コード例 #1
 public void SetObjects(uint cObjects, object[] objects)
         if (objects != null && cObjects > 0)
             IVsBrowseObject browse = objects[0] as IVsBrowseObject;
             if (browse != null)
                 IVsHierarchy hier;
                 uint         id;
                 browse.GetProjectItem(out hier, out id);
                 Project = hier as IVsProject;
                 if (Project != null)
                     Settings = new ProjectSettigns(Package.Instance.ProjectManagerFactory.GetProjectManager(Project));
                     Settings.ProjectManager.ProjectChanged += (sender, args) =>
                         if (!ConfigurationView.Dirty)
     catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #2
 public void SetObjects(uint cObjects, object[] objects)
         if (objects != null && cObjects > 0)
             IVsBrowseObject browse = objects[0] as IVsBrowseObject;
             if (browse != null)
                 IVsHierarchy hier;
                 uint         id;
                 browse.GetProjectItem(out hier, out id);
                 Project = hier as IVsProject;
                 if (Project != null)
                     Settings = new ProjectSettigns(Project);
                     ProjectSubscription = Project.OnProjectUpdate(() =>
                         if (!ConfigurationView.Dirty)
     catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the data passed in to initialize the Properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataObject">
        /// This is normally only one our configuration object, which means that
        /// there will be only one elements in configs.
        /// If it is null, we should release it.
        /// </param>
        public void Initialize(object[] dataObjects)
            // If we are editing multiple configuration at once, we may get multiple objects.
            foreach (object dataObject in dataObjects)
                if (dataObject is IVsBrowseObject)
                    // Project properties page
                    IVsBrowseObject browseObject = dataObject as IVsBrowseObject;
                    IVsHierarchy    pHier;
                    uint            pItemid;
                    ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(browseObject.GetProjectItem(out pHier, out pItemid));
                    buildPropStorage = (IVsBuildPropertyStorage)pHier;
                else if (dataObject is IVsCfgBrowseObject)
                    // Configuration dependent properties page
                    if (buildPropStorage == null)
                        IVsCfgBrowseObject browseObject = dataObject as IVsCfgBrowseObject;
                        IVsHierarchy       pHier;
                        uint pItemid;
                        ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(browseObject.GetProjectItem(out pHier, out pItemid));
                        buildPropStorage = (IVsBuildPropertyStorage)pHier;
                    if (configs == null)
                        configs = new List <string>();
                    string config;
                    ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure((dataObject as IVsCfg).get_DisplayName(out config));

            string          assemblyInformationalVersion         = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).ProductVersion;
            SemanticVersion semanticAssemblyInformationalVersion = SemanticVersion.Parse(assemblyInformationalVersion);
            SemanticVersion semanticToolVersionInProject;
            bool            semanticToolVersionInProjectSpecified = SemanticVersion.TryParse(GetPropertyValue(NuBuildToolVersionPropertyTag), out semanticToolVersionInProject);

            if (!semanticToolVersionInProjectSpecified ||
                semanticToolVersionInProject < semanticAssemblyInformationalVersion)
                SetPropertyValue(NuBuildToolVersionPropertyTag, assemblyInformationalVersion);
            else if (semanticToolVersionInProjectSpecified &&
                     semanticToolVersionInProject > semanticAssemblyInformationalVersion)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("The project properties are edited with a higher version NuBuild ({0}). Update the NuBuild project system from {1} to the latest version!",
                                                                  semanticToolVersionInProject, assemblyInformationalVersion));
        protected string GetResourcesNamespace()
            string resourcesNamespace = null;

                IntPtr punkVsBrowseObject;
                Guid   vsBrowseObjectGuid = typeof(IVsBrowseObject).GUID;

                GetSite(ref vsBrowseObjectGuid, out punkVsBrowseObject);

                if (punkVsBrowseObject != IntPtr.Zero)
                    IVsBrowseObject vsBrowseObject = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(punkVsBrowseObject) as IVsBrowseObject;
                    Debug.Assert(vsBrowseObject != null, "Generator invoked by Site that is not IVsBrowseObject?");


                    if (vsBrowseObject != null)
                        IVsHierarchy vsHierarchy;
                        uint         vsitemid;

