public void Run(IWorkerOutput output, ISynchronizeInvoke objectToSyncWith) { if (output == null) { throw new Exception("IWorkerOutput reference may not be null."); } if (timeToCycle < timeToWaitAfterAction) { throw new Exception("Waiting period is less than cycle period. Undefined and a bad idea."); } if (CrashPlanService == null) { return; } outputDelegate = output; CheckForWow(); actionTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(); actionTimer.Interval = timeToCycle; actionTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(tmrTimersTimer_Elapsed); if (objectToSyncWith != null) { actionTimer.SynchronizingObject = objectToSyncWith; //Synchronize with... } actionTimer.Start(); }
public void Run(IWorkerOutput output) { Run(output, null); }