internal AsyncIOThread(Ice.Communicator communicator) { _communicator = communicator; _thread = new HelperThread(this); updateObserver(); _thread.Start(Util.stringToThreadPriority(communicator.GetProperty("Ice.ThreadPriority"))); }
internal EndpointHostResolver(Ice.Communicator communicator) { _communicator = communicator; _protocol = communicator.ProtocolSupport; _preferIPv6 = communicator.PreferIPv6; _thread = new HelperThread(this); updateObserver(); _thread.Start(Util.stringToThreadPriority(communicator.GetProperty("Ice.ThreadPriority"))); }
internal TrustManager(Ice.Communicator communicator) { Debug.Assert(communicator != null); _communicator = communicator; _traceLevel = _communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("IceSSL.Trace.Security") ?? 0; string key = "IceSSL.TrustOnly"; try { Parse(_communicator.GetProperty(key) ?? "", _rejectAll, _acceptAll); key = "IceSSL.TrustOnly.Client"; Parse(_communicator.GetProperty(key) ?? "", _rejectClient, _acceptClient); key = "IceSSL.TrustOnly.Server"; Parse(_communicator.GetProperty(key) ?? "", _rejectAllServer, _acceptAllServer); Dictionary <string, string> dict = _communicator.GetProperties(forPrefix: "IceSSL.TrustOnly.Server."); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in dict) { key = entry.Key; string name = key.Substring("IceSSL.TrustOnly.Server.".Length); var reject = new List <List <RFC2253.RDNPair> >(); var accept = new List <List <RFC2253.RDNPair> >(); Parse(entry.Value, reject, accept); if (reject.Count > 0) { _rejectServer[name] = reject; } if (accept.Count > 0) { _acceptServer[name] = accept; } } } catch (FormatException ex) { throw new FormatException($"IceSSL: invalid property `{key};", ex); } }
// // Only for use by Instance. // internal Timer(Ice.Communicator communicator, ThreadPriority priority = ThreadPriority.Normal) { _communicator = communicator; string?threadName = _communicator.GetProperty("Ice.ProgramName"); if (threadName != null) { threadName += "-"; } _thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run)); _thread.IsBackground = true; _thread.Name = $"{threadName}Ice.Timer"; _thread.Priority = priority; _thread.Start(); }
public ACMConfig(Ice.Communicator communicator, Ice.Logger logger, string prefix, ACMConfig defaults) { Debug.Assert(prefix != null); string timeoutProperty; if ((prefix == "Ice.ACM.Client" || prefix == "Ice.ACM.Server") && communicator.GetProperty($"{prefix}.Timeout") == null) { timeoutProperty = prefix; // Deprecated property. } else { timeoutProperty = prefix + ".Timeout"; } timeout = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt(timeoutProperty) * 1000 ?? defaults.timeout; if (timeout < 0) { logger.warning($"invalid value for property `{timeoutProperty}', default value will be used instead"); timeout = defaults.timeout; } int hb = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt($"{prefix}.Heartbeat") ?? (int)defaults.heartbeat; if (hb >= (int)Ice.ACMHeartbeat.HeartbeatOff && hb <= (int)Ice.ACMHeartbeat.HeartbeatAlways) { heartbeat = (Ice.ACMHeartbeat)hb; } else { logger.warning($"invalid value for property `{prefix}.Heartbeat', default value will be used instead"); heartbeat = defaults.heartbeat; } int cl = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt($"{prefix}.Close") ?? (int)defaults.close; if (cl >= (int)Ice.ACMClose.CloseOff && cl <= (int)Ice.ACMClose.CloseOnIdleForceful) { close = (Ice.ACMClose)cl; } else { logger.warning($"invalid value for property `{prefix}.Close', default value will be used instead"); close = defaults.close; } }
internal DefaultsAndOverrides(Ice.Communicator communicator, Ice.ILogger logger) { string?val; DefaultProtocol = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.Protocol") ?? "tcp"; DefaultHost = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.Host"); val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.SourceAddress"); if (val != null) { DefaultSourceAddress = Network.GetNumericAddress(val); if (DefaultSourceAddress == null) { throw new Ice.InitializationException("invalid IP address set for Ice.Default.SourceAddress: `" + val + "'"); } } else { DefaultSourceAddress = null; } val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.Timeout"); if (val != null) { OverrideTimeout = true; OverrideTimeoutValue = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.Timeout") ?? 