/// <summary> /// Capture requirements for Scope structure /// </summary> /// <param name="scopes">Scope structure</param> /// <param name="site">A instance of ITestSite.</param> public static void CaptureScopesElementRequirements(ScopesType scopes, ITestSite site) { // Add debug info site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Scopes: {0}", scopes); site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( scopes, 55, @"[In Scopes] Each element in the list is actually a UTF-8-encoded string representation of the HoHoDk value in hexBinary format [XMLSCHEMA1.1/2] [and represents one segment]."); // Add debug info site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Scopes: {0}", scopes); site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( scopes.Text.Length > 0, 158, @"[The <Scopes> element represents the list of discovery provider scopes, where] each element in the list is a string."); }
/// <summary> /// Capture requirements related with AmIAlone Sub-request. /// </summary> /// <param name="amIAloneSubResponse">Containing the AmIAloneSubResponse information</param> /// <param name="site">Instance of ITestSite</param> public static void ValidateAmIAloneSubResponse(AmIAloneSubResponseType amIAloneSubResponse, ITestSite site) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R22555 site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 22555, @"[In AmIAloneSubResponseType] <xs:complexType name=""AmIAloneSubResponseType"" > < xs:complexContent > < xs:extension base = ""tns:SubResponseType"" > < xs:sequence minOccurs = ""0"" maxOccurs = ""1"" > < xs:element name = ""SubResponseData"" type = ""tns:AmIAloneSubResponseDataType"" /> </ xs:sequence > </ xs:extension > </ xs:complexContent > </ xs:complexType > "); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2256 site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 2256, @"[In AmIAloneSubResponseType]SubResponseData: An AmIAloneSubResponseDataType that specifies the information about whether the user is alone that was requested as part of the AmIAlone subrequest."); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2363 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>( typeof(AmIAloneSubResponseType), amIAloneSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 2363, @"[AmIAlone Subrequest]The protocol server responds with an AmIAlone SubResponse message, which is of type AmIAloneSubResponseType as specified in section "); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2146 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>( typeof(AmIAloneSubResponseType), amIAloneSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 2146, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType] Depending on the Type attribute specified in the SubRequest element, the SubResponseElementGenericType MUST take one of the forms: AmIAloneSubResponseType"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2164 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>( typeof(AmIAloneSubResponseType), amIAloneSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 2164, @"[In SubResponseType] The SubResponseElementGenericType takes one of the following forms: AmIAloneSubResponseType."); ErrorCodeType errorCode; site.Assert.IsTrue(Enum.TryParse <ErrorCodeType>(amIAloneSubResponse.ErrorCode, true, out errorCode), "Fail to convert the error code string {0} to the Enum type ErrorCodeType", amIAloneSubResponse.ErrorCode); if (errorCode == ErrorCodeType.Success) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2158 site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( amIAloneSubResponse.SubResponseData, "MS-FSSHTTP", 2158, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType][The SubResponseData element MUST be sent as part of the SubResponse element in a cell storage service response message if the ErrorCode attribute that is part of the SubResponse element is set to a value of ""Success"" and one of the following conditions is true:] The Type attribute that is specified in the SubRequest element is set to a value of ""AmIAlone""."); } // Verify requirements related with its base type: SubResponseType ValidateSubResponseType(amIAloneSubResponse as SubResponseType, site); // Verify requirements related with SubResponseDataType if (amIAloneSubResponse.SubResponseData != null) { ValidateAmIAloneSubResponseDataType(amIAloneSubResponse.SubResponseData, site); } }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to test Sub-Responses related adapter requirements. /// </summary> /// <param name="instance">Specify the instance which need to be verified.</param> /// <param name="site">Specify the ITestSite instance.</param> public void VerifyFsshttpbSubResponse(FsshttpbSubResponse instance, ITestSite site) { // If the instance is not null and there are no parsing errors, then the Sub-Responses related adapter requirements can be directly captured. if (null == instance) { site.Assert.Fail("The instance of type FsshttpbSubResponse is null due to parsing error or type casting error."); } // Verify the stream object header related requirements. this.ExpectStreamObjectHeaderStart(instance.StreamObjectHeaderStart, instance.GetType(), site); // Directly capture requirement MS-FSSHTTPB_R548, if the header start type is StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit. site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<Type>( typeof(StreamObjectHeaderStart32bit), instance.StreamObjectHeaderStart.