コード例 #1
        static (ITypeScopePart, ITypeScopePart) GenerateReadBody(IPocoRootInfo pocoInfo, ITypeScope pocoClass)
            pocoClass.GeneratedByComment().NewLine().Append("public void Read( ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader r, PocoJsonSerializerOptions options )")
            .CreatePart(out var readHeader)
bool isDef = r.TokenType == System.Text.Json.JsonTokenType.StartArray;
if( isDef )
    string name = r.GetString();
    if( name != ").AppendSourceString(pocoInfo.Name);
            if (pocoInfo.PreviousNames.Count > 0)
                pocoClass.Append(" && !").AppendArray(pocoInfo.PreviousNames).Append(".Contains( name )");
            pocoClass.Append(@" )
        throw new System.Text.Json.JsonException( ""Expected '""+ ").AppendSourceString(pocoInfo.Name).Append(@" + $""' Poco type, but found '{name}'."" );
if( r.TokenType != System.Text.Json.JsonTokenType.StartObject ) throw new System.Text.Json.JsonException( ""Expecting '{' to start a Poco."" );
while( r.TokenType == System.Text.Json.JsonTokenType.PropertyName )
    var n = r.GetString();
    switch( n )
            var read = pocoClass.CreatePart();

            var t = r.TokenType; 
            if( t == System.Text.Json.JsonTokenType.StartArray || t == System.Text.Json.JsonTokenType.StartObject ) r.Read();
if( r.TokenType != System.Text.Json.JsonTokenType.EndObject ) throw new System.Text.Json.JsonException( ""Expecting '}' to end a Poco."" );
if( isDef )
    if( r.TokenType != System.Text.Json.JsonTokenType.EndArray ) throw new System.Text.Json.JsonException( ""Expecting ']' to end a Poco array."" );
            return(readHeader, read);
コード例 #2
        public void CreateServiceSupportCode(IStObjServiceEngineMap liftedMap)

readonly Dictionary<Type, IStObjFinalImplementation> _objectServiceMappings;
readonly IStObjFinalImplementation[] _objectServiceMappingList;
readonly Dictionary<Type, IStObjServiceClassDescriptor> _simpleServiceMappings;
readonly IStObjServiceClassDescriptor[] _simpleServiceList;
readonly Dictionary<Type, IStObjServiceClassFactory> _manualServiceMappings;
readonly IStObjServiceClassFactory[] _manualServiceList;

public IStObjServiceMap Services => this;
IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, IStObjFinalImplementation> IStObjServiceMap.ObjectMappings => _objectServiceMappings;
IReadOnlyList<IStObjFinalImplementation> IStObjServiceMap.ObjectMappingList => _objectServiceMappingList;
IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, IStObjServiceClassDescriptor> IStObjServiceMap.SimpleMappings => _simpleServiceMappings;
IReadOnlyList<IStObjServiceClassDescriptor> IStObjServiceMap.SimpleMappingList => _simpleServiceList;
IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, IStObjServiceClassFactory> IStObjServiceMap.ManualMappings => _manualServiceMappings;
IReadOnlyList<IStObjServiceClassFactory> IStObjServiceMap.ManualMappingList => _manualServiceList;")

            // Object mappings.
            _rootCtor.Append($"_objectServiceMappings = new Dictionary<Type, IStObjFinalImplementation>({liftedMap.ObjectMappings.Count});").NewLine();
            foreach (var map in liftedMap.ObjectMappings)
                _rootCtor.Append("_objectServiceMappings.Add( ")
                .Append(", _stObjs[").Append(map.Value.IndexOrdered).Append("].FinalImplementation );")
            if (liftedMap.ObjectMappingList.Count > 0)
                _rootCtor.Append($"_objectServiceMappingList = new IStObjFinalImplementation[] {{").NewLine();
                foreach (var o in liftedMap.ObjectMappingList)
                _rootCtor.Append($"_objectServiceMappingList = Array.Empty<IStObjFinalImplementation>();").NewLine();
コード例 #3
        public void full_run_test()
            var f = TestHelper.TestProjectFolder.AppendPart("TestCodeProject");

            ICodeProject project = CodeWorkspace.CreateProject("MyProject");

            project.OutputType = "Exe";

