コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the child rules for the given rule from the given XML node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The rule to build the children for.</param>
        /// <param name="parentNode">The XML node containing the definition(s)
        ///			of the chlid rules.</param>
        private void GetChildren(
            IValidationRule parent,
            XmlNode parentNode)
            foreach (XmlNode ruleNode in parentNode) {
                string nodeName = ruleNode.Name;
            // null??
                //  if the rule has properties, set them on the rule object
                if (nodeName == "properties") {
                    foreach (XmlNode paramNode in ruleNode.ChildNodes) {
                        string attrName = StringUtilities.Capitalize(paramNode.Name);
                        if (ReflectionUtilities.HasProperty(parent, attrName)) {
                            ReflectionUtilities.SetPropertyValue(parent, attrName, paramNode.InnerText);

            //			} else if (nodeName == "validator") {
                } else {
                    IValidationRule rule = ValidationRuleFactory.Make(StringUtilities.Capitalize(nodeName));

                    if (rule != null) {
                        if ((ruleNode.Attributes != null) && (ruleNode.Attributes.Count > 0)) {
                            NameValueCollection attributes = new NameValueCollection();
                            foreach (XmlAttribute attr in ruleNode.Attributes) {
                                attributes.Add(attr.Name, attr.Value);

                            ReflectionUtilities.Deserialize(rule, attributes);

                    //if (rule != null) {
                    //    //  if there are any attributes on the rule node, try setting
                    //    //  the corresponding property of the rule object
                    //    foreach (XmlAttribute attr in ruleNode.Attributes) {
                    //        string attrName = StringUtilities.Capitalize(attr.Name);

                    //        //  this is really hokey, but it works for now
                    //        if ((attrName == "ErrorId") && ReflectionUtilities.HasProperty(rule, "ErrorId")) {
                    //            try {
                    //                //								ReflectionUtilities.SetPropertyValue(rule, "ErrorId", long.Parse(attr.Value));
                    //                ((BaseRule)rule).ErrorId = long.Parse(attr.Value);
                    //            } catch {
                    //                // TODO: log the failure?
                    //            }
                    //        } else if (ReflectionUtilities.HasProperty(rule, attrName)) {
                    //            ReflectionUtilities.SetPropertyValue(rule, attrName, attr.Value);
                    //        }
                    //    }
                                //  get the children of the rule
                        GetChildren(rule, ruleNode);
                                //  add the rule to the parent's list of children
                    //  TODO: else log it?