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTPB", 548, @"[In Sub-Responses] Sub-response Start (4 bytes): A 32-bit stream object header (section that specifies a sub-response start."); RequestTypes expectTypeValue = MsfsshttpbSubRequestMapping.GetSubRequestType((int)instance.RequestID.DecodedValue, site); // Capture requirement MS-FSSHTTPB_R549, if the request type is consistent with the expected value. site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<RequestTypes>( expectTypeValue, (RequestTypes)instance.RequestType.DecodedValue, "MS-FSSHTTPB", 549, @"[In Sub-Responses] Request ID (variable): A compact unsigned 64-bit integer (section that specifies the request number this sub-response is for."); // Capture requirement MS-FSSHTTPB_R550, if the request type is consistent with the expected value. site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<RequestTypes>( expectTypeValue, (RequestTypes)instance.RequestType.DecodedValue, "MS-FSSHTTPB", 550, @"[In Sub-Responses] Request Type (variable): A compact unsigned 64-bit integer that specifies the request type (section matching the request."); // Verify the request types related requirements. this.VerifyRequestTypes((RequestTypes)instance.RequestType.DecodedValue, site); if (instance.Status == true) { site.Log.Add( LogEntryKind.Debug, "When the status is set, the response error should exist."); // Capture requirement MS-FSSHTTPB_R552, if the response error is exist when the status is set. site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( instance.ResponseError, "MS-FSSHTTPB", 552, @"[In Sub-Responses] A - Status (1 bit): If set, A response error (section MUST follow."); // Capture requirement MS-FSSHTTPB_R551, if the response error is exist when the status is set. site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( instance.ResponseError, "MS-FSSHTTPB", 551, @"[In Sub-Responses] A - Status (1 bit): If set, a bit that specifies the sub-request has failed."); // Directly capture requirement MS-FSSHTTPB_R555, if there are no parsing errors. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTPB", 555, @"[In Sub-Responses] Sub-response data (variable): A response error that specifies the error information about failure of the sub-request."); } else { site.Assert.IsNotNull( instance.SubResponseData, "When the status is not set, the response data cannot be null."); switch ((int)instance.RequestType.DecodedValue) { case 1: site.Assert.AreEqual<Type>( typeof(QueryAccessSubResponseData), instance.SubResponseData.GetType(), "When the request type value equals to 1, then the response data MUST be the type QueryAccessSubResponseData"); // Directly capture requirement MS-FSSHTTPB_R578, if the above assertion was validated. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTPB", 578, @"[In Sub-Responses][Request Type is set to ]1 [specifies the Sub-response data is for the ]Query access (section[operation]."); break; case 2: site.Assert.AreEqual<Type>( typeof(QueryChangesSubResponseData), instance.SubResponseData.GetType(), "When the request type value equals to 2, then the response data MUST be the type QueryChangesSubResponseData"); // Directly capture requirement MS-FSSHTTPB_R579, if the above assertion was validated. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTPB", 579, @"[In Sub-Responses][Request Type is set to ]2 [specifies the Sub-response data is for the ]Query changes (section[operation]."); break; case 5: site.Assert.AreEqual<Type>( typeof(PutChangesSubResponseData), instance.SubResponseData.GetType(), "When the request type value equals to 5, then the response data MUST be the type PutChangesSubResponseData"); // Directly capture requirement MS-FSSHTTPB_R582, if the above assertion was validated. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTPB", 582, @"[In Sub-Responses][Request Type is set to ]5 [specifies the Sub-response data is for the ]Put changes (section[operation]."); break; case 11: site.Assert.AreEqual<Type>( typeof(AllocateExtendedGuidRangeSubResponseData), instance.SubResponseData.GetType(), "When the request type value equals to 11, then the response data MUST be the type AllocateExtendedGuidRangeSubResponseData"); break; default: site.Assert.Fail("Unsupported sub request type " + (int)instance.RequestType.DecodedValue); break; } // If the above asserts are validate, the requirement MS-FSSHTTPB_R5551 can be captured. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTPB", 5551, @"[In Sub-Responses] depending on the request type (section, [Sub-response data (variable)] specifies additional data. See the following table for details:[of request type number value and operation]"); } // Capture requirement MS-FSSHTTPB_R553, if the reserved value equals to 0. site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<byte>( 0, instance.Reserved, "MS-FSSHTTPB", 553, @"[In Sub-Responses] Reserved (7 bits): A 7 bit reserved field that MUST be set to zero."); // Verify the stream object header end related requirements. this.ExpectStreamObjectHeaderEnd(instance.StreamObjectHeaderEnd, instance.GetType(), site); this.ExpectCompoundObject(instance.StreamObjectHeaderStart, site); // Capture requirement MS-FSSHTTPB_R586, if the end type is StreamObjectHeaderEnd16bit. site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<Type>( typeof(StreamObjectHeaderEnd16bit), instance.StreamObjectHeaderEnd.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTPB", 586, @"[In Sub-Responses] Sub-response End (2 bytes): A 16-bit stream object header (section that specifies a sub-response end."); }
/// <summary> /// Capture requirements related with Cell Sub-request. /// </summary> /// <param name="cellSubResponse">Containing the CellSubResponse information</param> /// <param name="site">Instance of ITestSite</param> public static void ValidateCellSubResponse(CellSubResponseType cellSubResponse, ITestSite site) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R553 site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 553, @"[In CellSubResponseType][CellSubResponseType schema is:] <xs:complexType name=""CellSubResponseType""> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base=""tns:SubResponseType""> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name=""SubResponseData"" type=""tns:CellSubResponseDataType"" minOccurs=""0"" maxOccurs=""1"" /> <xs:element name=""SubResponseStreamInvalid"" minOccurs=""0"" maxOccurs=""1"" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R951 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>( typeof(CellSubResponseType), cellSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 951, @"[In Cell Subrequest][The protocol client sends a cell SubRequest message, which is of type CellSubRequestType,] The protocol server responds with a cell SubResponse message, which is of type CellSubResponseType as specified in section"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R1687 