0; if (OverrideTimeoutValue < 1 && OverrideTimeoutValue != -1) { OverrideTimeoutValue = -1; var msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Override.Timeout `"); msg.Append(communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.Timeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to -1"); logger.Warning(msg.ToString()); } } else { OverrideTimeout = false; OverrideTimeoutValue = -1; } val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.ConnectTimeout"); if (val != null) { OverrideConnectTimeout = true; OverrideConnectTimeoutValue = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.ConnectTimeout") ?? -1; if (OverrideConnectTimeoutValue < 1 && OverrideConnectTimeoutValue != -1) { OverrideConnectTimeoutValue = -1; var msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Override.ConnectTimeout `"); msg.Append(communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.ConnectTimeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to -1"); logger.Warning(msg.ToString()); } } else { OverrideConnectTimeout = false; OverrideConnectTimeoutValue = -1; } val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.CloseTimeout"); if (val != null) { OverrideCloseTimeout = true; OverrideCloseTimeoutValue = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.CloseTimeout") ?? -1; if (OverrideCloseTimeoutValue < 1 && OverrideCloseTimeoutValue != -1) { OverrideCloseTimeoutValue = -1; var msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Override.CloseTimeout `"); msg.Append(communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.CloseTimeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to -1"); logger.Warning(msg.ToString()); } } else { OverrideCloseTimeout = false; OverrideCloseTimeoutValue = -1; } val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.Compress"); if (val != null) { OverrideCompress = true; OverrideCompressValue = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.Compress") > 0; if (!BZip2.Supported() && OverrideCompressValue) { string lib = AssemblyUtil.IsWindows ? "bzip2.dll" : ""; Console.Error.WriteLine("warning: " + lib + " not found, Ice.Override.Compress ignored."); OverrideCompressValue = false; } } else { OverrideCompress = !BZip2.Supported(); OverrideCompressValue = false; } val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Override.Secure"); if (val != null) { OverrideSecure = true; OverrideSecureValue = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.Secure") > 0; } else { OverrideSecure = false; OverrideSecureValue = false; } DefaultCollocationOptimization = (communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Default.CollocationOptimized") ?? 1) > 0; val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.EndpointSelection") ?? "Random"; if (val.Equals("Random")) { DefaultEndpointSelection = Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random; } else if (val.Equals("Ordered")) { DefaultEndpointSelection = Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered; } else { throw new ArgumentException($"illegal value `{val}'; expected `Random' or `Ordered'"); } DefaultTimeout = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Default.Timeout") ?? 60000; if (DefaultTimeout < 1 && DefaultTimeout != -1) { DefaultTimeout = 60000; var msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Default.Timeout `"); msg.Append(communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.Timeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to 60000"); logger.Warning(msg.ToString()); } DefaultLocatorCacheTimeout = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Default.LocatorCacheTimeout") ?? -1; if (DefaultLocatorCacheTimeout < -1) { DefaultLocatorCacheTimeout = -1; var msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Default.LocatorCacheTimeout `"); msg.Append(communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.LocatorCacheTimeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to -1"); logger.Warning(msg.ToString()); } DefaultInvocationTimeout = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Default.InvocationTimeout") ?? -1; if (DefaultInvocationTimeout < 1 && DefaultInvocationTimeout != -1 && DefaultInvocationTimeout != -2) { DefaultInvocationTimeout = -1; var msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Default.InvocationTimeout `"); msg.Append(communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.InvocationTimeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to -1"); logger.Warning(msg.ToString()); } DefaultPreferSecure = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Default.PreferSecure") > 0; val = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.EncodingVersion") ?? Ice.Util.EncodingVersionToString(Ice.Util.CurrentEncoding); DefaultEncoding = Ice.Util.StringToEncodingVersion(val); Protocol.checkSupportedEncoding(DefaultEncoding); bool slicedFormat = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.Default.SlicedFormat") > 0; DefaultFormat = slicedFormat ? Ice.FormatType.SlicedFormat : Ice.FormatType.CompactFormat; }
public static void allTests(global::Test.TestHelper helper) { Ice.Communicator communicator = helper.communicator(); var output = helper.getWriter(); output.Write("testing proxy endpoint information... "); output.Flush(); { var p1 = IObjectPrx.Parse( "test -t:default -h tcphost -p 10000 -t 1200 -z --sourceAddress" + "udp -h udphost -p 10001 --interface eth0 --ttl 5 --sourceAddress" + "opaque -e 1.8 -t 100 -v ABCD", communicator); Ice.Endpoint[] endps = p1.Endpoints; Ice.EndpointInfo info = endps[0].getInfo(); Ice.TCPEndpointInfo tcpEndpoint = getTCPEndpointInfo(info); test("tcphost")); test(tcpEndpoint.port == 10000); test(tcpEndpoint.sourceAddress.Equals("")); test(tcpEndpoint.timeout == 1200); test(tcpEndpoint.compress); test(!tcpEndpoint.datagram()); test(tcpEndpoint.type() == Ice.TCPEndpointType.value && ! || tcpEndpoint.type() == Ice.SSLEndpointType.value && || tcpEndpoint.type() == Ice.WSEndpointType.value && ! || tcpEndpoint.type() == Ice.WSSEndpointType.value &&; test(tcpEndpoint.type() == Ice.TCPEndpointType.value && info is Ice.TCPEndpointInfo || tcpEndpoint.type() == Ice.SSLEndpointType.value && info is IceSSL.EndpointInfo || tcpEndpoint.type() == Ice.WSEndpointType.value && info is Ice.WSEndpointInfo || tcpEndpoint.type() == Ice.WSSEndpointType.value && info is Ice.WSEndpointInfo); Ice.UDPEndpointInfo udpEndpoint = (Ice.UDPEndpointInfo)endps[1].getInfo(); test("udphost")); test(udpEndpoint.port == 10001); test(udpEndpoint.mcastInterface.Equals("eth0")); test(udpEndpoint.mcastTtl == 5); test(udpEndpoint.sourceAddress.Equals("")); test(udpEndpoint.timeout == -1); test(!udpEndpoint.compress); test(!; test(udpEndpoint.datagram()); test(udpEndpoint.type() == 3); Ice.OpaqueEndpointInfo opaqueEndpoint = (Ice.OpaqueEndpointInfo)endps[2].getInfo(); test(opaqueEndpoint.rawBytes.Length > 0); test(opaqueEndpoint.rawEncoding.Equals(new Ice.EncodingVersion(1, 8))); } output.WriteLine("ok"); Ice.ObjectAdapter adapter; output.Write("test object adapter endpoint information... "); output.Flush(); { string host = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt("Ice.IPv6") != 0 ? "::1" : ""; communicator.SetProperty("TestAdapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h \"" + host + "\" -t 15000:udp -h \"" + host + "\""); adapter = communicator.createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter"); Ice.Endpoint[] endpoints = adapter.GetEndpoints(); test(endpoints.Length == 2); Ice.Endpoint[] publishedEndpoints = adapter.GetPublishedEndpoints(); test(Collections.Equals(endpoints, publishedEndpoints)); Ice.TCPEndpointInfo tcpEndpoint = getTCPEndpointInfo(endpoints[0].getInfo()); test(tcpEndpoint.type() == Ice.TCPEndpointType.value || tcpEndpoint.type() == Ice.SSLEndpointType.value || tcpEndpoint.type() == Ice.WSEndpointType.value || tcpEndpoint.type() == Ice.WSSEndpointType.value); test(; test(tcpEndpoint.port > 0); test(tcpEndpoint.timeout == 15000); Ice.UDPEndpointInfo udpEndpoint = (Ice.UDPEndpointInfo)endpoints[1].getInfo(); test(; test(udpEndpoint.datagram()); test(udpEndpoint.port > 0); endpoints = new Ice.Endpoint[] { endpoints[0] }; test(endpoints.Length == 1); adapter.SetPublishedEndpoints(endpoints); publishedEndpoints = adapter.GetPublishedEndpoints(); test(Collections.Equals(endpoints, publishedEndpoints)); adapter.Destroy(); int port = helper.getTestPort(1); communicator.SetProperty("TestAdapter.Endpoints", $"default -h * -p {port}"); communicator.SetProperty("TestAdapter.PublishedEndpoints", helper.getTestEndpoint(1)); adapter = communicator.createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter"); endpoints = adapter.GetEndpoints(); test(endpoints.Length >= 1); publishedEndpoints = adapter.GetPublishedEndpoints(); test(publishedEndpoints.Length == 1); foreach (Endpoint endpoint in endpoints) { tcpEndpoint = getTCPEndpointInfo(endpoint.getInfo()); test(tcpEndpoint.port == port); } tcpEndpoint = getTCPEndpointInfo(publishedEndpoints[0].getInfo()); test( == ""); test(tcpEndpoint.port == port); adapter.Destroy(); } output.WriteLine("ok"); int endpointPort = helper.getTestPort(0); var @base = IObjectPrx.Parse("test:" + helper.getTestEndpoint(0) + ":" + helper.getTestEndpoint(0, "udp"), communicator); var testIntf = Test.TestIntfPrx.CheckedCast(@base); string defaultHost = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.Host") ?? ""; output.Write("test connection endpoint information... "); output.Flush(); { Ice.EndpointInfo info = @base.GetConnection().getEndpoint().getInfo(); Ice.TCPEndpointInfo tcpinfo = getTCPEndpointInfo(info); test(tcpinfo.port == endpointPort); test(!tcpinfo.compress); test(; Dictionary <string, string> ctx = testIntf.getEndpointInfoAsContext(); test(ctx["host"].Equals(; test(ctx["compress"].Equals("false")); int port = int.Parse(ctx["port"]); test(port > 0); info = @base.Clone(invocationMode: InvocationMode.Datagram).GetConnection().getEndpoint().getInfo(); Ice.UDPEndpointInfo udp = (Ice.UDPEndpointInfo)info; test(udp.port == endpointPort); test(; } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing connection information... "); output.Flush(); { Ice.Connection connection = @base.GetConnection(); connection.setBufferSize(1024, 2048); Ice.ConnectionInfo info = connection.getInfo(); Ice.TCPConnectionInfo ipInfo = getTCPConnectionInfo(info); test(!info.incoming); test(info.adapterName.Length == 0); test(ipInfo.remotePort == endpointPort); test(ipInfo.localPort > 0); if (defaultHost.Equals("")) { test(ipInfo.localAddress.Equals(defaultHost)); test(ipInfo.remoteAddress.Equals(defaultHost)); } test(ipInfo.rcvSize >= 1024); test(ipInfo.sndSize >= 2048); Dictionary <string, string> ctx = testIntf.getConnectionInfoAsContext(); test(ctx["incoming"].Equals("true")); test(ctx["adapterName"].Equals("TestAdapter")); test(ctx["remoteAddress"].Equals(ipInfo.localAddress)); test(ctx["localAddress"].Equals(ipInfo.remoteAddress)); test(ctx["remotePort"].Equals(ipInfo.localPort.ToString())); test(ctx["localPort"].Equals(ipInfo.remotePort.ToString())); if (@base.GetConnection().type().Equals("ws") || @base.GetConnection().type().Equals("wss")) { Dictionary <string, string> headers = ((Ice.WSConnectionInfo)info).headers; test(headers["Upgrade"].Equals("websocket")); test(headers["Connection"].Equals("Upgrade")); test(headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"].Equals("")); test(headers["Sec-WebSocket-Accept"] != null); test(ctx["ws.Upgrade"].Equals("websocket")); test(ctx["ws.Connection"].Equals("Upgrade")); test(ctx["ws.Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"].Equals("")); test(ctx["ws.Sec-WebSocket-Version"].Equals("13")); test(ctx["ws.Sec-WebSocket-Key"] != null); } connection = @base.Clone(invocationMode: InvocationMode.Datagram).GetConnection(); connection.setBufferSize(2048, 1024); Ice.UDPConnectionInfo udpInfo = (Ice.UDPConnectionInfo)connection.getInfo(); test(!udpInfo.incoming); test(udpInfo.adapterName.Length == 0); test(udpInfo.localPort > 0); test(udpInfo.remotePort == endpointPort); if (defaultHost.Equals("")) { test(udpInfo.remoteAddress.Equals(defaultHost)); test(udpInfo.localAddress.Equals(defaultHost)); } test(udpInfo.rcvSize >= 2048); test(udpInfo.sndSize >= 1024); } output.WriteLine("ok"); testIntf.shutdown(); communicator.shutdown(); communicator.waitForShutdown(); }
