["LeftGeometry"]); backBtn.Click += (s, e) => Back(); _navBar.Children.Add(backBtn); _navBar.Children.Add(titleTB); _baseDock.Children.Add(_navBar); DockPanel.SetDock(_navBar, Dock.Top); } //初始化内容容器 ContentControl contentControl = new ContentControl() { Content = view }; _baseDock.Children.Add(contentControl); DockPanel.SetDock(contentControl, Dock.Bottom); return(_baseDock); }
private void CreateFlyoutItem(IList <MenuFlyoutItemBase> flyout, bool create, Action command, string text, IconElement icon = null, VirtualKey?key = null, VirtualKeyModifiers modifiers = VirtualKeyModifiers.Control) { var flyoutItem = new MenuFlyoutItem(); flyoutItem.IsEnabled = create; flyoutItem.Command = new RelayCommand(command); flyoutItem.Text = text; if (icon != null) { flyoutItem.Icon = icon; } if (key.HasValue && ApiInfo.CanUseAccelerators) { flyoutItem.KeyboardAccelerators.Add(new KeyboardAccelerator { Modifiers = modifiers, Key = key.Value, IsEnabled = false }); } flyout.Add(flyoutItem); }
private ShellNavigationItem(string name, IconElement icon, Type pageType) { this.Label = name; this._iconElement = icon; this.PageType = pageType; }
public void CreateCommandButton(ShellCommand command) { IconElement getIcon() { IconElement icon = null; if (command.Icon is SymbolIcon symbolicon) { icon = new SymbolIcon { Symbol = symbolicon.Symbol } } ; else if (command.Icon is FontIcon fonticon) { icon = new FontIcon { FontFamily = fonticon.FontFamily, Glyph = fonticon.Glyph } } ; command.Icons.Add(icon); return(icon); } if (command is ToggleShellCommand togglecommand) { var button = new AppBarToggleButton() { DataContext = command, Label = command.Label, Icon = getIcon() }; button.Click += delegate { togglecommand.Toggled = button.IsChecked.Value; command.Action.Invoke(); }; PrimaryCommands.Add(button); command.IconReplacementRequested += delegate { command.Icons.Remove(button.Icon); button.Icon = getIcon(); }; command.LabelReplacementRequested += delegate { button.Label = command.Label; }; } else { var button = new AppBarButton() { DataContext = command, Label = command.Label, Icon = getIcon() }; button.Click += delegate { command.Action?.Invoke(); }; PrimaryCommands.Add(button); command.IconReplacementRequested += delegate { command.Icons.Remove(button.Icon); button.Icon = getIcon(); }; command.LabelReplacementRequested += delegate { button.Label = command.Label; }; } HasItems = true; TryShowItems(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates instance of <see cref="PlayerViewModel"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="logger">Instance of <see cref="ILogger"/></param> /// <param name="playlist">Instance of <see cref="IPlayList"/></param> /// <param name="applicationSettingsHelper">Instance of <see cref="IApplicationSettingsHelper"/></param> /// <param name="navigationService">Instance of <see cref="INavigationService"/></param> public PlayerViewModel( ILogger logger, IApplicationSettingsHelper applicationSettingsHelper, INavigationService navigationService, IPlaybackManager playbackManager) { this.logger = logger; this.navigationService = navigationService; this.applicationSettingsHelper = applicationSettingsHelper; this.playbackManager = playbackManager; pauseIcon = new SymbolIcon(Symbol.Pause); playIcon = new SymbolIcon(Symbol.Play); PlayButtonIcon = playIcon; progressUpdateTimer = new DispatcherTimer(); // Using explicit casts here because of PreviousTrackCommand = new RelayCommand((Action)onPreviousTrackAction); NextTrackCommand = new RelayCommand((Action)onNextTrackAction); PlayPauseCommand = new RelayCommand((Action)onPlayPauseAction); Application.Current.Suspending += onAppSuspending; Application.Current.Resuming += onAppResuming; Initialization = initializeAsync(); logger.LogMessage("Foreground audio player initialized.", LoggingLevel.Information); }
// Probably used only for members context menu public static void CreateFlyoutItem <T1, T2, T3>(this MenuFlyout flyout, Func <T1, T2, T3, bool> visibility, ICommand command, T1 chatType, T2 status, T3 parameter, string text, IconElement icon = null, VirtualKey?key = null, VirtualKeyModifiers modifiers = VirtualKeyModifiers.Control) where T3 : class { var value = visibility(chatType, status, parameter as T3); if (value) { var flyoutItem = new MenuFlyoutItem(); flyoutItem.CommandParameter = parameter; flyoutItem.Command = command; flyoutItem.Text = text; if (icon != null) { flyoutItem.Icon = icon; } if (key.HasValue && ApiInfo.CanUseAccelerators) { flyoutItem.KeyboardAccelerators.Add(new KeyboardAccelerator { Modifiers = modifiers, Key = key.Value, IsEnabled = false }); } flyout.Items.Add(flyoutItem); } }
/// <summary> /// Ajoute un bouton avec un flyout associé à la CommandBar /// </summary> /// <param name="emplacement">Type d'emplacment du bouton sur la CommandBar, PrimaryCommands ou SecondaryCommands</param> /// <param name="icon">Icon du bouton</param> /// <param name="label">Label du bouton</param> /// <param name="flyout">Flyout associé au bouton</param> public static CommandBarElement AddFlyoutButton(CommandBarEmplacement emplacement, IconElement icon, string label, FlyoutBase flyout) { return AddObjectToCommandBar(CommandBarButtonType.FlyoutButton, emplacement, icon, label, null, null, flyout); }
public static NavigationItem NodeFromSubitems(string id, string caption, IEnumerable <NavigationItem> subitems, IconElement icon = null, Image image = null) { var node = new NavigationItem(id, caption); node.SubItems = subitems; node.Icon = icon; node.Image = image; return(node); }
