コード例 #1
        public static void FromFile(Stream stream, UInt16 lang, ResourceSource source, ResIconDir resDir)
            if (stream.Length < Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IconDirectory)))

            BinaryReader rdr = new BinaryReader(stream);

            IconDirectory?tDir = ReadIcoHeader(rdr);

            if (tDir == null)

            IconDirectory dir = tDir.Value;

            // rdr is now at the beginning of the array of FileIconDirectoryMembers

            FileIconDirectoryEntry[] subImages = new FileIconDirectoryEntry[dir.wCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < dir.wCount; i++)
                subImages[i] = ReadFileDirMember(rdr);

            // now for image data itself

            IconImageResourceDataFactory factory = GetIconImageFactory();

            for (int i = 0; i < dir.wCount; i++)
                FileIconDirectoryEntry img = subImages[i];

                stream.Seek(img.dwImageOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                Byte[] data = new Byte[img.dwBytesInRes];

                stream.Read(data, 0, (int)img.dwBytesInRes);

                Size dimensions = new Size(img.bWidth == 0 ? 256 : img.bWidth, img.bHeight == 0 ? 256 : img.bHeight);

                IconCursorImageResourceData memberImageData = factory.FromResource(null, data) as IconCursorImageResourceData;
                IconDirectoryMember         member          = new IconDirectoryMember(memberImageData, dimensions, img.bColorCount, img.bReserved, img.wPlanes, img.wBitCount, img.dwBytesInRes);

コード例 #2

        private Image GetIconForResourceLang(ResourceLang lang)
            ResourceData data = lang.Data;

            if (data is IconDirectoryResourceData)
                IconDirectoryResourceData icoDir = data as IconDirectoryResourceData;
                IconImage bestMember             = icoDir.IconGroup.GetIconForSize(__images.ImageSize);

                if (bestMember == null)

                IconCursorImageResourceData rd = (bestMember.ResourceData as IconCursorImageResourceData);
            else if (data is CursorDirectoryResourceData)
                CursorDirectoryResourceData curDir = data as CursorDirectoryResourceData;
                IconImage bestMember = curDir.IconGroup.GetIconForSize(__images.ImageSize);

                if (bestMember == null)

                IconCursorImageResourceData rd = (bestMember.ResourceData as IconCursorImageResourceData);
            else if (data is IconCursorImageResourceData)
                IconCursorImageResourceData icoImg = data as IconCursorImageResourceData;
            else if (data is ImageResourceData)
                ImageResourceData imgData = data as ImageResourceData;
                Size s = __images.ImageSize;

                Image thumb = GetThumbnailImage(s, imgData.Image);

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>Associates all of the IconImages in this directory with the ResourceSource by creating IconCursorResourceData instances for each IconImage (with the specified Lang)</summary>
        public void BindToSource(ResourceSource source, UInt16 langId)
            IconCursorImageResourceDataFactory factory = GetImageFactory();

            ResourceTypeIdentifier typeId = Type == IconType.Icon ? _iiTypeId : _ciTypeId;

            foreach (IconImage image in _images)
                IconCursorImageResourceData rd = (IconCursorImageResourceData)factory.FromFileData(null, image.ImageData, Type == IconType.Icon);

                image.ResourceDataTyped = rd;

                source.Add(typeId, source.GetUnusedName(typeId), langId, rd);
コード例 #4
        private static IconCursorImageResourceData GetDataFromWid(ResourceType type, ResourceLang thisLang, ushort wId)
            ResourceName name = null;

            foreach (ResourceName nom in type.Names)
                if (nom.Identifier.IntegerId == wId)
                    name = nom; break;

            if (name == null)
                throw new AnolisException("Directory Subimage name not found");                          // this has never happened in the past btw
            ResourceLang lang = null;

            foreach (ResourceLang lan in name.Langs)
                if (thisLang.LanguageId == 0)                  // 0 matches any language, so go with the first
                    lang = lan;
                if (lan.LanguageId == thisLang.LanguageId)
                    lang = lan;
                }                 // because a ResourceName can have multiple languages associated with it. I'm after the ResourceLang's resource data related to this Directory's lang

            if (lang == null)
                throw new AnolisException("Directory Subimage language not found");                          // this has never happened in the past btw
            IconCursorImageResourceData data = lang.Data as IconCursorImageResourceData;