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>( typeof(CellSubResponseType), cellSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 1687, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType] Depending on the Type attribute specified in the SubRequest element, the SubResponseElementGenericType MUST take one of the forms: CellSubResponseType."); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R274 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>( typeof(CellSubResponseType), cellSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 274, @"[In SubResponseType] The SubResponseElementGenericType takes one of the following forms: CellSubResponseType."); ErrorCodeType errorCode; site.Assert.IsTrue(Enum.TryParse <ErrorCodeType>(cellSubResponse.ErrorCode, true, out errorCode), "Fail to convert the error code string {0} to the Enum type ErrorCodeType", cellSubResponse.ErrorCode); if (cellSubResponse.ErrorCode != null) { ValidateCellRequestErrorCodeTypes(errorCode, site); } if (errorCode == ErrorCodeType.Success) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R263 site.Log.Add( LogEntryKind.Debug, "For requirement MS-FSSHTTP_R263, the SubResponseData value should not be NULL when the cell sub-request succeeds, the actual SubResponseData value is: {0}", cellSubResponse.SubResponseData != null ? cellSubResponse.SubResponseData.ToString() : "NULL"); site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( cellSubResponse.SubResponseData, "MS-FSSHTTP", 263, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType][The SubResponseData element MUST be sent as part of the SubResponse element in a cell storage service response message if the ErrorCode attribute that is part of the SubResponse element is set to a value of ""Success"" and one of the following conditions is true:] The Type attribute that is specified in the SubRequest element is set to a value of ""Cell""."); } // Verify requirements related with its base type : SubResponseType ValidateSubResponseType(cellSubResponse as SubResponseType, site); // Verify requirements related with CellSubResponseDataType if (cellSubResponse.SubResponseData != null) { ValidateCellSubResponseDataType(cellSubResponse.SubResponseData, site); } }
/// <summary> /// Capture requirements related with LockStatusSubResponseDataType /// </summary> /// <param name="lockStatusSubResponseData">The LockStatusSubResponseData information</param> /// <param name="site">Instance of ITestSite</param> private static void ValidateLockStatusSubResponseDataType(LockStatusSubResponseDataType lockStatusSubResponseData, ITestSite site) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2382 // if can launch this method, the schema matches. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 2382, @"[LockStatus Subrequest]The LockStatusSubResponseDataType defines the type of the SubResponseData element inside the LockStatusSubResponse element. "); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2266 site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 2266, @"[In LockStatusSubResponseDataType] <xs:complexType name=""LockStatusSubResponseDataType""> <xs:attribute name=""LockType"" type=""tns:LockTypes"" use=""optional"" /> <xs:attribute name=""LockID"" type=""tns:guid"" use=""optional"" /> <xs:attribute name=""LockedBy"" type=""xs:string"" use=""optional"" /> </xs:complexType>" ); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2135 // The SubResponseData of LockStatusSubResponse is of type LockStatusSubResponseDataType, so if lockStatusSubResponse.SubResponseData is not null, then MS-FSSHTTP_R2135 can be captured. site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>( typeof(LockStatusSubResponseDataType), lockStatusSubResponseData.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 2135, @"[In SubResponseDataGenericType][SubResponseDataGenericType MUST take one of the forms described in the following table]LockStatusSubResponseDataType:Type definition for Lock Status subresponse data."); if (lockStatusSubResponseData.LockID != null) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2182 site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( lockStatusSubResponseData.LockID, "MS-FSSHTTP", 2182, @"[In SubResponseDataOptionalAttributes]LockedID: A guid that specifies the id of the lock."); // MS-FSSHTTP_R2182 is verified,so MS-FSSHTTP_R22699 can be verified directly site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 22699, @"[In LockStatusSubResponseDataType]LockedID: A guid that specifies the id of the lock."); } if (lockStatusSubResponseData.LockedBy != null) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2183 site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( lockStatusSubResponseData.LockedBy, "MS-FSSHTTP", 2183, @"[In SubResponseDataOptionalAttributes]LockedBy: A string that specifies the user that has the file locked, if any."); // MS-FSSHTTP_R2183 is verified,so MS-FSSHTTP_R2270 can be verified directly site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 2270, @"[In LockStatusSubResponseDataType]LockedBy: A string that specifies the user that has the file locked, if any."); } if (lockStatusSubResponseData.LockTypeSpecified) { ValidateLockTypes(site); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2267 site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( lockStatusSubResponseData.LockType, "MS-FSSHTTP", 2267, @"[In LockStatusSubResponseDataType]LockType: A LockTypes that specifies the type of lock granted in a coauthoring subresponse. "); } }