            ITypeScope     program = project.Code.Global.CreateType("public static class Program");
            IFunctionScope main    = program.GeneratedByComment()
                                     .CreateFunction("public static int Main()");

            main.Append("Console.WriteLine(").AppendSourceString("Hop!").Append(" );").NewLine();
            main.Append("return 0;");

            var projectFolder = WriteProjectFolder(f, project);

            Run(projectFolder, "dotnet", "run", out string output);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the <paramref name="scope"/> that is the PocoDirectory_CK class and
        /// all the factories (<see cref="IPocoFactory"/> implementations) and the Poco class (<see cref="IPoco"/> implementations).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="monitor">The monitor to use.</param>
        /// <param name="classType">The <see cref="PocoDirectory"/> type.</param>
        /// <param name="c">Code generation context.</param>
        /// <param name="scope">The PocoDirectory_CK type scope.</param>
        /// <returns>Always <see cref="CSCodeGenerationResult.Success"/>.</returns>
        public override CSCodeGenerationResult Implement(IActivityMonitor monitor, Type classType, ICSCodeGenerationContext c, ITypeScope scope)
            Debug.Assert(scope.FullName == "CK.Core.PocoDirectory_CK", "We can use the PocoDirectory_CK type name to reference the PocoDirectory implementation.");

            IPocoSupportResult r = c.Assembly.GetPocoSupportResult();

            Debug.Assert(r == c.CurrentRun.ServiceContainer.GetService(typeof(IPocoSupportResult)), "The PocoSupportResult is also available at the GeneratedBinPath.");

            // PocoDirectory_CK class.
            .FindOrCreateFunction("internal PocoDirectory_CK()")
            .Append("Instance = this;").NewLine();

            scope.Append("internal static PocoDirectory_CK Instance;").NewLine()
            // The _factories field
            .Append("static readonly Dictionary<string,IPocoFactory> _factoriesN = new Dictionary<string,IPocoFactory>( ").Append(r.NamedRoots.Count).Append(" );").NewLine()
            .Append("static readonly Dictionary<Type,IPocoFactory> _factoriesT = new Dictionary<Type,IPocoFactory>( ").Append(r.AllInterfaces.Count).Append(" );").NewLine()
            .Append("public override IPocoFactory Find( string name ) => _factoriesN.GetValueOrDefault( name );").NewLine()
            .Append("public override IPocoFactory Find( Type t ) => _factoriesT.GetValueOrDefault( t );").NewLine()
            .Append("internal static void Register( IPocoFactory f )").OpenBlock()
            .Append("_factoriesN.Add( f.Name, f );").NewLine()
            .Append("foreach( var n in f.PreviousNames ) _factoriesN.Add( n, f );").NewLine()
            .Append("foreach( var i in f.Interfaces ) _factoriesT.Add( i, f );").NewLine()

            if (r.AllInterfaces.Count == 0)

            foreach (var root in r.Roots)
                // PocoFactory class.
                var tFB = c.Assembly.FindOrCreateAutoImplementedClass(monitor, root.PocoFactoryClass);
                tFB.Definition.Modifiers |= Modifiers.Sealed;
                string factoryClassName = tFB.Definition.Name.Name;

                // Poco class.
                var tB = c.Assembly.FindOrCreateAutoImplementedClass(monitor, root.PocoClass);
                tB.Definition.Modifiers |= Modifiers.Sealed;

                // The Poco's static _factory field is internal and its type is the exact class: extended code
                // can refer to the _factory to access the factory extended code without cast.
                // This static internal field is an awful shortcut but it makes things simpler and more efficient
                // than looking up the factory in the DI (and downcasting it) each time we need it.
                // This simplification has been done for Cris Command implementation: a ICommand exposes
                // its ICommandModel: we used to inject the ICommandModel (that is the extended PocoFactory) in the ICommand
                // PocoClass ctor from the factory methods. It worked but it was complex... and, eventually, there
                // can (today) but most importantly there SHOULD, be only one StObjMap/Concrete generated code in an
                // assembly. Maybe one day, the StObj instances themselves can be made static (since they are some kind of
                // "absolute singletons").
                // Note to myself: this "static shortcut" is valid because we are on a "final generation", not on a
                // local, per-module, intermediate, code generation like .Net 5 Code Generators.
                // How this kind of shortcuts could be implemented with .Net 5 Code Generators? It seems that it could but
                // there will be as many "intermediate statics" as there are "levels of assemblies"? Or, there will be only
                // one static (the first one) and the instance will be replaced by the subsequent assemblies? In all cases,
                // diamond problem will have to be ultimately resolved at the final leaf... Just like we do!
                tB.Append("internal static ").Append(tFB.Name).Append(" _factory;")
                tB.Append("IPocoFactory IPocoGeneratedClass.Factory => _factory;").NewLine();

