public void DoDeinit(System.Action callback) { if (this.instance != null) { this.instance.DoDeinit(callback); } this.instance = null; this.components = null; }
public void Create(WindowBase window, Transform root, float depth, int raycastPriority, int orderInLayer, System.Action callback, bool async) { if (this.stopped == true) { return; } this.window = window; System.Action <WindowLayout> onLoaded = (layout) => { if (this.stopped == true) { return; } var instance = layout.Spawn(activeByDefault: false); instance.transform.SetParent(root); instance.transform.localPosition =; instance.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; instance.transform.localScale =; var rect = instance.transform as RectTransform; rect.sizeDelta = (layout.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta; rect.anchoredPosition = (layout.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition; var layoutPreferences = this.layoutPreferences; if (this.allowCustomLayoutPreferences == true) { layoutPreferences = WindowSystem.GetCustomLayoutPreferences() ?? this.layoutPreferences; } instance.Setup(window); instance.Init(depth, raycastPriority, orderInLayer); instance.SetLayoutPreferences(this.scaleMode, this.fixedScaleResolution, layoutPreferences); this.instance = instance; ME.Utilities.CallInSequence(() => { if (this.stopped == true) { return; } instance.gameObject.SetActive(true); callback.Invoke(); }, this.components, (component, c) => { component.Create(window, instance.GetRootByTag(component.tag), (comp) => c.Invoke(), async); }, waitPrevious: true); }; WindowLayout loadedComponent = null; if (this.layoutResource.IsLoadable() == true) { WindowSystemResources.LoadRefCounter <WindowLayout>(this, (layout) => { loadedComponent = layout; onLoaded.Invoke(loadedComponent); WindowSystemResources.Unload(this, this.GetResource(), resetController: false); }, () => { #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.LogWarningFormat("[ Layout ] Resource request failed {0} [{1}].", UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(this.layout.GetInstanceID()),; #endif }, async); return; } else { loadedComponent = this.layoutNoResource; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (loadedComponent != null) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("[ Layout ] Resource `{0}` [{1}] should be placed in `Resources` folder to be loaded/unloaded automaticaly. Window `{2}` requested this resource. This warning shown in editor only.",, UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(loadedComponent.GetInstanceID()),; } #endif } onLoaded.Invoke(loadedComponent); }