private bool HandleColonTyped(ITypingContext typingContext) { ITextControl textControl = typingContext.TextControl; if (typingContext.EnsureWritable() != EnsureWritableResult.SUCCESS) { return(false); } using (CommandProcessor.UsingCommand("Smart :")) { TextControlUtil.DeleteSelection(textControl); textControl.FillVirtualSpaceUntilCaret(); int charPos = TextControlToLexer(textControl, textControl.Caret.Offset()); CachingLexer lexer = GetCachingLexer(textControl); if (charPos < 0 || !lexer.FindTokenAt(charPos) || lexer.TokenStart != charPos || lexer.TokenType != PsiTokenType.COLON) { typingContext.CallNext(); } else { int position = charPos + 1; if (position < 0) { return(true); } textControl.Caret.MoveTo(position, CaretVisualPlacement.DontScrollIfVisible); } if (NeedAutoinsertSemicolon(textControl)) { if (typingContext.EnsureWritable() != EnsureWritableResult.SUCCESS) { return(true); } char c = typingContext.Char; int insertPos = charPos; if (insertPos >= 0) { textControl.Document.InsertText(insertPos + 1, ";"); textControl.Caret.MoveTo(insertPos + 1, CaretVisualPlacement.DontScrollIfVisible); } // format statement if (GetTypingAssistOption(textControl, TypingAssistOptions.FormatStatementOnSemicolonExpression)) { DoFormatStatementOnColon(textControl); } } return(true); } }
private bool HandleLeftBraceTyped(ITypingContext typingContext) { ITextControl textControl = typingContext.TextControl; using (CommandProcessor.UsingCommand("Smart LBRACE")) { typingContext.CallNext(); // check if typed char is a token int charPos = TextControlToLexer(textControl, textControl.Caret.Offset() - 1); CachingLexer lexer = GetCachingLexer(textControl); if (charPos < 0 || !lexer.FindTokenAt(charPos) || lexer.TokenStart != charPos) { return(true); } if (NeedAutoinsertCloseBracket(lexer)) { if (typingContext.EnsureWritable() != EnsureWritableResult.SUCCESS) { return(true); } AutoinsertRBrace(textControl, lexer); int position = charPos + 1; if (position >= 0) { textControl.Caret.MoveTo(position, CaretVisualPlacement.DontScrollIfVisible); } } } return(true); }
private bool HandleLeftBracketOrParenthTyped(ITypingContext typingContext) { ITextControl textControl = typingContext.TextControl; using (CommandProcessor.UsingCommand("Smart " + typingContext.Char)) { typingContext.CallNext(); using (WriteLockCookie.Create()) { // check if typed char is a token CachingLexer lexer = GetCachingLexer(textControl); int charPos = TextControlToLexer(textControl, textControl.Caret.Offset() - 1); if (charPos < 0 || !lexer.FindTokenAt(charPos) || lexer.TokenStart != charPos) { return(true); } if (lexer.TokenType != PsiTokenType.LBRACKET && lexer.TokenType != PsiTokenType.LPARENTH) { return(true); } // check that next token is good one TokenNodeType nextTokenType = lexer.LookaheadToken(1); if (nextTokenType != null && nextTokenType != PsiTokenType.WHITE_SPACE && nextTokenType != PsiTokenType.NEW_LINE && nextTokenType != PsiTokenType.C_STYLE_COMMENT && nextTokenType != PsiTokenType.END_OF_LINE_COMMENT && nextTokenType != PsiTokenType.SEMICOLON && nextTokenType != PsiTokenType.RBRACKET && nextTokenType != PsiTokenType.RBRACE && nextTokenType != PsiTokenType.RPARENTH) { return(true); } if (NeedAutoinsertCloseBracket(lexer)) { if (typingContext.EnsureWritable() != EnsureWritableResult.SUCCESS) { return(true); } char c = typingContext.Char; int insertPos = charPos; if (insertPos >= 0) { textControl.Document.InsertText(insertPos + 1, c == '(' ? ")" : c == '[' ? "]" : "}"); textControl.Caret.MoveTo(insertPos + 1, CaretVisualPlacement.DontScrollIfVisible); } } } } return(true); }
