コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method converts the given array of time series values (array of double precision
        /// floats) to a BLOB (byte array).  It also sets the computes the checksum from the resultant
        /// BLOB, and then sets the Checksum and ValueBlob properties of the given ITimeSeriesTrace
        /// object accordingly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="valueArray">The array of time series values to convert into a BLOB</param>
        /// <param name="compressionCode">a generation number that indicates what compression technique to use</param>
        /// <param name="traceObject">object whose TraceNumber property will be used to compute the checksum,
        /// and whose properties will be assigned by this method</param>
        /// <returns>The BLOB that is created from valueArray</returns>
        public static unsafe byte[] ConvertArrayToBlobRegular(
            double[] valueArray, int compressionCode, ITimeSeriesTrace traceObject)
            // The number of bytes required for the BLOB
            int nBin = traceObject.TimeStepCount * sizeof(double);

            // Allocate an array for the BLOB
            Byte[] blobData = new Byte[nBin];
            // Copy the array of doubles that was passed to the method into the byte array.
            // The byte array becomes the BLOB.
            Buffer.BlockCopy(valueArray, 0, blobData, 0, nBin);

            // Compute the checksum using the uncompressed BLOB.  During development, it was
            // demonstrated that the checksum would be computed faster on the compressed BLOB.
            // However, this could make it difficult to upgrade the compression algorithm in the
            // future, because the checksum value would be dependent on the compression algorithm.
            Byte[]  checksum = ComputeTraceChecksum(traceObject.TraceNumber, blobData);
            Boolean checksumChanged
                = (MurmurHash.ByteArraysAreEqual(traceObject.Checksum, checksum) == false);

            // If the checksum did not change, then we will not assign any properties to the traceObject.
            // The result will be that we will return the original ValueBlob.  If the checksum did change,
            // then we compute a new compressed ValueBlob and assign the new values.
            if (checksumChanged)
                traceObject.Checksum = checksum;
                // the BLOB is stored in a compressed form, so our last step is to compress it
                traceObject.ValueBlob = CompressBlob(blobData, compressionCode);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method adds the data contained in the traceObject parameter into a new row in a DataTable,
        /// which is suitable for quick insertion--at a later time--to the trace table. This method doesn't
        /// change any data in the database--it is assumed that method TSConnection.CommitNewTraceWrites
        /// will be called later in order to send the changes to the database. The properties of the
        /// traceObject, including the checksum and BLOB, should be populated before calling this method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="traceObject">ITimeSeriesTrace object containing the properties that are to
        /// be inserted to the trace table</param>
        private unsafe void WriteTrace(ITimeSeriesTrace traceObject)
            DataTable dataTable;

            // Attempt to get the existing DataTable object from the collection that is kept by
            // the TSConnection object.  If this fails, then we'll create a new DataTable.
            if (TSConnection.BulkCopyDataTables.TryGetValue(TraceTableName, out dataTable) == false)
                // Create the DataTable object and add columns that match the columns
                // of the database table.
                dataTable = new DataTable();
                dataTable.Columns.Add("TimeSeries_Id", typeof(int));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("TraceNumber", typeof(int));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("TimeStepCount", typeof(int));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("EndDate", typeof(DateTime));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("ValueBlob", typeof(byte[]));
                dataTable.Columns.Add("Checksum", typeof(byte[]));
                // Add the DataTable to a collection that is kept in the TSConnection object.
                TSConnection.BulkCopyDataTables.Add(TraceTableName, dataTable);
            // Add the trace as a new DataRow object in the DataTable.  In the 'Add' method,
            // the parameters must be entered in the same order as the columns were created
            // in the code immediately above.
            dataTable.Rows.Add(Id, traceObject.TraceNumber,
                               traceObject.TimeStepCount, traceObject.EndDate,
                               traceObject.ValueBlob, traceObject.Checksum);
コード例 #3
 private unsafe void WriteOneTraceParam(int id, ITimeSeriesTrace traceObject, SqlCommand cmd)
     cmd.Parameters["@TimeSeries_Id"].Value = id;
     cmd.Parameters["@TraceNumber"].Value   = 26;
     cmd.Parameters["@ValueBlob"].Value     = traceObject.ValueBlob;
     cmd.Parameters["@Checksum"].Value      = traceObject.ValueBlob;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method converts a List of TimeSeriesValue objects into a BLOB (byte array) of
        /// time series values and computes a checksum from the BLOB.  This method assigns the new values
        /// of the ValueBlob, Checksum, EndDate, and TimeStepCount to the object given in the traceObject
        /// parameter. The TraceNumber property of the traceObject parameter must be set before calling
        /// this method.
        /// The entire List is converted into the BLOB--i.e., the method does not take any
        /// parameters for limiting the size of the List that is created.  This method will
        /// throw exceptions if the meta-parameters that are passed in are not consistent
        /// with the List of TimeSeriesValue objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeStepUnit">TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode value for
        /// Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year, or Irregular</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepQuantity">The number of the given unit that defines the time step.
        /// For instance, if the time step is 6 hours long, then this value is 6.</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepCount">The number of time steps stored in the BLOB</param>
        /// <param name="blobStartDate">Date of the first time step in the BLOB</param>
        /// <param name="blobEndDate">Date of the last time step in the BLOB</param>
        /// <param name="dateValueList">A List of TimeSeriesValue objects that will be converted to a BLOB</param>
        /// <param name="traceObject">an object which contains the a TraceNumber property that is used to
        /// compute the checksum.  The computed BLOB and checksum are both saved to the appropriate properties
        /// of this object.</param>
        /// <param name="compressionCode">a generation number that indicates what compression technique to use</param>
        /// <returns>The BLOB (byte array) of time series values that was created from dateValueList</returns>
        public byte[] ConvertListToBlobWithChecksum(
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
            int timeStepCount, DateTime blobStartDate, DateTime blobEndDate,
            List <TimeSeriesValue> dateValueList,
            ITimeSeriesTrace traceObject, out int compressionCode)
            // Error checks
            if (dateValueList.Count != timeStepCount)
                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Checksum_Improper_Count);
            if (dateValueList[0].Date != blobStartDate)
                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Checksum_Improper_StartDate);
            if (dateValueList.Last().Date != blobEndDate)
                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Checksum_Improper_EndDate);

