コード例 #1
        public Order GenerateOrderInfo(int ordernumber, string customername, string state, string producttype, decimal area)
            Order   order   = new Order();
            Tax     tax     = _taxRepository.LoadTax(state);
            Product product = _productRepository.LoadProduct(producttype);

            order.OrderNumber            = ordernumber;
            order.CustomerName           = customername;
            order.State                  = state;
            order.ProductType            = producttype;
            order.Area                   = area;
            order.TaxRate                = tax.TaxRate;
            order.CostPerSquareFoot      = product.CostPerSquareFoot;
            order.LaborCostPerSquareFoot = product.LaborCostPerSquareFoot;
            order.MaterialCost           = (order.Area * order.CostPerSquareFoot);
            order.LaborCost              = (order.Area * order.LaborCostPerSquareFoot);
            order.Tax   = ((order.MaterialCost + order.LaborCost) * (order.TaxRate / 100));
            order.Total = (order.MaterialCost + order.LaborCost + order.Tax);
コード例 #2
        public void Execute()
            OrderManager manager = OrderManagerFactory.Create();

            Console.WriteLine("Edit an order");
            bool     isValidDate = false;
            DateTime orderDate   = new DateTime();
            string   date1       = "";

            while (isValidDate == false)
                date1 = io.GetDateFromUser("Please provide a date");

                orderDate = DateTime.ParseExact(date1, "MMddyyyy", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us"));

                if (orderDate <= DateTime.Today)
                    Console.WriteLine("Date must be later than today");
                    isValidDate = true;

            DisplayOrderResponse response = manager.LoadOrders(date1);

            foreach (FlooringOrder order in response.Orders)

            int  ordernumber   = -1;
            bool isValidNumber = false;

            while (isValidNumber == false)
                string orderstring = io.GetStringFromUser("Please enter an order number.");
                if (!int.TryParse(orderstring, out ordernumber))
                    Console.WriteLine("This did not work, please enter a number");
                    foreach (var item in response.Orders)
                        if (item.OrderNumber == ordernumber)
                            newOrder = item;
                    isValidNumber = true;

            string newName = PromptUser("What would you like to change your name to?");

            if (newName != "")
                while (!newName.All(c => Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || c == ',' || c == '_' || c == '.'))
                    Console.WriteLine("Names must include either letters, numbers, spaces, periods, or commas (or any combonation thereof)");
                    newName = PromptUser("What is your name?");
                newOrder.CustomerName = newName;

            TaxStateResponse taxResponse = uo.LoadTax();
            FlooringTax      orderTax    = new FlooringTax();
            bool             isValidTax  = false;

            while (isValidTax == false)
                foreach (FlooringTax tax in taxResponse.TaxRate)
                    Console.WriteLine("  " + (taxResponse.TaxRate.IndexOf(tax) + 1) + ". " + tax.StateAbbreviation);
                Console.WriteLine("Order is currently in " + newOrder.State);
                string newState = PromptUser("Enter a new state or press enter to continue.");
                if (newState != "")
                    if (int.TryParse(newState, out int nation))
                        if (nation > 0 && nation <= taxResponse.TaxRate.Count)
                            newOrder.State   = taxResponse.TaxRate[nation - 1].StateAbbreviation;
                            newOrder.TaxRate = taxResponse.TaxRate[nation - 1].TaxRate;
                            isValidTax       = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("That state isn't in our region yet.");
                    isValidTax = true;