internal void Initialize() { if (_initialized) { return; } Ice.Communicator ic = Communicator(); // // Check for a default directory. We look in this directory for // files mentioned in the configuration. // _defaultDir = ic.GetProperty("IceSSL.DefaultDir") ?? ""; string certStoreLocation = ic.GetProperty("IceSSL.CertStoreLocation") ?? "CurrentUser"; StoreLocation storeLocation; if (certStoreLocation == "CurrentUser") { storeLocation = StoreLocation.CurrentUser; } else if (certStoreLocation == "LocalMachine") { storeLocation = StoreLocation.LocalMachine; } else { _logger.Warning($"Invalid IceSSL.CertStoreLocation value `{certStoreLocation}' adjusted to `CurrentUser'"); storeLocation = StoreLocation.CurrentUser; } _useMachineContext = certStoreLocation == "LocalMachine"; // // Protocols selects which protocols to enable // string[]? protocols = ic.GetPropertyAsList("IceSSL.Protocols"); if (protocols != null) { _protocols = ParseProtocols(protocols); } // // CheckCertName determines whether we compare the name in a peer's // certificate against its hostname. // _checkCertName = ic.GetPropertyAsBool("IceSSL.CheckCertName") ?? false; // // VerifyDepthMax establishes the maximum length of a peer's certificate // chain, including the peer's certificate. A value of 0 means there is // no maximum. // _verifyDepthMax = ic.GetPropertyAsInt("IceSSL.VerifyDepthMax") ?? 3; // // CheckCRL determines whether the certificate revocation list is checked, and how strictly. // _checkCRL = ic.GetPropertyAsInt("IceSSL.CheckCRL") ?? 0; // // Check for a certificate verifier. // string?certVerifierClass = ic.GetProperty("IceSSL.CertVerifier"); if (certVerifierClass != null) { if (_verifier != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("IceSSL: certificate verifier already installed"); } Type?cls = _facade.FindType(certVerifierClass); if (cls == null) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException( $"IceSSL: unable to load certificate verifier class `{certVerifierClass}'"); } try { _verifier = (ICertificateVerifier?)Activator.CreateInstance(cls); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new LoadException( $"IceSSL: unable to instantiate certificate verifier class `{certVerifierClass}", ex); } } // // Check for a password callback. // string?passwordCallbackClass = ic.GetProperty("IceSSL.PasswordCallback"); if (passwordCallbackClass != null) { if (_passwordCallback != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("IceSSL: password callback already installed"); } Type?cls = _facade.FindType(passwordCallbackClass); if (cls == null) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException( $"IceSSL: unable to load password callback class `{passwordCallbackClass}'"); } try { _passwordCallback = (IPasswordCallback?)Activator.CreateInstance(cls); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new LoadException( $"IceSSL: unable to load password callback class {passwordCallbackClass}", ex); } } // // If the user hasn't supplied a certificate collection, we need to examine // the property settings. // if (_certs == null) { // // If IceSSL.CertFile is defined, load a certificate from a file and // add it to the collection. // // TODO: tracing? _certs = new X509Certificate2Collection(); string? certFile = ic.GetProperty("IceSSL.CertFile"); string? passwordStr = ic.GetProperty("IceSSL.Password"); string? findCert = ic.GetProperty("IceSSL.FindCert"); const string findPrefix = "IceSSL.FindCert."; Dictionary <string, string> findCertProps = ic.GetProperties(forPrefix: findPrefix); if (certFile != null) { if (!CheckPath(ref certFile)) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"IceSSL: certificate file not found: `{certFile}'", certFile); } SecureString?password = null; if (passwordStr != null) { password = CreateSecureString(passwordStr); } else if (_passwordCallback != null) { password = _passwordCallback.GetPassword(certFile); } try { X509Certificate2 cert; X509KeyStorageFlags importFlags; if (_useMachineContext) { importFlags = X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet; } else { importFlags = X509KeyStorageFlags.UserKeySet; } if (password != null) { cert = new X509Certificate2(certFile, password, importFlags); } else { cert = new X509Certificate2(certFile, "", importFlags); } _certs.Add(cert); } catch (CryptographicException ex) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException( $"IceSSL: error while attempting to load certificate from `{certFile}'", ex); } } else if (findCert != null) { string certStore = ic.GetProperty("IceSSL.CertStore") ?? "My"; _certs.AddRange(FindCertificates("IceSSL.FindCert", storeLocation, certStore, findCert)); if (_certs.Count == 0) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException("IceSSL: no certificates found"); } } else if (findCertProps.Count > 0) { // // If IceSSL.FindCert.