/// <summary> /// Capture requirements related with WhoAmI Sub-request. /// </summary> /// <param name="whoamiSubResponse">Containing the WhoAmISubResponse information</param> /// <param name="site">Instance of ITestSite</param> public static void ValidateWhoAmISubResponse(WhoAmISubResponseType whoamiSubResponse, ITestSite site) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R765 site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 765, @"[In WhoAmISubResponseType][WhoAmISubResponseType schema is:] <xs:complexType name=""WhoAmISubResponseType""> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base=""tns:SubResponseType""> <xs:sequence minOccurs=""0"" maxOccurs=""1""> <xs:element name=""SubResponseData"" type=""tns:WhoAmISubResponseDataType""/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R1316 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>( typeof(WhoAmISubResponseType), whoamiSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 1316, @"[In WhoAmI Subrequest][The protocol client sends a WhoAmI SubRequest message, which is of type WhoAmISubRequestType] The protocol server responds with a WhoAmI SubResponse message, which is of type WhoAmISubResponseType as specified in section"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R4692 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>( typeof(WhoAmISubResponseType), whoamiSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 4692, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType] Depending on the Type attribute specified in the SubRequest element, the SubResponseElementGenericType MUST take one of the forms: WhoAmISubResponseType."); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R5746 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>( typeof(WhoAmISubResponseType), whoamiSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 5746, @"[In SubResponseType] The SubResponseElementGenericType takes one of the following forms: WhoAmISubResponseType."); ErrorCodeType errorCode; site.Assert.IsTrue(Enum.TryParse <ErrorCodeType>(whoamiSubResponse.ErrorCode, true, out errorCode), "Fail to convert the error code string {0} to the Enum type ErrorCodeType", whoamiSubResponse.ErrorCode); if (errorCode == ErrorCodeType.Success) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R268 site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( whoamiSubResponse.SubResponseData, "MS-FSSHTTP", 268, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType][The SubResponseData element MUST be sent as part of the SubResponse element in a cell storage service response message if the ErrorCode attribute that is part of the SubResponse element is set to a value of ""Success"" and one of the following conditions is true:] The Type attribute that is specified in the SubRequest element is set to a value of ""WhoAmI""."); } // Verify requirements related with its base type: SubResponseType ValidateSubResponseType(whoamiSubResponse as SubResponseType, site); // Verify requirements related with SubResponseDataType if (whoamiSubResponse.SubResponseData != null) { ValidateWhoAmISubResponseDataType(whoamiSubResponse.SubResponseData, site); } }
/// <summary> /// Capture requirements related with ServerTime Sub-request. /// </summary> /// <param name="servertimeSubResponse">The SubResponse information.</param> /// <param name="site">Instance of ITestSite</param> public static void ValidateServerTimeSubResponse(ServerTimeSubResponseType servertimeSubResponse, ITestSite site) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R4691 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>( typeof(ServerTimeSubResponseType), servertimeSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 4691, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType] Depending on the Type attribute specified in the SubRequest element, the SubResponseElementGenericType MUST take one of the forms: ServerTimeSubResponseType."); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R5745 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>( typeof(ServerTimeSubResponseType), servertimeSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 5745, @"[In SubResponseType] The SubResponseElementGenericType takes one of the following forms: ServerTimeSubResponseType."); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R746 site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 746, @"[In ServerTimeSubResponseType][ServerTimeSubResponseType schema is:] <xs:complexType name=""ServerTimeSubResponseType""> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base=""tns:SubResponseType""> <xs:sequence minOccurs=""1"" maxOccurs=""1""> <xs:element name=""SubResponseData"" type=""tns:ServerTimeSubResponseDataType""/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R1331 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>( typeof(ServerTimeSubResponseType), servertimeSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 1331, @"[In ServerTime Subrequest][The protocol client sends a ServerTime SubRequest message, which is of ServerTimeSubRequestType] The protocol server responds with a ServerTime SubResponse message, which is of type ServerTimeSubResponseType as specified in section"); ErrorCodeType errorCode; site.Assert.IsTrue(Enum.TryParse <ErrorCodeType>(servertimeSubResponse.ErrorCode, true, out errorCode), "Fail to convert the error code string {0} to the Enum type ErrorCodeType", servertimeSubResponse.ErrorCode); if (errorCode == ErrorCodeType.Success) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R266 // If servertimeSubResponse.SubResponseData is not null, SubResponseData element is sent. site.Log.Add( LogEntryKind.Debug, "For requirement MS-FSSHTTP_R266, the SubResponseData element should be sent as part of the SubResponse element in a cell storage service response message, the actual SubResponseData value is: {0}", servertimeSubResponse.SubResponseData != null ? servertimeSubResponse.SubResponseData.ToString() : "NULL"); site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( servertimeSubResponse.SubResponseData, "MS-FSSHTTP", 266, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType][The SubResponseData element MUST be sent as part of the SubResponse element in a cell storage service response message if the ErrorCode attribute that is part of the SubResponse element is set to a value of ""Success"" and one of the following conditions is true:] The Type attribute that is specified in the SubRequest element is set to a value of ""ServerTime""."); } // Verify requirements related with its base type: SubResponseType ValidateSubResponseType(servertimeSubResponse as SubResponseType, site); // Verify requirements related with ServerTimeSubResponseDataType if (servertimeSubResponse.SubResponseData != null) { ValidateServerTimeSubResponseDataType(servertimeSubResponse.SubResponseData, site); } }
