//add attachments samples
        public static void AddAttachmentsSamples()
            using (Connection K2Conn = new Connection())
                //dummy values for process instance ID and activity instance ID
                int    processInstanceId             = 1;
                int    activityInstanceDestinationID = 10;
                string fileName = "Report1.pdf";

                //Add an Attachment using the Connection class and the Process Instance's ID
                IWorkflowAttachment _attachment = K2Conn.AddAttachment(processInstanceId, fileName, GetFile("Report1.pdf"));

                //Add an Attachment using the Connection class and the Worklist Item's SerialNumber
                IWorkflowAttachment _attachment1 = K2Conn.AddAttachment("[_serialNo]", fileName, GetFile("Report1.pdf"));

                //Add an Attachment using the Connection class and the Process Instance's ID and Activity Instance Destination's ID
                IWorkflowAttachment _attachment2 = K2Conn.AddAttachment(processInstanceId, activityInstanceDestinationID, fileName, GetFile("Report1.pdf"));

                //Add an Attachment using the Process Instance
                ProcessInstance     _processInstance = K2Conn.OpenProcessInstance(processInstanceId);
                IWorkflowAttachment _attachment3     = _processInstance.AddAttachment(fileName, GetFile("Report1.pdf"));

                //Add an Attachment using the WorklistItem
                WorklistItem        _worklistItem = K2Conn.OpenWorklistItem("[_serialNo]");
                IWorkflowAttachment _attachment4  = _worklistItem.AddAttachment(fileName, GetFile("Report1.pdf"));

                //Async exampe, where you create the attachment first and then upload the file
                //Add an 'empty' attachment
                IWorkflowAttachment _attachment5 = K2Conn.AddAttachment(processInstanceId, fileName, null);
                //now upload the attachment's file.
                //Note. You can only upload the file once and only for an 'empty' attachment.
                //Note. This can be used for async purposes, to create the metadata first and secondly upload the file.
                IAttachment attachmentWithContent = K2Conn.UploadAttachmentContent(_attachment.Id, GetFile("Report1.pdf"));
        //retrieve attachments samples
        public static void GetAttachmentsSamples()
            using (Connection K2Conn = new Connection())
                //dummy values for process instance ID and activity instance ID
                int processInstanceId             = 1;
                int activityInstanceDestinationID = 10;

                //Get all the Attachments using the Process Instance's ID
                //By default this call will always return the attachment's files.
                IEnumerable <IWorkflowAttachment> attachments = K2Conn.GetAttachments(processInstanceId);
                foreach (IWorkflowAttachment attachment1 in attachments)
                    //retrieve the attachment file into an IO stream
                    System.IO.Stream fileContents = attachment1.GetFile();

                //Get all the Attachments using the SerialNumber
                //By default this call will always return the attachment's files.
                IEnumerable <IWorkflowAttachment> attachments2 = K2Conn.GetAttachments("[_serialNo]");

                //Get all the Attachments using the Process Instance's ID and Activity Instance Destination's ID
                //By default this call will always return the attachment's files.
                IEnumerable <IWorkflowAttachment> attachments3 = K2Conn.GetAttachments(processInstanceId, activityInstanceDestinationID);

                //Get all the Attachments from the Process Instance's 'Attachments' property
                ProcessInstance _processInstance = K2Conn.OpenProcessInstance(processInstanceId);
                IEnumerable <IWorkflowAttachment> procInstAttachments = _processInstance.Attachments;

                //Get all the Attachments from the Worklist Item's 'Attachments' property
                WorklistItem _worklistItem = K2Conn.OpenWorklistItem("[_serialNo]");
                IEnumerable <IWorkflowAttachment> WLItemAttachments = _worklistItem.Attachments;

                //Get the Attachment by passing the Attachment's ID
                //By default this call will always return the attachment's file.
                int attachmentId = 1;
                IWorkflowAttachment attachment = K2Conn.GetAttachment(attachmentId);
                //save the attachment.
                SaveFile(attachment.FileName, attachment.GetFile());

                //Get the Attachment by passing the Attachment's ID
                //pass 'false' for the includeFile parameter to only load the file on demand.
                IWorkflowAttachment attachmentNoFile = K2Conn.GetAttachment(attachmentId, false);

                //Get all the Attachments using the Process Instance's ID and Activity Instance Destination's ID
                //pass 'false' for the includeFile parameter to only load the file on demand.
                IEnumerable <IWorkflowAttachment> attachments4 = K2Conn.GetAttachments(processInstanceId, activityInstanceDestinationID, false);

                //Iterate through the attachments
                foreach (IAttachment attachment4 in attachments4)
                    //only get specific user's attachments
                    if (attachment4.FQN.Equals(@"K2:Denallix\Bob"))
                        //use the attachment.GetFile() method to load the attachment's file and cache it.
                        using (System.IO.Stream downloadStream = attachment.GetFile())
                            SaveFile(attachment.FileName, downloadStream);