            List <FlooringProduct> ProductList  = yo.LoadProducts();
            FlooringProduct        orderProduct = new FlooringProduct();
            bool isValidProduct = false;

            while (isValidProduct == false)
                foreach (FlooringProduct prod in ProductList)
                    Console.Write("  " + (ProductList.IndexOf(prod) + 1) + ". " + prod.ProductType);
                    Console.Write("   Cost per sqft $" + prod.CostPerSquareFoot);
                    Console.Write("   Cost for Labor per sqft $" + prod.LaborCostPerSquareFoot);
                Console.WriteLine("You have already chosen " + newOrder.ProductType);
                string newProduct = PromptUser("Please specifiy a different product or press enter to continue");
                if (newProduct != "")
                    if (int.TryParse(newProduct, out int supply))
                        if (supply > 0 && supply <= ProductList.Count)
                            newOrder.ProductType            = ProductList[supply - 1].ProductType;
                            newOrder.LaborCostPerSquareFoot = ProductList[supply - 1].LaborCostPerSquareFoot;
                            newOrder.CostPerSquareFoot      = ProductList[supply - 1].CostPerSquareFoot;
                            isValidProduct = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("That product isn't available yet.");
                    isValidProduct = true;

            decimal area1       = 0;
            bool    isValidArea = false;

            while (isValidArea == false)
                area1 = newOrder.Area;
                string area = PromptUser("Please enter a new area or press enter to continue");

                if (area != "")
                    if (decimal.TryParse(area, out area1))
                        if (area1 < 100)
                            Console.WriteLine("You must enter a positive amount above 100");
                            Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid square footage.");
                            newOrder.Area = area1;
                            isValidArea   = true;
                    isValidArea = true;

            //ask user for order number
            //if order exisits - ask user for each piece of order data && display exisiting data
            //if user presses Enter key without entering data - leave existing data in place

            //Only CustomerName, State, ProductType, Area can be changed
            //Order date may NOT change


            bool isSave = false;

            while (isSave == false)
                string place = PromptUser("Would you like to place this order? Please enter yes or no");
                if (place.ToLower() == "yes")
                    EditOrderResponse editResponse = manager.EditOrder(date1, newOrder);  //still saving the new file even if selecting no
                    isSave = true;
                    // save final to file with approp date
                else if (place.ToLower() == "no")
                    isSave = true;
                    //return to main menu
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter yes or no");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
コード例 #3
        public SaveOrderResponse SaveOrder(
            string stringOrderDate,
            string customerName,
            string state,
            string productType,
            string area)
            SaveOrderResponse response = new SaveOrderResponse();

            DateTime orderDate;

            if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(stringOrderDate, "ddMMyyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                        DateTimeStyles.None, out orderDate))
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = ($"{stringOrderDate} is not a valid date.");
            if (orderDate.Date <= DateTime.Today)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = "The Order Date must be later than today. ";
            else if (customerName == "")
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = "The Customer Name must not be blank.";
            else if (taxRep.LoadTax(state) == null)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = $"There is no tax rate for {state}.";
            else if (productRep.LoadProduct(productType) == null)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = $"There is no {productType} Product Type.";
                response.Success = true;
                Tax     tax         = taxRep.LoadTax(state);
                Product product     = productRep.LoadProduct(productType);
                decimal taxRate     = Convert.ToDecimal(tax.TaxRate);
                decimal areaDecimal = Convert.ToDecimal(area);
                decimal material    = areaDecimal * product.CostPerSquareFoot;
                decimal labor       = areaDecimal * product.LaborCostPerSquareFoot;
                decimal taxTotal    = ((material + labor) * (taxRate / 100));
                decimal total       = material + labor + taxTotal;

                Order order = new Order
                    OrderNumber            = GetOrderNumber(stringOrderDate),
                    CustomerName           = customerName,
                    State                  = state,
                    TaxRate                = taxRate,
                    ProductType            = productType,
                    Area                   = Convert.ToInt16(area),
                    CostPerSquareFoot      = product.CostPerSquareFoot,
                    LaborCostPerSquareFoot = product.LaborCostPerSquareFoot,
                    MaterialCost           = material,
                    LaborCost              = labor,
                    Tax   = taxTotal,
                    Total = total

                response.Order = order;
                _orderRepository.AddOrder(response.Order, stringOrderDate);
コード例 #4
        public void Execute()
            OrderManager manager = OrderManagerFactory.Create();