* properties are defined, add the selected certificates // to the collection. // foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in findCertProps) { string name = entry.Key; string val = entry.Value; if (val.Length > 0) { string storeSpec = name.Substring(findPrefix.Length); StoreLocation storeLoc = 0; StoreName storeName = 0; string? sname = null; ParseStore(name, storeSpec, ref storeLoc, ref storeName, ref sname); if (sname == null) { sname = storeName.ToString(); } X509Certificate2Collection coll = FindCertificates(name, storeLoc, sname, val); _certs.AddRange(coll); } } if (_certs.Count == 0) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException("IceSSL: no certificates found"); } } } if (_caCerts == null) { string?certAuthFile = ic.GetProperty("IceSSL.CAs"); if (certAuthFile == null) { certAuthFile = ic.GetProperty("IceSSL.CertAuthFile"); } if (certAuthFile != null || !(ic.GetPropertyAsBool("IceSSL.UsePlatformCAs") ?? false)) { _caCerts = new X509Certificate2Collection(); } if (certAuthFile != null) { if (!CheckPath(ref certAuthFile)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("IceSSL: CA certificate file not found: `{certAuthFile}'", certAuthFile); } try { using FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(certAuthFile); byte[] data = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length); string strbuf = ""; try { strbuf = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore } if (strbuf.Length == data.Length) { int size, startpos, endpos = 0; bool first = true; while (true) { startpos = strbuf.IndexOf("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", endpos); if (startpos != -1) { endpos = strbuf.IndexOf("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", startpos); size = endpos - startpos + "-----END CERTIFICATE-----".Length; } else if (first) { startpos = 0; endpos = strbuf.Length; size = strbuf.Length; } else { break; } byte[] cert = new byte[size]; Buffer.BlockCopy(data, startpos, cert, 0, size); _caCerts !.Import(cert); first = false; } } else { _caCerts !.Import(data); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException( $"IceSSL: error while attempting to load CA certificate from {certAuthFile}", ex); } } } _initialized = true; }
public ThreadPool(Ice.Communicator communicator, string prefix, int timeout) { _communicator = communicator; _dispatcher = communicator.Dispatcher; _destroyed = false; _prefix = prefix; _threadIndex = 0; _inUse = 0; _serialize = _communicator.GetPropertyAsInt($"{_prefix}.Serialize") > 0; _serverIdleTime = timeout; string?programName = _communicator.GetProperty("Ice.ProgramName"); if (programName != null) { _threadPrefix = programName + "-" + _prefix; } else { _threadPrefix = _prefix; } // // We use just one thread as the default. This is the fastest // possible setting, still allows one level of nesting, and // doesn't require to make the servants thread safe. // int size = _communicator.GetPropertyAsInt($"{_prefix}.Size") ?? 1; if (size < 1) { string s = _prefix + ".Size < 1; Size adjusted to 1"; _communicator.Logger.warning(s); size = 1; } int sizeMax = _communicator.GetPropertyAsInt($"{_prefix}.SizeMax") ?? size; if (sizeMax < size) { _communicator.Logger.warning($"{_prefix}.SizeMax < {_prefix}.Size; SizeMax adjusted to Size ({size})"); sizeMax = size; } int sizeWarn = _communicator.GetPropertyAsInt($"{_prefix}.SizeWarn") ?? 0; if (sizeWarn != 0 && sizeWarn < size) { _communicator.Logger.warning( $"{_prefix}.SizeWarn < {_prefix}.Size; adjusted SizeWarn to Size ({size})"); sizeWarn = size; } else if (sizeWarn > sizeMax) { _communicator.Logger.warning( "${_prefix}.SizeWarn > {_prefix}.SizeMax; adjusted SizeWarn to SizeMax ({sizeMax})"); sizeWarn = sizeMax; } int threadIdleTime = _communicator.GetPropertyAsInt($"{_prefix}.ThreadIdleTime") ?? 60; if (threadIdleTime < 0) { _communicator.Logger.warning($"{_prefix}.ThreadIdleTime < 0; ThreadIdleTime adjusted to 0"); threadIdleTime = 0; } _size = size; _sizeMax = sizeMax; _sizeWarn = sizeWarn; _threadIdleTime = threadIdleTime; int stackSize = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt($"{_prefix }.StackSize") ?? 