コード例 #1
        static void OnWiimoteConnected(IWiimote wiimote)
            // It is recommended to always set the leds to a value, so that they will stop flashing.
            Console.WriteLine("Notice that when we are connected to the wiimote and have not yet set the leds to any value, the leds will keep on flashing.");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

            // We set the first and fourth leds on, the rest off.
            // Notice that we only supply the leds that must be on. All others will be off.
            wiimote.Leds = WiimoteLeds.Led1 | WiimoteLeds.Led4;

            Console.WriteLine("Leds: X . . X");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

            // We can 'add' leds that must be on.
            wiimote.Leds |= WiimoteLeds.Led3;

            Console.WriteLine("Leds: X . X X");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

            // We can 'remove' leds that must be on.
            wiimote.Leds ^= WiimoteLeds.Led4;

            Console.WriteLine("Leds: X . X .");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
コード例 #2
 static void wiimote_ExtensionAttached(object sender, WiimoteExtensionEventArgs e)
     IWiimote wiimote = (IWiimote)sender;
     // We can retrieve the attached extension by doing the following:
     IWiimoteExtension extension = e.Extension;
     // The extension is also available through 'wiimote.Extension'.
     // Here we can check what type of extension the attached extension is.
     // In this example we will only cover the Nunchuk, but we can also check for other available extensions.
     if (extension is NunchukExtension)
         Console.WriteLine("A nunchuk attached to the Wiimote.");
     // A few 'dummy-extensions' are available to detect various undefined situations.
     else if (extension is InvalidExtension)
         Console.WriteLine("An extension was partially connected or the extension was erroneous.");
     // UnknownExtension is a dummy-extension that that the attached extension
     // is not supported by Wii Device Library (or any other extension that is registered in WiimoteExtensionRegistry).
     else if (extension is UnknownExtension)
         Console.WriteLine("An extension was connected, but was not recognized by Wii Device Library.");
         Console.WriteLine("An extension was connected, but was not recognized by this example.");
コード例 #3
        static void wiimote_Updated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IWiimote wiimote = (IWiimote)sender;

            // The code in this method will now be called many times, since the accelerometer, ir-camera and extension are changing constantly.
            Console.WriteLine("The following buttons are held down: {0}", wiimote.Buttons);
コード例 #4
        static void OnWiimoteConnected(IWiimote wiimote)
            wiimote.Updated += wiimote_Updated;

            // In this example we will need Accelerometer-data. For this, we change the ReportingMode to ButtonsAccelerometer.
コード例 #5
        static void deviceProvider_DeviceFound(object sender, DeviceInfoEventArgs e)
            IDeviceProvider deviceProvider = (IDeviceProvider)sender;

            Console.WriteLine("A device has been found.");
            IDeviceInfo foundDeviceInfo = e.DeviceInfo;

            IDevice device = deviceProvider.Connect(foundDeviceInfo);

            Console.WriteLine("Connected to the device.");

            device.Disconnected += device_Disconnected;

            if (device is IWiimote)
                IWiimote wiimote = (IWiimote)device;
                Console.WriteLine("We have connected to a Wiimote device.");
                // Here we have access to all the operations that we can perform on a Wiimote.


            // If we don't want to be connected to the device, we can disconnect like this:
コード例 #6
 static void OnWiimoteConnected(IWiimote wiimote)
     wiimote.Updated += wiimote_Updated;
     wiimote.ExtensionAttached += wiimote_ExtensionAttached;
     wiimote.ExtensionDetached += wiimote_ExtensionDetached;
コード例 #7
 static void wiimote_ExtensionDetached(object sender, WiimoteExtensionEventArgs e)
     IWiimote wiimote = (IWiimote)sender;
     IWiimoteExtension extension = e.Extension;
     if (extension is NunchukExtension)
         Console.WriteLine("A nunchuk was detached from the Wiimote.");
コード例 #8
 static void wiimote_Updated(object sender, EventArgs e)
     IWiimote wiimote = (IWiimote)sender;
     if(wiimote.Extension is NunchukExtension)
         NunchukExtension nunchuk = (NunchukExtension)wiimote.Extension;
         Console.Write("Buttons pushed down: {0} ",  nunchuk.Buttons);
         Console.Write("Stick: X={0,5:0.00} Y={1,5:0.00} ", nunchuk.Stick.Calibrated.X, nunchuk.Stick.Calibrated.Y);
         Console.WriteLine("Accelerometer: X={0,5:0.00} Y={1,5:0.00} Z={2,5:0.00}",  nunchuk.Accelerometer.Calibrated.X, nunchuk.Accelerometer.Calibrated.Y, nunchuk.Accelerometer.Calibrated.Z);
コード例 #9
        static void OnWiimoteConnected(IWiimote wiimote)
            // To be informed about changes of the wiimote's status, we can use the Updated event:
            wiimote.Updated += wiimote_Updated;