            Console.WriteLine("Add an order");
            bool     isValidDate = false;
            DateTime orderDate   = new DateTime();
            string   date1       = "";

            while (isValidDate == false)
                date1 = io.GetDateFromUser("Please provide a date");

                orderDate = DateTime.ParseExact(date1, "MMddyyyy", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us"));

                if (orderDate < DateTime.Today)
                    Console.WriteLine("Date must be after today");
                    isValidDate = true;

            // orderNumberResponse =  manager.NextOrderNumber(date1);

            string name = PromptUser("What is your name?");

            while (!name.All(c => Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || c == ',' || c == '_' || c == '.') || name.Trim() == "")
                Console.WriteLine("Names must include either letters, numbers, spaces, periods, or commas (or any combonation thereof)");
                name = PromptUser("What is your name?");

            TaxStateResponse taxResponse = uo.LoadTax();
            FlooringTax      orderTax    = new FlooringTax();
            bool             isValidTax  = false;

            while (isValidTax == false)
                foreach (FlooringTax tax in taxResponse.TaxRate)
                    Console.WriteLine("  " + (taxResponse.TaxRate.IndexOf(tax) + 1) + ". " + tax.StateAbbreviation);
                string state = PromptUser("Please specify the number of the state you're planning on building in.");
                if (int.TryParse(state, out int nation))
                    if (nation > 0 && nation <= taxResponse.TaxRate.Count)
                        orderTax   = taxResponse.TaxRate[nation - 1];
                        isValidTax = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("That state isn't in our region yet.");

            List <FlooringProduct> ProductList  = yo.LoadProducts();
            FlooringProduct        orderProduct = new FlooringProduct();
            bool isValidProduct = false;

            while (isValidProduct == false)
                foreach (FlooringProduct prod in ProductList)
                    Console.Write("  " + (ProductList.IndexOf(prod) + 1) + ". " + prod.ProductType);
                    Console.Write("   Cost per sqft $" + prod.CostPerSquareFoot);
                    Console.Write("   Cost for Labor per sqft $" + prod.LaborCostPerSquareFoot);
                string product = PromptUser("Please specify which product you would like to use.");
                if (int.TryParse(product, out int supply))
                    if (supply > 0 && supply <= ProductList.Count)
                        orderProduct   = ProductList[supply - 1];
                        isValidProduct = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("That product isn't available yet.");

            //Need to select product, if not (product) then show an error and loop

            string  area = PromptUser("What is the square footage of the area you are looking to cover?");
            decimal area1;

            while (decimal.TryParse(area, out area1) && area1 < 100)
                //if (area1 < 100)
                Console.WriteLine("You must enter a positive amount above 100");
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid square footage.");
                area = PromptUser("What is the square footage of the area you are looking to cover?");
                //    area = area1.ToString();


            newOrder.Area                   = area1;
            newOrder.State                  = orderTax.StateAbbreviation;
            newOrder.TaxRate                = orderTax.TaxRate;
            newOrder.CustomerName           = name;
            newOrder.date                   = orderDate;
            newOrder.ProductType            = orderProduct.ProductType;
            newOrder.CostPerSquareFoot      = orderProduct.CostPerSquareFoot;
            newOrder.LaborCostPerSquareFoot = orderProduct.LaborCostPerSquareFoot;

            bool isSave = false;

            while (isSave == false)
                string place = PromptUser("Would you like to place this order? Please enter yes or no");
                if (place.ToLower() == "yes")
                    AddOrderResponse addResponse = manager.AddOrder(date1, newOrder);
                    isSave = true;
                    // save final to file with approps date
                else if (place.ToLower() == "no")
                    isSave = true;
                    //return to main menu
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter yes or no");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

            string PromptUser(string s)
コード例 #5
ファイル: TaxManager.cs プロジェクト: Naboyk/Flooring
 public Tax GetStateTax(string state)
     return(_taxRepository.LoadTax().FirstOrDefault(t => t.StateAbbreviation == state || t.StateName == state));