                        vsBrowseObject.GetProjectItem(out vsHierarchy, out vsitemid);

                        Debug.Assert(vsHierarchy != null, "GetProjectItem should have thrown or returned a valid IVsHierarchy");
                        Debug.Assert(vsitemid != 0, "GetProjectItem should have thrown or returned a valid VSITEMID");

                        if (vsHierarchy != null)
                            object obj;

                            vsHierarchy.GetProperty(vsitemid, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_DefaultNamespace, out obj);
                            string objStr = obj as string;
                            if (objStr != null)
                                resourcesNamespace = objStr;
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Fail("These methods should succeed...");

コード例 #5
        internal BrowseObjectExtender(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IVsBrowseObject browseObject, IExtenderSite site, int cookie)
            Debug.Assert(serviceProvider != null, "serviceProvider");
            Debug.Assert(browseObject != null, "browseObject");
            Debug.Assert(site != null, "site");
            Debug.Assert(cookie != 0, "cookie");

            this.site = site;
            this.cookie = cookie;
            this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
            ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(browseObject.GetProjectItem(out this.hierarchy, out this.itemId));
            this.propertyStorage = (IVsBuildPropertyStorage)this.hierarchy;
            this.CustomToolParameters = new CustomToolParameters(this.serviceProvider, this.hierarchy, this.itemId);
コード例 #6
        internal BrowseObjectExtender(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IVsBrowseObject browseObject, IExtenderSite site, int cookie)
            Debug.Assert(serviceProvider != null, "serviceProvider");
            Debug.Assert(browseObject != null, "browseObject");
            Debug.Assert(site != null, "site");
            Debug.Assert(cookie != 0, "cookie");

            this.site            = site;
            this.cookie          = cookie;
            this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
            ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(browseObject.GetProjectItem(out this.hierarchy, out this.itemId));
            this.propertyStorage      = (IVsBuildPropertyStorage)this.hierarchy;
            this.CustomToolParameters = new CustomToolParameters(this.serviceProvider, this.hierarchy, this.itemId);
コード例 #7
        public void SetObjects(UInt32 cObjects, Object[] ppunk)
            _unconfiguredProject = null;
            if (cObjects == 0)
                // If we have never configured anything (maybe a failure occurred on open so app designer is closing us). In this case
                // do nothing
                if (_threadHandling != null)

            if (ppunk.Length < cObjects)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("cObjects");

            List <string> configurations = new List <string>();

            // Look for an IVsBrowseObject
            for (int i = 0; i < cObjects; ++i)
                IVsBrowseObject browseObj = null;
                browseObj = ppunk[i] as IVsBrowseObject;

                if (browseObj != null)
                    IVsHierarchy hier = null;
                    uint         itemid;
                    int          hr;
                    hr = browseObj.GetProjectItem(out hier, out itemid);
                    if (hr == VSConstants.S_OK && itemid == VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT)
                        _unconfiguredProject = GetUnconfiguredProject(hier);

                        // We need to save ThreadHandling because the appdesigner will call SetObjects with null, and then call
                        // Deactivate(). We need to run Async code during Deactivate() which requires ThreadHandling.

                        IUnconfiguredProjectVsServices projectVsServices = _unconfiguredProject.Services.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue <IUnconfiguredProjectVsServices>();
                        _threadHandling = projectVsServices.ThreadingService;

コード例 #8
        // The ResxCodeSingleFileGenerator expects to find the IVsBrowseObject interface on this
        // object.  The NodePropeties object implements IVsBrowseObject, but we have no way to get
        // the NodeProperties object since we don't have a back reference to the hierarchy node that
        // owns this OleServiceProvider instance.  So when a FileNode object is created, IVsBrowseObject is added
        // to the list of available services (in Project.CreateFileNode) and in the service
        // creator callback in Project, querying for the IVsBrowseObject service (which isn't really
        // a service) returns a reference to the NodeProperties object for the node.
        // When this object is QI'd for IVsBrowseObject by the ResXCodeFileGenerator it is successful
        // and then it calls GetProjectItem().  We then get the real IVsBrowseObject implementation
        // and call GetProjectItem() on it.  It's a bit of a hack, but it gets the ResXSingleFileGenerator
        // to work, and the only other alternative seems to be adding a property to this class that we
        // could store a reference to the owning node's NodeProperties object in.
        // If this is ever fixed by the 2008 MPF code, this hack can be removed and replaced with
        // whatever they come up with.