/// <summary> /// Capture requirements related with Response element. /// </summary> /// <param name="response">The Response information</param> /// <param name="site">Instance of ITestSite</param> private static void ValidateResponseElement(Response response, ITestSite site) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R97 site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 97, @"[In Response][Response element schema is:] <xs:element name=""Response""> <!--Allows for the numbers to be displayed between the SubResponse elements--> <xs:complexType mixed=""true""> <xs:sequence minOccurs=""1"" maxOccurs=""unbounded""> <xs:element name=""SubResponse"" type=""tns:SubResponseElementGenericType"" /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name=""Url"" type=""xs:string"" use=""required""/> <xs:attribute name=""RequestToken"" type=""xs:nonNegativeInteger"" use=""required"" /> <xs:attribute name=""HealthScore"" type=""xs:integer"" use=""required""/> <xs:attribute name=""ErrorCode"" type=""tns:GenericErrorCodeTypes"" use=""optional"" /> <xs:attribute name=""ErrorMessage"" type=""xs:string"" use=""optional""/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R104 site.Log.Add( LogEntryKind.Debug, "For requirement MS-FSSHTTP_R104, the Url attribute value should be specified, the actual Url value is: {0}", response.Url != null ? response.Url : "NULL"); site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( response.Url, "MS-FSSHTTP", 104, @"[In Response] The Url attribute MUST be specified for each Response element."); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R1482 // The responseElement.SubResponse.Length specifies the number of SubResponse element in Response. bool isVerifiedR96 = response.SubResponse.Length >= 1; site.Log.Add( LogEntryKind.Debug, "For requirement MS-FSSHTTP_R1482, the Response element should contain one or more SubResponse elements, the actual SubResponse elements number is: {0}", response.SubResponse.Length.ToString()); site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isVerifiedR96, "MS-FSSHTTP", 96, @"[In Response] Each Response element MUST contain one or more SubResponse elements."); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R107 site.Log.Add( LogEntryKind.Debug, "For requirement MS-FSSHTTP_R263, the RequestToken should be specified, the actual RequestToken value is: {0}", response.RequestToken != null ? response.RequestToken : "NULL"); site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( response.RequestToken, "MS-FSSHTTP", 107, @"[In Response] The RequestToken MUST be specified for each Response element."); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2076 bool isVerifyR2076 = int.Parse(response.HealthScore) <= 10 && int.Parse(response.HealthScore) >= 0; site.Log.Add( LogEntryKind.Debug, "For requirement MS-FSSHTTP_R2076, the HealthScore value should be between 0 and 10, the actual HealthScore value is: {0}", response.HealthScore); site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( isVerifyR2076, "MS-FSSHTTP", 2076, @"[In Response] HealthScore: An integer which value is between 0 and 10."); // Verify requirements related with SubResponse element if (response.SubResponse != null) { foreach (SubResponseElementGenericType subResponse in response.SubResponse) { ValidateSubResponseElement(subResponse, site); } } // Verify requirements related with GenericErrorCodeTypes if (response.ErrorCodeSpecified) { ValidateGenericErrorCodeTypes(site); } }
/// <summary> /// Capture requirements related to GetDocMetaInfo sub response. /// </summary> /// <param name="getDocMetaInfoSubResponse">Containing the GetDocMetaInfoSubResponse information.</param> /// <param name="site">An object provides logging, assertions, and SUT adapters for test code onto its execution context.</param> public static void ValidateGetDocMetaInfoSubResponse(GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType getDocMetaInfoSubResponse, ITestSite site) { ValidateSubResponseType(getDocMetaInfoSubResponse as SubResponseType, site); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R1797 // if can launch this method, the schema matches. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 1797, @"[In GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType][The schema of GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType is] <xs:complexType name=""GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType""> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base=""tns:SubResponseType""> <xs:sequence minOccurs=""0"" maxOccurs=""1""> <xs:element name=""SubResponseData"" type=""tns:GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseDataType""/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2003 // if can launch this method, the schema matches. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 2003, @"[In GetDocMetaInfo Subrequest][The protocol client sends a GetDocMetaInfo SubRequest message, which is of type GetDocMetaInfoSubRequestType] The protocol server responds with a GetDocMetaInfo SubResponse message, which is of type GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType as specified in section"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R4694 // if can launch this method, the schema matches. site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<Type>( typeof(GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType), getDocMetaInfoSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 4694, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType] Depending on the Type attribute specified in the SubRequest element, the SubResponseElementGenericType MUST take one of the forms: GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType."); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R5748 // if can launch this method, the schema matches. site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<Type>( typeof(GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType), getDocMetaInfoSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 5748, @"[In SubResponseType] The SubResponseElementGenericType takes one of the following forms: GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType."); if (getDocMetaInfoSubResponse.SubResponseData != null) { ValidateGetDocMetaInfoSubResponseData(site); } if (string.Compare("Success", getDocMetaInfoSubResponse.ErrorCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R1693 bool isVerifyR1693 = getDocMetaInfoSubResponse.SubResponseData != null; // If popup the assert, the case run fail. site.Assert.IsTrue( isVerifyR1693, "For requirement MS-FSSHTTPB_R1693, the SubResponseData should not be NULL."); // If the above logic is right, MS-FSSHTTP_R1693 can be captured. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 1693, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType][The SubResponseData element MUST be sent as part of the SubResponse element in a cell storage service response message if the ErrorCode attribute that is part of the SubResponse element is set to a value of ""Success"" and one of the following conditions is true:] The Type attribute that is specified in the SubRequest element is set to a value of ""GetDocMetaInfo""."); // If the value of element "SubResponseData" in the sub-response is not null, then capture MS-FSSHTTP_R1800. site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( getDocMetaInfoSubResponse.SubResponseData, "MS-FSSHTTP", 1800, @"[In GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType] [In GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType] As part of processing the GetDocMetaInfo subrequest, the SubResponseData element MUST be sent as part of the SubResponse element in a cell storage service response message if the following condition is true: The ErrorCode attribute that is part of the SubResponse element is set to a value of ""Success""."); } // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2013 // if can launch this method, the schema matches. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 2013, @"[In GetDocMetaInfo Subrequest] The GetDocMetaInfoPropertySetType elements have one Property element per metadata item of type GetDocMetaInfoPropertyType as defined in section"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R1685 // if can launch this method, the schema matches. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 1685, @"[In SubResponseDataGenericType][SubResponseDataGenericType MUST take one of the forms described in the following table] GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseDataType: Type definition for Get Doc Meta Info subresponse data."); }
/// <summary> /// Capture requirements related with SubResponseType /// </summary> /// <param name="subResponse">The SubResponseType information</param> /// <param name="site">Instance of ITestSite</param> public static void ValidateSubResponseType(SubResponseType subResponse, ITestSite site) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R281 site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 281, @"[In SubResponseType][SubResponseType schema is:] <xs:complexType name=""SubResponseType""> <xs:attribute name=""SubRequestToken"" type=""xs:nonNegativeInteger"" use=""required""/> <xs:attribute name=""ErrorCode"" type=""tns:ErrorCodeTypes"" use=""required"" /> <xs:attribute name=""HResult"" type=""xs:integer"" use=""required"" fixed=""0""/> <xs:attribute name=""ErrorMessage"" type=""xs:string"" use=""optional""/> </xs:complexType>"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R284 // If the SubRequestToken attribute isn't null, then capture MS-FSSHTTP_R284. site.Log.Add( LogEntryKind.Debug, "For requirement MS-FSSHTTP_R284, the SubRequestToken should be specified, the actual SubRequestToken value is: {0}", subResponse.SubRequestToken != null ? subResponse.SubRequestToken : "NULL"); site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( subResponse.SubRequestToken, "MS-FSSHTTP", 284, @"[In SubResponseType] The SubRequestToken attribute MUST be specified for a SubResponse element."); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R290 // If the ErrorCode attribute is not null, capture R290. site.Log.Add( LogEntryKind.Debug, "For requirement MS-FSSHTTP_R290, the ErrorCode attribute should be specified, the actual ErrorCode value is: {0}", subResponse.ErrorCode != null ? subResponse.ErrorCode : "NULL"); site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( subResponse.ErrorCode, "MS-FSSHTTP", 290, @"[In SubResponseType] The ErrorCode attribute MUST be specified for a SubResponse element."); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R1003 site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( subResponse.ErrorCode, "MS-FSSHTTP", 1003, @"[In Coauth Subrequest][The protocol server returns results based on the following conditions:] Depending on the type of error, ErrorCode is returned as an attribute of the SubResponse element."); if (subResponse.ErrorCode != null) { ErrorCodeType errorCode; site.Assert.IsTrue(Enum.TryParse<ErrorCodeType>(subResponse.ErrorCode, true, out errorCode), "Fail to convert the error code string {0} to the Enum type ErrorCodeType", subResponse.ErrorCode); // Verify requirements related with ErrorCodeTypes ValidateErrorCodeTypes(errorCode, site); } }
/// <summary> /// Capture requirements related with ResponseCollection /// </summary> /// <param name="responseCollection">The ResponseCollection information</param> /// <param name="requestToken">The expected RequestToken</param> /// <param name="site">Instance of ITestSite</param> public static void ValidateResponseCollection(ResponseCollection responseCollection, string requestToken, ITestSite site) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP_R19 site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 19, @"[In Response] [The Body element of each SOAP response message MUST contain] zero or more ResponseCollection elements."); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R121 // If WebUrl is not null, WebUrl attribute is specified. site.Log.Add( LogEntryKind.Debug, "For requirement MS-FSSHTTP_R121, the WebUrl attribute should be specified, the actual WebUrl value is: {0}", responseCollection.WebUrl != null ? responseCollection.WebUrl : "NULL"); site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( responseCollection.WebUrl, "MS-FSSHTTP", 121, @"[In ResponseCollection] The WebUrl attribute MUST be specified for each ResponseCollection element."); // Now here only supported one request. if (responseCollection.Response != null && responseCollection.Response.Length >= 1) { MsfsshttpAdapterCapture.ValidateResponseElement(responseCollection.Response[0], site); MsfsshttpAdapterCapture.ValidateResponseToken(responseCollection.Response[0], requestToken, site); } }