            // The ReportingMode is the way the Wiimote keeps us up-to-date. With this value,
            // we can change what data we would like to receive and how precise this data is.

            // In this example we will demonstrate that changing the ReportingMode of the Wiimote, will result in different behaviour of updates.
            // We are changing the ReportingMode from 'Buttons' to 'ButtonsAccelerometer10Ir6Extension'.
            // This mode means that we will receive updates about changes in the button-state, accelerometer-state, ir-state and extension-state.
            // This will result in many updates and cause a 'stream' of data.
コード例 #10
        public WiimoteInformation(Gtk.Window parent, IWiimote wiimote)
            _Parent  = parent;
            _Wiimote = wiimote;
            if (_Wiimote.Extension != null)
                ExtensionAttached(_Wiimote, new WiimoteExtensionEventArgs(_Wiimote.Extension));

            _Wiimote.ExtensionAttached += new EventHandler <WiimoteExtensionEventArgs>(ExtensionAttached);
            _Wiimote.ExtensionDetached += new EventHandler <WiimoteExtensionEventArgs>(ExtensionDetached);
            foreach (ReportingMode reportingMode in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ReportingMode)))
コード例 #11
        static void deviceProvider_DeviceFound(object sender, DeviceInfoEventArgs e)
            IDeviceProvider deviceProvider = (IDeviceProvider)sender;

            Console.WriteLine("A device has been found.");
            IDeviceInfo foundDeviceInfo = e.DeviceInfo;

            // Example 2. Connecting to a discovered device.
            // When you connect to a discovered device, it will result in a IDevice.
            // IDevice represents the device when connected.
            Console.WriteLine("Connecting to the device...");
            IDevice device = deviceProvider.Connect(foundDeviceInfo);

            Console.WriteLine("Connected to the device.");

            // You have connected to the device,
            // and can now use 'device' to interact with the connected device.
            // Note that 'device.DeviceInfo' is refering to 'foundDeviceInfo', which we used to connect to the device.
            // We can use the Disconnected event to stay informed if we can still use the device.
            device.Disconnected += device_Disconnected;

            // When the 'device' is an 'IDevice' you can only access properties that are common to
            // all Devices (Wiimote, BalanceBoard, etc...).
            // These devices have their own types in WiiDeviceLibrary: IWiimote and IBalanceBoard. Both of these types inherit from IDevice.
            // To use properties specific to the devices you will have to cast the 'device' to the proper interface.

            // First we check if the device is the desired type.
            if (device is IWiimote)
                IWiimote wiimote = (IWiimote)device;
                Console.WriteLine("We have connected to a Wiimote device.");
                // Here we have access to all the operations that we can perform on a Wiimote.
                // That's it for connecting to Wii devices.
            else if (device is IBalanceBoard)
                IBalanceBoard balanceboard = (IBalanceBoard)device;
                Console.WriteLine("We have connected to a BalanceBoard device.");
                // Here we have access to all the operations that we can perform on a BalanceBoard.

            // If we don't want to be connected to the device, we can disconnect like this:
コード例 #12
        static void wiimote_Updated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IWiimote wiimote = (IWiimote)sender;

            // The accelerometer data can be read out either raw or calibrated. The
            // calibrated values present a more usable form that can be used directly.
            // Normally you will use the calibrated values because they are the same for every Wii device.
            // The range of the calibrated values is 0.0 to 1.0. In contrast the range of the raw
            // values is different for each Wii device.

