public ReportDirectoryHandler(string rootFolder, string fileName, DateTime dateTime, ITraceLogger traceLogger) : this() { _directoryPath = new DirectoryInfo(rootFolder); if (!_directoryPath.Exists) { _directoryPath.Create(); } var steamFolder = "steams"; _steamPath = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(_directoryPath.FullName, steamFolder)); if (!_steamPath.Exists) { _steamPath = _directoryPath.CreateSubdirectory(steamFolder, _directoryPath.GetAccessControl()); } var logFolder = "logs"; _logPath = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(_directoryPath.FullName, logFolder)); if (!_logPath.Exists) { _logPath = _directoryPath.CreateSubdirectory(logFolder, _directoryPath.GetAccessControl()); } TraceLogger = traceLogger; _fileName = fileName; _dateTime = dateTime; }
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context) { string message; string userTraceId = context.Request?.Headers["userTraceId"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userTraceId)) { userTraceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); message = $"Received a request and created a new TraceId"; } else { message = $"Received a request with TraceId"; } context.Items["userTraceId"] = userTraceId; using (var scope = _services.CreateScope()) { ITraceLogger logger = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ITraceLogger>(); logger.Log(message); } await _next(context); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the parent item ID /// </summary> /// <param name="cContext"></param> /// <param name="ItemName"></param> /// <param name="logger">diagnostics logger</param> /// <returns></returns> static int GetUserID(ClientContext cContext, dynamic ItemName, ITraceLogger logger) { int nReturn = -1; NativeFieldUserValue userValue = null; try { string itemJsonString = ItemName.ToString(); Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject jobject = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(itemJsonString); userValue = jobject.ToObject <NativeFieldUserValue>(); logger.LogInformation("Start GetUserID {0}", userValue.Email); Web wWeb = cContext.Web; var iUser = cContext.Web.EnsureUser(userValue.Email); cContext.Load(iUser); cContext.ExecuteQueryRetry(); if (iUser != null) { return(iUser.Id); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, "Failed to find {0} in web {1}", ItemName, ex.Message); } return(nReturn); }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposedValue) { if (disposing) { if (Utl != null) { Utl.Dispose(); Utl = (Util)null; } if (TL != null) { TL.Enabled = false; TL.Dispose(); TL = null; } } try { ASCOM.Astrometry.SOFA.SOFA.FreeLibrary(SofaDllHandle); } catch (Exception ex) { //ProjectData.SetProjectError(ex); //ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } } disposedValue = true; }
public void TraceLoggerPropertyTest() { SharePointLogger logger = new SharePointLogger(); try { ITraceLogger iTLogger = logger.TraceLogger; TraceLogger tlogger = new TraceLogger(); if (!iTLogger.GetType().IsInterface) { if (iTLogger.GetType().ToString() == tlogger.GetType().ToString()) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } else { Assert.Fail("There is a type mismatch"); } } else { Assert.Fail("Interface was returned"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.Message); } }
public void SetLogger(ITraceLogger logger) { if (logger != null) { this.logger = logger; } }