                // Always create the constructor so that other code generators
                // can always find it.
                // We support the interfaces here: if other participants have already created this type, it is
                // up to us, here, to handle the "exact" type definition.
                tB.Definition.BaseTypes.Add(new ExtendedTypeName("IPocoGeneratedClass"));
                tB.Definition.BaseTypes.AddRange(root.Interfaces.Select(i => new ExtendedTypeName(i.PocoInterface.ToCSharpName())));

                IFunctionScope ctorB = tB.CreateFunction($"public {root.PocoClass.Name}()");

                foreach (var p in root.PropertyList)
                    Type propType    = p.PropertyType;
                    bool isUnionType = p.PropertyUnionTypes.Any();

                    var    typeName  = propType.ToCSharpName();
                    string fieldName = "_v" + p.Index;
                    if (p.DefaultValueSource == null)
                        tB.Append(" = ").Append(p.DefaultValueSource).Append(";");

                    tB.Append("public ").Append(typeName).Space().Append(p.PropertyName);
                    Debug.Assert(!p.IsReadOnly || p.DefaultValueSource == null, "Readonly with [DefaultValue] has already raised an error.");

                    if (p.IsReadOnly)
                        // Generates in constructor.
                        r.GenerateAutoInstantiatedNewAssignation(ctorB, fieldName, p.PropertyType);

                    .Append("get => ").Append(fieldName).Append(";").NewLine();

                    if (!p.IsReadOnly)

                        bool isTechnicallyNullable = p.PropertyNullableTypeTree.Kind.IsTechnicallyNullable();
                        bool isNullable            = p.PropertyNullableTypeTree.Kind.IsNullable();

                        if (isTechnicallyNullable && !isNullable)
                            tB.Append("if( value == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException();").NewLine();

                        if (isUnionType)
                            if (isNullable)
                                tB.Append("if( value != null )")
                            tB.Append("Type tV = value.GetType();").NewLine()
                            .Append("if( !_c").Append(fieldName)
                            .Append(".Any( t => t.IsAssignableFrom( tV ) ))")
                            .Append("throw new ArgumentException( $\"Unexpected Type '{tV}' in UnionType. Allowed types are: ")
                            .Append(p.PropertyUnionTypes.Select(tU => tU.ToString()).Concatenate())
                            if (isNullable)
                        tB.Append(fieldName).Append(" = value;")

                    if (isUnionType)
                        tB.Append("static readonly Type[] _c").Append(fieldName).Append("=").AppendArray(p.PropertyUnionTypes.Select(u => u.Type)).Append(";").NewLine();

                // PocoFactory class.

                tFB.Append("PocoDirectory IPocoFactory.PocoDirectory => PocoDirectory_CK.Instance;").NewLine();

                tFB.Append("public Type PocoClassType => typeof(").Append(root.PocoClass.Name).Append(");")

                tFB.Append("public IPoco Create() => new ").Append(root.PocoClass.Name).Append("();")

                tFB.Append("public string Name => ").AppendSourceString(root.Name).Append(";")

                tFB.Append("public IReadOnlyList<string> PreviousNames => ").AppendArray(root.PreviousNames).Append(";")

                tFB.Append("public IReadOnlyList<Type> Interfaces => ").AppendArray(root.Interfaces.Select(i => i.PocoInterface)).Append(";")

                tFB.CreateFunction("public " + factoryClassName + "()")
                .Append("PocoDirectory_CK.Register( this );").NewLine()
                .Append(tB.Name).Append("._factory = this;");

                foreach (var i in root.Interfaces)
                    tFB.Definition.BaseTypes.Add(new ExtendedTypeName(i.PocoFactoryInterface.ToCSharpName()));
                    tFB.AppendCSharpName(i.PocoInterface, true, true, true)
                    .AppendCSharpName(i.PocoFactoryInterface, true, true, true)
                    .Append(".Create() => new ").AppendCSharpName(i.Root.PocoClass, true, true, true).Append("();")