            // Using the raw data:
            // On their own these values are pretty useless, you could however calibrate them yourself using
            // the calibration-values available in 'wiimote.Accelerometer.Calibration', but luckily WiiDeviceLibrary does that for you :)
            Console.WriteLine("Raw values: X={0} Y={1} Z={2}", wiimote.Accelerometer.Raw.X, wiimote.Accelerometer.Raw.Y, wiimote.Accelerometer.Raw.Z);

            // Using the calibrated data:
            Console.WriteLine("Calibrated values: X={0} Y={1} Z={2}", wiimote.Accelerometer.Calibrated.X, wiimote.Accelerometer.Calibrated.Y, wiimote.Accelerometer.Calibrated.Z);
コード例 #13
        private void CalibrateWiimote()
            IWiimote      wiimote          = (IWiimote)Device;
            ReportingMode oldReportingMode = wiimote.ReportingMode;

            AccelerometerAxes <ushort> raw = wiimote.Accelerometer.Raw;

            Gtk.MessageDialog dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog(null, Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal, Gtk.MessageType.Info, Gtk.ButtonsType.OkCancel, false, "Place the wiimote on a table.", new object[0]);
            if (dialog.Run() == -5)
                ushort xZero, yZero, zZero, xOne, yOne, zOne = 0;
                xZero         = raw.X;
                yZero         = raw.Y;
                zOne          = raw.Z;
                dialog.Markup = "Place the wiimote on its left side.";
                if (dialog.Run() == -5)
                    xOne  = raw.X;
                    zZero = raw.Z;

                    // Invert zOne (so that the values are negated).
                    zOne = (ushort)(zZero - (zOne - zZero));

                    dialog.Markup = "Place the wiimote on its lower side, so that it points up.";
                    if (dialog.Run() == -5)
                        yOne = raw.Y;

                        wiimote.WriteMemory(0x16, new byte[] {
                            (byte)xZero, (byte)yZero, (byte)zZero, 0,
                            (byte)xOne, (byte)yOne, (byte)zOne, 0
                        }, 0, 8);

コード例 #14
        static void wiimote_Updated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IWiimote wiimote = (IWiimote)sender;

            Console.WriteLine("The following buttons are held down: {0}", wiimote.Buttons);

            // To check if button 'A' is held down, we can do the following.
            // Note: this might look strange, but this is how C# works with flagged enumerations. 'WiimoteButtons' is a flagged enumeration.
            if ((wiimote.Buttons & WiimoteButtons.A) != WiimoteButtons.None)
                Console.WriteLine("Button A is held down.");

            // Here's an example of how to check if buttons were just pressed or released?
            // To understand what is happening here, some knowledge of flagged enumerations is required.
            WiimoteButtons changedButtons  = oldWiimoteButtons ^ wiimote.Buttons;
            WiimoteButtons pressedButtons  = changedButtons & wiimote.Buttons;
            WiimoteButtons releasedButtons = changedButtons & oldWiimoteButtons;

            oldWiimoteButtons = wiimote.Buttons;
コード例 #15
        private void calibrateToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IWiimote      wiimote          = Wiimote;
            ReportingMode oldReportingMode = wiimote.ReportingMode;

            AccelerometerAxes <ushort> raw = wiimote.Accelerometer.Raw;

            if (MessageBox.Show("Place the wiimote on a table.", "Calibration", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK)
                ushort xZero, yZero, zZero, xOne, yOne, zOne = 0;
                xZero = raw.X;
                yZero = raw.Y;
                zOne  = raw.Z;
                if (MessageBox.Show("Place the wiimote on its left side.", "Calibration", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK)
                    xOne  = raw.X;
                    zZero = raw.Z;

                    // Invert zOne (so that the values are negated).
                    zOne = (ushort)(zZero - (zOne - zZero));

                    if (MessageBox.Show("Place the wiimote on its lower side, so that it points up.", "Calibration", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK)
                        yOne = raw.Y;

                        wiimote.WriteMemory(0x16, new byte[] {
                            (byte)xZero, (byte)yZero, (byte)zZero, 0,
                            (byte)xOne, (byte)yOne, (byte)zOne, 0
                        }, 0, 8);

