private static void AddAward() { System.Console.WriteLine("Enter USER id"); bool correctUserId = int.TryParse(System.Console.ReadLine(), out int userId); while (!correctUserId) { System.Console.WriteLine("Incorrect value, try again."); correctUserId = int.TryParse(System.Console.ReadLine(), out userId); } System.Console.WriteLine("Enter AWARD id"); bool correctAwardId = int.TryParse(System.Console.ReadLine(), out int awardId); while (!correctAwardId) { System.Console.WriteLine("Incorrect value, try again."); correctAwardId = int.TryParse(System.Console.ReadLine(), out awardId); } if (userLogic.AddAward(userId, awardId)) { System.Console.WriteLine("Award successfully added."); return; } System.Console.WriteLine("Failed."); }
private static void AddAwardToUser() { Console.Write("Enter ID of user: "******"Id of user must be a number"); } if (_awardLogic.GetAll().Count() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Not a single award has been created yet"); return; } Console.WriteLine(); ShowAwards(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Pick one of the Id`s: "); if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int awardId)) { throw new ArgumentException("Id of award must be a number"); } _userLogic.AddAward(userId, awardId); }
private static void AddAwardToUser() { Console.WriteLine("Enter user id"); int userId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter award id"); int awardId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); userLogic.AddAward(userId, awardId); }
public ActionResult AddAward(UserAwardAddingModel model) { try { var relation = new Relation(model.Id, model.SelectedAward); userLogic.AddAward(relation); return View("Details", model); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { return HttpNotFound(); } catch (ArgumentException) { return HttpNotFound(); } }
private static void AddAwardsUser(IUserLogic userLogic, IAwardLogic awardLogic) { Console.Clear(); Print(userLogic, awardLogic); Console.WriteLine("Enter user id: "); var userId = Console.ReadLine(); var users = userLogic.GetAll(); User user; if (int.TryParse(userId, out int id) && id >= 0 && users.Count() - 1 >= id) { user = users.ElementAt(int.Parse(userId)); } else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Error: User index does not exist"); return; } Print(awardLogic); Console.WriteLine("Enter award id: "); var awardId = Console.ReadLine(); var awards = awardLogic.GetAll(); if (int.TryParse(awardId, out id) && id >= 0 && awards.Count() - 1 >= id) { if (userLogic.AddAward(user, id)) { Console.Clear(); } else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Error: This user already has this award"); } } else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Error: Award index does not exist"); return; } }
private static void AddAwardToUser(IUserLogic userLogic) { string input; Console.WriteLine("input user Id to take award"); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(input, out int userId) || userId < 0) { Console.WriteLine("user Id is not correct"); } else { Console.WriteLine("input Id of award"); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(input, out int awardId) || awardId < 0) { Console.WriteLine("award Id is not correct"); } else { Console.WriteLine("input Title of award"); input = Console.ReadLine(); var user = new User { Id = userId, }; var award = new Award { Id = awardId, Title = input, }; userLogic.AddAward(user, award); } } }
private void ChooseMode(int input, IUserLogic userLogic, IAwardLogic awardLogic) { if (input == 1) { Console.WriteLine("The list of users"); foreach (var item in userLogic.GetAll()) { Console.WriteLine(item); } } else if (input == 2) { while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Please insert the information about the user you want to create"); Console.WriteLine("Insert name:"); var name = Console.ReadLine(); bool correctName = false; while (!correctName) { if (name.Trim().Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Name cannot be empty, try again"); name = Console.ReadLine(); } else { correctName = true; } } Console.WriteLine("Insert date of birth "); Console.WriteLine("Your input must be in format day.month.year"); DateTime birthdate; while (!DateTime.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out birthdate)) { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect input of date"); Console.WriteLine("Try again"); } userLogic.AddUser(new User(name, birthdate)); } } else if (input == 3) { Console.WriteLine("Insert the id of the user you want to delete"); int id; while (!Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out id)) { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect input of id"); Console.WriteLine("Try again"); } userLogic.RemoveUser(id); } else if (input == 4) { Console.WriteLine("Insert id of the user you want the award to be added to"); int userId; while (!Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out userId)) { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect input of user id"); Console.WriteLine("Try again"); } Console.WriteLine("Insert id of the award"); int awardId; while (!Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out awardId)) { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect input of user id"); Console.WriteLine("Try again"); } userLogic.AddAward(userId, awardId); } else if (input == 5) { Console.WriteLine("Insert the title of the award"); var title = Console.ReadLine(); Award award = new Award(title); awardLogic.CreateAward(award); } }