private bool HandleRightBracketTyped(ITypingContext typingContext) { ITextControl textControl = typingContext.TextControl; if (typingContext.EnsureWritable() != EnsureWritableResult.SUCCESS) { return(false); } using (CommandProcessor.UsingCommand("Smart bracket")) { TextControlUtil.DeleteSelection(textControl); int charPos = TextControlToLexer(textControl, textControl.Caret.Offset()); CachingLexer lexer = GetCachingLexer(textControl); if (charPos < 0 || !lexer.FindTokenAt(charPos) || lexer.TokenStart != charPos) { return(false); } if (NeedSkipCloseBracket(lexer, typingContext.Char)) { int position = charPos + 1; if (position >= 0) { textControl.Caret.MoveTo(position, CaretVisualPlacement.DontScrollIfVisible); } } else { typingContext.CallNext(); } } return(true); }
private bool HandleQuoteTyped(ITypingContext typingContext) { ITextControl textControl = typingContext.TextControl; if (typingContext.EnsureWritable() != EnsureWritableResult.SUCCESS) { return(false); } using (CommandProcessor.UsingCommand("Smart quote")) { TextControlUtil.DeleteSelection(textControl); textControl.FillVirtualSpaceUntilCaret(); CachingLexer lexer = GetCachingLexer(textControl); IBuffer buffer = lexer.Buffer; int charPos = TextControlToLexer(textControl, textControl.Caret.Offset()); TokenNodeType correspondingTokenType = PsiTokenType.STRING_LITERAL; if (charPos < 0 || !lexer.FindTokenAt(charPos)) { return(false); } TokenNodeType tokenType = lexer.TokenType; // check if we should skip the typed char if (charPos < buffer.Length && buffer[charPos] == typingContext.Char && tokenType == correspondingTokenType && lexer.TokenStart != charPos && buffer[lexer.TokenStart] != '@') { int position = charPos; if (position >= 0) { textControl.Caret.MoveTo(position + 1, CaretVisualPlacement.DontScrollIfVisible); } return(true); } // check that next token is a good one if (tokenType != null && !IsStopperTokenForStringLiteral(tokenType)) { return(false); } // find next not whitespace token while (lexer.TokenType == PsiTokenType.WHITE_SPACE) { lexer.Advance(); } bool doInsertPairQuote = (lexer.TokenType == correspondingTokenType) && ((lexer.TokenEnd > lexer.TokenStart + 1) && (lexer.Buffer[lexer.TokenStart] == typingContext.Char) && (lexer.Buffer[lexer.TokenEnd - 1] == typingContext.Char)); // do inserting of the requested char and updating of the lexer typingContext.CallNext(); lexer = GetCachingLexer(textControl); // charPos = TextControlToLexer(textControl, textControl.CaretModel.Offset - 1); if (!doInsertPairQuote) { // check if the typed char is the beginning of the corresponding token if (!lexer.FindTokenAt(charPos)) { return(true); } bool isStringWithAt = lexer.TokenType == PsiTokenType.STRING_LITERAL && lexer.TokenStart == charPos - 1 && lexer.Buffer[lexer.TokenStart] == '@'; if ((lexer.TokenStart != charPos) && !isStringWithAt) { return(true); } // check if there is unclosed token of the corresponding type up to the end of the source line int newPos = charPos; if (newPos < 0) { return(true); } DocumentCoords documentCoords = textControl.Document.GetCoordsByOffset(newPos); int offset = textControl.Document.GetLineEndOffsetNoLineBreak(documentCoords.Line) - 1; int lexerOffset = TextControlToLexer(textControl, offset); if (lexerOffset >= 0) { lexer.FindTokenAt(lexerOffset); } if (lexerOffset < 0 || lexer.TokenType == null) { charPos = TextControlToLexer(textControl, textControl.Caret.Offset() - 1); if (charPos >= 0) { lexer.FindTokenAt(charPos); } else { return(true); } } doInsertPairQuote = (lexer.TokenType == correspondingTokenType) && ((lexer.TokenEnd == lexer.TokenStart + 1) || (lexer.Buffer[lexer.TokenEnd - 1] != typingContext.Char) || (isStringWithAt && (lexer.TokenStart == charPos - 1) && (lexer.TokenEnd != charPos + 1))); } // insert paired quote if (doInsertPairQuote) { charPos++; int documentPos = charPos; if (documentPos >= 0) { textControl.Document.InsertText(documentPos, typingContext.Char == '\'' ? "'" : "\""); textControl.Caret.MoveTo(documentPos, CaretVisualPlacement.DontScrollIfVisible); } } } return(true); }