コード例 #16
 public IWiimoteExtension Create(IWiimote wiimote)
     return new ClassicControllerExtension(wiimote);
コード例 #17
 protected DummyExtension(IWiimote wiimote)
     _Wiimote = wiimote;
コード例 #18
        static void OnWiimoteConnected(IWiimote wiimote)
            // To be informed about changes of the wiimote's status, we can use the Updated event:
            wiimote.Updated += wiimote_Updated;

            // The ReportingMode is the way the Wiimote keeps us up-to-date. With this value,
            // we can change what data we would like to receive and how precise this data is.

            // In this example we will demonstrate that changing the ReportingMode of the Wiimote, will result in different behaviour of updates.
            // We are changing the ReportingMode from 'Buttons' to 'ButtonsAccelerometer10Ir6Extension'.
            // This mode means that we will receive updates about changes in the button-state, accelerometer-state, ir-state and extension-state.
            // This will result in many updates and cause a 'stream' of data.
コード例 #19
        static void OnWiimoteConnected(IWiimote wiimote)
            wiimote.Updated += wiimote_Updated;

            // In this example we will need Accelerometer-data. For this, we change the ReportingMode to ButtonsAccelerometer.
コード例 #20
 protected DummyExtension(IWiimote wiimote)
     _Wiimote = wiimote;
コード例 #21
 public IWiimoteExtension Create(IWiimote wiimote)
     return(new GuitarExtension(wiimote));
コード例 #22
 public IWiimoteExtension Create(IWiimote wiimote)
     return(new NunchukExtension(wiimote));
コード例 #23
ファイル: Wiimotes.cs プロジェクト: ewin66/TRapperProject
 public WiimoteUpdateEventArgs(IWiimote wiimote1, IWiimote wiimote2)
     Wiimote1 = wiimote1;
     Wiimote2 = wiimote2;
コード例 #24
 public IWiimoteExtension Create(IWiimote wiimote)
     return new NunchukExtension(wiimote);
コード例 #25
 public IWiimoteExtension Create(IWiimote wiimote)
     return new GuitarExtension(wiimote);
コード例 #26
 internal ClassicControllerExtension(IWiimote wiimote)
     _Wiimote = wiimote;
コード例 #27
ファイル: IrExample.cs プロジェクト: zipa/wiidevicelibrary
        static void wiimote_Updated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // There are several reporting modes that provide ir information. Choosing the
            // right one depends on the desired level of ir accuracy and other device information that is required.
            // The ir device has three different accuracy levels:
            // 1. Buttons10Ir9Extension / ButtonsAcceleromter10Ir6Extension provide the lowest level of accuracy,
            //    but also provide more information about other parts of the wiimote.
            // 2. ButtonsAccelerometer12Ir provides an increased level of accuracy
            //    by supplying additional data (the size of the beacon) at the cost of extension information.
            // 3. ButtonsAccelerometer36Ir provides the highest level of accuracy
            //    by supplying the intensity and the ... of the beacons
            //    but it is delivered in two seperate messages and is therefore two times slower than the other modes.

            IWiimote wiimote = (IWiimote)sender;

            switch (wiimote.ReportingMode)
            case ReportingMode.Buttons10Ir9Extension:
            case ReportingMode.ButtonsAccelerometer10Ir6Extension:
                Console.WriteLine("Basic IR ({0})", wiimote.ReportingMode);
                foreach (BasicIRBeacon beacon in wiimote.IRBeacons)
                    // When a beacon is not found, the value will be null.
                    if (beacon != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("BasicBeacon: X={0} Y={1}", beacon.X, beacon.Y);

            case ReportingMode.ButtonsAccelerometer12Ir:
                Console.WriteLine("Extended IR ({0})", wiimote.ReportingMode);
                foreach (ExtendedIRBeacon beacon in wiimote.IRBeacons)
                    if (beacon != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("ExtendedBeacon: X={0} Y={1} Size={2}", beacon.X, beacon.Y, beacon.Size);

            case ReportingMode.ButtonsAccelerometer36Ir:
                Console.WriteLine("Full IR ({0})", wiimote.ReportingMode);
                foreach (FullIRBeacon beacon in wiimote.IRBeacons)
                    if (beacon != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("FullBeacon: X={0} Y={1} Size={2} XMin={3} XMax={4} YMin={5} YMax={6} Intensity={7}",
                                          beacon.X, beacon.Y, beacon.Size, beacon.XMin, beacon.XMax, beacon.YMin, beacon.YMax, beacon.Intensity);

