private void ContinueButtonOnClickHandler() { _soundManager.PlaySound(Enumerators.SoundType.CLICK, Constants.SfxSoundVolume, false, false, true); _uiManager.GetPopup <OverlordAbilitySelectionPopup>().PopupHiding += AbilityPopupClosedEvent; _uiManager.DrawPopup <OverlordAbilitySelectionPopup>(_currentOverlordObject.SelfHero); }
public void StartTutorial() { _battlegroundController.SetupBattlegroundAsSpecific(CurrentTutorial.SpecificBattlegroundInfo); IsBubbleShow = true; _uiManager.DrawPopup <TutorialPopup>(); _popup = _uiManager.GetPopup <TutorialPopup>(); UpdateTutorialVisual(); _soundManager.PlaySound(Enumerators.SoundType.TUTORIAL, CurrentTutorialDataStep.SoundName, Constants.TutorialSoundVolume, false); IsTutorial = true; }
private void DeleteButtonOnClickHandler() { if (ShowConnectionLostPopupIfNeeded()) { return; } HordeDeckObject deck = _hordeDecks.FirstOrDefault(o => o.SelfDeck.Id == _selectedDeckId); if (deck != null) { _soundManager.PlaySound(Enumerators.SoundType.CLICK, Constants.SfxSoundVolume, false, false, true); _uiManager.GetPopup <QuestionPopup>().ConfirmationReceived += ConfirmDeleteDeckReceivedHandler; _uiManager.DrawPopup <QuestionPopup>("Do you really want to delete " + deck.SelfDeck.Name + "?"); } }
private async void ReconnectButtonOnClickHandler() { try { ConnectionPopup connectionPopup = _uiManager.GetPopup <ConnectionPopup>(); Func <Task> connectFunc = async() => { bool success = true; try { await _backendDataControlMediator.LoginAndLoadData(); } catch (Exception) { // HACK: ignore to allow offline mode } if (!_backendFacade.IsConnected) { success = false; } if (success) { connectionPopup.Hide(); } else { connectionPopup.ShowFailedOnMenu(); } }; _uiManager.DrawPopup <ConnectionPopup>(); connectionPopup.ConnectFunc = connectFunc; await connectionPopup.ExecuteConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); OpenAlertDialog( $"Reconnect failed. Please check your Internet connection.\n\nAdditional info: {e.GetType().Name} [{e.Message}]"); } }
public void Update() { IsInteractable = false; if (_uiManager.GetPopup <CardInfoPopup>().Self == null && _uiManager.GetPopup <DesintigrateCardPopup>().Self == null && _uiManager.GetPopup <WarningPopup>().Self == null) { if (!IsStateChanging && _previewCard != null) { Close(); } if (!IsStateChanging) { IsInteractable = true; } } }
private void CheckBackButton() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { _isBackButtonCounting = true; _backButtonClicksCount++; _backButtonTimer = 0f; if (_backButtonClicksCount >= 2) { if (_uiManager.GetPopup <ConfirmationPopup>().Self == null) { Action[] actions = new Action[2]; actions[0] = () => { Application.Quit(); }; actions[1] = () => { }; _uiManager.DrawPopup <ConfirmationPopup>(actions); } } } if (_isBackButtonCounting) { _backButtonTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (_backButtonTimer >= BackButtonResetDelay) { _backButtonTimer = 0f; _backButtonClicksCount = 0; _isBackButtonCounting = false; } } }
public async void Update() { if (_selfPage == null) { return; } if (!_selfPage.activeInHierarchy || GameClient.Get <IAppStateManager>().AppState != Enumerators.AppState.APP_INIT) { return; } if (!_isLoaded) { _percentage += 1f; _loaderBar.fillAmount = Mathf.Clamp(_percentage / 100f, 0.03f, 1f); if (_percentage >= 100) { _isLoaded = true; _progressBar.gameObject.SetActive(false); _pressAnyText.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } else { if (!Input.anyKey) { return; } if (!_pressAnyText.gameObject.activeSelf) { return; } _pressAnyText.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (_backendDataControlMediator.LoadUserDataModel() && _backendDataControlMediator.UserDataModel.IsValid) { ConnectionPopup connectionPopup = _uiManager.GetPopup <ConnectionPopup>(); Func <Task> connectFunc = async() => { bool success = true; try { await _backendDataControlMediator.LoginAndLoadData(); } catch (GameVersionMismatchException e) { success = false; _uiManager.DrawPopup <LoginPopup>(); _uiManager.GetPopup <LoginPopup>().Show(e); } catch (Exception e) { // HACK: ignore to allow offline mode Debug.LogWarning(e); } connectionPopup.Hide(); if (success) { GameClient.Get <IAppStateManager>().ChangeAppState(Enumerators.AppState.MAIN_MENU); } }; _uiManager.DrawPopup <ConnectionPopup>(); connectionPopup.ConnectFunc = connectFunc; await connectionPopup.ExecuteConnection(); } else { _uiManager.DrawPopup <LoginPopup>(); } } }
private void ChooseBuilding(int i) { _chosenBuldingId = i; BuildState = BUILD_STATE.BuildingChosen; _uiManager.GetPopup <BuildingInfoPopup>().Show(BuildingViews[i].scriptObj.Description); }