/// <summary> /// Capture requirements related with WhoAmI Sub-request. /// </summary> /// <param name="whoamiSubResponse">Containing the WhoAmISubResponse information</param> /// <param name="site">Instance of ITestSite</param> public static void ValidateWhoAmISubResponse(WhoAmISubResponseType whoamiSubResponse, ITestSite site) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R765 site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 765, @"[In WhoAmISubResponseType][WhoAmISubResponseType schema is:] <xs:complexType name=""WhoAmISubResponseType""> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base=""tns:SubResponseType""> <xs:sequence minOccurs=""0"" maxOccurs=""1""> <xs:element name=""SubResponseData"" type=""tns:WhoAmISubResponseDataType""/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R1316 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<Type>( typeof(WhoAmISubResponseType), whoamiSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 1316, @"[In WhoAmI Subrequest][The protocol client sends a WhoAmI SubRequest message, which is of type WhoAmISubRequestType] The protocol server responds with a WhoAmI SubResponse message, which is of type WhoAmISubResponseType as specified in section"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R4692 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<Type>( typeof(WhoAmISubResponseType), whoamiSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 4692, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType] Depending on the Type attribute specified in the SubRequest element, the SubResponseElementGenericType MUST take one of the forms: WhoAmISubResponseType."); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R5746 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<Type>( typeof(WhoAmISubResponseType), whoamiSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 5746, @"[In SubResponseType] The SubResponseElementGenericType takes one of the following forms: WhoAmISubResponseType."); ErrorCodeType errorCode; site.Assert.IsTrue(Enum.TryParse<ErrorCodeType>(whoamiSubResponse.ErrorCode, true, out errorCode), "Fail to convert the error code string {0} to the Enum type ErrorCodeType", whoamiSubResponse.ErrorCode); if (errorCode == ErrorCodeType.Success) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R268 site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( whoamiSubResponse.SubResponseData, "MS-FSSHTTP", 268, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType][The SubResponseData element MUST be sent as part of the SubResponse element in a cell storage service response message if the ErrorCode attribute that is part of the SubResponse element is set to a value of ""Success"" and one of the following conditions is true:] The Type attribute that is specified in the SubRequest element is set to a value of ""WhoAmI""."); } // Verify requirements related with its base type: SubResponseType ValidateSubResponseType(whoamiSubResponse as SubResponseType, site); // Verify requirements related with SubResponseDataType if (whoamiSubResponse.SubResponseData != null) { ValidateWhoAmISubResponseDataType(whoamiSubResponse.SubResponseData, site); } }
/// <summary> /// Capture requirements related with Cell Sub-request. /// </summary> /// <param name="cellSubResponse">Containing the CellSubResponse information</param> /// <param name="site">Instance of ITestSite</param> public static void ValidateCellSubResponse(CellSubResponseType cellSubResponse, ITestSite site) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R553 site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 553, @"[In CellSubResponseType][CellSubResponseType schema is:] <xs:complexType name=""CellSubResponseType""> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base=""tns:SubResponseType""> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name=""SubResponseData"" type=""tns:CellSubResponseDataType"" minOccurs=""0"" maxOccurs=""1"" /> <xs:element name=""SubResponseStreamInvalid"" minOccurs=""0"" maxOccurs=""1"" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R951 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<Type>( typeof(CellSubResponseType), cellSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 951, @"[In Cell Subrequest][The protocol client sends a cell SubRequest message, which is of type CellSubRequestType,] The protocol server responds with a cell SubResponse message, which is of type CellSubResponseType as specified in section"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R1687 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<Type>( typeof(CellSubResponseType), cellSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 1687, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType] Depending on the Type attribute specified in the SubRequest element, the SubResponseElementGenericType MUST take one of the forms: CellSubResponseType."); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R274 site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual<Type>( typeof(CellSubResponseType), cellSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 274, @"[In SubResponseType] The SubResponseElementGenericType takes one of the following forms: CellSubResponseType."); ErrorCodeType errorCode; site.Assert.IsTrue(Enum.TryParse<ErrorCodeType>(cellSubResponse.ErrorCode, true, out errorCode), "Fail to convert the error code string {0} to the Enum type ErrorCodeType", cellSubResponse.ErrorCode); if (cellSubResponse.ErrorCode != null) { ValidateCellRequestErrorCodeTypes(errorCode, site); } if (errorCode == ErrorCodeType.Success) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R263 site.Log.Add( LogEntryKind.Debug, "For requirement