コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method executes the map reduce task
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> Returns the tracker through which task can be monitored and result can be fetched </returns>
        private ITrackableTask ExecuteMapReduceTask()
            // Create InitParams for the MapReduce task, i.e., set mapper, combiner and reducer
            // Mapper is a must, other two are optional.
            MapReduceInitParams initParams = new MapReduceInitParams("NosDB.Samples.MapReduceImplementation.Mapper, NosDB.Samples.MapReduceImplementation, Version=, Culture=neutral", "mapreduceimpl");

            initParams.Combiner = "NosDB.Samples.MapReduceImplementation.CombinerFactory, NosDB.Samples.MapReduceImplementation, Version=, Culture=neutral";
            initParams.Reducer  = "NosDB.Samples.MapReduceImplementation.ReducerFactory, NosDB.Samples.MapReduceImplementation, Version=, Culture=neutral";

            // Specify the output option, It will create the collection if it does not exist.
            initParams.OutputOption = NosDB.Common.MapReduce.MROutputOption.CUSTOM_COLLECTION;
            // You have to specify the custom collection name if the MROutputOption is set to CUSTOM_COLLECTION,
            // For DEFAULT_COLLECTION, collection will be created as Collection_<Some_GUID>
            initParams.CustomCollectionName = OUTPUT_COLLECTION_NAME;

            // Specify the collections, on which you want to execute the map reduce task.
            List <string> collections = new List <string>();


            // The call which sends the task to the NosDB Server, and returns a trackable object.
            // BEFORE EXECUTION:
            // Make sure that you have deployed the implementation of mapreduce task (Mapper, Combiner and Reducer).
            ITrackableTask trackableTask = _database.ExecuteTask(initParams, collections);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method fetches the map reduce task result from the database and iterates the result
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trackableTask"> TrackableTask whos result will be fetched and iterated </param>
        private void FetchAndReadTaskResult(ITrackableTask trackableTask)
            // Call to get the result, this is a BLOCKING call... (it waits until task completes and returns the result...)
            ITaskResult taskResult = trackableTask.GetResult();

            //NOTE: There are other ways you can get the task result, Read more on the documentation...

            IDBCollectionReader resultEnumerator = taskResult.GetEnumerator();

            // Get and enumerate the result.
            while (resultEnumerator.ReadNext())
                //Reading the output
                IJSONDocument document = resultEnumerator.GetDocument();
                Console.WriteLine("Name: " + document["Key"] + " and Count available: " + document["Value"]);

            // Now that we have gathered the data
            // we can query the top results.

            IDBCollectionReader rdr = _database.ExecuteReader("SELECT TOP 5 * FROM \"" + OUTPUT_COLLECTION_NAME + "\" ORDER BY Value DESC");

            while (rdr.ReadNext())
                //Reading the output
                IJSONDocument document = rdr.GetDocument();
                Console.WriteLine("Name: " + document["Key"] + " and Count available: " + document["Value"]);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Executing this method will perform all the operations of the sample
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            // Generate sample orders data to be used in this sample
            ICollection <Order> orders = GenerateOrders();

            // Initialize database and collection

            // Insert some documents in the collection so that map reduce can run on it

            // Execute map reduce task and get tracker
            ITrackableTask trackableTask = ExecuteMapReduceTask();

            // Fetch result and iterate the result

            // Releasing the resources