public SOFA() { disposedValue = false; StringBuilder lpszPath = new StringBuilder(260); TL = new TraceLogger("", "SOFA"); TL.Enabled = RegistryCommonCode.GetBool("Trace NOVAS", false); Utl = new Util(); string lpFileName; if (Is64Bit()) { ASCOM.Astrometry.SOFA.SOFA.SHGetSpecialFolderPath(IntPtr.Zero, lpszPath, 44, false); lpFileName = lpszPath.ToString() + "\\ASCOM\\Astrometry\\SOFA11-64.dll"; } else { lpFileName = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonProgramFiles) + "\\ASCOM\\Astrometry\\SOFA11.dll"; } TL.LogMessage("New", "Loading SOFA library DLL: " + lpFileName); SofaDllHandle = ASCOM.Astrometry.SOFA.SOFA.LoadLibrary(lpFileName); int lastWin32Error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (SofaDllHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { TL.LogMessage("New", "Loaded SOFA library OK"); TL.LogMessage("New", "SOFA Initialised OK"); } else { TL.LogMessage("New", "Error loading SOFA library: " + lastWin32Error.ToString("X8")); throw new HelperException("Error code returned from LoadLibrary when loading SOFA library: " + lastWin32Error.ToString("X8")); } }
public TracingDecoratorSimulator(ITraceLogger logger, ISimulator sim, string name) { this.logger = logger; this.sim = sim; simulatorName = name; }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposedValue) { if (disposing) { if (TL != null) { TL.Enabled = false; TL.Dispose(); TL = null; } if (Utl != null) { Utl.Dispose(); Utl = (Util)null; } } if (Nov31 != null) { Nov31.Dispose(); Nov31 = (NOVAS31)null; } } disposedValue = true; }
public PipelineTestRunPublisher(IClientFactory clientFactory, IPipelineConfig pipelineConfig, ITraceLogger logger, ITelemetryDataCollector telemetry) { _logger = logger; _telemetry = telemetry; _pipelineConfig = pipelineConfig; _httpClient = clientFactory.GetClient <TestResultsHttpClient>(); }
internal MemberFactory(string progId, TraceLogger ascomDriverTraceLogger) { this.TL = ascomDriverTraceLogger; this.TL.LogMessage("ProgID", progId); this._strProgId = progId; this.GetInterfaces = new List <Type>(); this.GetObjType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(progId); if (this.GetObjType == null) { throw new HelperException("Check Driver: cannot create object type of progID: " + this._strProgId); } this.IsComObject = this.GetObjType.IsCOMObject; this.TL.LogMessage("IsComObject", this.GetObjType.IsCOMObject.ToString()); this.GetLateBoundObject = Activator.CreateInstance(this.GetObjType); try { foreach (Type type in this.GetObjType.GetInterfaces()) { this.GetInterfaces.Add(type); this.TL.LogMessage("GetInterfaces", "Found interface: " + type.AssemblyQualifiedName); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.TL.LogMessageCrLf("GetInterfaces", "Exception: " + ex.ToString()); } if (this.GetLateBoundObject == null) { this.TL.LogMessage("Exception", "GetLateBoudObject is null, throwing HelperException"); throw new HelperException("Check Driver: cannot create driver instance of progID: " + this._strProgId); } }
public DocumentExecuter(IDocumentBuilder documentBuilder, IDocumentValidator documentValidator, IComplexityAnalyzer complexityAnalyzer, ITraceLogger traceLogger) { _documentBuilder = documentBuilder ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(documentBuilder)); _documentValidator = documentValidator ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(documentValidator)); _complexityAnalyzer = complexityAnalyzer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(complexityAnalyzer)); _traceLogger = traceLogger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(traceLogger)); }
public AzureADTokenCache(IAzureADConfig aadConfig, ITraceLogger iLogger) { _aadConfig = aadConfig; _authContext = new AuthenticationContext(string.Format(AzureADConstants.AuthorityTenantFormat, _aadConfig.TenantDomain)); _appCredentials = new ClientCredential(_aadConfig.ClientId, _aadConfig.ClientSecret); _iLogger = iLogger; }