        /// <summary>
        /// Maps back to the hierarchy or project item object corresponding to the browse object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hier">Reference to the hierarchy object.</param>
        /// <param name="itemid">Reference to the project item.</param>
        /// <returns>If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code. </returns>
        public virtual int GetProjectItem(out IVsHierarchy hier, out uint itemid)
            ServiceData serviceInstance = services[typeof(IVsBrowseObject).GUID];

            if (serviceInstance != null)
                IVsBrowseObject bo = (IVsBrowseObject)serviceInstance.ServiceInstance;
                return(bo.GetProjectItem(out hier, out itemid));
                hier   = null;
                itemid = 0;
        protected string GetResourcesNamespace()
            string resourcesNamespace = null;

                IntPtr siteInterfacePointer;
                Guid   vsBrowseObjectGuid = typeof(IVsBrowseObject).GUID;
                GetSite(ref vsBrowseObjectGuid, out siteInterfacePointer);
                if (IntPtr.Zero != siteInterfacePointer)
                    IVsHierarchy    vsHierarchy;
                    uint            pItemId;
                    object          propertyValue;
                    IVsBrowseObject vsBrowseObject = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(siteInterfacePointer) as IVsBrowseObject;
                    if (null == vsBrowseObject)

                    vsBrowseObject.GetProjectItem(out vsHierarchy, out pItemId);
                    if (null == vsHierarchy)

                    vsHierarchy.GetProperty(pItemId, -2049, out propertyValue);
                    string propertyText = propertyValue as string;
                    if (null == propertyText)

                    resourcesNamespace = propertyText;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (Tools.ProjectUtilities.IsCriticalException(ex))

コード例 #10
        private uint GetItemId(IVsHierarchy hierarchy)
            object       extObject;
            uint         itemId = 0;
            IVsHierarchy tempHierarchy;

            hierarchy.GetProperty(VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_BrowseObject, out extObject);

            IVsBrowseObject browseObject = extObject as IVsBrowseObject;

            if (browseObject != null)
                browseObject.GetProjectItem(out tempHierarchy, out itemId);

コード例 #11
        protected object CreateExtender(string ExtenderCATID, string ExtenderName, object ExtendeeObject, IExtenderSite ExtenderSite, int Cookie)
            object extender = null;

            ExtendVersion extendVersion = GetExtendVersion(ExtenderCATID, ExtenderName, ExtendeeObject);

            if (extendVersion != ExtendVersion.None)
                IVsBrowseObject browseObject = ExtendeeObject as IVsBrowseObject;
                if (browseObject == null)

                IVsHierarchy hierarchy;
                uint         itemId;
                if (ErrorHandler.Failed(browseObject.GetProjectItem(out hierarchy, out itemId)))

                IVsBuildPropertyStorage buildPropertyStorage = hierarchy as IVsBuildPropertyStorage;
                if (buildPropertyStorage == null)

                if (extendVersion == ExtendVersion.Antlr3)
                    extender = new GrammarFileObjectExtenderProperties(buildPropertyStorage, itemId);
                    extender = new GrammarFileObjectExtenderPropertiesV4(buildPropertyStorage, itemId);

