コード例 #1
 public RenderTargetViewControl( )
     InitializeComponent( );
     m_Sampler = Graphics.Factory.CreateTexture2dSampler( );
     m_Sampler.WrapS = TextureWrap.Repeat;
     m_Sampler.WrapT = TextureWrap.Repeat;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor
        /// </summary>
        public SpherePlanetRingRenderer( )
            ITexture2d texture = ( ITexture2d )AssetManager.Instance.Load( "Rings\\ring1.jpg" );
            m_Texture = Graphics.Factory.CreateTexture2dSampler( );
            m_Texture.Texture = texture;

            m_State = Graphics.Factory.CreateRenderState( );
            m_State.Enable2dTextures = true;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds this font from a System.Drawing.Font object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="font">Font to build from</param>
        /// <param name="characters">Set of characters to build the font texture from</param>
        /// <returns>Returns this</returns>
        public void Setup( Font font, FontData.CharacterSet characters )
            Bitmap img = BuildFontImage( font, characters );
            img.Save( string.Format( "{0}{1}.png", font.Name, font.Size ), ImageFormat.Png );

            m_FontTextureSampler			= Graphics.Factory.CreateTexture2dSampler( );
            m_FontTextureSampler.Texture	= Graphics.Factory.CreateTexture2d( );
            m_FontTextureSampler.Texture.Create( img, false );
            m_FontTextureSampler.Mode		= TextureMode.Modulate;
            m_FontTextureSampler.MinFilter	= TextureFilter.NearestTexel;
            m_FontTextureSampler.MagFilter	= TextureFilter.NearestTexel;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the grid as a texture
        /// </summary>
        private void RenderTexture( )
            if ( m_TextureState == null )
                m_TextureState = Graphics.Factory.CreateRenderState( );
                m_TextureState.Lighting = false;
                m_TextureState.Enable2dTextures = true;
                m_TextureState.Enable2dTextureUnit(0, true );

                ITexture2d texture = Graphics.Factory.CreateTexture2d( );
                texture.Load( GridSquareBitmap, true, TextureUsage.Normal );

                m_Sampler = Graphics.Factory.CreateTexture2dSampler( );
                m_Sampler.Texture = texture;
                m_Sampler.Mode = TextureMode.Replace;
                m_Sampler.MinFilter = TextureFilter.NearestTexelLinearMipMap;
                m_Sampler.MagFilter = TextureFilter.NearestTexelLinearMipMap;
                m_Sampler.WrapS = TextureWrap.Repeat;
                m_Sampler.WrapT = TextureWrap.Repeat;

            //	For the moment, let's just render a giant quad with a texture :(
            //	TODO: AP: Render a grid of quads centered on the camera position projected onto the ground plane
            Graphics.Renderer.PushRenderState( m_TextureState );
            m_Sampler.Begin( );

            Gl.glBegin( Gl.GL_QUADS );

            Gl.glTexCoord2f( MinU, MinV );
            Gl.glVertex3f( MinX, Y, MinZ );

            Gl.glTexCoord2f( MaxU, MinV );
            Gl.glVertex3f( MaxX, Y, MinZ );

            Gl.glTexCoord2f( MaxU, MaxV );
            Gl.glVertex3f( MaxX, Y, MaxZ );

            Gl.glTexCoord2f( MinU, MaxV );
            Gl.glVertex3f( MinX, Y, MaxZ );

            Gl.glEnd( );

            m_Sampler.End( );
            Graphics.Renderer.PopRenderState( );
コード例 #5
 public SimpleSpriteRenderer( )
     m_Texture = Graphics.Factory.CreateTexture2dSampler( );
     m_Texture.WrapS = TextureWrap.Repeat;
     m_Texture.WrapT = TextureWrap.Repeat;
コード例 #6
        private void TextureForm_Shown( object sender, System.EventArgs e )
            ITexture2d texture;
                TextureLoadParameters parameters = new TextureLoadParameters( true );
                texture = ( ITexture2d )AssetManager.Instance.Load( m_FilePath, parameters );

                //texture.ToBitmap( false )[ 0 ].Save( "output.png" );
            catch ( Exception ex )
                string msg = string.Format( "Error occurred opening \"{0}\" - {1}", Path.GetFileName( m_FilePath ), ex.Message );
                MessageBox.Show( this, msg, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error );
                Close( );

            m_Sampler = Graphics.Factory.CreateTexture2dSampler( );
            m_Sampler.Texture = texture;
            m_Sampler.Mode = TextureMode.Modulate;