コード例 #5
        private void Load(ResourceLang directoryLang, Byte[] rawData)
            this.DirectoryLang = directoryLang;

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(rawData)) {
                BinaryReader rdr = new BinaryReader(ms);

                IconDirectory dir = new IconDirectory(rdr);
                if (dir.wType == 1)
                    Type = IconType.Icon;
                if (dir.wType == 2)
                    Type = IconType.Cursor;

                ResIconDirectoryEntry[] subImages = new ResIconDirectoryEntry[dir.wCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < subImages.Length; i++)
                    subImages[i] = new ResIconDirectoryEntry(rdr);


                foreach (ResIconDirectoryEntry entry in subImages)
                    IconCursorImageResourceData rdata = GetRD(entry.wId);

                    IconImage image = new IconImage(rdata.RawData, this, entry);
                    image.ResourceDataTyped = rdata;

コード例 #6
        private Boolean ShouldExportData(ResourceData data)
            // Special check for icon subimages

            IconCursorImageResourceData icdata = data as IconCursorImageResourceData;

            if (icdata != null && !Options.ExportIcons)

            // All visual resources should be exported regardless

            if (data is DirectoryResourceData)
            if (data is ImageResourceData)
            if (data is MediaResourceData)

            // If non-visual, check with the options

            if (!Options.ExportNonVisual)

            // Certain commonplace resources might not be exported

            if (Options.ExportCommonRes)
                if (data is VersionResourceData)

                if (data is SgmlResourceData && data.Lang.Name.Type.Identifier.KnownType == Win32ResourceType.Manifest)

                if (data.Lang.Name.Type.Identifier.StringId == "MUI")

            // Then check size

            if (Options.ExportNonVisualSize == -1)

            return(data.RawData.Length >= Options.ExportNonVisualSize);
コード例 #7
        public static ResIconDir FromResource(ResourceLang lang, Byte[] rawBytes)
            Int32 sizeOfIconDir = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IconDirectory));
            Int32 sizeOfDirEntr = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ResIconDirectoryEntry));

            // the data in here is an ICONDIR structure

            IntPtr p = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(rawBytes.Length);

            Marshal.Copy(rawBytes, 0, p, rawBytes.Length);

            // this could be vastly simplified by correctly marshaling the member array of IconDirectory
            // but that's a can of worms, I'd rather not
            IconDirectory dir = (IconDirectory)Marshal.PtrToStructure(p, typeof(IconDirectory));


            if (dir.wType != 1 && dir.wType != 2)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Provided rawData is not an icon or cursor");

            ResIconDirectoryEntry[] subImages = new ResIconDirectoryEntry[dir.wCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < dir.wCount; i++)
                Int32 byteOffset = sizeOfIconDir + sizeOfDirEntr * i;

                p = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeOfDirEntr);
                Marshal.Copy(rawBytes, byteOffset, p, sizeOfDirEntr);

                ResIconDirectoryEntry img = (ResIconDirectoryEntry)Marshal.PtrToStructure(p, typeof(ResIconDirectoryEntry));

                subImages[i] = img;

            ResIconDir retval = new ResIconDir(dir.wType == 1, lang.LanguageId, lang.Name.Type.Source);

            // then we might be able to get the resourcedata for the subimages to include in the directory

            // find the Icon Image resource type
            ResourceType      imageType = null;
            Win32ResourceType desired   = dir.wType == 1 ? Win32ResourceType.IconImage : Win32ResourceType.CursorImage;

            foreach (ResourceType type in lang.Name.Type.Source.AllTypes)
                if (type.Identifier.KnownType == desired)
                    imageType = type;

            if (imageType != null)
                foreach (ResIconDirectoryEntry img in subImages)
                    IconCursorImageResourceData rd = GetDataFromWid(imageType, lang, img.wId);

                    Size dimensions = new Size(img.bWidth == 0 ? 256 : img.bWidth, img.bHeight == 0 ? 256 : img.bHeight);
                    // cursors might have Height == 0, so it should copy the width rather than being set to 256

                    retval.Members.Add(new IconDirectoryMember(rd, dimensions, img.bColorCount, img.bReserved, img.wPlanes, img.wBitCount, img.dwBytesInRes));