            // When compressing, we always use the latest compression method
            compressionCode = TSBlobCoder.currentCompressionCode;
            // Assign properties to the Trace object
            if (traceObject.EndDate != blobEndDate)
                traceObject.EndDate = blobEndDate;
            if (traceObject.TimeStepCount != timeStepCount)
                traceObject.TimeStepCount = timeStepCount;

            // Convert the List dateValueList into a BLOB.
            if (timeStepUnit == TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Irregular)
                // IRREGULAR TIME SERIES

                // The method in TSBlobCoder can only process an array of TSDateValueStruct.  Therefore
                // we convert the List of objects to an Array of struct instances.
                TSDateValueStruct[] dateValueArray = dateValueList.Select(tsv => (TSDateValueStruct)tsv).ToArray();
                // Let the method in TSBlobCoder class do all the work
                TSBlobCoder.ConvertArrayToBlobIrregular(dateValueArray, compressionCode, traceObject);
                // REGULAR TIME SERIES

                // The method in TSBlobCoder can only process an array of double values.  Therefore
                // we convert the List of date/value objects to an Array values.
                double[] valueArray = dateValueList.Select(dv => dv.Value).ToArray();
                // Let the method in TSBlobCoder class do all the work
                TSBlobCoder.ConvertArrayToBlobRegular(valueArray, compressionCode, traceObject);

コード例 #5
        private unsafe void WriteOneTrace(ITimeSeriesTrace traceObject)
            // SQL statement that gives us a resultset for the DataTable object.  Note that
            // this query is rigged so that it will always return 0 records.  This is because
            // we only want the resultset to define the fields of the DataTable object.
            String comm = BuildStringForEmptyTraceDataTable();

            // SqlDataAdapter object will use the query to fill the DataTable
            using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(comm, Connx))
                // SqlCommandBuilder object must be instantiated in order for us to call
                // the Update method of the SqlDataAdapter.  Interestingly, we only need to
                // instantiate this object--we don't need to use it in any other way.
                using (SqlCommandBuilder bld = new SqlCommandBuilder(adp))
                    DataTable dTable = new DataTable();
                    // Execute the query to fill the DataTable object
                    catch (Exception e)
                    {   // The query failed
                        throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Could_Not_Open_Table,
                                                     "Table '" + TableName + "' could not be opened using query:\n\n" + comm, e);
                    // DataRow object represents the current row of the DataTable object, which in turn
                    // represents a record that we will add to the database table.
                    DataRow currentRow = dTable.NewRow();