コード例 #12
 public void SetObjects(uint cObjects, Object[] objects)
         if (objects != null && cObjects > 0)
             IVsBrowseObject browse = objects[0] as IVsBrowseObject;
             if (browse != null)
                 IVsHierarchy hier;
                 uint         id;
                 browse.GetProjectItem(out hier, out id);
                 Project = hier as IVsProject;
                 if (Project != null)
                     Settings = new ProjectSettigns(Project);
                     ConfigurationView.OutputDir   = Settings.OutputDir;
                     ConfigurationView.Ice         = Settings.AllowIcePrefix ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked;
                     ConfigurationView.Checksum    = Settings.Checksum ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked;
                     ConfigurationView.Streaming   = Settings.Stream ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked;
                     ConfigurationView.Tie         = Settings.Tie ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked;
                     ConfigurationView.Underscores = Settings.Underscore ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked;
                     ConfigurationView.IncludeDirectories.Values = new List <String>(
                         Settings.IncludeDirectories.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
                     ConfigurationView.AdditionalOptions = Settings.AdditionalOptions;
                     ConfigurationView.Dirty = false;
     catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #13
ファイル: PropertyPage.cs プロジェクト: Plankankul/SpecSharp
        private void SetBuildStorage()
            // Get the build storage associated with this property page.
            buildStorage = null;
            if (configs != null)
                foreach (object config in configs)
                    if (config != null)
                        // try to retrieve the project using IVs(Cfg)BrowseObject
                        IVsHierarchy    project = null;
                        IVsBrowseObject browse  = config as IVsBrowseObject;
                        if (browse != null)
                            uint itemid;
                            browse.GetProjectItem(out project, out itemid);
                            IVsCfgBrowseObject cfgBrowse = config as IVsCfgBrowseObject;
                            if (cfgBrowse != null)
                                uint itemid;
                                cfgBrowse.GetProjectItem(out project, out itemid);

                        // try to cast the project to a buildstorage
                        buildStorage = project as IVsBuildPropertyStorage;
                        if (buildStorage != null)
                            return; // we are done.
コード例 #14
        public object GetExtender(string ExtenderCATID,
                                  string ExtenderName,
                                  object ExtendeeObject,
                                  IExtenderSite ExtenderSite,
                                  int Cookie)
            ProjectReferenceExtender extender = null;

            if (CanExtend(ExtenderCATID, ExtenderName, ExtendeeObject))
                IVsBrowseObject browseObject = ExtendeeObject as IVsBrowseObject;
                if (browseObject != null)
                    IVsHierarchy hierarchyItem = null;
                    uint         itemId        = VSConstants.VSITEMID_NIL;

                    //get the hierarchy item (the item id will be wrong if the reference is not shown)
                    browseObject.GetProjectItem(out hierarchyItem, out itemId);

                    extender = new ProjectReferenceExtender(hierarchyItem, itemId, ExtenderSite, Cookie);
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>Gets name of resources class from resource logical name</summary>
        /// <param name="className">Original name of class. When this method exists this parameter is set to class name parsed from file logical name. The parameter is unchanged when logical name is not set.</param>
        private void GetClassNameFromLogicalName(ref string className)
            try {
                IntPtr siteInterfacePointer;
                Guid   vsBrowseObjectGuid = typeof(IVsBrowseObject).GUID;
                GetSite(ref vsBrowseObjectGuid, out siteInterfacePointer);
                if (IntPtr.Zero != siteInterfacePointer)
                    IVsHierarchy    vsHierarchy;
                    uint            pItemId;
                    IVsBrowseObject vsBrowseObject = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(siteInterfacePointer) as IVsBrowseObject;

                    vsBrowseObject.GetProjectItem(out vsHierarchy, out pItemId);
                    IVsBuildPropertyStorage buildPropertyStorage = vsHierarchy as IVsBuildPropertyStorage;
                    if (buildPropertyStorage != null)
                        string LogicalName = null;
                        try {
                            buildPropertyStorage.GetItemAttribute(pItemId, "LogicalName", out LogicalName);
                        } catch { }
                        if (LogicalName != null)
                            if (LogicalName.EndsWith(".resources"))
                                LogicalName = LogicalName.Substring(0, LogicalName.Length - ".resources".Length);
                            if (LogicalName.Contains("."))
                                LogicalName = LogicalName.Substring(LogicalName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                            className = LogicalName;
            }catch {}
コード例 #16
ファイル: PropertyPage.cs プロジェクト: xoriath/RTVS
        public void SetObjects(uint cObjects, object[] ppunk)
            // If asked to, release our cached selected Project object(s)
            UnconfiguredProject  = null;
            ConfiguredProperties = null;

            if (cObjects == 0)
                // If we have never configured anything (maybe a failure occurred
                // on open so app designer is closing us). In this case do nothing.
                if (ThreadHandling != null)

            if (ppunk.Length < cObjects)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(cObjects));

