public IActionResult New(string username, string email, string password) { ViewBag.Error = new List <string>(); if (!validator.IsValidUsername(username)) { ViewBag.Error.Add("Invalid username. Usernames can only contain the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ and -."); } if (!validator.IsValidEmail(email)) { ViewBag.Error.Add("Invalid email address."); } if (userRepository.FindByUsername(username) != null) { ViewBag.Error.Add("The username is already taken."); } if (userRepository.FindByEmail(email) != null) { ViewBag.Error.Add("The email address is already taken."); } if (ViewBag.Error.Count > 0) { return(View("Register")); } else { ViewBag.Error = null; } Tuple <string, string> hashAndSalt = passwordHasher.HashPassword(password); string hash = hashAndSalt.Item1; string salt = hashAndSalt.Item2; int userId = counterRepository.GetAndIncrease(Counter.USER_ID); User user = new User(userId, username, email, hash, salt, "", 0, 0, new List <string>() { UserRole.NONE }, new Dictionary <string, Rating>() { { "Atomic", new Rating(1500, 350, 0.06) }, { "ThreeCheck", new Rating(1500, 350, 0.06) }, { "KingOfTheHill", new Rating(1500, 350, 0.06) }, { "Antichess", new Rating(1500, 350, 0.06) }, { "Horde", new Rating(1500, 350, 0.06) }, { "RacingKings", new Rating(1500, 350, 0.06) } }, new List <int>()); bool added = userRepository.Add(user); userVerifier.SendVerificationEmailTo(user.ID); loginHandler.RegisterLogin(user.ID, HttpContext); return(RedirectToAction("Profile", new { id = user.ID })); }
public async Task <IActionResult> New(string username, string email, string password, string passwordConfirmation, [FromForm(Name = "g-recaptcha-response")] string gRecaptchaResponse) { ViewBag.Error = new List <string>(); if (!validator.IsValidUsername(username)) { ViewBag.Error.Add("Invalid username. Usernames can only contain the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ and -."); } if (!validator.IsValidEmail(email)) { ViewBag.Error.Add("Invalid email address."); } if (userRepository.FindByUsername(username) != null) { ViewBag.Error.Add("The username is already taken."); } if (userRepository.FindByEmail(email) != null) { ViewBag.Error.Add("The email address is already taken."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(passwordConfirmation)) { ViewBag.Error.Add("Your password or its confirmation cannot be empty."); } else if (!password.Equals(passwordConfirmation)) { ViewBag.Error.Add("The password does not match its confirmation."); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(recaptchaKey)) { Dictionary <string, string> captchaRequestValues = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "secret", recaptchaKey }, { "response", gRecaptchaResponse } }; FormUrlEncodedContent content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(captchaRequestValues); HttpResponseMessage response = await captchaClient.PostAsync("", content); string responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Dictionary <string, dynamic> jsonResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, dynamic> >(responseString); if (!((bool)jsonResponse["success"])) { ViewBag.Error.Add("Captcha verification failed."); } } if (ViewBag.Error.Count > 0) { return(View("Register")); } else { ViewBag.Error = null; } Tuple <string, string> hashAndSalt = passwordHasher.HashPassword(password); string hash = hashAndSalt.Item1; string salt = hashAndSalt.Item2; int userId = counterRepository.GetAndIncrease(Counter.USER_ID); User user = new User(userId, username, email, hash, salt, "", 0, 0, new List <string>() { UserRole.NONE }, new Dictionary <string, Rating>() { { "Atomic", new Rating(1500, 350, 0.06) }, { "ThreeCheck", new Rating(1500, 350, 0.06) }, { "KingOfTheHill", new Rating(1500, 350, 0.06) }, { "Antichess", new Rating(1500, 350, 0.06) }, { "Horde", new Rating(1500, 350, 0.06) }, { "RacingKings", new Rating(1500, 350, 0.06) }, { "Crazyhouse", new Rating(1500, 350, 0.06) } }, new List <int>()); if (!requireEmailVerification) { user.VerificationCode = 0; user.Verified = true; } bool added = userRepository.Add(user); if (requireEmailVerification) { userVerifier.SendVerificationEmailTo(user.ID); } loginHandler.RegisterLogin(user.ID, HttpContext); return(RedirectToAction("Profile", new { id = user.ID })); }