public static void CreateFlyoutItem(this IList <MenuFlyoutItemBase> items, ICommand command, object parameter, string text, IconElement icon = null, VirtualKey?key = null, VirtualKeyModifiers modifiers = VirtualKeyModifiers.Control) { var flyoutItem = new MenuFlyoutItem(); flyoutItem.IsEnabled = command != null; flyoutItem.CommandParameter = parameter; flyoutItem.Command = command; flyoutItem.Text = text; if (icon != null) { flyoutItem.Icon = icon; } if (key.HasValue && ApiInfo.CanUseAccelerators) { flyoutItem.KeyboardAccelerators.Add(new KeyboardAccelerator { Modifiers = modifiers, Key = key.Value, IsEnabled = false }); } items.Add(flyoutItem); }
public ShellNavigationItem(string label, IconElement icon, string viewModelName) : this(label, viewModelName) { _iconElement = icon; }
public static NavigationItem NodeFromAction(string id, string caption, Action <NavigationItem> onClick, IconElement icon = null, Image image = null) { var node = new NavigationItem(id, caption); node.OnClick = onClick; node.Icon = icon; node.Image = image; return(node); }
private void Play() { currentlyPlayingMusic = true; PlayIcon = new SymbolIcon(Symbol.Pause); MediaElement.Play(); ProgressMaximumDisplay = ConvertToMinuteFormat(MediaElement.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds); ProgressMaximum = MediaElement.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds; IProgress<object> progress = new Progress<object>(_ => UpdateTicker()); Task.Run(async () => { while (true) { await Task.Delay(200); progress.Report(null); } }); }
protected static ICommandBarElement CreateAppBarToggleButton(IconElement icon, string label, RoutedEventHandler eventHandler) { var command = CreateAppBarToggleButton(label, eventHandler) as AppBarToggleButton; command.Icon = icon; return command; }
/// <summary> /// Ajoute un bouton à la barre /// </summary> /// <param name="objectType">type d'objet à créer</param> /// <param name="emplacement">Type d'emplacment du bouton sur la CommandBar, PrimaryCommands ou SecondaryCommands</param> /// <param name="icon">Icon du bouton</param> /// <param name="label">Label du bouton</param> /// <param name="command">ICommand du bouton</param> /// <param name="commandParameter">CommandParameter de la ICommand du bouton</param> private static CommandBarElement AddObjectToCommandBar(CommandBarButtonType objectType, CommandBarEmplacement emplacement, IconElement icon, string label, ICommand command, object commandParameter, FlyoutBase flyout) { ICommandBarElement element = null; switch (objectType) { case CommandBarButtonType.Button: element = new AppBarButton { Icon = icon, Label = label, Command = command, CommandParameter = commandParameter }; break; case CommandBarButtonType.ToggleButton: element = new AppBarToggleButton() { Icon = icon, Label = label, Command = command, CommandParameter = commandParameter }; break; case CommandBarButtonType.FlyoutButton: element = new AppBarButton() { Icon = icon, Label = label, Flyout = flyout }; break; case CommandBarButtonType.Separator: element = new AppBarSeparator(); break; } if (element != null) { if (emplacement == CommandBarEmplacement.Primary) { _commandBar.PrimaryCommands.Add(element); } else { _commandBar.SecondaryCommands.Add(element); } if (_commandBar.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed) { _commandBar.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } return new CommandBarElement() { Element = element, Emplacement = emplacement }; }
public static ShellNavigationItem FromType <T>(string name, IconElement icon) where T : Page { return(new ShellNavigationItem(name, icon, typeof(T))); }
public static NavigationItem NodeFromControl(string id, string caption, Control control, IconElement icon = null, Image image = null) { var node = new NavigationItem(id, caption); node.Icon = icon; node.Control = control; return(node); }
public static void CreateFlyoutItem(this MenuFlyoutSubItem flyout, ICommand command, object parameter, string text, IconElement icon = null, VirtualKey?key = null, VirtualKeyModifiers modifiers = VirtualKeyModifiers.Control) { flyout.Items.CreateFlyoutItem(command, parameter, text, icon, key, modifiers); }
public static void SetIcon(UIElement element, IconElement value) { element.SetValue(DesignTime.IconProperty, value); SetInDesigner(nameof(IconProperty), element, value); }
public static void CreateFlyoutItem <T>(this MenuFlyoutSubItem flyout, Func <T, bool> visibility, ICommand command, T parameter, string text, IconElement icon = null, VirtualKey?key = null, VirtualKeyModifiers modifiers = VirtualKeyModifiers.Control) where T : class { flyout.Items.CreateFlyoutItem(visibility, command, parameter, text, icon, key, modifiers); }
private ShellNavigationItem(string label, IconElement icon, Type pageType) : this(label, pageType) { _iconElement = icon; }
public ShellNavigationItem(string name, IconElement icon, string pageIdentifier) { Label = name; _iconElement = icon; PageIdentifier = pageIdentifier; }
/// <summary> /// Ajoute un Toggle bouton à la CommandBar /// </summary> /// <param name="emplacement">Type d'emplacment du bouton sur la CommandBar, PrimaryCommands ou SecondaryCommands</param> /// <param name="icon">Icon du bouton</param> /// <param name="label">Label du bouton</param> /// <param name="command">ICommand du bouton</param> /// <param name="commandParameter">CommandParameter de la ICommand du bouton</param> public static CommandBarElement AddToggleButton(CommandBarEmplacement emplacement, IconElement icon, string label, ICommand command, object commandParameter = null) { return AddObjectToCommandBar(CommandBarButtonType.ToggleButton, emplacement, icon, label, command, commandParameter, null); }