MS-FSSHTTP_R263, the SubResponseData value should not be NULL when the cell sub-request succeeds, the actual SubResponseData value is: {0}", cellSubResponse.SubResponseData != null ? cellSubResponse.SubResponseData.ToString() : "NULL"); site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( cellSubResponse.SubResponseData, "MS-FSSHTTP", 263, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType][The SubResponseData element MUST be sent as part of the SubResponse element in a cell storage service response message if the ErrorCode attribute that is part of the SubResponse element is set to a value of ""Success"" and one of the following conditions is true:] The Type attribute that is specified in the SubRequest element is set to a value of ""Cell""."); } // Verify requirements related with its base type : SubResponseType ValidateSubResponseType(cellSubResponse as SubResponseType, site); // Verify requirements related with CellSubResponseDataType if (cellSubResponse.SubResponseData != null) { ValidateCellSubResponseDataType(cellSubResponse.SubResponseData, site); } }
/// <summary> /// Capture requirements related to GetDocMetaInfo sub response. /// </summary> /// <param name="getDocMetaInfoSubResponse">Containing the GetDocMetaInfoSubResponse information.</param> /// <param name="site">An object provides logging, assertions, and SUT adapters for test code onto its execution context.</param> public static void ValidateGetDocMetaInfoSubResponse(GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType getDocMetaInfoSubResponse, ITestSite site) { ValidateSubResponseType(getDocMetaInfoSubResponse as SubResponseType, site); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R1797 // if can launch this method, the schema matches. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 1797, @"[In GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType][The schema of GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType is] <xs:complexType name=""GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType""> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base=""tns:SubResponseType""> <xs:sequence minOccurs=""0"" maxOccurs=""1""> <xs:element name=""SubResponseData"" type=""tns:GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseDataType""/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2003 // if can launch this method, the schema matches. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 2003, @"[In GetDocMetaInfo Subrequest][The protocol client sends a GetDocMetaInfo SubRequest message, which is of type GetDocMetaInfoSubRequestType] The protocol server responds with a GetDocMetaInfo SubResponse message, which is of type GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType as specified in section"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R4694 // if can launch this method, the schema matches. site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>( typeof(GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType), getDocMetaInfoSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 4694, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType] Depending on the Type attribute specified in the SubRequest element, the SubResponseElementGenericType MUST take one of the forms: GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType."); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R5748 // if can launch this method, the schema matches. site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <Type>( typeof(GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType), getDocMetaInfoSubResponse.GetType(), "MS-FSSHTTP", 5748, @"[In SubResponseType] The SubResponseElementGenericType takes one of the following forms: GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType."); if (getDocMetaInfoSubResponse.SubResponseData != null) { ValidateGetDocMetaInfoSubResponseData(site); } if (string.Compare("Success", getDocMetaInfoSubResponse.ErrorCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R1693 bool isVerifyR1693 = getDocMetaInfoSubResponse.SubResponseData != null; // If popup the assert, the case run fail. site.Assert.IsTrue( isVerifyR1693, "For requirement MS-FSSHTTPB_R1693, the SubResponseData should not be NULL."); // If the above logic is right, MS-FSSHTTP_R1693 can be captured. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 1693, @"[In SubResponseElementGenericType][The SubResponseData element MUST be sent as part of the SubResponse element in a cell storage service response message if the ErrorCode attribute that is part of the SubResponse element is set to a value of ""Success"" and one of the following conditions is true:] The Type attribute that is specified in the SubRequest element is set to a value of ""GetDocMetaInfo""."); // If the value of element "SubResponseData" in the sub-response is not null, then capture MS-FSSHTTP_R1800. site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( getDocMetaInfoSubResponse.SubResponseData, "MS-FSSHTTP", 1800, @"[In GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType] [In GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType] As part of processing the GetDocMetaInfo subrequest, the SubResponseData element MUST be sent as part of the SubResponse element in a cell storage service response message if the following condition is true: The ErrorCode attribute that is part of the SubResponse element is set to a value of ""Success""."); } // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R2013 // if can launch this method, the schema matches. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 2013, @"[In GetDocMetaInfo Subrequest] The GetDocMetaInfoPropertySetType elements have one Property element per metadata item of type GetDocMetaInfoPropertyType as defined in section"); // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R1685 // if can launch this method, the schema matches. site.CaptureRequirement( "MS-FSSHTTP", 1685, @"[In SubResponseDataGenericType][SubResponseDataGenericType MUST take one of the forms described in the following table] GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseDataType: Type definition for Get Doc Meta Info subresponse data."); }