public SignalRSubscriber(IUiEventBus dispatcher, IClientSession session, ILogger logger) { this._dispatcher = dispatcher; this._session = session; this._logger = logger; _subscribedEvents = new HashSet <Type>(); }
public async Task Configure(bool fromBeginning, HubConnection connection, IUiEventBus uiEventBus, ILogger logger, string projectionType) { _uiEventBus = uiEventBus; _logger = logger; var eventName = $"{projectionType}.{typeof(TEvent).Name}"; connection.On(eventName, new Action <EventMetadata, TEvent>(OnReadEvent)); // Should we wait for the subscription? - or should we re-subscribe }
public async Task Configure(bool isPersistent, HubConnection connection, IUiEventBus uiEventBus, ILogger logger) { _uiEventBus = uiEventBus; _logger = logger; var eventName = typeof(TEvent).FullName.Replace(".", "-"); connection.On(eventName, new Action <EventMetadata, TEvent>(OnReadEvent)); // Should we wait for the subscription? - or should we re-subscribe logger.Information("Subscribing to {eventName} with method {methodName}", typeof(TEvent).Name, eventName); await connection.InvokeAsync("SubscribeToEvent", isPersistent, typeof(TEvent).AssemblyQualifiedName); logger.Information("Subscribed to {eventName}.", typeof(TEvent).Name); }
protected AppProcess() { _eventAggregator = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IEventAggregator>(); _bus = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IUiEventBus>(); WireEvents(); }