public AzureADv2TokenCache(IAppSettings aadConfig, ITraceLogger iLogger, bool useInteractiveLogin) { if (aadConfig == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(aadConfig)); } _aadConfig = aadConfig; _iLogger = iLogger; IClientApplicationBase clientApplication; if (useInteractiveLogin) { var publicClientApplicationOptions = new PublicClientApplicationOptions() { AadAuthorityAudience = _aadConfig.AadAuthorityAudience, AzureCloudInstance = _aadConfig.AzureCloudInstance, ClientId = _aadConfig.ClientId, RedirectUri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob", TenantId = _aadConfig.TenantId }; clientApplication = PublicClientApplicationBuilder.CreateWithApplicationOptions(publicClientApplicationOptions) .Build(); } else { clientApplication = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(_aadConfig.ClientId) .WithClientSecret(_aadConfig.ClientSecret) .WithAuthority(new Uri(_aadConfig.Authority)) .Build(); } _authContext = new GraphMsalAuthenticationProvider(clientApplication, aadConfig.MSALScopes); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a timer with threshold. A perf message is logged only if /// the time elapsed is more than the threshold. /// </summary> public SimpleTimer(string timerName, ITraceLogger logger, TelemetryDataWrapper telemetryWrapper, TimeSpan threshold) { _name = timerName; _logger = logger; _threshold = threshold; _telemetryWrapper = telemetryWrapper; _timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor accepting only test run manager instance, rest of the requirements assume default values /// </summary> public PythonTestResultParser(ITestRunManager testRunManager, ITraceLogger logger, ITelemetryDataCollector telemetry) : base(testRunManager, logger, telemetry) { base.logger.Info("PythonTestResultParser : Starting python test result parser."); base.telemetry.AddToCumulativeTelemetry(PythonTelemetryConstants.EventArea, PythonTelemetryConstants.Initialize, true); this.state = ParserState.ExpectingTestResults; this.currentTestRun = new TestRun($"{Name}/{Version}", this.currentTestRunId); }
private void SetStateMachine(ITraceLogger traceLogger) { var stateActivator = new MockupUpgradeStateActivator(); var factory = new ClusterUpgradeStateFactory(this, stateActivator, traceLogger); this.stateMachine = new ClusterResourceStateMachine(this, factory, traceLogger); this.UpgradeFactory = factory; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for a node parser state /// </summary> /// <param name="parserResetAndAttempPublish">Delegate sent by the parser to reset the parser and attempt publication of test results</param> /// <param name="logger"></param> /// <param name="telemetryDataCollector"></param> protected NodeParserStateBase(ParserResetAndAttemptPublish parserResetAndAttempPublish, ITraceLogger logger, ITelemetryDataCollector telemetryDataCollector, string parserName) { Logger = logger; ParserName = parserName; StateName = GetType().Name; Telemetry = telemetryDataCollector; AttemptPublishAndResetParser = parserResetAndAttempPublish; }
public StandAloneAutoScaleClusterUpgradeState( IUserConfig targetCsmConfig, IAdminConfig targetWrpConfig, ClusterNodeConfig targetNodeConfig, ICluster clusterResource, ITraceLogger traceLogger) : base(targetCsmConfig, targetWrpConfig, targetNodeConfig, clusterResource, traceLogger) { }
public GatekeepingClusterUpgradeState CreateGatekeepingClusterUpgradeState( IUserConfig targetCsmConfig, IAdminConfig targetWrpConfig, ClusterNodeConfig targetNodeConfig, ICluster clusterResource, ITraceLogger traceLogger) { return(new MockupGatekeepingClusterUpgradeState(targetCsmConfig, targetWrpConfig, targetNodeConfig, clusterResource, traceLogger)); }
public SeedNodeSelector(TimeSpan timeout, ITraceLogger logger) { this.timeout = timeout; this.timeoutHelper = new TimeoutHelper(timeout); this.lastNodeCount = 0; this.faultDomainMap = new Dictionary <string, int>(); this.upgradeDomainMap = new Dictionary <string, int>(); this.traceLogger = logger; }
/// <summary> /// Initialize the Graph API Executor with Azure AD Config settings and the Diagnostic Logger /// </summary> /// <param name="config"></param> /// <param name="logger"></param> public ReportingStream(AzureEnvironment environment, IAzureADConfig config, ITraceLogger logger) { var authenticationEndpoint = environment.GetAzureADLoginEndPoint(); var endpoint = string.Format(AzureADConstants.AuthorityTenantFormat, authenticationEndpoint, config.TenantDomain); this.ADConfig = config; this.Logger = logger; this.OAuthCache = new AzureADTokenCache(endpoint, config, logger); }