            List <ProjectProperties> configuredProjectsProperties = new List <ProjectProperties>();

            // Look for an IVsBrowseObject
            for (int i = 0; i < cObjects; ++i)
                IVsBrowseObject browseObj = null;
                browseObj = ppunk[i] as IVsBrowseObject;

                if (browseObj != null)
                    IVsHierarchy hier = null;
                    uint         itemid;
                    int          hr;
                    hr = browseObj.GetProjectItem(out hier, out itemid);
                    Debug.Assert(itemid == VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, "Selected object should be project root node");

                    if (hr == VSConstants.S_OK && itemid == VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT)
                        UnconfiguredProject = hier.GetUnconfiguredProject();

                        // We need to save ThreadHandling because the appdesigner will call SetObjects with null, and then call
                        // Deactivate(). We need to run Async code during Deactivate() which requires ThreadHandling.
                        ThreadHandling = UnconfiguredProject.Services.ExportProvider.GetExportedValue <IThreadHandling>();

                        IVsProjectCfg2 pcg = ppunk[i] as IVsProjectCfg2;
                        if (pcg != null)
                            string vsConfigName;
                            pcg.get_CanonicalName(out vsConfigName);

                            ThreadHandling.ExecuteSynchronously(async delegate {
                                var provider            = new ConfiguredRProjectExportProvider();
                                var configuredProjProps = await provider.GetExportAsync <ProjectProperties>(UnconfiguredProject, vsConfigName);

                ConfiguredProperties = configuredProjectsProperties.ToArray();

コード例 #17
        /// <summary>Gets namespace of resource</summary>
        /// <param name="forLogicalName">Use logical name; ignored when <see cref="ResourceNamespace"/> is not null</param>
        /// <returns>Resource namespace</returns>
        protected string GetResourcesNamespace(bool forLogicalName)//forLogicalName added by Ðonny
            if (this.ResourceNamespace != null)
            string resourcesNamespace = null;

            try {
                IntPtr siteInterfacePointer;
                Guid   vsBrowseObjectGuid = typeof(IVsBrowseObject).GUID;
                GetSite(ref vsBrowseObjectGuid, out siteInterfacePointer);
                if (IntPtr.Zero != siteInterfacePointer)
                    IVsHierarchy    vsHierarchy;
                    uint            pItemId;
                    object          propertyValue;
                    IVsBrowseObject vsBrowseObject = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(siteInterfacePointer) as IVsBrowseObject;

                    vsBrowseObject.GetProjectItem(out vsHierarchy, out pItemId);
                    //Added by Ðonny:
                    //Support for <LogicalName>
                    if (forLogicalName)
                        IVsBuildPropertyStorage buildPropertyStorage = vsHierarchy as IVsBuildPropertyStorage;
                        if (buildPropertyStorage != null)
                            string LogicalName = null;
                            try {
                                buildPropertyStorage.GetItemAttribute(pItemId, "LogicalName", out LogicalName);
                            } catch { }
                            if (LogicalName != null)
                                if (LogicalName.EndsWith(".resources"))
                                    return(LogicalName.Substring(0, LogicalName.Length - ".resources".Length));

                    if (null == vsBrowseObject)

                    if (null == vsHierarchy)

                    vsHierarchy.GetProperty(pItemId, -2049, out propertyValue);
                    string propertyText = propertyValue as string;
                    if (null == propertyText)

                    resourcesNamespace = propertyText;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                if (ProjectUtilities.IsCriticalException(ex))
