public void RefreshPageContents() { Controls.Clear(); if (IssueService != null) { IssueRepository repository = IssueService.CurrentIssueRepository; IWin32Window window = null; if (repository != null && (window = repository.Window) != null) { Control control = Control.FromHandle(window.Handle); if (control != null) { control.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; Controls.Add(control); if (VSVersion.SupportsTheming && Context != null) { IWinFormsThemingService wts = Context.GetService <IWinFormsThemingService>(); if (wts != null) { wts.ThemeRecursive(control, false); } } return; } } } Controls.Add(pleaseConfigureLabel); }
void LoadThemeData() { if (!VSVersion.VS2012OrLater) { _themed = false; return; } _themeLight = _themeDark = false; IAnkhConfigurationService config = GetService <IAnkhConfigurationService>(); IWinFormsThemingService wts = GetService <IWinFormsThemingService>(); Guid themeGuid; if (config == null || wts == null || !wts.GetCurrentTheme(out themeGuid)) { _themed = false; return; } if (themeGuid == Guid.Empty) { // Before the first theme switch no theme is set, but the light theme // is used anyway _themed = true; _themeLight = true; _themeDark = true; return; } using (RegistryKey rk = config.OpenVSInstanceKey("Extensions\\AnkhSVN\\Themes")) { object v; if (rk != null) { v = rk.GetValue(themeGuid.ToString("B")); } else { v = null; } if (v is int) { _themed = true; int vv = (int)v; _themeLight = (vv & 0x01) != 0; _themeDark = (vv & 0x02) != 0; } else { _themed = true; } } }
private void ThemePage(PendingChangesPage page) { page._alreadyThemed = true; if (VSVersion.SupportsTheming && Context != null) { IWinFormsThemingService wts = Context.GetService <IWinFormsThemingService>(); if (wts != null) { wts.ThemeRecursive(page, false); } } }
protected virtual void ThemeDialog(EventArgs eventArgs) { if (!DesignMode && VSVersion.SupportsTheming) { IWinFormsThemingService themer = GetService <IWinFormsThemingService>(); if (themer != null) { if (!IsHandleCreated) { CreateHandle(); } themer.ThemeRecursive(this, true); } } }
int GetThemeIcon(string path) { if (themeService == null) { themeService = GetService <IWinFormsThemingService>(); } IntPtr hIcon; if (themeService == null || !themeService.TryGetIcon(path, out hIcon)) { return(-1); } return(ResolveReference(new ProjectIconReference(hIcon))); }
protected virtual void OnThemeChanged(EventArgs e) { if (Context == null) { return; } IWinFormsThemingService wfts = Context.GetService <IWinFormsThemingService>(); if (wfts != null) { wfts.ThemeRecursive(this, false); } else { IAnkhVSColor colorSvc = Context.GetService <IAnkhVSColor>(); if (colorSvc != null) { Color color; if (colorSvc.TryGetColor(__VSSYSCOLOREX.VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_BACKGROUND, out color)) { BackColor = color; } if (colorSvc.TryGetColor(__VSSYSCOLOREX.VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_TEXT, out color)) { ForeColor = color; } } IUIService uis = Context.GetService <IUIService>(); if (uis != null) { Font f = (Font)uis.Styles["DialogFont"]; if (f != null) { this.Font = f; } } } }