public TestFilePublisher(VssConnection vssConnection, PipelineConfig pipelineConfig, TraceListener traceListener, ITraceLogger logger, ITelemetryDataCollector telemetry) { _traceListener = traceListener; _vssConnection = vssConnection; _pipelineConfig = pipelineConfig; _logger = logger; _telemetry = telemetry; }
public TestFilePublisher(VssConnection vssConnection, PipelineConfig pipelineConfig, TraceListener traceListener, ITraceLogger logger, ITelemetryDataCollector telemetry, ITestFileFinder testFileFinder, ITestResultParser testResultParser, ITestRunPublisher testRunPublisher) : this(vssConnection, pipelineConfig, traceListener, logger, telemetry) { _testFileFinder = testFileFinder; _testResultParser = testResultParser; _testRunPublisher = testRunPublisher; }
public BaselineClusterUpgradeStateBase CreateBaselineUpgradeState( IUserConfig csmConfig, IAdminConfig wrpConfig, ClusterNodeConfig nodeConfig, ICluster clusterResource, ITraceLogger traceLogger) { return(new MockupBaselineUpgradeState(csmConfig, wrpConfig, nodeConfig, clusterResource, traceLogger)); }
public ClusterUpgradeStateFactory( ICluster clusterResource, IUpgradeStateActivator upgradeStateActivator, ITraceLogger traceLogger) { this.clusterResource = clusterResource; this.upgradeStateActivator = upgradeStateActivator; this.traceLogger = traceLogger; }
public MockupSimpleClusterUpgradeState( IUserConfig targetCsmConfig, IAdminConfig targetWrpConfig, ClusterNodeConfig targetNodeConfig, ICluster clusterResource, ITraceLogger traceLogger) : base(targetCsmConfig, targetWrpConfig, targetNodeConfig, clusterResource, traceLogger) { }
public static IEnumerable <string> TryFindCertificate( StoreName storeName, IEnumerable <string> findValues, X509FindType findType, out IEnumerable <X509Certificate2> foundCertificates, ITraceLogger traceLogger = null) { return(X509CertificateUtility.TryFindCertificate(string.Empty, storeName, findValues, findType, out foundCertificates, traceLogger)); }
protected GatekeepingClusterUpgradeState( IUserConfig targetCsmConfig, IAdminConfig targetWrpConfig, ClusterNodeConfig targetNodeConfig, ICluster clusterResource, ITraceLogger traceLogger) : base(targetCsmConfig, targetWrpConfig, targetNodeConfig, clusterResource, traceLogger) { }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor accepting only test run manager instance, rest of the requirements assume default values /// </summary> public PythonTestResultParser(ITestRunManager testRunManager, ITraceLogger logger, ITelemetryDataCollector telemetry) : base(testRunManager, logger, telemetry) { Logger.Info("PythonTestResultParser : Starting python test result parser."); Telemetry.AddOrUpdate(PythonTelemetryConstants.Initialize, true, PythonTelemetryConstants.EventArea); _state = ParserState.ExpectingTestResults; _currentTestRun = new TestRun($"{Name}/{Version}", "Python", _currentTestRunId); }
public override void RuntimeInitialize(MethodBase method) { this.methodName = method.DeclaringType==null ? method.Name : method.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + method.Name; this.enteringMessage = "Entering " + methodName; this.exitingMessage = "Exiting " + methodName; if (logger == null) { logger = Bootstrap.GetLogger(); } }
public static ITraceLogger GetLogger() { if (logger == null) { if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TraceLoggerType") == "Mock") { logger = new ConsoleTraceLogger(); } else { logger=new EtwTraceEventSource(); } } return logger; }
static TraceLogger() { var defaultLoggerProvider = new DefaultLoggerProvider(); DefaultTraceLogger = defaultLoggerProvider.GetLogger(); }
public N2Logger(ITraceLogger log) { _log = log; }
public JungoLoggingHttpModule(ITraceLogger traceLogger) { _traceLogger = traceLogger; }