            // The following code is not part of the example, it is merely to switch between the different ReportingModes.
            WiimoteButtons changedButtons = oldWiimoteButtons ^ wiimote.Buttons;
            WiimoteButtons pressedButtons = changedButtons & wiimote.Buttons;

            oldWiimoteButtons = wiimote.Buttons;

            if ((pressedButtons & WiimoteButtons.Plus) != WiimoteButtons.None)
                modeIndex = (modeIndex + 1) % 4;
            if ((pressedButtons & WiimoteButtons.Minus) != WiimoteButtons.None)
                modeIndex = ((modeIndex - 1) + 4) % 4;
コード例 #28
 public UnknownExtension(IWiimote wiimote)
     : base(wiimote)
コード例 #29
        static void OnWiimoteConnected(IWiimote wiimote)
            wiimote.Updated += wiimote_Updated;
            wiimote.ExtensionAttached += wiimote_ExtensionAttached;
            wiimote.ExtensionDetached += wiimote_ExtensionDetached;

コード例 #30
 public IWiimoteExtension Create(IWiimote wiimote)
     return(new ClassicControllerExtension(wiimote));
コード例 #31
 internal GuitarExtension(IWiimote wiimote)
     _Wiimote = wiimote;
コード例 #32
 public UnknownExtension(IWiimote wiimote)
     : base(wiimote)
コード例 #33
        static void OnWiimoteConnected(IWiimote wiimote)
            // It is recommended to always set the leds to a value, so that they will stop flashing.
            Console.WriteLine("Notice that when we are connected to the wiimote and have not yet set the leds to any value, the leds will keep on flashing.");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

            // We set the first and fourth leds on, the rest off.
            // Notice that we only supply the leds that must be on. All others will be off.
            wiimote.Leds = WiimoteLeds.Led1 | WiimoteLeds.Led4;

            Console.WriteLine("Leds: X . . X");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

            // We can 'add' leds that must be on.
            wiimote.Leds |= WiimoteLeds.Led3;

            Console.WriteLine("Leds: X . X X");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

            // We can 'remove' leds that must be on.
            wiimote.Leds ^= WiimoteLeds.Led4;

            Console.WriteLine("Leds: X . X .");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
コード例 #34
 internal ClassicControllerExtension(IWiimote wiimote)
     _Wiimote = wiimote;
コード例 #35
 public WiimoteUpdateEventArgs(IWiimote wiimote1, IWiimote wiimote2)
     Wiimote1 = wiimote1;
     Wiimote2 = wiimote2;
コード例 #36
 internal NunchukExtension(IWiimote wiimote)
     _Wiimote = wiimote;
コード例 #37
 static void OnWiimoteConnected(IWiimote wiimote)
     // To be informed about changes of the wiimote's status, we can use the Updated event:
     wiimote.Updated += wiimote_Updated;
コード例 #38
 internal NunchukExtension(IWiimote wiimote)
     _Wiimote = wiimote;
コード例 #39
 public WiimoteSpeakerStream(IWiimote wiimote)
     this.wiimote = wiimote;
コード例 #40
 public InvalidExtension(IWiimote wiimote)
     : base(wiimote)
コード例 #41
 public WiimoteSpeakerStream(IWiimote wiimote)
     this.wiimote = wiimote;
コード例 #42
 internal GuitarExtension(IWiimote wiimote)
     _Wiimote = wiimote;
コード例 #43
 public InvalidExtension(IWiimote wiimote)
     : base(wiimote)
コード例 #44
 static void OnWiimoteConnected(IWiimote wiimote)
     // To be informed about changes of the wiimote's status, we can use the Updated event:
     wiimote.Updated += wiimote_Updated;