0; if (stackSize < 0) { _communicator.Logger.warning($"{_prefix}.StackSize < 0; Size adjusted to OS default"); stackSize = 0; } _stackSize = stackSize; _priority = Util.stringToThreadPriority(_communicator.GetProperty($"{_prefix}.ThreadPriority") ?? _communicator.GetProperty("Ice.ThreadPriority")); if (_communicator.traceLevels().threadPool >= 1) { _communicator.Logger.trace(_communicator.traceLevels().threadPoolCat, $"creating {_prefix}: Size = {_size}, SizeMax = {_sizeMax}, SizeWarn = {_sizeWarn}"); } _workItems = new Queue <ThreadPoolWorkItem>(); try { _threads = new List <WorkerThread>(); for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) { WorkerThread thread = new WorkerThread(this, _threadPrefix + "-" + _threadIndex++); thread.start(_priority); _threads.Add(thread); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { string s = "cannot create thread for `" + _prefix + "':\n" + ex; _communicator.Logger.error(s); destroy(); joinWithAllThreads(); throw; } }
public static Test.TestIntfPrx allTests(global::Test.TestHelper helper) { Ice.Communicator communicator = helper.communicator(); string sref = "test:" + helper.getTestEndpoint(0); var obj = IObjectPrx.Parse(sref, communicator); test(obj != null); var proxy = Test.TestIntfPrx.UncheckedCast(obj); test(proxy != null); var output = helper.getWriter(); output.Write("testing enum values... "); output.Flush(); test((int)Test.ByteEnum.benum1 == 0); test((int)Test.ByteEnum.benum2 == 1); test((int)Test.ByteEnum.benum3 == Test.ByteConst1.value); test((int)Test.ByteEnum.benum4 == Test.ByteConst1.value + 1); test((int)Test.ByteEnum.benum5 == Test.ShortConst1.value); test((int)Test.ByteEnum.benum6 == Test.ShortConst1.value + 1); test((int)Test.ByteEnum.benum7 == Test.IntConst1.value); test((int)Test.ByteEnum.benum8 == Test.IntConst1.value + 1); test((int)Test.ByteEnum.benum9 == Test.LongConst1.value); test((int)Test.ByteEnum.benum10 == Test.LongConst1.value + 1); test((int)Test.ByteEnum.benum11 == Test.ByteConst2.value); test((int)Test.ShortEnum.senum1 == 3); test((int)Test.ShortEnum.senum2 == 4); test((int)Test.ShortEnum.senum3 == Test.ByteConst1.value); test((int)Test.ShortEnum.senum4 == Test.ByteConst1.value + 1); test((int)Test.ShortEnum.senum5 == Test.ShortConst1.value); test((int)Test.ShortEnum.senum6 == Test.ShortConst1.value + 1); test((int)Test.ShortEnum.senum7 == Test.IntConst1.value); test((int)Test.ShortEnum.senum8 == Test.IntConst1.value + 1); test((int)Test.ShortEnum.senum9 == Test.LongConst1.value); test((int)Test.ShortEnum.senum10 == Test.LongConst1.value + 1); test((int)Test.ShortEnum.senum11 == Test.ShortConst2.value); test((int)Test.IntEnum.ienum1 == 0); test((int)Test.IntEnum.ienum2 == 1); test((int)Test.IntEnum.ienum3 == Test.ByteConst1.value); test((int)Test.IntEnum.ienum4 == Test.ByteConst1.value + 1); test((int)Test.IntEnum.ienum5 == Test.ShortConst1.value); test((int)Test.IntEnum.ienum6 == Test.ShortConst1.value + 1); test((int)Test.IntEnum.ienum7 == Test.IntConst1.value); test((int)Test.IntEnum.ienum8 == Test.IntConst1.value + 1); test((int)Test.IntEnum.ienum9 == Test.LongConst1.value); test((int)Test.IntEnum.ienum10 == Test.LongConst1.value + 1); test((int)Test.IntEnum.ienum11 == Test.IntConst2.value); test((int)Test.IntEnum.ienum12 == Test.LongConst2.value); test((int) == 0); test((int) == 1); test((int) == 2); output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing enum streaming... "); output.Flush(); Ice.OutputStream ostr; byte[] bytes; bool encoding_1_0 = communicator.GetProperty("Ice.Default.EncodingVersion") == "1.0"; ostr = new OutputStream(communicator); ostr.WriteEnum((int)Test.ByteEnum.benum11, (int)Test.ByteEnum.benum11); bytes = ostr.Finished(); test(bytes.Length == 1); // ByteEnum should require one byte ostr = new OutputStream(communicator); ostr.WriteEnum((int)Test.ShortEnum.senum11, (int)Test.ShortEnum.senum11); bytes = ostr.Finished(); test(bytes.Length == (encoding_1_0 ? 2 : 5)); ostr = new OutputStream(communicator); ostr.WriteEnum((int)Test.IntEnum.ienum11, (int)Test.IntEnum.ienum12); bytes = ostr.Finished(); test(bytes.Length == (encoding_1_0 ? 