private static void UserMode() { while (true) { Menu(); if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int mode)) { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect input. Try again."); continue; } switch (mode) { case 1: { User user = CreateUser(); _userLogic.Add(user); Console.WriteLine($"User added. User {user.Id} : {user.Name}"); Console.WriteLine($"Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); break; } case 2: { int id = GetId(); User user = _userLogic.GetById(id); ShowUser(user); Console.WriteLine($"Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); break; } case 3: { ShowAllUsers(); Console.WriteLine($"Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); break; } case 4: { int id = GetId(); if (_userLogic.RemoveById(id)) { Console.WriteLine($"User with ID = {id} is removed."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Wrong id."); } Console.WriteLine($"Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); break; } case 5: { ShowAllUsers(); Console.WriteLine("Select User to give Award"); User user = _userLogic.GetById(GetId()); if (user == null) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong id."); break; } ShowAllAwards(); Console.WriteLine("Select Award to give"); Award award = _awardLogic.GetById(GetId()); if (award == null) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong id."); break; } if (_userLogic.AddAward(user.Id, award.Id)) { Console.WriteLine($"The Award \"{award.Title}\" has been given to the User \"{user.Name}\"."); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Can't give the Award \"{award.Title}\" to the User \"{user.Name}\"."); } Console.WriteLine($"Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); break; } case 6: { ShowAllUsers(); Console.WriteLine("Select User to remove Award"); User user = _userLogic.GetById(GetId()); if (user == null) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong id."); break; } ShowAllAwards(); Console.WriteLine("Select Award to remove"); Award award = _awardLogic.GetById(GetId()); if (award == null) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong id."); break; } if (_userLogic.RemoveAward(user.Id, award.Id)) { Console.WriteLine($"The Award \"{award.Title}\" has been remove to the User \"{user.Name}\"."); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Can't remove the Award \"{award.Title}\" to the User \"{user.Name}\"."); } Console.WriteLine($"Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); break; } case 7: { AwardMode(); break; } case 0: { break; } default: { Console.WriteLine("Wrong. Try again."); Console.ReadLine(); break; } } if (mode == 0) { break; } Console.Clear(); } }
public static void AddAwardToUser(int userId, int awardId) { userLogic.AddAward(userId, awardId); }
private static bool ProcessInput() { string command = ReadInput(); string[] commandArgs = command.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); switch (commandArgs[0].ToLower()) { case "add": switch (commandArgs[1].ToLower()) { case "user": userLogic.Add(new User() { Name = ReadInput("Name"), DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse(ReadInput("Date of birth")) }); break; case "award": awardLogic.Add(new Award() { Title = ReadInput("Title") }); break; default: WriteLine("Usage: add <user/award>"); break; } break; case "remove": switch (commandArgs[1].ToLower()) { case "user": userLogic.Remove(int.Parse(commandArgs[2])); break; case "award": awardLogic.Remove(int.Parse(commandArgs[2])); break; default: WriteLine("Usage: remove <user/award>"); break; } break; case "list": switch (commandArgs[1].ToLower()) { case "users": foreach (var entry in userLogic.GetAll()) { WriteLine(entry.ToString()); foreach (var award in userLogic.GetAwardsFor(entry.Id, awardLogic)) { Write(" - "); WriteLine(award.ToString()); } } break; case "awards": foreach (var entry in awardLogic.GetAll()) { WriteLine(entry.ToString()); } break; default: WriteLine("Usage: list <users/awards>"); break; } break; case "award": switch (commandArgs[1].ToLower()) { case "assign": userLogic.AddAward(int.Parse(commandArgs[2]), awardLogic.GetById(int.Parse(commandArgs[3]))); break; case "revoke": userLogic.RemoveAward(int.Parse(commandArgs[2]), awardLogic.GetById(int.Parse(commandArgs[3]))); break; default: WriteLine("Usage: award <assign/revoke> (userId) (awardId)"); break; } break; case "exit": return(false); } return(true); }
public static void AddAwardForUser(uint userId, uint awardId) { userLogic.AddAward(userId, awardId, awardsLogic); userLogic.Exit(); }
private static void AddAwardToUser(IUserLogic awardLogic, int userId, int awardId) { awardLogic.AddAward(userId, awardId); }