public Ice.Instrumentation.DispatchObserver getDispatchObserver(Ice.Current c, int size) { if (_dispatch.isEnabled()) { try { Ice.Instrumentation.DispatchObserver del = null; if (_delegate != null) { del = _delegate.getDispatchObserver(c, size); } return(_dispatch.getObserver(new DispatchHelper(c, size), del)); } catch (Exception ex) { _metrics.getLogger().error("unexpected exception trying to obtain observer:\n" + ex); } } return(null); }
protected bool servantLocatorFinished__(bool amd) { Debug.Assert(locator_ != null && servant_ != null); try { locator_.finished(current_, servant_, cookie_); return true; } catch(Ice.UserException ex) { Debug.Assert(responseHandler_ != null); if(observer_ != null) { observer_.userException(); } // // The operation may have already marshaled a reply; we must overwrite that reply. // if(response_) { os_.resize(Protocol.headerSize + 4); // Reply status position. os_.writeByte(ReplyStatus.replyUserException); os_.startEncapsulation(current_.encoding, Ice.FormatType.DefaultFormat); os_.writeException(ex); os_.endEncapsulation(); if(observer_ != null) { observer_.reply(os_.size() - Protocol.headerSize - 4); } responseHandler_.sendResponse(current_.requestId, os_, compress_, amd); } else { responseHandler_.sendNoResponse(); } if(observer_ != null) { observer_.detach(); observer_ = null; } responseHandler_ = null; } catch(System.Exception ex) { handleException__(ex, amd); } return false; }
internal void adopt(IncomingBase inc) { instance_ = inc.instance_; //inc.instance_ = null; // Don't reset instance_. observer_ = inc.observer_; inc.observer_ = null; servant_ = inc.servant_; inc.servant_ = null; locator_ = inc.locator_; inc.locator_ = null; cookie_ = inc.cookie_; inc.cookie_ = null; response_ = inc.response_; inc.response_ = false; compress_ = inc.compress_; inc.compress_ = 0; // // Adopt the stream - it creates less garbage. // os_ = inc.os_; inc.os_ = null; responseHandler_ = inc.responseHandler_; inc.responseHandler_ = null; }
protected internal void handleException__(System.Exception exc, bool amd) { Debug.Assert(responseHandler_ != null); try { throw exc; } catch(Ice.RequestFailedException ex) { if( == null || == null || == 0) { =; } if(ex.facet == null || ex.facet.Length == 0) { ex.facet = current_.facet; } if(ex.operation == null || ex.operation.Length == 0) { ex.operation = current_.operation; } if(instance_.initializationData().properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.Dispatch", 1) > 1) { warning__(ex); } if(observer_ != null) { observer_.failed(ex.ice_id()); } if(response_) { os_.resize(Protocol.headerSize + 4); // Reply status position. if(ex is Ice.ObjectNotExistException) { os_.writeByte(ReplyStatus.replyObjectNotExist); } else if(ex is Ice.FacetNotExistException) { os_.writeByte(ReplyStatus.replyFacetNotExist); } else if(ex is Ice.OperationNotExistException) { os_.writeByte(ReplyStatus.replyOperationNotExist); } else { Debug.Assert(false); }; // // For compatibility with the old FacetPath. // if(ex.facet == null || ex.facet.Length == 0) { os_.writeStringSeq(null); } else { string[] facetPath2 = { ex.facet }; os_.writeStringSeq(facetPath2); } os_.writeString(ex.operation); if(observer_ != null) { observer_.reply(os_.size() - Protocol.headerSize - 4); } responseHandler_.sendResponse(current_.requestId, os_, compress_, amd); } else { responseHandler_.sendNoResponse(); } } catch(Ice.UnknownLocalException ex) { if(instance_.initializationData().properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.Dispatch", 1) > 0) { warning__(ex); } if(observer_ != null) { observer_.failed(ex.ice_id()); } if(response_) { os_.resize(Protocol.headerSize + 4); // Reply status position. os_.writeByte(ReplyStatus.replyUnknownLocalException); os_.writeString(ex.unknown); if(observer_ != null) { observer_.reply(os_.size() - Protocol.headerSize - 4); } responseHandler_.sendResponse(current_.requestId, os_, compress_, amd); } else { responseHandler_.sendNoResponse(); } } catch(Ice.UnknownUserException ex) { if(instance_.initializationData().properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.Dispatch", 1) > 0) { warning__(ex); } if(observer_ != null) { observer_.failed(ex.ice_id()); } if(response_) { os_.resize(Protocol.headerSize + 4); // Reply status position. os_.writeByte(ReplyStatus.replyUnknownUserException); os_.writeString(ex.unknown); if(observer_ != null) { observer_.reply(os_.size() - Protocol.headerSize - 4); } responseHandler_.sendResponse(current_.requestId, os_, compress_, amd); } else { responseHandler_.sendNoResponse(); } } catch(Ice.UnknownException ex) { if(instance_.initializationData().properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.Dispatch", 1) > 0) { warning__(ex); } if(observer_ != null) { observer_.failed(ex.ice_id()); } if(response_) { os_.resize(Protocol.headerSize + 4); // Reply status position. os_.writeByte(ReplyStatus.replyUnknownException); os_.writeString(ex.unknown); if(observer_ != null) { observer_.reply(os_.size() - Protocol.headerSize - 4); } responseHandler_.sendResponse(current_.requestId, os_, compress_, amd); } else { responseHandler_.sendNoResponse(); } } catch(Ice.UserException ex) { if(instance_.initializationData().properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.Dispatch", 1) > 0) { warning__(ex); } if(observer_ != null) { observer_.failed(ex.ice_id()); } if(response_) { os_.resize(Protocol.headerSize + 4); // Reply status position. os_.writeByte(ReplyStatus.replyUnknownUserException); os_.writeString(ex.ice_id() + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); if(observer_ != null) { observer_.reply(os_.size() - Protocol.headerSize - 4); } responseHandler_.sendResponse(current_.requestId, os_, compress_, amd); } else { responseHandler_.sendNoResponse(); } } catch(Ice.Exception ex) { if(ex is Ice.SystemException) { if(responseHandler_.systemException(current_.requestId, (Ice.SystemException)ex, amd)) { return; } } if(instance_.initializationData().properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.Dispatch", 1) > 0) { warning__(ex); } if(observer_ != null) { observer_.failed(ex.ice_id()); } if(response_) { os_.resize(Protocol.headerSize + 4); // Reply status position. os_.writeByte(ReplyStatus.replyUnknownLocalException); os_.writeString(ex.ice_id() + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); if(observer_ != null) { observer_.reply(os_.size() - Protocol.headerSize - 4); } responseHandler_.sendResponse(current_.requestId, os_, compress_, amd); } else { responseHandler_.sendNoResponse(); } } catch(System.Exception ex) { if(instance_.initializationData().properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.Dispatch", 1) > 0) { warning__(ex); } if(observer_ != null) { observer_.failed(ex.GetType().FullName); } if(response_) { os_.resize(Protocol.headerSize + 4); // Reply status position. os_.writeByte(ReplyStatus.replyUnknownException); os_.writeString(ex.ToString()); if(observer_ != null) { observer_.reply(os_.size() - Protocol.headerSize - 4); } responseHandler_.sendResponse(current_.requestId, os_, compress_, amd); } else { responseHandler_.sendNoResponse(); } } if(observer_ != null) { observer_.detach(); observer_ = null; } responseHandler_ = null; }
public virtual void reclaim() { servant_ = null; locator_ = null; cookie_ = null; observer_ = null; if(os_ != null) { os_.reset(); } interceptorAsyncCallbackList_ = null; }