public void Dispose() { m_Model.StreamReadAvailable -= LoadFromStream; m_Model.StreamWriteAvailable -= SaveToStream; m_Model.StorageReadAvailable -= LoadFromStorage; m_Model.StorageWriteAvailable -= SaveToStorage; m_App.ShowMessageBox($"Closed {m_Model.Title}"); }
public void Init(IXApplication app, IXDocument model) { m_App = app; m_Model = model; m_Model.StreamReadAvailable += LoadFromStream; m_Model.StreamWriteAvailable += SaveToStream; m_Model.StorageReadAvailable += LoadFromStorage; m_Model.StorageWriteAvailable += SaveToStorage; m_App.ShowMessageBox($"Opened {model.Title}"); }
private async void StartStopProgress() { try { m_IsStarted = !m_IsStarted; if (m_IsStarted) { m_CurrentJobCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var token = m_CurrentJobCancellationTokenSource.Token; using (var appPrg = m_App.CreateProgress()) { appPrg.SetStatus("Doing work..."); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), token); token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var prg = (i + 1) / 100d; Progress.Progress = prg; appPrg.Report(prg); } } } else { m_CurrentJobCancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { m_App.ShowMessageBox("Work cancelled", MessageBoxIcon_e.Info); } catch (Exception) { //handling as this function is async void and exception will be swallowed } finally { Progress.Progress = 0.0; } }
private bool?ShowMessage(string question, MessageBoxIcon_e img, MessageBoxButtons_e btns) { var res = m_App.ShowMessageBox(question, img, btns); switch (res) { case MessageBoxResult_e.Yes: case MessageBoxResult_e.Ok: return(true); case MessageBoxResult_e.No: return(false); case MessageBoxResult_e.Cancel: return(null); default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } }
public void ShowMessage(string message, MessageType_e type) { var icon = MessageBoxIcon_e.Info; switch (type) { case MessageType_e.Info: icon = MessageBoxIcon_e.Info; break; case MessageType_e.Warning: icon = MessageBoxIcon_e.Warning; break; case MessageType_e.Error: icon = MessageBoxIcon_e.Error; break; } m_App.ShowMessageBox(message, icon, MessageBoxButtons_e.Ok); }
public void ShowError(string error) => m_App.ShowMessageBox(error, MessageBoxIcon_e.Error, MessageBoxButtons_e.Ok);