4 : 5)); ostr = new OutputStream(communicator); ostr.WriteEnum((int), (int); bytes = ostr.Finished(); test(bytes.Length == 1); // SimpleEnum should require one byte output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing enum operations... "); output.Flush(); Test.ByteEnum byteEnum; test(proxy.opByte(Test.ByteEnum.benum1, out byteEnum) == Test.ByteEnum.benum1); test(byteEnum == Test.ByteEnum.benum1); test(proxy.opByte(Test.ByteEnum.benum11, out byteEnum) == Test.ByteEnum.benum11); test(byteEnum == Test.ByteEnum.benum11); Test.ShortEnum shortEnum; test(proxy.opShort(Test.ShortEnum.senum1, out shortEnum) == Test.ShortEnum.senum1); test(shortEnum == Test.ShortEnum.senum1); test(proxy.opShort(Test.ShortEnum.senum11, out shortEnum) == Test.ShortEnum.senum11); test(shortEnum == Test.ShortEnum.senum11); Test.IntEnum intEnum; test(proxy.opInt(Test.IntEnum.ienum1, out intEnum) == Test.IntEnum.ienum1); test(intEnum == Test.IntEnum.ienum1); test(proxy.opInt(Test.IntEnum.ienum11, out intEnum) == Test.IntEnum.ienum11); test(intEnum == Test.IntEnum.ienum11); test(proxy.opInt(Test.IntEnum.ienum12, out intEnum) == Test.IntEnum.ienum12); test(intEnum == Test.IntEnum.ienum12); Test.SimpleEnum s; test(proxy.opSimple(, out s) ==; test(s ==; output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing enum sequences operations... "); output.Flush(); { var b1 = new Test.ByteEnum[11] { Test.ByteEnum.benum1, Test.ByteEnum.benum2, Test.ByteEnum.benum3, Test.ByteEnum.benum4, Test.ByteEnum.benum5, Test.ByteEnum.benum6, Test.ByteEnum.benum7, Test.ByteEnum.benum8, Test.ByteEnum.benum9, Test.ByteEnum.benum10, Test.ByteEnum.benum11 }; Test.ByteEnum[] b2; Test.ByteEnum[] b3 = proxy.opByteSeq(b1, out b2); for (int i = 0; i < b1.Length; ++i) { test(b1[i] == b2[i]); test(b1[i] == b3[i]); } } { var s1 = new Test.ShortEnum[11] { Test.ShortEnum.senum1, Test.ShortEnum.senum2, Test.ShortEnum.senum3, Test.ShortEnum.senum4, Test.ShortEnum.senum5, Test.ShortEnum.senum6, Test.ShortEnum.senum7, Test.ShortEnum.senum8, Test.ShortEnum.senum9, Test.ShortEnum.senum10, Test.ShortEnum.senum11 }; Test.ShortEnum[] s2; Test.ShortEnum[] s3 = proxy.opShortSeq(s1, out s2); for (int i = 0; i < s1.Length; ++i) { test(s1[i] == s2[i]); test(s1[i] == s3[i]); } } { Test.IntEnum[] i1 = new Test.IntEnum[11] { Test.IntEnum.ienum1, Test.IntEnum.ienum2, Test.IntEnum.ienum3, Test.IntEnum.ienum4, Test.IntEnum.ienum5, Test.IntEnum.ienum6, Test.IntEnum.ienum7, Test.IntEnum.ienum8, Test.IntEnum.ienum9, Test.IntEnum.ienum10, Test.IntEnum.ienum11 }; Test.IntEnum[] i2; Test.IntEnum[] i3 = proxy.opIntSeq(i1, out i2); for (int i = 0; i < i1.Length; ++i) { test(i1[i] == i2[i]); test(i1[i] == i3[i]); } } { var s1 = new Test.SimpleEnum[3] {,, }; Test.SimpleEnum[] s2; Test.SimpleEnum[] s3 = proxy.opSimpleSeq(s1, out s2); for (int i = 0; i < s1.Length; ++i) { test(s1[i] == s2[i]); test(s1[i] == s3[i]); } } output.WriteLine("ok"); return(proxy); }
internal MetricsMap(string mapPrefix, Ice.Communicator communicator, Dictionary <string, ISubMapFactory>?subMaps) { MetricsAdminI.validateProperties(mapPrefix, communicator); _properties = communicator.GetProperties(forPrefix: mapPrefix); _retain = communicator.GetPropertyAsInt($"{mapPrefix}RetainDetached") ?? 10; _accept = parseRule(communicator, $"{mapPrefix}Accept"); _reject = parseRule(communicator, $"{mapPrefix}Reject"); _groupByAttributes = new List <string>(); _groupBySeparators = new List <string>(); string groupBy = communicator.GetProperty($"{mapPrefix}GroupBy") ?? "id"; if (groupBy.Length > 0) { string v = ""; bool attribute = char.IsLetter(groupBy[0]) || char.IsDigit(groupBy[0]); if (!attribute) { _groupByAttributes.Add(""); } foreach (char p in groupBy) { bool isAlphaNum = char.IsLetter(p) || char.IsDigit(p) || p == '.'; if (attribute && !isAlphaNum) { _groupByAttributes.Add(v); v = "" + p; attribute = false; } else if (!attribute && isAlphaNum) { _groupBySeparators.Add(v); v = "" + p; attribute = true; } else { v += p; } } if (attribute) { _groupByAttributes.Add(v); } else { _groupBySeparators.Add(v); } } if (subMaps != null && subMaps.Count > 0) { _subMaps = new Dictionary <string, ISubMapCloneFactory>(); List <string> subMapNames = new List <string>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ISubMapFactory> e in subMaps) { subMapNames.Add(e.Key); string subMapsPrefix = mapPrefix + "Map."; string subMapPrefix = subMapsPrefix + e.Key + '.'; if (communicator.GetProperties(forPrefix: subMapPrefix).Count == 0) { if (communicator.GetProperties(forPrefix: subMapsPrefix).Count == 0) { subMapPrefix = mapPrefix; } else { continue; // This sub-map isn't configured. } } _subMaps.Add(e.Key, e.Value.createCloneFactory(subMapPrefix, communicator)); } } else { _subMaps = null; } }