                    // transfer all of the data into the DataRow object
                    currentRow["TimeSeries_Id"] = 1;
                    currentRow["TraceNumber"]   = traceObject.TraceNumber;
                    currentRow["ValueBlob"]     = traceObject.ValueBlob;
                    currentRow["Checksum"]      = traceObject.Checksum;
                    // Save the DataRow object to the database
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// This method converts the given array of time series values (date/value pairs stored in
        /// TSDateValueStruct) to a BLOB (byte array).  It also sets the computes the checksum from the
        /// resultant BLOB, and then sets the Checksum and ValueBlob properties of the given
        /// ITimeSeriesTrace object accordingly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dateValueArray">The array of time series values to convert into a BLOB</param>
        /// <param name="compressionCode">a generation number that indicates what compression technique to use</param>
        /// <param name="traceObject">object whose TraceNumber property will be used to compute the checksum,
        /// and whose properties will be assigned by this method</param>
        /// <returns>The BLOB that is created from dateValueArray</returns>
        public static unsafe byte[] ConvertArrayToBlobIrregular(
            TSDateValueStruct[] dateValueArray, int compressionCode, ITimeSeriesTrace traceObject)
            // The number of bytes required for the BLOB
            int nBin = traceObject.TimeStepCount * sizeof(TSDateValueStruct);

            // Allocate an array for the BLOB
            Byte[] blobData = new Byte[nBin];

            // MemoryStream and BinaryWriter objects enable copying of data to the BLOB
            using (MemoryStream blobStream = new MemoryStream(blobData))
                using (BinaryWriter blobWriter = new BinaryWriter(blobStream))
                    // Loop through the entire array
                    for (int i = 0; i < traceObject.TimeStepCount; i++)
                        // write the value to the BLOB as DATE followed by VALUE

            // Compute the checksum using the uncompressed BLOB.  During development, it was
            // demonstrated that the checksum would be computed faster on the compressed BLOB.
            // However, this could make it difficult to upgrade the compression algorithm in the
            // future, because the checksum value would be dependent on the compression algorithm.
            Byte[]  checksum = ComputeTraceChecksum(traceObject.TraceNumber, blobData);
            Boolean checksumChanged
                = (MurmurHash.ByteArraysAreEqual(traceObject.Checksum, checksum) == false);

            // If the checksum did not change, then we will not assign any properties to the traceObject.
            // The result will be that we will return the original ValueBlob.  If the checksum did change,
            // then we compute a new compressed ValueBlob and assign the new values.
            if (checksumChanged)
                traceObject.Checksum = checksum;
                // the BLOB is stored in a compressed form, so our last step is to compress it
                traceObject.ValueBlob = CompressBlob(blobData, compressionCode);
コード例 #7
        // The series of tests below is for ConvertListToBlobWithChecksum()
        // This method is reused by the actual test methods that follow
        public Boolean ComputeTestChecksums(
                TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u1, short q1, List<TimeSeriesValue> list1, ITimeSeriesTrace trace1,
                TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u2, short q2, List<TimeSeriesValue> list2, ITimeSeriesTrace trace2)
            TSLibrary tsLib = new TSLibrary();
            int compressionCode;

                u1, q1, list1.Count,
                list1[0].Date, list1[list1.Count - 1].Date, list1, trace1, out compressionCode);

                u2, q2, list2.Count,
                list2[0].Date, list2[list2.Count - 1].Date, list2, trace2, out compressionCode);

            Assert.IsTrue(trace1.Checksum.Length == 16);
            Assert.IsTrue(trace2.Checksum.Length == 16);

            for (int i = 0; i < trace2.Checksum.Length; i++)
                if (trace1.Checksum[i] != trace2.Checksum[i])
                    return false;

            return true;
コード例 #8
        // The series of tests below is for ConvertListToBlobWithChecksum()

        // This method is reused by the actual test methods that follow
        public Boolean ComputeTestChecksums(
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u1, short q1, List <TimeSeriesValue> list1, ITimeSeriesTrace trace1,
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u2, short q2, List <TimeSeriesValue> list2, ITimeSeriesTrace trace2)
            TSLibrary tsLib = new TSLibrary();
            int       compressionCode;

                u1, q1, list1.Count,
                list1[0].Date, list1[list1.Count - 1].Date, list1, trace1, out compressionCode);

                u2, q2, list2.Count,
                list2[0].Date, list2[list2.Count - 1].Date, list2, trace2, out compressionCode);

            Assert.IsTrue(trace1.Checksum.Length == 16);
            Assert.IsTrue(trace2.Checksum.Length == 16);

            for (int i = 0; i < trace2.Checksum.Length; i++)
                if (trace1.Checksum[i] != trace2.Checksum[i])

コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// This method converts a List of TimeSeriesValue objects into a BLOB (byte array) of 
        /// time series values and computes a checksum from the BLOB.  This method assigns the new values
        /// of the ValueBlob, Checksum, EndDate, and TimeStepCount to the object given in the traceObject
        /// parameter. The TraceNumber property of the traceObject parameter must be set before calling 
        /// this method.
        /// The entire List is converted into the BLOB--i.e., the method does not take any 
        /// parameters for limiting the size of the List that is created.  This method will
        /// throw exceptions if the meta-parameters that are passed in are not consistent
        /// with the List of TimeSeriesValue objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeStepUnit">TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode value for 
        /// Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year, or Irregular</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepQuantity">The number of the given unit that defines the time step.
        /// For instance, if the time step is 6 hours long, then this value is 6.</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepCount">The number of time steps stored in the BLOB</param>
        /// <param name="blobStartDate">Date of the first time step in the BLOB</param>
        /// <param name="blobEndDate">Date of the last time step in the BLOB</param>
        /// <param name="dateValueList">A List of TimeSeriesValue objects that will be converted to a BLOB</param>
        /// <param name="traceObject">an object which contains the a TraceNumber property that is used to 
        /// compute the checksum.  The computed BLOB and checksum are both saved to the appropriate properties
        /// of this object.</param>
        /// <param name="compressionCode">a generation number that indicates what compression technique to use</param>
        /// <returns>The BLOB (byte array) of time series values that was created from dateValueList</returns>
        public byte[] ConvertListToBlobWithChecksum(
                    TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
                    int timeStepCount, DateTime blobStartDate, DateTime blobEndDate,
                    List<TimeSeriesValue> dateValueList,
                    ITimeSeriesTrace traceObject, out int compressionCode)
            // Error checks
            if (dateValueList.Count != timeStepCount)
                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Checksum_Improper_Count);
            if (dateValueList[0].Date != blobStartDate)
                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Checksum_Improper_StartDate);
            if (dateValueList.Last().Date != blobEndDate)
                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Checksum_Improper_EndDate);

            // When compressing, we always use the latest compression method
            compressionCode = TSBlobCoder.currentCompressionCode;
            // Assign properties to the Trace object
            if (traceObject.EndDate != blobEndDate)
                traceObject.EndDate = blobEndDate;
            if (traceObject.TimeStepCount != timeStepCount)
                traceObject.TimeStepCount = timeStepCount;

            // Convert the List dateValueList into a BLOB.
            if (timeStepUnit == TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Irregular)
                // IRREGULAR TIME SERIES

                // The method in TSBlobCoder can only process an array of TSDateValueStruct.  Therefore
                // we convert the List of objects to an Array of struct instances.
                TSDateValueStruct[] dateValueArray = dateValueList.Select(tsv => (TSDateValueStruct)tsv).ToArray();
                // Let the method in TSBlobCoder class do all the work
                TSBlobCoder.ConvertArrayToBlobIrregular(dateValueArray, compressionCode, traceObject);
                // REGULAR TIME SERIES

                // The method in TSBlobCoder can only process an array of double values.  Therefore
                // we convert the List of date/value objects to an Array values.
                double[] valueArray = dateValueList.Select(dv => dv.Value).ToArray();
                // Let the method in TSBlobCoder class do all the work
                TSBlobCoder.ConvertArrayToBlobRegular(valueArray, compressionCode, traceObject);

            return traceObject.ValueBlob;
コード例 #10
 private unsafe void WriteOneTraceParam(int id, ITimeSeriesTrace traceObject, SqlCommand cmd)
     cmd.Parameters["@TimeSeries_Id"].Value = id;
     cmd.Parameters["@TraceNumber"].Value = 26;
     cmd.Parameters["@ValueBlob"].Value = traceObject.ValueBlob;
     cmd.Parameters["@Checksum"].Value = traceObject.ValueBlob;
コード例 #11
        private unsafe void WriteOneTrace(ITimeSeriesTrace traceObject)
            // SQL statement that gives us a resultset for the DataTable object.  Note that
            // this query is rigged so that it will always return 0 records.  This is because
            // we only want the resultset to define the fields of the DataTable object.
            String comm = BuildStringForEmptyTraceDataTable();
            // SqlDataAdapter object will use the query to fill the DataTable
            using (SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(comm, Connx))
                // SqlCommandBuilder object must be instantiated in order for us to call
                // the Update method of the SqlDataAdapter.  Interestingly, we only need to
                // instantiate this object--we don't need to use it in any other way.
                using (SqlCommandBuilder bld = new SqlCommandBuilder(adp))
                    DataTable dTable = new DataTable();
                    // Execute the query to fill the DataTable object
                    catch (Exception e)
                    {   // The query failed
                        throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Could_Not_Open_Table,
                                        "Table '" + TableName + "' could not be opened using query:\n\n" + comm, e);
                    // DataRow object represents the current row of the DataTable object, which in turn
                    // represents a record that we will add to the database table.
                    DataRow currentRow = dTable.NewRow();

                    // transfer all of the data into the DataRow object
                    currentRow["TimeSeries_Id"] = 1;
                    currentRow["TraceNumber"] = traceObject.TraceNumber;
                    currentRow["ValueBlob"] = traceObject.ValueBlob;
                    currentRow["Checksum"] = traceObject.Checksum;
                    // Save the DataRow object to the database