コード例 #1
        public AutomationElement FindFirst(TreeScope scope, Condition condition)
            Validate.ArgumentNotNull(parameter: condition, parameterName: nameof(condition));
            var firstBuildCache = IUIAutomationElement.FindFirstBuildCache(scope: UiaConvert.Convert(treeScope: scope), condition: condition.IUIAutomationCondition, cacheRequest: DefaultCacheRequest.IUIAutomationCacheRequest);

            return(firstBuildCache != null ? new AutomationElement(autoElement: firstBuildCache) : null);
コード例 #2
        public string GetMail()
            string strMailContent = "";

            // Try to find a Windows Live Mail window for composing and reading e-mails.
            // Using the Spy tool, the class of the main window can be found. This test
            // app assumes there's only one Windows Live Mail window of interest.
            IntPtr hwnd = Win32.FindWindow("ATH_Note", null);

            if (hwnd != IntPtr.Zero)
                // We found a window, so get the UIA element associated with the window.
                IUIAutomationElement elementMailAppWindow = _automation.ElementFromHandle(

                // Find an element somewhere beneath the main window element in the UIA
                // tree which represents the main area where the e-mail content is shown.
                // Using the Inspect SDK tool, we can see that the main e-mail content
                // is contained within an element whose accessible name is "NoteWindow".
                // So create a condition such that the FindFirst() call below will only
                // return an element if its name is "NoteWindow".
                IUIAutomationCondition conditionNote = _automation.CreatePropertyCondition(
                    _propertyIdName, "NoteWindow");

                IUIAutomationElement elementNoteWindow = elementMailAppWindow.FindFirst(

                // As it happens, the actual element that supports the Text Pattern is
                // somewhere beneath the "NoteWindow" element in the UIA tree. Using
                // Inspect we can see that there is an element that supports the
                // Text Pattern. Once we have that element, we can avoid a cross-process
                // call to access the Text Pattern object by using cache request.
                IUIAutomationCacheRequest cacheRequest = _automation.CreateCacheRequest();

                // Now find the element that supports the Text Pattern. This test app assumes
                // there’s only one element that can be returned which supports the Text Pattern.
                bool fTextPatternSupported = true;
                IUIAutomationCondition conditionTextPattern = _automation.CreatePropertyCondition(

                IUIAutomationElement elementMailContent = elementMailAppWindow.FindFirstBuildCache(

                // Because the Text Pattern object is cached, we don't have to make a cross-process
                // call here to get object. Later calls which actually use methods and properties
                // on the Text Pattern object will incur cross-proc calls.
                IUIAutomationTextPattern textPattern = (IUIAutomationTextPattern)

                // This test app is only interested in getting all the e-mail text, so we get that through
                // the DocumentRange property. A more fully featured app might be interested in getting a
                // collection of Text Ranges from the e-mail. Each range might relate to an individual
                // word or paragraph. Given that a provider which supports the Text Pattern allows a
                // client to find the bounding rectangles of these ranges, the client could choose to use
                // its own method of highlighting the text as the text is being spoken.
                IUIAutomationTextRange rangeDocument = textPattern.DocumentRange;

                // Pass -1 here because we're not interested in limiting the amount of text here.
                strMailContent = rangeDocument.GetText(-1);
